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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Oh NXT. I liked you last week. This week, with a go-into-the-crowd-like-a-geek-and-shill-merchandise challenge... I fast-forwarded a lot of the show.


I dig Sheffield's move. I dig Michael Tarver's gimmick. I dig the new video's, with the Pro's talking about the rookies, although Jericho, Punk and Regal saying Daniel Bryan is really good, is in such stark contrast to his win-loss record and it screams 'fake' a bit too much for my taste.


Don't lie... we all know how important it was to Triple H, and CM Punk to sell programs, carry kegs, and play american gladiators with other wrestlers when they started.....



...oh.. wait.

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It was right after Orton had lost the championship I believe. Legacy gave Orton some sort of racecar (I have no real idea why). Kofi busted it up (falling through the windshield in the process) they had a feud for a while that I would assume was supposed to be a bit more back and forth but wound up Randy just pinning him all the time. I just looked it up it happened on January 11th of this year.


Kofi had Randy literally on the ropes in the corner. Cody interferes knocking Kofi to the ground. The finish was SUPPOSED to be a punt but Kofi gets up. So Randy shoves him back down to the mat hoping to job his memory on the finish. Kofi gets BACK up so Randy hits the mat probablly still trying to clue him in on the finish and Kofi gets an RKO and Orton gets pissed calling him stupid. Word is Kofi just completely forgot the finish and when your getting the biggest push of your career the last thing you want is to forget the finish of a match. Not the best way to make management feel good about you being in a high profile feud.



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Heh that clip is awesome.


It was stupid to have the hottest heel of the company waste time feuding with a midcarder anyway... and need help from two others doing so.


That's the sort of stuff they should (and seems to be doing now) use the older veterans for, like Triple H and Undertaker. I never got why they didn't throw Shawn Michaels into a feud with Morrison before his exit, either.

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Couldn't they simply have improvised a finish quicker, and dealt with it backstage?


They did improvise a finish. Orton was trying to anyways...but Kofi keot screwing it up which made it look worse.


Orton's reaction wasn't that bad; considering the character the plays it sort of fit.


And it did get dealt with backstage: Kofi got buried, his push got cut off, and now he's on SD. That's how you deal with things.

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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


- The feeling is that the WWE releases came because several stars from NXT and WWE developmental are scheduled to be brought to the main roster soon. The recent releases aren't a budget-cutting move as much as just WWE making way for new members on the roster.


Shelton Benjamin's contract was releasing soon and there was always frustration internally with him. Shelton had the reputation of being one who coasted through the job and that his promos were never as good as his in-ring work.


Mickie James' release from WWE didn't surprise many within the company. Apparently there was talk of cutting her before WrestleMania. Word is that while on the SmackDown brand, Mickie had a few run-ins with Batista and when things became heated, he threatened to quit if she wasn't fired and Undertaker had to step in and calm things down. It's said that Mickie's recent behavior on the European tour was the deciding factor in letting her go.


It's said that Mike Knox didn't carry himself like a main eventer backstage but he still had his share of supporters within WWE. At one point, Shawn Michaels and Triple H were among those in favor of pushing Knox.


There was speculation online that Jimmy Wang Yang's release came after a Wellness violation because he Tweeted "three strikes and your out" after being released. Yang was referring to his third time being fired from the company.


Katie Lea's release was not something planned in advance because the WWE creative team had her booked to move to SmackDown in the Draft.


It's said that Slam Master J, son of the late Terry Gordy, mainly had a job because SmackDown head writer Michael Hayes considered him almost like a son. His release came as a bit of a surprise to some because Hayes had always protected him.

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They did improvise a finish. Orton was trying to anyways...but Kofi keot screwing it up which made it look worse.


Orton's reaction wasn't that bad; considering the character the plays it sort of fit.


And it did get dealt with backstage: Kofi got buried, his push got cut off, and now he's on SD. That's how you deal with things.


My point is after the first time, they should have just done the new finish (to make it look less dumb). Have Orton yell something at Kofi on his way out in disgust, and be done with it. And yes, it got dealt with backstage, but not before making a spectacle of it out there.

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My point is after the first time, they should have just done the new finish (to make it look less dumb). Have Orton yell something at Kofi on his way out in disgust, and be done with it. And yes, it got dealt with backstage, but not before making a spectacle of it out there.


Not a big deal, but I think the kick would've been a vital plot point in the storyline they were telling. It wasn't just a match ending.


That punt is something they replay the week after and the week after and it's in the video package they play before they blow off the match on PPV...Orton knew it was a big deal so he kept trying to hit the move.



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Yeah I'm sure the punt was going to put Kofi out for a few weeks while Legacy brag about ending him and he shouldn't have stuck his nose where it didn't belong, Kofi comes back house of fire and maybe gets a win over Orton and who knows what from there. Maybe Kofi vs. Orton was supposed to be WM? If that feud was just getting started in January seems odd they wouldn't want to follow something that had so many big segments with the bashing of Randy's car, a few run ins and then the punt.
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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


Shelton Benjamin's contract was releasing soon and there was always frustration internally with him. Shelton had the reputation of being one who coasted through the job and that his promos were never as good as his in-ring work.


I have no idea what this word means. lol

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Indeed, that whole "article" is hilarious. I particularly like Mike Knox not carrying himself like a main eventer as a reason for his dismissal :p


It's about carriage. There are some people who still believe that you should carry yourself like a 'true pro' if you wish to be considered one. Thus, using that line of thinking, carry yourself as a main eventer even if you aren't. In WWE terms, that would be 'be like Taker' moreso than 'be like a young Shawn Michaels', I think.


I have no idea what this word means. lol


Do you know what 'slacker' means? Are you familiar with people who do just enough to get by, without excelling (or even trying to excel)? That's what 'coasting' is.

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It's about carriage. There are some people who still believe that you should carry yourself like a 'true pro' if you wish to be considered one. Thus, using that line of thinking, carry yourself as a main eventer even if you aren't. In WWE terms, that would be 'be like Taker' moreso than 'be like a young Shawn Michaels', I think.




Do you know what 'slacker' means? Are you familiar with people who do just enough to get by, without excelling (or even trying to excel)? That's what 'coasting' is.


Somewhat related to the top phrase, is that why they say "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have."?


On the second point, they said his promos didn't match his talent in the ring...Don't think that has anything to do with coasting, more a lack of talent on the mic.

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