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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I didn't see the show myself, but it does sound kind of interesting. Have to say though, I'm not sure Cody Rhodes & Drew McEntyre are ready to be the Tag Team Champions. I mean, it takes a lot to hold those titles: you have to be ready to not be booked nor mentioned on a lot of shows, and you have to be ready to lose a lot of matches, sometimes even to a single opponent in handicap matches.


Are Rhodes & McEntyre up to the challenge?

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The problem with smackdown right now, and they need to fix it after this storyline with taker-kane is that the show has three legitimate "monsters" in show, kane, and taker.


Tough to justify any win by a smaller/normal size worker over any of those guys once in a while, never mind a non-monster title run when 3 7 foot guys, two of them established stars and one a living legend.


It's really clogging up the top of Smackdown's card and keeping it stale. They need to finish off this kane/taker fued, which while enjoyable really doesn't need to go on forever, and put that belt on a "regular" size worker so we can get some good title matches from smackdown at PPV's



Edit: overall, a good card. Good match between miz and DB, with the right result. was kinda surprised the show ended 20 minutes early and no swerve happened. IF i had payed for that show, i would have been pissed it essentially ended at 10:30 and had 10 minutes of orton posing.


Also, i hope that's not the way Y2J's WWE career ends. hopefully he signs a new deal and comes back after some time off touring with his band, that would be an awful way to leave it with him.


at least they've set up a face turn when he comes back, and i did like how the whole match stopped because they were all shocked.


Maybe it's just the ones I chose to watch or read recaps off but it seems this has been happening more lately the E not filling the full 3 hours.


Is this lack of talent for long matches? Lack of good booking and/or Road agent work? Cost cutting? Or a combination of all?

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On Matt Hardy's youtube account (matthardybrand), a fan asked WWE being mad at him. Here is Hardy's response:


"Are they? How come I'm not already 'fired' if the WWE is so mad at me-it's been over a week.. Think about it for a minute.."


Hardy also commented on his brother's legal status:


"You guys have no idea what the REAL deal is with everything-much more complex & layered than you know. Just because you read something in the media DAMN sure doesn't make it black and white. Everything is gonna be just fine with Jeffro."

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Busted Open satellite radio show with Kane


Kane on his recent mic work and push:

"It's really the first time I've been given the opportunity to open up. That's been a lot of fun. As far as my in-ring work, at this point I have years and years and years of experience to draw on. So maybe where I've lost a half a step because I'm not the young man that I once was, but I've been able to make up for it with experience."


Kane also commented on how much of his recent mic work has been written for him:

"It's a combination of things, as almost everything we do is. A lot of it is me writing and stuff and coming up with ideas. We're often given a general direction or bullet points and then we fill in the blanks. As far as the performance itself, that is all me.


"I don't know that anyone else has done these particular...in the fashion that I do them. It's almost a Shakespearean type deal. I try to do those promos with a certain flow and sort of almost tell a story emotionally as I go through them. And, I do, of course, have some help."


Kane on whether he will run for office when his WWE career is over:

"Probably not. I'm not into electoral politics as such. If you think what I do in WWE is brutal, you should talk to some people in politics about the things that happen to them.
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Man, I just referred to Nexus as the New Blood/Breed World Order(nBWo) and someone almost ripped off my head. People shouldn't ask my opinion on things if they only want positive responses. I even said positive things, but I also said that Nexus isn't an original idea.


Lol where was that? Online or in real life? And what was his responce?


And you are right btw lolz.:p

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Pros of NOC


Daniel Bryan wins the US title

Kane actually beat UT clean to retain


Cons of NOC


The Hart Dynasty got screwed out of their titles in a clusterf*ckmaggedon

The Divas unification match had a horribly botched ending (in my mind) and that actually makes me really sad because it was an historic match

Punk is beaten in less then 5 minutes by Big Show and there doesn't appear to be any storyline advancement on the horizon for the Straight Edge Savoir


Meh of NOC


Everything else


Agree with the pros. I wonder when we look back on this forum how many people ripped into WWE for putting Bryan with the Miz in NXT? It turns out that was the absolutely perfect thing to do, and even with the slight hitch he has was allowed to confidentally defeat someone who will hold the WWE or World Title in teh next 12 months. And it was MOTN. And very happy Kane finally got a PPV win over 'Taker, even with the inevitablility of 'Taker getting the win back at Hell in the Cell.


What I didn't like about the Tag match was Bourne hitting the Airbourne against the Osu's. He would have used that to win the titles, so it was inevitable to that Drew / Cody would get the win. I'm not too disapointed witht them getting the belts as I was getting bored with their feud with Christian / Fatt Hardy. I'll accept one more title match.


Divas - if the ending was botched, they covered for it well. Loved the lame Jill fighting outside. Lets wave an elbox within a foot of your face. Lets smile as one another. What?


I'm happy with Punk losing - if he didn't, he wouldn't even have been on the show. And I'd rather see him in a short match and also get to see him cutting another great promo.


Other love - the Kane / 'Taker promo. Now that was good. Jericho's mini-farewell.


Other con - only Orton or Barrett were ever going to win the Main Event after the build up (Barrett was always a threat to win, but with Orton coming out last for the Main Event and the way they showed his interview he was definately being portrayed by the 'E as the favourite). And then when Nexus came out with four men left, that meant he wasn't going to win. Which only left Orton. Real question is though - what do you have as the Hell in the Cell match? You've got to have Barrett (as the reason for the Cell), Sheamus... means you've got to have Cena. So a fourway or fiveway without Edge (and I'm not sure you could take him out). One PPV is starting to look like another...


Doesn't matter Jaysin's point still stands. Just because they have tagged occasionally or lately doesn't make them a tag team. All those undercard real teams could really get a help from the exposure. The thrown together ones are just that thrown together till they figure out what to do with them as singles wrestlers.


That's Tag wrestling in the WWE (unfortunately). Very few people a brought in as tag teams - most teams are two singles workers. However, in this case they were all tag teams by the WWE standard.

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^(I'm) just a WWE mark rewriting an old storyine into a blooper.


If they are going to recycle angles, Triple H needs to push the pyro buttons in the back when Sheamus makes his ring entrance. And dirty automobile rags so when the medics come, they can smother him to give burn marks.

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^(I'm) just a WWE mark rewriting an old storyine into a blooper.


If they are going to recycle angles, Triple H needs to push the pyro buttons in the back when Sheamus makes his ring entrance. And dirty automobile rags so when the medics come, they can smother him to give burn marks.


?? what's your point???? And if you wanted a blooper with pyro: Undertaker at the Elimination Chamber ppv.

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No, you have that right actually. I'm not sure how you took what I said and come to a different conclusion, but I did not intent to make you think differently...


It goes both ways though, Orton as a Heel gave Dibiase and Rhodes a "rub" as well. The only reason I bring that up, is I'm unsure of your reasoning for the statement above, and it almost sounds like you might not realise that Heels give rubs as well (Chris Jericho is the best example I can think of).


I took it as you meant Cena was falling out of the main event picture...or taking it a step down, as I am on a lot of cold meds for the last few days i may get a little foggy :p


Of course heels give "rubs" I DID know that... and ya Jericho does it too often for my tastes.. why do you think he's the one forefront in your mind?

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?? what's your point???? And if you wanted a blooper with pyro: Undertaker at the Elimination Chamber ppv.


Twit Hardy probably pressed the (pyro) buttons there too since 2010 was suppose to be the year of Twitter, i meant Twit Hardy because 140 characters will not die. Just a another revisioning on my part.



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Face Cole = Crap.


Heel Cole = sometimes amusing.


Anybody who thinks season 3 of NXT has any redeeming qualities beyond the fact that the competitors are easy on the eyes is mental. Its just soooooo crap it annoys me that I actually sat there with this look on my face (:mad:) for the duration of the show and after it finished it turned to this (:eek:) for about 2 hours..........How can you justify this ass gravy.

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Chris Jericho News


-- Chris Jericho was unable to capture the WWE Championship at Night of Champions and has vowed to leave WWE as a result. As noted before, the buzz going around WWE is that Jericho really is done for now. Jericho, who isn’t expected to be at RAW tonight, wrote the following on Twitter last night:


“Since I’ve apparently made my last appearance in the WWE, I guess I have nothing to do tomorrow…. The websites have spoken!!! Whatever, I’m goin to Calgary tomorrow so I’ll let yall hash it out…”


-- FOZZY — the band featuring WWE wrestling superstar Chris Jericho and STUCK MOJO mastermind Rich “The Duke” Ward — will return to Australia for the first time since 2005 in December.


Comments Jericho: “Our fans in Australia are some of the best FOZZY fans in the world and we heard your demands, so we are coming back and we are looking forward to tearing the house down with each and every one of you crazy bastards this December!”


The dates are as follows:


Dec. 02 – The Hi Fi – Melbourne, AUS

Dec. 03 – The Factory – Sydney, AUS

Dec. 05 – The Hi Fi – Brisbane, AUS


Tickets go on sale on Friday, September 24.


“Let The Madness Begin”, the new video from FOZZY, can be viewed below. The clip was filmed during the group’s 2010 U.K. and U.S. dates.


“Let The Madness Begin” comes off FOZZY’s new album, “Chasing The Grail”, which sold around 2,200 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD landed at position No. 6 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.


In a recent interview with Ultimate-Guitar.com, Ward stated about “Let The Madness Begin”, “[That particular track] is all about the balance between a really good, classic melody and a great, classic rock riff. That was our focus for the whole record, but I think ‘Let The Madness Begin’ is probably the one song on the album where I think that balance is best.


“Sometimes when you’re trying to write a heavy album, you find that sometimes you’ll end up compromising the melody for the riff, because obviously, the riff is so important for the drum part. On some rock albums, the vocals become the focus, and then the music takes a backseat. We tried to find that fine line where the music was important and the melody was important. We treated them as equals, and I think ‘Let The Madness Begin’ was that perfect balance between hard rock melodic vocals and a big metal riff.”


“Chasing the Grail” was released on January 26 via Australia’s Riot! Entertainment.


Jim Ross Response to Jericho departure

Jim Ross has posted the following on his Twitter account concerning rumors that Chris Jericho is finished with WWE: "If Chris Jericho has competed in his last WWE bout I would be shocked. I need to see it to believe no matter what was said Sunday night on pay-per-view."

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Anybody who thinks season 3 of NXT has any redeeming qualities beyond the fact that the competitors are easy on the eyes is mental. Its just soooooo crap it annoys me that I actually sat there with this look on my face (:mad:) for the duration of the show and after it finished it turned to this (:eek:) for about 2 hours..........How can you justify this ass gravy.


Not defending NXT 3 was more a general observation about Cole.

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