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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Is this the end of the Ziggler and Vickie "relationship" now?


After all they've been through and the number of times Ziggler's failed, I'm shocked Vickie hasn't blown off her lid sooner. Matter of fact, I think she did once and they magically got back together. Kayfabe-wise, one of them must be in serious drought :p

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Really? Because way I see it, Rock completely flattened Cena's main point from the beginning. He started going on about his family and his literal blood being within the WWE, and on top of that explained why he did what he did with Hollywood. Along with the coup de grace at the end, if that wasn't one-upping Cena, I don't know what will. Cena could use the live feed as an argument though, which he will more than likely do next week(or on twitter)


With Rock's vow about being back, it was hard to predict that Rock's next apparition wouldn't be via satellite. He has a quota to fill with that promise.


To me, this only worked for him because he is The Rock, but it wasn't up to the same standard as Cena's responce. I really DO think that live it would have gave him more flexibility, and would have been quite a bit better. Cena's point still stands, it was about and for the fans, not the WWE. The Rock responded more to something Cena said a while back, not the "Rap"... although the "Yo, Yo" stuff was funny.

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I went last night and after the punt kick, during the break, Mcgillicutty was stretchered out from the ring.


I have to say that to me that was one of the highlights of the show...> PUNK: Don't do it Randy, DO NOT PUNT HIM IN THE SKULL!

Orton getting that crazy goofball smile, going crazy etc.... This is how I like Orton, looking nuts. He looked like he was rapid or something. Punk was gold working the crowd into really getting into it... If it was just Randy out there looking like that, it wouldn't have been half as great. With Punk emphasizing the thoughts going through Randy's head though, made it a golden moment (At least for me). Something I expect everytime I see Punk, is him somehow making someone else look awesome. I ruin the show for my wife when I go... here we go, Punk's going to make him look great, watch! She doesn't like it when I call things, and I can't help doing it.... but she has to admit I'm right.


The whole paper thing over the general manager's supposed email was a little too obvious tonight, almost like they are trying to clue us in for some silly reason....

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I tend to agree with chris that Rocky's response came off a little flat because it was taped...but logically it made plenty of sense: kind of hard for Cena to say that The Rock isn't "committed" or "invested" to the business when his entire frickin' family is in wrestling.


Father..grandfather....any number of uncles, cousins, etc


If this somehow leads to a Cena/Rikishi showdown I'd be pretty :D




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I tend to agree with chris that Rocky's response came off a little flat because it was taped...but logically it made plenty of sense: kind of hard for Cena to say that The Rock isn't "committed" or "invested" to the business when his entire frickin' family is in wrestling.


Father..grandfather....any number of uncles, cousins, etc


If this somehow leads to a Cena/Rikishi showdown I'd be pretty :D





The crowd was kind of miffed that the tron said Rock and Michaels would be on, but weren't even there.

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The crowd was kind of miffed that the tron said Rock and Michaels would be on, but weren't even there.

They cheered at good spots, boo'd a little bit at some of it, etc. Like PH said though, it fell flat cuz he wasn't live. IF he were there, I'm sure it would have felt alot more powerful.

I am sorry but I really don't feel like Cena made Rock look bad. Cena showed in that how he really isn't even close to being on Rocks level. That's all.

... I don't want to get into who is better etc. THAT really wasn't my point. I'm looking to be entertained by this back and forth bit, and I felt a little underwhelmed by The Rock's responce. My money would be on The Rock in almost every category we can think of, if it was just personal taste (what I like). I'm trying to look at it unbiased, and to me Cena has the better of him so far. I've never been a Cena hater by any means... well, except here at home. I tend to try not to be negative of him on here (online period, there is enough hater's without me getting into it). However, I'm a much bigger fan of The Rock. Probably why I was a little dissapointed.

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... I don't want to get into who is better etc. THAT really wasn't my point. I'm looking to be entertained by this back and forth bit, and I felt a little underwhelmed by The Rock's responce. My money would be on The Rock in almost every category we can think of, if it was just personal taste (what I like). I'm trying to look at it unbiased, and to me Cena has the better of him so far. I've never been a Cena hater by any means... well, except here at home. I tend to try not to be negative of him on here (online period, there is enough hater's without me getting into it). However, I'm a much bigger fan of The Rock. Probably why I was a little dissapointed.


I am not a Cena hater. In fact I am more of a slight Cena fan. Usually I enjoy his segments. Still think when he was on Smackdown and trying to get the US Title and feuding with Eddie Guerrero I liked him the most. He is predictable now but I have no issues with him now. Still think the Rock has the better of him so far though. I liked the Rock but always like Steve Austin the most. We will see what Cena does in response to the Rock. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Rock cost Cena the Championship after all of this.

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Raw news:


- There was a lot of angry and shocked wrestlers backstage at RAW last night during Triple H’s promo when he said there were no challenges in the locker room for he and The Undertaker. While the promo was being watched backstage, one prominent RAW star who was pissed off made the comment that Triple H just called everyone "jobbers." Some of the talents understood that Triple H was trying to hype the match with Undertaker but at the same time, a lot of people were upset. It’s said that Triple H came up with the promo last night and it was not written for him by creative.


NXT news:


-WWE did announce a fifth season of NXT but did not share any details. The announcers said it will be unlike anything we've seen. Season 5 of NXT debuts next Tuesday night.


Smackdown news:


- Christian returned to the ring after tonight's SmackDown tapings, teaming with Edge and Big Show to defeat Alberto Del Rio and The Corre in a dark main event. Christian ended up getting the win on Del Rio by hitting Killswitch. Show chokeslammed Del Rio and Edge speared him to end the match. Christian spoke to the fans before ending the show.



General News:


- WWE is planning on releasing several mid-card talents after WrestleMania, sources have confirmed. The next round of releases are coming because of the recent disappointing financial results. Officials are looking at firing several mid-card talents and replacing with them developmental talents from FCW, which come cheaper.


PPV News:


- Sources report this past weekend that WWE officials are still trying to lock Sting to a deal for WrestleMania 27. As of last week, Sting had not agreed to or signed a deal but he is not saying no for sure. Sting or Sting’s representatives have had talks with WWE.


- WWE officials have began throwing around ideas for this year’s SummerSlam pay-per-view and they want to up the celebrity involvement for their summer spectacular. Officials are interested in bringing NBA star LeBron James for some kind of involvement at the show. They wanted LeBron to do an angle with The Miz at WrestleMania 27 but LeBron’s team, the Miami Heat, has a game the same day as WrestleMania. LeBron is a WWE fan and officials feel that they have a good chance of landing him for SummerSlam in Los Angeles.

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I think it's great that you post news and all, but would you mind citing your sources?


Kinda meaningless to post gossip w/o at least knowing if it's from a believable site.



Because.. I mean..this:


PPV News:


- Sources report this past weekend that WWE officials are still trying to lock Sting to a deal for WrestleMania 27. As of last week, Sting had not agreed to or signed a deal but he is not saying no for sure. Sting or Sting’s representatives have had talks with WWE.


- WWE officials have began throwing around ideas for this year’s SummerSlam pay-per-view and they want to up the celebrity involvement for their summer spectacular. Officials are interested in bringing NBA star LeBron James for some kind of involvement at the show. They wanted LeBron to do an angle with The Miz at WrestleMania 27 but LeBron’s team, the Miami Heat, has a game the same day as WrestleMania. LeBron is a WWE fan and officials feel that they have a good chance of landing him for SummerSlam in Los Angeles.


..is utter crap. Just a total and complete steaming pile of BS.


Not criticizing you at all, but the site who posted that as "news" is incredibly stupid.

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Taken from another board which, well, you know the drill. This is apparently what the complete Wrestlemania card will look like.


"Another wrestling podcast (http://www.smartwrestlingfan.com/) was sent a document that was found backstage at Raw when they were in California. It was a run sheet with the Wrestlemania card on it. They went over the sheet last week on their show, and the card had Jack Swagger in Cole's corner with Stone Cold as special guest ref. Unless someone in WWE listened to the podcast, and thought it sounded like a good card, the sheet seems to be the real deal."


"It may be (bull****), but for posterity here is the full card:


WWE Heavyweight Championship match

The Miz (with Alex Riley) vs. John Cena


The Undertaker vs Triple H


World Heavyweight Championship match

Edge vs Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez)


Randy Orton vs CM Punk (with New NEXUS)


Mixed Tag Match

Trish Stratus and ??? vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool

*Trish's partners were unreadable*


8 Man Tag

Kofi Kingston and Christian vs. The Corre

*The two men that will be Kofi and Christian's partners were unreadable*


Rey Mysterio vs "Dashing" Cody Rhodes


Special Guest Referee: Stone Cold Steve Austin

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs Michael Cole (with Jack Swagger)


United States Champion Daniel Bryan (with Gail Kim) vs Sheamus


"Divas Match TBD""


"The same guys got an update that fills in some of the blanks


Daniel Bryan (with Gail) vs. Sheamus (with the Bellas)


Dolph Ziggler & Laycool vs. John Morrison, Trish Stratus, and TBD


The Corre vs. Kane, Kofi, Christian, and Big Show


Bear in mind that they mentioned Swagger being in Cole's corner days before Raw, so it looks legit."


I've whited out the majority in case any of this winds up being true, to avoid spoilers, although I'm pretty sure most will readily dismiss everything contained herein. That said, if they did mention Swagger being in Cole's corner days before it happened, there is every chance this things is legit.

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I am not a Cena hater. In fact I am more of a slight Cena fan. Usually I enjoy his segments. Still think when he was on Smackdown and trying to get the US Title and feuding with Eddie Guerrero I liked him the most. He is predictable now but I have no issues with him now. Still think the Rock has the better of him so far though. I liked the Rock but always like Steve Austin the most. We will see what Cena does in response to the Rock. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Rock cost Cena the Championship after all of this.


I'm stunned that anyone thinks Cena is actually 'getting the better' of The Rock in this. Rock is showing Cena up every time and outperforming him as well.


I agree completely.


What are you guys in agreement on? Rock can outperform Cena, but Cena wasn't really challenged... Ok, maybe I might need to point out the obvious I don't know....


The biggest part of Cena's responce was the fact that The Rock wasn't there...... Rock responded without being there...


Maybe you guys just can't see him, I don't know, lol.

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What are you guys in agreement on? Rock can outperform Cena, but Cena wasn't really challenged... Ok, maybe I might need to point out the obvious I don't know....


The biggest part of Cena's responce was the fact that The Rock wasn't there...... Rock responded without being there...


Maybe you guys just can't see him, I don't know, lol.

Here's the thing. I think Cena as a Wholesome Babyface is a pretty bad shtick. It just doesn't work. His "rapping" proved that. He's just much better at being a badass face, but as a wholesome face? Not so much. He only schooled the Rock in his "old ways".


But he schooled the Rock, he did. the Rock's response was just... awkward and weird. It didn't work. But he did school the Rock, that I give... but not as the current Cena. That's the difference.

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