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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I am shocked on how much HEEL HEAT Cole has gotten over the last few weeks. I mean WWE has built this fued beautifully between Cole vs King.


The WWE has turned it around for me, so to speak. 3 weeks ago, I wouldnt have DREAMT of ordering this years Wrestlemania, ESPECIALLY now that I am not in Iraq anymore= NO More Free PPV's But now, after bringing back the Rock (Yes, I am a loyal member of Team Rock) fueding with John Cena (who they have legit heat with each other) and then bringing such names as JBL, Trish Stratus, Booker T and everyone like that.



I might be wrong, but I SERIOUSLY doubt it.


First GhostDogg: Thanks for serving are country. Next: I love the Rock Vs Cena Feud the problem is the Miz is getting lost in all this. if it wasn't for the Cole special ref and I think they should have been Rock as the ref.

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First GhostDogg: Thanks for serving are country. Next: I love the Rock Vs Cena Feud the problem is the Miz is getting lost in all this. if it wasn't for the Cole special ref and I think they should have been Rock as the ref.


until tonight I would have agreed, but Rock's segment and Miz's subsequent promo really made it seem like he was in the feud with Rock and it would be Cena who was left in limbo. Rock is serious towards Miz but not so much towards Cena and that only makes Miz look more credible.

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until tonight I would have agreed, but Rock's segment and Miz's subsequent promo really made it seem like he was in the feud with Rock and it would be Cena who was left in limbo. Rock is serious towards Miz but not so much towards Cena and that only makes Miz look more credible.


honestly Cena left in Limbo? No. I don't think so. But I will say the miz is getting more face time and the rock is helping out miz.

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honestly Cena left in Limbo? No. I don't think so. But I will say the miz is getting more face time and the rock is helping out miz.


No, not at all but if a casual fan was to see this episode they would probably see Cena as the odd man out since it was mostly Rock vs Miz tonight.


btw that fake shaved head was pretty funny

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Ok my thoughts on Tonights Raw:


- You guys are right, about the Cena/Rock/Miz saga. I mean every week, the ending comes out the same, Miz comes out looking better and better. Now I didnt see last weeks show, but I am honestly believing (and I might go to GDS-Hell for this) but Miz is becoming this Generations Triple H. Why? lets see, hes comes out on top as the bad @$$ heel, either against Rock and/or Cena. And we ALL know Rock is NOT wrestling. But then again... I have been proven wrong about other things. Once again, Cena looks like a Bravo India Tango Charlie Hotel, both from Rock AND Miz tonight.


- Ok. I am a new fan on the show Jersey Show, but ....Snooki? (in the Miz's voice) REALLY? REALLY? The WWE couldnt figure out a better filler and put on a match on about 7 people that I dont give 2 buckets of P*ss about (except for Ziggler, Morrison and Trish...) I hope they paid Snooki well. I can only imagine how much Sh*t the Situation is going to give Snooki about this.


- Ok.. Drew Carey in the WWE HOF...ARE... YOU...SERIOUS? That makes as much sense as INDUCTING ME into the Hall of Fame because I have watched every Wrestlemania since WM 5. Jesus Christ WWE, STEP YOUR GAME UP!.


- Ok, on Sheamus vs Bryan. Like WWE is notorious for doing, they have seriously DROPPED the ball with him. I mean in a Perfect World, he should be facing Trip's at Mania. Thats the bad news,. good news? It could be a possible good return match with Bryan at 'Mania. I mean Bryan can wrestle a Paper Bag, and makes the Bag look like Kurt Angle.


-A heel Micheal Cole....he has shown traits of Vince McMahon, (the psycho batsh*t version) and to be perfectly honest, I LOVE TO HATE HIM! I cant wait to get his @$$ owned at Mania, that ALONE is worth me Ordering the PPV. The only question I have is, who is going to be the "equalizer" for Swagger?


Ok, So I have ranted enough. I didnt see everything, because I had to tend to my 1 year old daughter.


"I Could Be Wrong, But I DOUBT It"



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So since Nexus is banned from ring side, anyone else thinking The Corre will help Punk?


Its good thinking but I don't think it will happen unless they completely write off the fact that Punk overthrew Barrett as the leader of the Nexus. Otherwise I thought Raw was good tonight a lot better than expected considering who the guest star was. Its just to bad they put her in a match at mania but whatever its a good kill match before Triple H vs. Taker or one of the title matches.

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Its good thinking but I don't think it will happen unless they completely write off the fact that Punk overthrew Barrett as the leader of the Nexus. Otherwise I thought Raw was good tonight a lot better than expected considering who the guest star was. Its just to bad they put her in a match at mania but whatever its a good kill match before Triple H vs. Taker or one of the title matches.


What about when Nash helped Savage beat Hogan?


I mean, that split up the nWo creating the Wolfpac and nWo Hollywood and then the Wolfpac then feuded with the nWo and STILL came back together in the end.


I can see your point, but I just see Punk saying something along the lines of it all being apart of his initial plan and that him and Barrett were secretly working together.

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