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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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What about when Nash helped Savage beat Hogan?


I mean, that split up the nWo creating the Wolfpac and nWo Hollywood and then the Wolfpac then feuded with the nWo and STILL came back together in the end.


I can see your point, but I just see Punk saying something along the lines of it all being apart of his initial plan and that him and Barrett were secretly working together.

That was just one of dumbest storylines ever.


If WWE is dumb enough to repeat that... those who fail to learn the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat the mistakes of past.

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That was just one of dumbest storylines ever.


If WWE is dumb enough to repeat that... those who fail to learn the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat the mistakes of past.


I think it wouldn't have been so bad if they handled it differently. I mean the Finger Poke of Doom is what tarnished the whole thing.


I for one loved when Hall came out to help Nash beat Goldberg.


And plus, its modern day WWE, they aren't exactly writing great stuff nowadays.

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I think it wouldn't have been so bad if they handled it differently. I mean the Finger Poke of Doom is what tarnished the whole thing.


I for one loved when Hall came out to help Nash beat Goldberg.


And plus, its modern day WWE, they aren't exactly writing great stuff nowadays.

Actually, if they repeat the fingerpoke of doom, that would be funny.


But the rest? No.

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I can just envision it now. Orton is about to punt Punk's head in and then the Nexus music starts playing. The announcers start flipping out because Nexus is banned from ring side...


Then Wade Barrett and the rest of the Corre come from the audience and hop into the ring behind Orton as he stares at the ramp like he's ever so angry, even though his facial expression never changes. He just grunts in a different tone.


He turns around into a clothesline from Zeke, then gets the Wasteland or Heath's finisher done on him, followed by the 450 and then Punk raises to his feet looking confused at first...then smiles his diabolical smile...


That, or Skip Sheffield comes back at Mania's since he's the only member of Nexus/Corre not accounted for at the moment since he got injured.

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I can just envision it now. Orton is about to punt Punk's head in and then the Nexus music starts playing. The announcers start flipping out because Nexus is banned from ring side...


Then Wade Barrett and the rest of the Corre come from the audience and hop into the ring behind Orton as he stares at the ramp like he's ever so angry, even though his facial expression never changes. He just grunts in a different tone.


He turns around into a clothesline from Zeke, then gets the Wasteland or Heath's finisher done on him, followed by the 450 and then Punk raises to his feet looking confused at first...then smiles his diabolical smile...


That, or Skip Sheffield comes back at Mania's since he's the only member of Nexus/Corre not accounted for at the moment since he got injured.

And then fans proceed to howl insults on it.


Or, worse yet, not care.


Both are bad.

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What about when Nash helped Savage beat Hogan?


I mean, that split up the nWo creating the Wolfpac and nWo Hollywood and then the Wolfpac then feuded with the nWo and STILL came back together in the end.


I can see your point, but I just see Punk saying something along the lines of it all being apart of his initial plan and that him and Barrett were secretly working together.


Thats true as well, I guess I never really thought of it that way.

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Cena had the upper hand with his rap segments but man did Rock kick his candy ass with that hilarious promo. Bring on the live confrontations.


A shame they didn't put Miz against HHH instead of Khali - wasted opportunity. At least A-Ri got smacked around and there was some M-rated chair action. Miz is getting over well with the help of Cena and Rock.


Sheamus v Bryan was good. I was warming to the Sheamus "down on his luck" storyline. Much better than DiBiase's fall into obscurity, where only a face turn can save him.


The Christopher/Lawler segment was weird until good old JR turned up. "Cole, you are a Rat Bastard."


Miz-Rock was awesome and so was his manhandling of Cena out of the ring.

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Sheamus v Bryan was good. I was warming to the Sheamus "down on his luck" storyline. Much better than DiBiase's fall into obscurity, where only a face turn can save him.


I mean, I know it's "only" the US title, but how did Sheamus who was on a losing streak and getting faced through a table by HHH a week or two ago "earn" a title match? Did I miss back story to that?

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I mean, I know it's "only" the US title, but how did Sheamus who was on a losing streak and getting faced through a table by HHH a week or two ago "earn" a title match? Did I miss back story to that?


I was wondering this myself. I hardly ever watch RAW (I catch it during the commercials when I am watching Chicago Code and Stargate Universe) but I do read up on what happens on here and on other sites. And I actually caugt Sheamus winning the title on RAW this week and I just did not get it.


I hate the fact that the US and IC titles mean next to nothing now. There was a time when they meant a lot. Well the US title never meant much in the WWF. However, in the NWA that title was important.

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I mean, I know it's "only" the US title, but how did Sheamus who was on a losing streak and getting faced through a table by HHH a week or two ago "earn" a title match? Did I miss back story to that?


Didn't bryan challenge him or something? they had that backstage interaction where shemus had lost and bryan was laughing with gail and they got in each other's faces a few weeks ago.


Regardless, I was really surprised by how good that match was, they had some good chemistry going on.


Looking forward to a rematch at WM, and hope it's given 15 minutes or so to fully explore the work of both guys.


I think that could be one of those "two up and comers kill themselves and have an awesome match" kinda WM moments.

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I mean, I know it's "only" the US title, but how did Sheamus who was on a losing streak and getting faced through a table by HHH a week or two ago "earn" a title match? Did I miss back story to that?


I was wondering this myself. I hardly ever watch RAW (I catch it during the commercials when I am watching Chicago Code and Stargate Universe) but I do read up on what happens on here and on other sites. And I actually caugt Sheamus winning the title on RAW this week and I just did not get it.


I hate the fact that the US and IC titles mean next to nothing now. There was a time when they meant a lot. Well the US title never meant much in the WWF. However, in the NWA that title was important.


Didn't bryan challenge him or something? they had that backstage interaction where shemus had lost and bryan was laughing with gail and they got in each other's faces a few weeks ago.


Regardless, I was really surprised by how good that match was, they had some good chemistry going on.


Looking forward to a rematch at WM, and hope it's given 15 minutes or so to fully explore the work of both guys.


I think that could be one of those "two up and comers kill themselves and have an awesome match" kinda WM moments.


When someone says if I don't win I will quit you give them a title match no matter what their current record is, that is part of wrestling 101.

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Except stips and promises mean less then zilch in WWE. Jericho was fired/quit Raw and still showed up the next week. The Cena stips at Survivor Series were a joke. Kayfabe wise, there is no reason to give someone a title shot if they vow to quit/leave if they lose, because the company has shown it won't enforce it.
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Except stips and promises mean less then zilch in WWE. Jericho was fired/quit Raw and still showed up the next week. The Cena stips at Survivor Series were a joke. Kayfabe wise, there is no reason to give someone a title shot if they vow to quit/leave if they lose, because the company has shown it won't enforce it.


But it's pro wrestling Fan, and he does have a point, that is kinda the unwritten rule.


Plus, DB's character had that interaction with him and has been shown to be a fighting champion, why would he refuse keyfab wise?


That's defined DB's character so far. Undersized guy who takes on all comers and wins, no nonsense. Why would he NOT give shemus, a guy who he was laughing at a couple weeks ago, a title shot as a fighting champ if he challenged him?

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From the Tough Enough contestant write ups:


Jeremiah Riggs: This 28-year-old truck driver from Vicksburg, Mississippi is a natural athlete who prides himself on taking on new challenges. He was a US Army Ranger with the 1st Battalion and did a tour in Afghanistan in 2004. He has six years of training as an MMA Fighter with a record of seven wins and five losses, fighting with UFC, Strikeforce and Bellator. He is trying to become the first legitimate MMA fighter to crossover into WWE.



Ken Shamrock much?

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You could say, technically Ken Shamrock only worked for the WWF he was never employed when they became the E and hasn't been since, so technically he wasn't an MMA crossover in the WWE, he was one in the WWF.


But still, stupid to just miss out history to hype someone, disrespectful for to the amazing Ken Shamrock imo.


Who is this Ken Shamrock you speak of? Will he be watching alongside the rest of the WWE Universe as The Undertaker and Triple H meet at Wrestlemania for the very first time?



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