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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Brodus has a good suplex for a big guy.


DiBiase impressed me the most this week. Relegated to jobber with no push in sight, and he comes out with his best performance since his feud with Bryan.

His problem is... he has no charisma or the "it" factor. He's a nice-looking guy, and decent in the ring, but that's it.

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His problem is... he has no charisma or the "it" factor. He's a nice-looking guy, and decent in the ring, but that's it.


I don't think he's that bad. He's still just 28 and still does need some work. His biggest problem to me at least is that he came up to early. I think he can be a big name if he puts just a little more effort into things.

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I don't think he's that bad. He's still just 28 and still does need some work. His biggest problem to me at least is that he came up to early. I think he can be a big name if he puts just a little more effort into things.

I don't disagree, but I never said he was bad. He's just not that good. Certainly not bad, but certainly not good. The guy is just bland. He doesn't really do any gimmick right. He's got little to no charisma. He doesn't have "it". He has no psychology, "zing", and his selling is meh.


It's not for a lack of trying. He tries. But just doesn't have the total package. He has all the basics down, but he doesn't have "bells and whistles" or anything unique about him.

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I don't disagree, but I never said he was bad. He's just not that good. Certainly not bad, but certainly not good. The guy is just bland. He doesn't really do any gimmick right. He's got little to no charisma. He doesn't have "it". He has no psychology, "zing", and his selling is meh.


It's not for a lack of trying. He tries. But just doesn't have the total package. He has all the basics down, but he doesn't have "bells and whistles" or anything unique about him.


I agree. Who ever thought that Cody Rhodes might actually have a better career then DiBase which by the way, I actually like the whole Mysterio/Rhodes just because Rey is still a very good worker who can still have great matches. Plus it seems as if Cody has improved slightly.

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I agree. Who ever thought that Cody Rhodes might actually have a better career then DiBase which by the way, I actually like the whole Mysterio/Rhodes just because Rey is still a very good worker who can still have great matches. Plus it seems as if Cody has improved slightly.

Cody is just as good as Ted now, but better. He's single kryptonite is his size and height. If he was just a bit taller and a bit heavier, he would be more credible.

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Cody is just as good as Ted now, but better. He's single kryptonite is his size and height. If he was just a bit taller and a bit heavier, he would be more credible.


That's true but with his new direction in character, I think it can work. Perhaps he needs to bulk up more but he has the tools to be something. That's why his match with Mysterio is actually one I want to watch.

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Some thoughts while watching WWE RAW A.M...

  • I don't like the Jersey Shore at all.... That said... Snooki was entertaining on RAW. Being known as a tough girl, whether flattering or not, her thez press just seemed that much more epic. ha.
  • Love Punk/Orton and how creative has booked it. If it were me, I'd like to see Punk go over Orton but I don't see it happening. The reasoning for 'killing off' the new nexus through Orton's boot? So, Orton can look really strong, nexus can possibly 'die off' (sadly), and the heel (punk) can lose at Mania due to the age old addage: Heel vs. Face with no interferences often goes to the face.
  • Still lovin' me some Miz these days. I know there are a lot of people out there who hate the guy, and hey so did I at a point, but, to me, he's playing his role really well.
  • Miz coming out as The Rock was simply awesome... Loved when the girl took a picture and said "Oh, my god"; little did she know! ha.

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I've fallen out of the wrestling scene for the past couple of years, but Raw recently has caught my attention. Really enjoying the Rock and the Miz. I actually really liked the Miz back when he first started out in the WWE on Tough Enough, I didn't expect to him to wind up World Champion but it's fun to see how things have gone down.
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I enjoyed both RAW and SmackDown this week, nice to see Christian in the main event as he's one of my favorite wrestlers.


I'm also enjoying The Miz, at first when I started to follow WWE, in 2007, I thought he was annoying, but he has grown for me and now I like to hate him. The segment on RAW when he was dressed up as The Rock was awesome and I hope he starts using that version of Rock Bottom as finisher later on.


And I can't help it but I get shivers down my spine when I hear the Rock's entrance theme.

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Jericho had this to say about The Miz


"I’m sure I’ll be back. I have to return to WWE to take my persona back. I watched Raw on Monday and felt like I was having an out of body experience. I was watching myself on live TV! Then I realized I hadn’t gotten that ugly and become that bad of a wrestler and realized I was actually watching the current WWE Champion, The Miz."

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I agree. Who ever thought that Cody Rhodes might actually have a better career then DiBase which by the way, I actually like the whole Mysterio/Rhodes just because Rey is still a very good worker who can still have great matches. Plus it seems as if Cody has improved slightly.


I always preferred Cody to Ted.


Rhodes was pretty good while he was green against Orton in their mini feud. Rhodes has been in my top 3 since 08 (Morrison, and Punk).

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I always thought Ted was superior, something about how frigging skinny Cody was. But lately Cody has been on a roll and Ted is just spiraling downward. They dropped the ball big time when they didn't turn him face against Randy Orton back in the Legacy days. They keep teasing the split up between Maryse and Ted. I think they should go through with it by having Maryse pick up a new man, turning on Ted, and turning Ted face.




Reminds me of Kane when he was first unmasked lol

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Liked the Miz as well, same thoughts as most share. Dissapointed with Ted Dibiase lately, but catch him on Superstars when I can.


Rhodes.... Incredible to me. I feel like I'm watching the actual Phantom of the Opera character, in a wrestling environment. He's like the old style Phantom, on stage, covering his face... and the way he's doing it is spot on. I feel like that's exactly what he's getting his direction from.


Up till now though, haven't really liked him as much as Ted. Now however.... I'm starting to feel the same as everyone else seems to feel. He can go somewhere with this role.

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What is everyone's thoughts on Tyler Reks? I think he has a unique look with a cool finisher. I guess he just comes across bland other than that. They should do some vignettes like they did with Nathan Jones back in the day. Playing him up like he is crazy or something.




Tyler Reks comes off as if he is dirty for some reason, and I mean dirty as in actually dirty, not a bad guy. I don't know why he seems that way, I'm sure he's not. They need to do something to clean it up though, because that is really stinking up his potential, which I dissagree with you on. I feel he could be alot less bland if he wasn't so hard to look at. I don't know if playing him like he's crazy would do anything without making it look like he takes baths.


Without thinking about that, and actually watching his in ring performance. I feel he has alot of potential. He seems to come off not only as a threat, but dangerous, which I like alot. They could easily make it look like he hurt someone so bad they wouldn't want to come back... Just has that kind of psychology. They could make it look like an accident and I don't think anyone wouldn't find it easy to fall for it.

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That's true but with his new direction in character, I think it can work. Perhaps he needs to bulk up more but he has the tools to be something. That's why his match with Mysterio is actually one I want to watch.

It's not that I believe he has to bulk to be credible to ME, it's thath he has to bulk to be credible to the WWE audience.


Right now, WWE will no longer be able to get the top big athletes anymore. All of them have either gone to Football, Basketball, Boxing, and even MMA nowadays. WWE's reliance on big guys is now hurting it. There are no credible big guys anymore, simply because the most talented big guys go for something else. What WWE is left with is... crappy big guys. Big guys that the average joe think "I can beat this fat guy up".


What they are left with his average size guys, and increasingly, smaller guys. Because WWE has never made small guys credible (in general), this hurts a lot of their roster, and any potential recruitments they may have in the future.


Cody CAN be credible, it's just the audience has been conditioned to believe he isn't. It's a sad fact, but it's a reality. WWE can change it... but I'm not sure they want to.


That being said, people don't just buy "big" anymore. I think MMA has proven that just being big but out-of-shape and untalented means you aren't much if you against a smaller guy that's in great shape and extremely talented. It's one (but the only) reasons why people like Kane but don't care much for a guy like Brodus Clay, or Great Khali.

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It's not that I believe he has to bulk to be credible to ME, it's thath he has to bulk to be credible to the WWE audience.


Right now, WWE will no longer be able to get the top big athletes anymore. All of them have either gone to Football, Basketball, Boxing, and even MMA nowadays. WWE's reliance on big guys is now hurting it. There are no credible big guys anymore, simply because the most talented big guys go for something else. What WWE is left with is... crappy big guys. Big guys that the average joe think "I can beat this fat guy up".


What they are left with his average size guys, and increasingly, smaller guys. Because WWE has never made small guys credible (in general), this hurts a lot of their roster, and any potential recruitments they may have in the future.


Cody CAN be credible, it's just the audience has been conditioned to believe he isn't. It's a sad fact, but it's a reality. WWE can change it... but I'm not sure they want to.


That being said, people don't just buy "big" anymore. I think MMA has proven that just being big but out-of-shape and untalented means you aren't much if you against a smaller guy that's in great shape and extremely talented. It's one (but the only) reasons why people like Kane but don't care much for a guy like Brodus Clay, or Great Khali.



In the mid 90's when WWE was facing the steroid scandal they moved to a bit of a smaller base, pushing stars like HBK and Bret Hart. I think they could something like that now, but they have to have extremely talented smaller guys to get behind. The awe of the big man is always a draw. A small guy needs 10 times the talent to make up for the size.

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Liked the Miz as well, same thoughts as most share. Dissapointed with Ted Dibiase lately, but catch him on Superstars when I can.


Rhodes.... Incredible to me. I feel like I'm watching the actual Phantom of the Opera character, in a wrestling environment. He's like the old style Phantom, on stage, covering his face... and the way he's doing it is spot on. I feel like that's exactly what he's getting his direction from.


Up till now though, haven't really liked him as much as Ted. Now however.... I'm starting to feel the same as everyone else seems to feel. He can go somewhere with this role.


I wish they would of went with a white shield/mask instead. Would add to the 'disfigured'

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In the mid 90's when WWE was facing the steroid scandal they moved to a bit of a smaller base, pushing stars like HBK and Bret Hart. I think they could something like that now, but they have to have extremely talented smaller guys to get behind. The awe of the big man is always a draw. A small guy needs 10 times the talent to make up for the size.

i disagree, but only slightly. Bigger men are bigger draws, yes. If two are guys are equal and everything, but one is bigger, the bigger one is always the bigger choice to push.


Here's where I disagree, though. Big guys aren't the draws they once were. It's because of... modern technology. Back then, because there was no "visual assistance" (titantrons, TV's, etc), it was hard to see the ring from the back rows. Therefore, big guys were preferred. But nowadays, that's almost no longer problem.


Two, people prefer fast-paced action. Most big guys (except Kane, Matt Morgan, and Brock Lesnar) could not move fast at all. Modern crowds have short attention span, and anything that moves slow... isn't worth watching to them.


So, here is where you are wrong. They don't need that much more talent to make up for the talent, and they certainly don't need 10 times of it to make up for it. Modern technology and modern information had made size less of a factor.


People want to see big guys that can move like they are gazelle, and if they can't have that, they will settle for someone that can move fast over someone that's clearly out of shape and slow.

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i disagree, but only slightly. Bigger men are bigger draws, yes. If two are guys are equal and everything, but one is bigger, the bigger one is always the bigger choice to push.


Here's where I disagree, though. Big guys aren't the draws they once were. It's because of... modern technology. Back then, because there was no "visual assistance" (titantrons, TV's, etc), it was hard to see the ring from the back rows. Therefore, big guys were preferred. But nowadays, that's almost no longer problem.


Two, people prefer fast-paced action. Most big guys (except Kane, Matt Morgan, and Brock Lesnar) could not move fast at all. Modern crowds have short attention span, and anything that moves slow... isn't worth watching to them.


So, here is where you are wrong. They don't need that much more talent to make up for the talent, and they certainly don't need 10 times of it to make up for it. Modern technology and modern information had made size less of a factor.


People want to see big guys that can move like they are gazelle, and if they can't have that, they will settle for someone that can move fast over someone that's clearly out of shape and slow.


No idea where you're getting this at all. Big guys are preferable because they can be seen from farther away? Is that why boxing and every other legit sport has always treated heavyweights as a superior draw? Because of how big the guys look in the 100th row?


And all wrestling fans want modern, "fast-paced" action? That must be why TNA's X-division and WWE guys like Kofi Kingston are such ratings magnets.


Just limiting things to the past ten years, when modern technology has included jumbotrons, the top draws in american professional wrestling have been guys like Triple H, The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Batista, John Cena, and Randy Orton. None of those guys are exactly small, with Cena being the smallest, billed at 6'2, 250. Meanwhile Bob Sapp became one of the biggest stars in Japan. Brock Lesnar became one of the top draws in MMA history almost overnight in large part because of his look. So to say big guys don't draw any more is preposterous. Big guys are inherently more of a draw in a worked sport like pro wrestling, and not because you can see them from slightly farther away.

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No idea where you're getting this at all. Big guys are preferable because they can be seen from farther away? Is that why boxing and every other legit sport has always treated heavyweights as a superior draw? Because of how big the guys look in the 100th row?


And all wrestling fans want modern, "fast-paced" action? That must be why TNA's X-division and WWE guys like Kofi Kingston are such ratings magnets.


Just limiting things to the past ten years, when modern technology has included jumbotrons, the top draws in american professional wrestling have been guys like Triple H, The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Batista, John Cena, and Randy Orton. None of those guys are exactly small, with Cena being the smallest, billed at 6'2, 250. Meanwhile Bob Sapp became one of the biggest stars in Japan. Brock Lesnar became one of the top draws in MMA history almost overnight in large part because of his look. So to say big guys don't draw any more is preposterous. Big guys are inherently more of a draw in a worked sport like pro wrestling, and not because you can see them from slightly farther away.

Actually, TNA's X-Division is a good draw... in TNA. In the WWE, because they have delegitimized (though not intentionally, if you ask me) small guys. If you look TNA's switch to away from the X-Division, they aren't exactly doing so well (though it's not just solely because they went away from the X-division, but that's related yet separate discussion).


As for boxing, people DID prefer the Heavyweights. Just ask any old school boxing fan-Heavyweights were the draw. Generally speaking, Heavyweight fights are either exciting or boring... nothing in-between. I think Boxing's big mistake was relying on Heavyweights. Nowadays, they aren't enough good Heavyweights, and Boxing suffers for it. They either to find away to get more Heavyweights (not easy, considering Football and MMA are vying for the same talent) or rely on smaller weight classes (they sort of have, Paquiao). Boxing is adjusting, but MMA is now also vying for smaller boxers as well. Boxing is not as bad place as wrestling is, though.


Two, I never said big guys dont' draw. I say fat guys that are slow don't draw. Bob Sapp and Brock Lesnar can move like Welterweight for a couple of minutes.


As for the other guys you've listed, they aren't small, but they aren't big either. WWE's reliance on big guys hurts them as well, though nowhere near as much as smaller workers.


And as for bigger guys being more of a draw, I don't deny that. What I do deny is, being bigger is no longer the factor it once was. It doesn't matter as much as it used to, considering modern information and technology has made being big, especiall big people that are slow, fat, and lumbering, no longer all-important, but merely somewhat useful.


Like I said before, if said Big guy can move fast as smaller guy, that's what people want, not some lumbering, uncoordinated, slow big guy. There's a huge difference.

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