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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Now I hope Rock goes back to Hollywood where he belongs cuz he is a no good sellout ******* who doesn't belong in a WWE ring with people who actually CARE about the fans and the other boys in the back.


lmao, people are still on about that, shocking.



Yeah sab, didn't feel most of the backstage stuff. Even the Rock/PeeWee segment made me feel queasy. Though "froot loop troop" is a term I may keep for future reference.

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You should see all the hate on Twitter about WM27. It's insane. You wonder why so many people spent 60 bucks on something they hate so much. :p


But anyway, here are my thoughts:


Edge vs Del Rio was a good match. They did make Del Rio look bad with this though. I think they decided Del Rio wasn't ready for the Title yet. They are learning from past mistakes that rushing someone new to the top can damage their character. Look at Swagger/Sheamus/Ziggler. Each of them have World calibur titles to their name and look where each of them are right now. Also I wanted more Christian involvement but I guess I can live with it.


Cody Rhodes beating Rey Mysterio was a shocker to me. I came into that match thinking there wasn't a chance in hell that Cody was going to win at WM against a former 2 time World champion. To be honest though, Cody came out of the match looking really good. Doesn't even matter that he used the brace to win, considering Mysterio used the face mask just a couple minutes earlier. The only problem is, they are now pushing TOO many young stars all at one time (see earlier arguement about Swagger/Sheamus/Ziggler).


Orton vs Punk was MOTN up to this point (And was only beaten by HHH/UT later). Orton's stumble on the punt scared me for a minute. His leg looked like it went sideways at the knee. But after DVR went back a minute and I watched it again, he clearly clipped it with his other leg to make himself fall. The ending was okie, Punk made a REALLY stupid mistake doing the springboard and it made the end obvious. I guess this match worked so well to me for the ring psychology alone. Orton is a master in the ring, but you would expect that from someone who has spent so much time around HHH.


The 8 man tag match was over in a heartbeat it seemed like. It's a shame. But at least Santino got in the cobra. They really should have made THIS the dark match and let me see Daniel Bryan on WM.


HHH vs UT was no question the MOTN. Contrary to what other people have said, I DID believe at a couple points that HHH had it. Especially when he hit the tombstone. I was marking out big time. Once the Hell's Gate was locked in though, I knew that was the end. It was held on for a pretty long time though. When HHH got the sledge back into his hands I wondered if Taker was gonna get it in the head. And damn, I legit wondered if I was going to see Taker die in the middle of the ring after the match was over. They were checking his breathing and everything. And then he collapsed outside. I have no question that it was real. I know that is dangerous to see in pro wrestling but I believe it.


Divas match was much better than anyone could have expected. Snooki doing the Muta backspring elbow was epic. Her finisher however was laughable. She SHOULD have splashed her with the flip, not splash her AFTER it. But still, way better than anyone would have thought coming from a celebrity.


Main event was okie. They really should have put HHH vs Taker last. The video package with Miz like others have said was awesome. Personally I watched Mike Mizanin on the Real World and the various Real World/Road Rules challenges he did. I know how good of a guy he is irl. In a genre of tv where it's easy to be deceitful and backstabbing, Miz was always the good guy. And not in a scripted sort of way, he was genuine. Which makes 'The Miz' that much more impressive by the way he is able to make the crowds eat him up. He is by far the best heel in WWE right now and I am glad he kept his title. The way he kept it was less than stellar but it had to be done considering how much they probably paid Rock to make his WM appearance. Now I hope Rock goes back to Hollywood where he belongs cuz he is a no good sellout ******* who doesn't belong in a WWE ring with people who actually CARE about the fans and the other boys in the back.


I apologize if I missed a match in there, I am going off of memory.


I don't think ADR getting a push is a mistake at all. He is arguably the best heel in the company. Others may be more over but Del Rio is great. Also while I agree Swagger got a push too early I disagree about Sheamus, and Ziggler. They are where they are at because creative changed directions on their pushes.


Who are all of the young guys getting big pushes? The guys who I see getting the air time are Cena, Taker, HHH, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Del Rio, Miz, and Edge. Del Rio was an established star in Mexico. I don't see the young guys being pushed like you said really.


Orton is a master in the ring? Are we watching the same guy? You make him sound like Bret Hart in his prime or something.


Rock isn't a sell out. The WWE let his contract run up and didn't even offer him another contract right away. Rock made a decision that not only made him more money but is better for your health. Wrestling can be hard on your body. He made a good choice. Plus if it wasn't for him coming in for Wrestlemania and bailing the WWE out we could have had an even more lack luster show. Him being their helped the WWE a lot. I just hope he gets a match with Cena at Summerslam.

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I did not watch Wrestlemania XXVII. After viewing The True Story of Wrestlemania and reading about the 1987 TEW2010 mod I got the wrestling itch again and watched Raw to get a sense of the storylines/card and so forth and could not have been more let down with the product I seen. That immediately let me know I would not be ordering and then seeing the price tag of $64.95 for HD astonished me beyond belief. It's unfortunate for a number of reasons I won't get in to.


However, I was, as in years past, interested in the streak of The Undertaker and wanted to hear how the show was. One of the major detractions from the show was Taker vs. HHH. I LOVED it at WM17, but again... I saw it at WM17 and knew it couldn't surpass it so why bother? The booking really hurt my interest in the show. I scanned a couple forums (this included) and social networking sites and the consensus is this was one of the worst Wrestlemania's in quite some time. So, I guess I feel good about not ordering the show.


The streak will never end in my opinion (WWE would be stupid to do it)

Long-term the WWE would be stupid to NOT end the streak if it's to the right person. I've always been a proponent of this IF they have someone young and talented enough to benefit for years to come. I think this or last year would have been a great time for someone like CM Punk to be put in an appropriate program with The Undertaker and defeat him. Excellent worker, fantastic on the mic and young enough to benefit for years to come. However, that time has passed in my opinion. One of the next logical choices, in my opinion, would be someone like Ted DiBiase Jr. (especially if they bring back Sr. to build it up from Survivor Series [Takers' debut on Million Dollar Man's team] all the way to XXVIII). Having him end undefeated is fine with me if he is only going to wrestle the older/bigger names in the company. However, a great retirement match would work out for everyone if he lost to a younger guy like that as it creates a new star and sends off The Undertaker.


It makes me wonder if putting in place their standard HD-sets for RAW and SD made it financially possible for them to spend more money on bigger sets for PPVs. They definitely went all out for this years WM.

The WWE has always spent large sums of money to make Wrestlemania feel special (early years booking large stadiums and more recent times with the set-ups). They spent MILLIONS just sprucing up the old Orange Bowl a few years ago for the event. It's one thing I do applaud the WWE for in that they are never concerned with the bottom line for the one-off Wrestlemania dollar figure. And their reasoning is exactly the reason they started Wrestlemania to begin with... it's a huge boost for a longer period of time. It's the equivalent of saying spend $1 today for $100 the rest of the year. If that makes sense to anyone.


You should see all the hate on Twitter about WM27. It's insane. You wonder why so many people spent 60 bucks on something they hate so much. :p

I've seen much more hate from wrestling fans on the forums than casual fans on Twitter. But to answer the latter part... it's Wrestlemania. It's like casual fans watching the Super Bowl. They'll watch it regardless of the card because it's an event. It has surpassed wrestling itself and has become a pop culture event.


Now I hope Rock goes back to Hollywood where he belongs cuz he is a no good sellout ******* who doesn't belong in a WWE ring with people who actually CARE about the fans and the other boys in the back.

Wow. There is really no other way of saying this: that statement is ignorance personified.

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I honestly don't know what all the hate with Mania was. Sitting in the Georgia Dome last night was amazing. The Rock really controls an entire crowd with his mouth. I don't know how it came out through the tv but the only match the crowd really disliked was Cole/Lawler, and Stone Cold saved it towards the end. The main event was a let down but NOTHING could have outdone H and Taker. I winced at every chair shot.
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Apparently you are not watching TNA ppv's? I don't think WrestleMania was EPIC by no means but it wasn't bad either.


Cena/Miz....average match with memorable ending

Orton/Punk....good match with cool ending

Edge/Rio...above average to good match

Rhodes/Mysterio....above average to good


The backstage stuff was HORRIBLE but the in ring stuff wasn't bad by no means.


No I don't. Gave up on TNA a loooong time ago.


The in-ring matches were very average and for Wrestlemania, quite frankly it was unacceptable. Shame really because Royal Rumble was awesome and Elimination Chamber was pretty good as well.

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Have had a lot of friends crying that this years Mania was horrid. I myself believed it to be better than last years Mania and had alot of young guys get greenlighted to stay on top/get further pushes. Besides can anything really be as bad as WMXI?
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Have had a lot of friends crying that this years Mania was horrid. I myself believed it to be better than last years Mania and had alot of young guys get greenlighted to stay on top/get further pushes. Besides can anything really be as bad as WMXI?

I thought IX was worse. At least XI had one match I remember enjoying (Michaels/Diesel.)

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I thought IX was worse. At least XI had one match I remember enjoying (Michaels/Diesel.)


But there is a striking difference in comparing these shows. Expectations are everything. IX, XI, etc. were during the time when the WWF (and wrestling in general) was suffering a lull and then came WCW was on the rise. The expectation for those shows were not high whereas in today's WWF you have anyone you could possibly want. A plethora of talented workers both in ring and on the stick, the expectations for these shows are always high - as they should be with the wealth of talent they have including bringing back The Rock and Steve Austin - and yet they put out a product like last night (from what I've read and is being discussed.)

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In my opinion last night was fine...


Del Rio vs. Edge was a strong opener

Rhodes vs. Mysterio was very good in my opinion and put Rhodes over in a way hes needed for a while.

Orton vs. Punk was excellent... and I HATE Randy Orton

8 Man Tag told an ok story for the time allotted and was what it was

Six Man Tag was same as eight man tag and Snooki outworked Akebono and Floyd Mayweather

Taker vs. Hunter was good

Miz vs. Cena was as a little off but I feel like thats Cena's fault.


There have been far worse Wrestlemanias. Was it the best? Hell no. But it'll do.

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There have been far worse Wrestlemanias. Was it the best? Hell no. But it'll do.

Yeah, I totally agree with this. It wasn't spectacular, but they've certainly done worse.


I liked Luger vs. Perfect and the Steiners vs. Headshrinkers!

Steiners vs. Headshrinkers was good, yes. I don't remember the Luger/Perfect match standing out, despite me being a huge Perfect fan. It's been years since I've seen the show though (same with XI, actually.)

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I think Biggz hit the nail on the head right there. My expectations were incredible going into this show. I had Alberto del Rio vs. Edge, John Cena vs. The Miz, Triple H vs. Undertaker, and Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus as all matches that I was REALLY looking forward to. I was also quite interested in Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio and Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole, and even looking forward to the six person tag match, hoping John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler would get a lot of action.


My expectations for in ring quality are not very high at all. I don't need a five star match to be thoroughly enjoyed.


In the end, I walked out happy with Alberto del Rio vs. Edge, Triple H vs. Undertaker, and Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio. All positives in my opinion, yet none even close to approached five star quality in my opinion.


However, I was not into John Cena vs. The Miz (I partly attribute this to being livid that Daniel Bryan / Sheamus would not be on the card. I had not checked the internet prior to and either the free show or PPV (can't remember which one) advertised the match being on, so I had no clue.) I thought the ending sucked.


Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole went way too long. Cole needed about two minutes of offence max, not eight minutes. This did not need to be a match at all.


And, while I enjoyed Snooki WAY more than I thought I would, Dolph and Morrison had no involvement aside from a couple moves whatsoever.


Really, the more I think about it, WrestleMania was pretty good, but the few blunders they did have were MAJOR to me.


Oh well, it was my first WrestleMania I have ever boughten / seen live, so that was pretty cool.

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Forgot to mention this when I made my origional post last night but was it just me or was there at least one chair shot to the head during HHH Taker Match. It seemed like one of the chair shots that HHH gave Taker hit him in the head. It wasn't just me the rest of the people that I was watching it with thought the same thing.
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Yeah, I totally agree with this. It wasn't spectacular, but they've certainly done worse.



Steiners vs. Headshrinkers was good, yes. I don't remember the Luger/Perfect match standing out, despite me being a huge Perfect fan. It's been years since I've seen the show though (same with XI, actually.)


Eh it didn't standout but it did what it was designed to do and get Luger over. Hennig had those awkward few years there where hed go back and forth from competing to announcing every other day.


11 was just garbage to me. I dont know why. Diesel/Shawn was ok... everything else sucked.

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We all know WM IX and WM2000 were both pretty bad. 2000 only had 1 singles match in it if I remember correct, and IX had lots of nonfinishes (HBK/Tatanka IC title)


The reason I am dissapointed with this WM was because the matches got what a normal TV match gets. The only matches that were over 15 minutes were Taker/HHH and the WWE title match. There were 2 matches that didnt even combine for 5 minutes despite having 13 participants between them.


With the disinclusion of MITB, I thought there would be time for matches to tell a story, but we get 2 squash matches, a US title match bumped off the main show, and a host of matches that never really got out of first gear (Cody/Rey comes to mind especially).


All of that, when you pair it with dragging on the Cole/Lawler feud and only 2 maybe 3 bright spots when coming in, the show was looking like it had one of the best undercards in years (Punk/Orton Sheamus/Bryan Cody/Rey). It really makes for a letdown to the hardcore fans.


It seems like it was decent amoung casual fans though, because it wasnt like it was an entire episode of Botchamania, but the in ring product didnt feel like an edition of WrestleMania

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I find it amusing how some people seem to defend the poor quality of Wrestlemania 27 with "there were a few of the 27 Wrestlemanias that were even worse, so that makes it quite okay to serve us this garbage".


Del Rio/Edge, Punk/Orton and HHH/Undertaker were all quite good, I agree. Mysterio/Rhodes and Cena/Miz (no, the Rock's involvement does not make the entire match look good) were average, the 8 man tag and the mixed tag were too short to be bothered with (but not impressed either, even though Snooki was a surprising highlight) and Lawler/Cole was the first Wrestlemania match I have personally seen, if not the worst PPV match I have ever seen. Nearly all of the angles were cringeworthy and painful to watch, including Cena's mindbogglingly stupid entrance.


But for an event like Wrestlemania, it saddens me that so many people let WWE get away with mediocracy. It should be outstanding, nothing else. People who defend last night's show are really too kind towards WWE imo. But eh, each to his own I guess. To the people who really enjoyed it a lot: good for you. :)


Also, teasing involvement by HBK in HHH/Undertaker so heavily without delivering was lame.

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To me the only Wrestlemania thats just a all out card top to bottom is WM17 or WM18. Everything else doesnt really seem to be OMG STANDOUT to me. Its not accepting medoicrity its just how it goes. Not every match can be match of the night.
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I really have to say, this was one of the most disappointing Wrestlemanias I have ever seen. I've ordered the last three, and this is the first one in recent memory that I can say I was truly let down by.


There's a few reasons for this, some my own fault. I will say that since the Nexus storyline this summer, I have marked for WWE big time. Before that storyline, I would occasionally flip on RAW to see what was going on before watching some old school wrestling DVDs or lucha videos online. However, that storyline hooked me, and I can say this is the first time in history that I have been that into WWE (I was always more of a WCW guy, even before the Monday Night Wars). Add that onto the WWE hyping big time this WM and the way the storylines were all peaked at the show, and I was hooked.


However, here's the problems (I had few issues with the match quality overall) - for one, I did not enjoy the Attitude Era at all, so having Rock and Austin on the show did nothing for me. In fact, I really have never liked the Rock, so I don't even get the nostalgia rub from him. I feel like the Attitude Era stars being injected into the show undermined the strong performances that the regular roster has been giving for months by immediately sucking the heat away from the actual roster. Secondly, I can NEVER remember an advertised WM match not airing, especially without any mention of it during the show.


Lastly, my biggest problem is that WWE programming and RAW in particular has become very heel heavy as of late - there have been no real victories for any of the babyfaces in recent weeks with the exception of Orton. That's fine given that they were building towards WM, but the issue is that none of the matches really had that cathartic payoff where the babyface finally bests the heel. WM is supposed to be where the storylines for the year end and new ones begin, and I feel like everything is just continuing at this point. There was no payoff for the fans.


Am I ashamed to say that I've been hooked by the storylines lately and that I was a gushing mark and am whining that I didn't see Cole lose or Cena win the title? Absolutely not - it proves that WWE had done their job up to the point of WM. The problem is that there was no payoff, no final victory where there should have been. In that regard, I say that WM27 was a big disappointment.


And as a side note, I personally found Orton/Punk to be the best match on the card, with Taker/HHH and Misterio/Rhodes coming in whatever order you feel like.

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However, here's the problems (I had few issues with the match quality overall) - for one, I did not enjoy the Attitude Era at all, so having Rock and Austin on the show did nothing for me. In fact, I really have never liked the Rock, so I don't even get the nostalgia rub from him. I feel like the Attitude Era stars being injected into the show undermined the strong performances that the regular roster has been giving for months by immediately sucking the heat away from the actual roster.


I didn't see that at all, I mean sure Rock and Austin stood out in their own ways, and even there that depends on your own perception, but sucking the heat out.. I definitely didn't see it. The actual roster had their range to shine, Miz was prestiged with an amazing video package, Cody got his time to shine, Del Rio looked good, even if he was the opener. I'm not a fan of Swagger, but I enjoyed him last night probably more than ever before. It might be really you seeing it that way if the involvement of those guys sticks out so sorely to you.


The payoff point I'll concede, but even that depends on how open-minded you are. Ask yourself how long things are "supposed" to be a certain way for the remainder of sports-entertainment's time :o (and essentially barring moments like we've seen)

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