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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Yeah I didn't really like that, I mean Dolph was standing right next to Morrison even though they were about to fight each other. It's crazy that they showed Goldust with out his outfit on, but I doubt most fans/kids would even notice it.


Goldust has been talking about retirement, so it probably doesn't even matter.

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I went into the whole Edge thing expecting some kind of classic Edge moment. The way they promoted it, there was no way it was a legit thing, ya know? And then Edge would come out, and before he began, Del Rio appears, taunting him about retiring, instead of facing him (ADR) in a rematch. And Edge would reply with something cute, like "I'm going to retire ... my theme song!" or something.


And then it got serious. And I was shocked, and Edge walked up the ramp, and paused, and for a moment, I thought "Ohh, you got me good, Edge. Sneaky S.o ..." and they went to commercial. I'll be honest, it kind of winded me. Like hitting a concrete floor, flat on your back. Guess it's the out of left field nature of it all. Kind of surprised by the way they laid it out too, `cause the announcement seemed to have killed my "enthusiasm" for the main event.

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I'm not shocked about Edge retiring, in that its been rumored since he got hurt last when tagging with Jericho. Just surprised it was so sudden and announced like that.


Personally, I loved that they did away with kayfabe and showed the respect of everyone in the back like that. Wish they would have showed more of that, actually.

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Yeah I didn't really like that, I mean Dolph was standing right next to Morrison even though they were about to fight each other. It's crazy that they showed Goldust with out his outfit on, but I doubt most fans/kids would even notice it.


Breaking kayfabe shows the degree of the situation, IMO. Yeah, they were about to fight but really.. time and a place.


This was so sudden. I woke up, tuned into the stream and the first thing I see are applauds for Edge. I wondered what for and as I heard the commentators it smacked me.

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I have to say I liked the Edge segment, and felt he was talking from his heart. Kind of reminded me a little of Flair's send off. Heels and Face's all hugging him, all applauding him. He (Edge) did a great job of explaining the situation completely. "Alot of people think it's all just smoke and mirrors... I wish that were true." Great line.


Breaking Kafabe for something like this I think is necessary. It didn't do anything but make the whole crowd (you could tell by the reactions) was very happy to be apart of it. I was glad they showed it all on TV (Ussually they do this for the crowd, but not for the home viewers).


I hate to see Edge go, too young to have to leave like that, but glad he could walk out (as I'm sure he is as well).





I thought that Awesome Kong video was AWESOME! I honestly can't wait till she shows up now!

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Edge is talking about retiring and everyone is talking about Primo hahaha


While he was talking--it felt like he was gonna pull some switcheroo out and turn heel again but...didn't happen and one of my favs is gone.


BTW, did anyone else feel he kinda snubbed Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson?

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While he was talking--it felt like he was gonna pull some switcheroo out and turn heel again but...didn't happen and one of my favs is gone.


BTW, did anyone else feel he kinda snubbed Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson?


At first, I don't think he realised the camera's were on him. I honestly don't think that was the case. I think he was just trying to get out of there before anyone seen the tears wellin' up in his eyes.


He had a moment, and he deserved it. I don't want to think anything negative at all right now.


Also, Cena talked to the crowd afterward (looks like after the show). They are showing it on Raws webpage if anyone is interested.


No one wants to talk about the Awesome Kong Video promo?

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At first, I don't think he realised the camera's were on him. I honestly don't think that was the case. I think he was just trying to get out of there before anyone seen the tears wellin' up in his eyes.


He had a moment, and he deserved it. I don't want to think anything negative at all right now.


Also, Cena talked to the crowd afterward (looks like after the show). They are showing it on Raws webpage if anyone is interested.


No one wants to talk about the Awesome Kong Video promo?


Oh we have, good sir! I'll say it again: reminds me of the Boogeyman promos they used to do. And I like the message it sends: A monster who hates the plastic Divas is on the way.

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Oh we have, good sir! I'll say it again: reminds me of the Boogeyman promos they used to do. And I like the message it sends: A monster who hates the plastic Divas is on the way.


/control F and found it all on the OTHER page, lol. I seen "yesturday" and for some reason thought they were from Sunday, skipped to this page (at 40 posts per page).


Yeah, Kind of reminded me of Boogieman as well. What they did for him was unbelievable. I will say I got many thoughts on it. Goodbye Barbie doll diva's was the first thing I said while watching it.... my son said looks like she's going to be into Voodoo, Johnny said he thought it was Tyler Rex..... we all just looked at him for a minute... then went on with our conversation about her.


Overall though, that's how I took it. She is going to put a stop to the Barbie Dolls.

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I didn't get a chance to see the show live (still haven't watched the whole thing yet), but I was bombarded with texts when Edge retired...wow. I knew he was going to retire soon, but I didn't expect to it be THIS soon!


I have no problem whatsoever with the "breaking kayfabe" because, like somebody else said, that shows the seriousness of the situation. It's very rare that they break kayfabe for works. (like when the stage collapsed on Vince and he kept saying "Paul" to Triple H)


It's also pretty cool that they let Edge win at Wrestlemania even though they knew there was a good chance this was going to happen. (Apparently they were considering a heel turn for Christian but decided not to because of the questions about Edge's health) Not many guys get to go out with a win like that.

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I couldn't believe it when Edge retired I didn't think it would affect me that much but for some reason it has. I was fortunate enough to see him have one of the best hardcore matches ever live at Wrestlemania 22 when he faced Mick Foley. His match with the Undertaker at WM 24 is still one of my favoriotes and I think I am going to have to watch that match again later today.
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