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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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As a simple watcher of this debate I have to say that your whole "anyone who disagrees with me is a super Cena fan" is getting pretty annoying. You are essentially dismissing their opinions as fanboy love when your opinions, by that reasoning, could be dismissed as Cena-Hate.


Having read through the debate as well, I think it's safe to say you're wasting your time trying to talk reason with him.

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I was thinking, with as hot as this CM Punk thing is right now, that this would be a cool way to develop this storyline...


WWE suspends Punk, then make a new main event at MITB for Cena. Fans grow disgruntled at the fact that Punk was suspended just before quitting. Then a week or two after MITB, on Punk's twitter account, he announces that he will attend a WWE event as a fan with a few of his buddies (Colt Cabana?). Punk shows up in the first row and just watches.


He continues to do this same kind of thing for a certain amount of time and then finally gets involved in the event itself somehow. Fans and Punk start demanding that he deserves his title match, so he signs a single match contract against Cena for the title and loses it because of Vince McMahon (or Triple H) interference. He reluctantly signs a longer term contract to fight all of the BS of McMahon (and Triple H?) before finally getting his title win.


All of this is of course scripted, but it would be the first time in a while that it would create a feel of unscriptedness...at least until Punk finally gets his match, at which point fans won't care anymore if it's real or not.


The reason I like an idea like this is because it contains a lot of previously successful elements -- Outsiders invading WCW, Stone Cold rebelling against an authoritative figure, etc. -- but it also modernizes those previously successful things by using media like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube allowing Punk to gain a large following. Punk could even form a little posse that goes with him to live events, allowing a potential popularity boost for incoming talent. Punk could even go on shows like Jim Rome, etc, and bash Vince McMahon -- also with scripted bashing so as to protect the public company's image, but still, something to create a stir.


Of course, none of this will happen. But I just kind of pictured this thing playing out in my head, and I really liked the idea.



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In the midst of the Cena talk, did anybody mention the Orton interview where he admits to OD'ing and saying Kelly Kelly has slept with at least ten guys on the roster?


I posted a link to the interview and talked about it with Showtime for a few posts, but then it was back to the Cena.

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In the midst of the Cena talk, did anybody mention the Orton interview where he admits to OD'ing and saying Kelly Kelly has slept with at least ten guys on the roster?

Look, I don't care much about Kelly Kelly either way. She might as well be Torrie Wilson 2.5 or something. J.A.B., Just. Another. Blonde.

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2 questions


1) Is the reason the WWE taped July 4 is because of the holiday or are they going to a another county.


2)When was the last time they did a live Christmas and Thanksgiving day event?


1) They are touring in Australia so both Raw and Smackdown have done 2 tapings this week.


2) Raw had a Tribute to the troops Christmas Day Raw in 2006. I think their last Raw on Thanksgiving was in 2009.

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Andre wasn't a better worker than Hogan at this time though. Andre was getting old and could barely move around the ring. I was a huge Hogan fan in the early 90s but I was 5 in 1990. Cena doesn't bother me because I do feel like he is a slight rehash of Hogan in the sense of get beat down most of the match and wait for it... COMEBACK!


At this point I think it's best we all agree to disagree about Cena having talent. I think people have made great points in the last few pages and nobody seems to be changing their opinions.


I was not talking about Cena's talent with my post. Frankly unless a wrestler is really bad that is the only time I even know he sucks. I have no problem with Cena being champion or the face of the company. From all accounts he is a nice person in a business full of scumbags.


The point of my post was that as a kid I grew tired of Hogan, his interviews, and his comback all by around 1988 or so (started watching in 1986). I am just saying that I agreed with Fantabulous in saying that after some time the whole Hogan character became lame to me. And I think that there are kids out there that feel the same way about Cena as I did about Hogan.

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I think one thing some of you don't realize about the Cena thing is that we don't really know what he is capable of in the ring. We just don't know what moves he COULD do because the WWE has always had a certain way of doing their matches.


The best example I can give is Hulk Hogan in WWE. Hulk Hogan's move list in WWE was basically (not completely limited to but pretty close) Punch, Kick, Body Slam, Clothesline, Legdrop. However, if you look up Hulk Hogan vs Great Muta on YouTube you can watch a match that I saw a few months back that happened in 1993. Hogan was actually capable of putting on a VERY GOOD match. He even does Del Rio's cross arm breaker from a standing start. It shocked the hell out of me because I never knew Hogan could do that stuff. WWE never showed it. But he could do it. And Cena could probably do most of the stuff you see in ROH matches if he was given the chance to by the WWE.

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Why hasn't anybody mentioned the most obvious imo way things go at MITB? Del Rio wins mitb, Punk beats Cena causing him to be "fired"(for time off because of his neck) and Del Rio cashed in to get booed by the Chicago crowd and wins the belt. Punks gone, Cenas gone, Del Rio is champ.


But I thought he only gets fired if Punk leaves with the belt, if ADR wins it before Punk leaves, Cena won't be fired... I think :p

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Punk beats Cena for the title. Punk gloats. Vince comes out to fire Cena and then announces that ADR, who won the MitB, is cashing it in and he'll do what Cena couldn't and bring the WWE title back to the fold. Cue the match. ADR and Punk are down. Cena hits the ring, pauses, FU's ADR and puts Punk on top and Punk retains. Cena declares that he's sick of being the company man, having to carry all that weight on his shoulders, says something like, "Hey Vince; FU." and walks out. Punk is left to gloat, having won the title and now in a position of power, with the announcers stunned at the prospect of the WWE title being in possession of a man who is leaving the company.


If Punk does re-sign, they can run the storyline that Vince is being forced to negotiate with Punk to return with the title and he has to acquiesce to some of Punk's demands. Cue a long running battle of Vince trying to find a way to get the belt off of Punk, vowing to fire him once he loses the belt. Naturally, Punk finds a way to keep the belt for long enough that Vince reaches out to the one man he knows can find a way to bring the title back to WWE...


Big Cena return, major pops, Cena beats Punk for the belt. Vince fires Punk, who can then take the lengthy break he wants before coming back in some fashion three or four months down the line.


Admittedly, that's just off the top of my head.

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As a simple watcher of this debate I have to say that your whole "anyone who disagrees with me is a super Cena fan" is getting pretty annoying. You are essentially dismissing their opinions as fanboy love when your opinions, by that reasoning, could be dismissed as Cena-Hate.


I never said that. The only one i said that was marking for Cena was Showtime, and that was a joke. I0m affraid y'all got me wrong. If that was the case i would be angry and screaming and God knows what else. Most of you spent the debate not even understanding some of my points of view...and i really don't care. I mean...i don't like Cena's work, but the fact that he is where he is doesn't take away my good night of sleep. Seriously... you're the ones who at one point told, with other words, that i had to accept Cena's greatness. I don't have to accept squat. I also don't want you to accept he's evil. Hell, i don't even see him as evil. So stop talking about me as the guy who dismisses their opinions as fanboys. I care for there opinions as much as they care fore mine. Wich is nothing. But at least i don't say "YOu have to accept that he is the worst of all times". Dude, if you were a spectator, keep beeing one. I'm losing my patiente with the false judgement that has been done of me. You spent the last 24 hours criticizing me withou even taking some time to think and ask: "Wait a minute, afterall, having in mind that you aren't even american or english, and your native language is not english, can you try and explain us what you really think about the man?"


I'm done with this conversation. SOme of you asked for facts, and acused me of not showing mine, when i did, no one talked about them. Some of you speak in a arrogant and patronizing way, because you truly think you are actually gurus of pro wrestling. (I don't mean you effin rule :D)


Bottom line: None of us will change our minds, because we all have educated opinions about the subject. (YEs, educated. I'm not a 6 year old who says he doesn't like just because, as the rest of you ain't either)


I'm done with this debate. Cena isn't even liked by the crowd that pays his promotions bills, as most of them boo him. So yes, someone else could do better or at least the same with no boos. I rest my case. I'm not going to waste my time with someone like John Cena. I'd like to continue using this thread to it's original purpose, so please don't any of you speak anything else about the freakin debate, if you please.


Thank you!

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You said super Cena fans, which none of us are even fans of him. Showtime said he was INDIFFERENT to him. You might want to look that word up in the dictionary. It means he doesn't like him OR dislike him.


Did you miss read the part of not talking about it? I never said super anything. If i did, i'm sure it was taken out of context or i was probably joking. And my conversation with showtime about him beeing Cena's fan was a joke between two "co-workers". I haven't seen him complaining, so stop talking for the man.


Seriously...End of conversation!


Maybe this time people will read it. We all know that the best way of ending is is ENDING it now! OR else A will always want to give his final answer to B and so on. I have nothing against any of you, i actually had a fun time with the debate, though i was seriously missunderstood, but it's time to end it. So please, end it.


Ps: I know what indifferent means...you might want to look up in the diccionary the meaning of the word: OVER.



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Did Cena kick your puppy as a boy or something dude? You seem to just expell this underlining hatred for the dude. Everything you say about the guy just comes across as extreme dislike. I guess it used to bug me a bit how you would loudly proclaim him being so awful but now I think its kinda cute now. I almost want to mail you the Word Life DVD with a video camera to capture your expression the moment you saw it was in fact the Word Life DVD.


Anyway haters goin hate. I'm a Cena fan, I wouldn't say I'm a super fan of anybody. I don't buy the pay per views, I've never bought a single DVD or t shirt. However I mostly enjoy the guys promos, I think he's awesome for business and Cena from 03 is one of my favorite wrestling characters.

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Did you miss read the part of not talking about it? I never said super anything. If idid, i'm sure it was taken out of context or i was probably joking. And my conversation with showtime about him beeing Cena's fan was a joke between tow "co-workers". I haven't seen him complining, so stop talking for the man.


Seriously...End of conversation!


Maybe this time people will read it. We all know that the best way of ending is is ENDING it now! OR else A will always want to give his final answer to B and so on. I have nothing against any of you, i actually had a fun time with the debate, though i was seriously missunderstood, but it's time to end it. So please, end it.




Amen. WHere were some of you guys last night when i had to deal alone with the super cena fans? :D


Either way, you have this unnatural hatred for a man you don't even know and try to say his mostly booed and that he's bad for business. He's still cheered for by at least have the crowd. He still sells a crap ton of merchandise.


Not trying to egg you on either. I'm glad you want to bring it to an end, but it bothered me when you said that you didn't say something you clearly did :p

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I, too have a feeling that MITB will end with a MITB cash in after Punk wins. ADR would get INCREDIBLE heat, and be able to boast about outdoing Cena. Maybe he is champ til Suvivor Series


This would probably work well. Though i still believe in punk re-signing, taking a brake and returning. I can't believe Vince would let him shoot and leave. THis was the start of one of those 'To Last through the summer" storylines, so my guess is we haven't seen the last of punk after MITB.

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Either way, you have this unnatural hatred for a man you don't even know and try to say his mostly booed and that he's bad for business. He's still cheered for by at least have the crowd. He still sells a crap ton of merchandise.


Not trying to egg you on either. I'm glad you want to bring it to an end, but it bothered me when you said that you didn't say something you clearly did :p


Do you see the smile on that quote?? That was a joke! OBVIOUSLY! I can't believe how uptight you are by taking that seriously. Like i'm here everyday insulting or stereotyping other people right?? Yeah, i do it every day, right? C'mon! Dude...if you can't tell a joke when you see one...well, that's not my problem. But seriously...dude....


Edit: This is why i avoid having conversations with certain elements of this forum. Some people here take things way too seriously.


Side note to the bold: I also told that i didn't even remembered saying it (so you see how seriously i said it) but it was probably a joke, or something taken out of context. In this case it was noth.

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