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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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So lets see the possible tag teams


The Uso's


Air Jamaica (or Bourne Kings-ston get its? Born Kings???)

and now

Kings of Wrestling... Finally getting your heads pulled out of your "4th point of Contact"!





Funny how the ones holding the titles are probably the weakest team of that bunch... :p

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Someone on Twitter noted that Otunga and McGuillicutty (dunno if I'm spelling that right) were dressed like the World's Greatest Tag Team when they were coming out. Didn't notice it then, but they're right - Otunga had the sunglasses and the hood like Benjamin, and McGuillicutty had on one of those caps that Haas often wore.



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Super flat ending. Cena/HHH confrontation should have been shown and Cena has a problem with ADR for cashing in, but Punk doesnt.


Because Punk's done the same thing twice. Whereas if Cena ever won MITB I suspect he'd take the Daniel Bryan/RVD approach. Makes sense to me.

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Hmm... I think I'm going to take back a semi prediction I had. I didn't really predict it, but I agreed with it. I'm thinking that Austin is going to be on CM Punks side, if he ever shows up here. My only problem is that if HHH ends up being innocent, which to me means that it's Stephanie, who doesn't really have any power (kafabe)... and if HHH was telling the truth, that means Nash is not going to be to happy about what he done either. So that means he's going to be sort of on Punk's side as well...


Seems a bit weird, but I can't help thinking that your going to have Punk leading HHH, Cena, Nash, Austin all up against Stephanie and whomever she gets to be on her side (bunch of bad guys).


If I'm right about anything, I'm going to say that all this stuff is totally predictable, and therefore sucks.:cool:

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If I'm right about anything, I'm going to say that all this stuff is totally predictable, and therefore sucks.:cool:


Sadly, no matter how this storyline goes people are going to say it was predictable and therefore sucks. And on the off chance something insanely off the wall happens, those same people are going to say it was stupid instead. (see SummerSlam)


It's the reason why this was the first time in weeks that I looked at this thread, and it'll probably be the last time. Just look at the post above yours, talking about how ADR needs to hurry up and align with one of the authority figures...for the love of god, it's been ONE WEEK! Why can't people ever let anything play out? They have to jump over every little detail, complaining about it without putting any thought into it whatsoever. I don't get it.


By the way, aligning ADR with one of the power figures is the last thing they need to do right now. From what we saw on Raw, it looks like ADR is going to be fueding with Cena - which means he and the title aren't going to be secondary anytime soon - while Punk deals with the power figures. There's no need to mix those storylines together in any significant way right now.

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So you're theory is that is push stopped because Hardy left? is push stopped because the powers that be followed other directions.


No, my theory is that it stopped because he wasn't in any hot fueds after that up until now. The SES failed in part due to the creative team, but it did also seem like there was something missing from that stable as well.

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