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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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It's a bit less black and white than "winning championships left and right". If anyone really remembers how Punk's ride went while he was on top, different views might crop up.


Cena was built up.. like Cena. You weigh in the aspects between their overness, this is as gratifying as it gets for him[Punk]. There is no fluke factor anywhere around him right now. Back then.. save for him winning midcard titles and the MITB twice, the rest was fairly drab and you figured the casual fans would yell "fluke, fluke" around him.


About the title, I agree, but again it's all about how it goes over time. If you look back months from today, and that after the Nash spat he went gunning again for the belt, things would make more sense. Even though a character can be deadly focused towards the title, it wouldn't be outlandish to have him focus on someone else who cost him, if certain aspects are weighing on his mind. You look at Punk's character, you see all he does - the pipebombs, the constant references, you see what he's about, and it'd be understandable to have someone like Nash strike home a bit more than anyone else. If someone like Miz or Ziggler cost him the title, things would be different.


As for the jacknife.. maybe again thats where perception differs when you see a big man capitalize on a guy who went through a 20-minute match, but hey.


All valid points but since we are pretty much just talking about Punk vs. Nash in a single promo, I don't think we need to analyze the situation in-depth and just lay it out in as simple a depiction as possible which is where I was going with the post.


However before I respond, I think it's important to emphasize that when I was posting my explanation, I already said I was adding to dj's post so I was being a bit rushed with talking over the past events.


What dj said should still be the strongest point as to why Nash looked off.


The rest of these tidbits just add to that. The jack knife for example. I don't think our perception differs as much as the WWE has so often painted the big man as being a different and superior creature from most other wrestlers and when you have someone like Nash who has a history of backstabbing his opponents - something as straight forward as guards just makes the character weaker after he was sold as someone that could still just flat out lay out Punk.


Remember when Punk won over Cena, it wasn't like he was broken down wrestler who just went through Hell in a Cell. Nash still eliminated a slightly fresh Punk. How fresh Punk was is debatable but they depicted Nash as not just an old legend but a dominating force.


I think over time, it seems pretty clear that it's heading away from the title regardless of whether Punk retains the belt or not. WWE can always flip flop on their feuds but the fact is, the premise of Punk returning was to give a voice of credibility to wrestling and even though it may seem logical for Punk to pay attention to Nash right now, it only does because the title doesn't have that much of a prestige anymore. We've seen champions vs. champions, MITBs and Cena hog that thing up.


If the title had prestige, which the original Punk returning pretended it to have, then this feud totally destroys whatever little face in Punk's tweener gimmick. By going after Nash-HHH, Punk pretty much made it clear without any sliver of a doubt that he's in it for himself. It's not up in the air anymore. The same will go for when he pursues the belt at a later date it will just be Punk being in it for himself and wanting the title. (If he does indeed do that because my guess is this storyline is heading into a different direction that's faction related not title belt related.) Either way, Nash adds nothing to what Punk was talking about previously. Sure maybe Punk can "reference" some Kliq things and Punk would still be over but the potential for his character is long gone and everything Nash and Punk do from here on out will only stabilize Punk's overness, not add to the potential that garnered Punk this fast boost in pops that got both Punk, Cena and the title more over than they ever were in the past few years; and Nash's lack of pops is just one of the initial signs of that downgrade shift in the interest for this feud.

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One of the other things they rarely do is give the heels credibility in matches. The Monday before Summerslam, six days before becoming World Champion, ADR lost to Punk in a little over four minutes. If the guy is going to be your next champion, and he's getting the belt in six days, at least make him look competitive with the current champ by going a while. Make him look like an undeserving champion, but don't make him look like a weak one. Nobody cares about a belt held by someone like that.


For me Del Rio has been booked strong (most of the time) since his arrival. He's been impressive in the ring, with a good character and I love watching him. He's one of my favourites along with Punk, Sheamus, Bryan and Christian). But that's just me.


And to be honest, I'm getting sick of these mix'n'match tag matches they put on the week before and after PPVs (put these guys up against decent tag teams instead of each other). And the champions/contenders usually winning (unless there's interference) right before the PPV. Too predictable.

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Hey, when did the inside of the World Heavyweight Title start being red? I first noticed it after Christian won it, and thought it was just one of those little unique changes that a champion adds to it, but it still seems to be there now that Orton holds it again...


Also; "I am certainly no Christian." ...Does he realize that he said this? :p

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"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shucky-ducky quack quack!"


Pretty much sums up Booker T as a commentator, doesn't it?


And yeah, Rhodes did good. Wouldn't mind seeing him challenge Orton before too long. Maybe it could be part of his campaign to restore the lineage of the Intercontinental Title, to try and hold it and the World Heavyweight Title simultaneously, to show it itself is on World Title level.

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What did he do to her? I never heard about anything like that.


He constantly cheated on her with a variety of women when on the road with WWF. He admitted it himself.


But don't tell anyone that I told you, because then VTial will come down on me for saying something about Bret Hart that is not "he is a lovable unicorn".

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