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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I think the point that many are making (and I agree with it) is that Cena vs The Rock doesn't need to be The Rock's return match. It has enough going for it - it's the one of the figureheads of the last generation verses the figurehead of this generation. Probably two of the biggest merchandise sellers of all time, taking each other on for the first time ever. In The Rock's hometown. Possibly for the WWE Championship. I honestly never even thought of it as 'The Rock's comeback match', and WWE never billed it as such. I don't see the issue at all.


soxfan93 mentioned that he's a lot less excited about the Wrestlemania match as he would have been if it were The Rock's comeback match, and I suppose I can understand that, but for me it almost has the opposite effect - I couldn't be much more excited about the match either way, and booking The Rock's return in another lesser match, if you like, makes me excited about Survivor Series. With The Rock returning to in-ring competition at Survivor Series, that almost certainly means that I'll be buying a PPV which I probably wouldn't have otherwise.


Putting aside the issue for a second, people also haven't mentioned at all that this promises an interesting development in the Cena/Rock feud. Could there be a turn either way? I'd guess not, but you don't know at the moment. I'm looking forward to seeing how the alignment plays out - the only thing that I wish is that they'd kept it under wraps until the week or so before. Advertised The Rock's appearance, but not the circumstances of his appearance.

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Okay, let me give you a different example:


Brock Lesnar agrees to return to the WWE for a main event match at WrestleMania against The Undertaker. The match is announced months in advance. If Lesnar officially competed in a match at Survivor Series, wouldn't that take away some of the value of the match at WrestleMania? It's no longer Lesnar's return match, it's simply a match against The Undertaker, regardless of how big it is.


One of the major selling points of the match was that The Rock was returning to in-ring competition. Now that he's wrestling at Survivor Series, that is no longer the case. Will it cost them WM buys? Of course not. Will I buy it? Of course I will. But the fact is, I won't be nearly as excited as I would have been if it was his first match.


The difference with that scenario is that Rock stated that he was back and that misled a lot of fans into thinking more involvement. You'd suppose even Cena thought as much hence why he called him out on it. So come to think of it, maybe that's what resulted in most of what I said in my previous post.


The allure may be gone to you but to a lot of fans(mostly casual fans), it may be different.


Also /nod to Jaysin. You could say that in itself may be the inner fan in ourselves :p

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I think the point that many are making (and I agree with it) is that Cena vs The Rock doesn't need to be The Rock's return match. It has enough going for it - it's the one of the figureheads of the last generation verses the figurehead of this generation. Probably two of the biggest merchandise sellers of all time, taking each other on for the first time ever. In The Rock's hometown. Possibly for the WWE Championship. I honestly never even thought of it as 'The Rock's comeback match', and WWE never billed it as such. I don't see the issue at all.


soxfan93 mentioned that he's a lot less excited about the Wrestlemania match as he would have been if it were The Rock's comeback match, and I suppose I can understand that, but for me it almost has the opposite effect - I couldn't be much more excited about the match either way, and booking The Rock's return in another lesser match, if you like, makes me excited about Survivor Series. With The Rock returning to in-ring competition at Survivor Series, that almost certainly means that I'll be buying a PPV which I probably wouldn't have otherwise.


Putting aside the issue for a second, people also haven't mentioned at all that this promises an interesting development in the Cena/Rock feud. Could there be a turn either way? I'd guess not, but you don't know at the moment. I'm looking forward to seeing how the alignment plays out - the only thing that I wish is that they'd kept it under wraps until the week or so before. Advertised The Rock's appearance, but not the circumstances of his appearance.


Actually, that was my point earlier. I'm not really interested in Cena or Rock right now, but perhaps something happening before then, such as at Summer Slam, might renew some interest in it for me.


To me it has the exact opposite effect, meaning if they don't do something before Wrestlemania, I won't be interested in THAT match at all... I want to have a reason to invest in that match, and perhaps root for one or the other. Right now, everything's old... it's been what, six month's since anything developed between them. It's time to start the build up now.


And to be totally honest... I never thought of Wrestlemania being The Rock's "comeback" match either. I remember talking about it in this very thread, how the closer we come to Wrestlemania, the more we will probably see of him, and the fued between him and John Cena evolve. All of a sudden that's a "bad" thing? The sooner the guy gets in the ring as an in ring competitor, the better IMO. The sooner they start fueding, the sooner they start going back and forth again at each other, the sooner they do their finishers on each other, the better. I want them to be going at it so bad by the time Wrestlemania get's here, that they have security holding them back.... I want them to build this up in a huge way, not just have The Rock show up for "Wrestlemania".

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I think I'm too sleepy...what? I'm out of it :p


Can you rephrase that bit?


I believe he's talking about this post:


Chris Shore posted this in his Smackdown Hitlist on Prowrestling.net, but the part I bolded I feel really holds a lot of truth to it.


R-Truth's re-mix: Yes, R-Truth's re-mix of his stupid rap entrance. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to hear this ever week. I'm not even sure I want to hear it again. But this first time, with Miz's ass acting a fool in the background as Truth's heater, was the definition of a hit. I laughed until the match ended. Which, admittedly, made me want to cry, but that's not the point. Sometimes we get so serious about the product that we forget to be entertained. This was one of those times that just worked.


It makes me wonder why everyone has to analyze everything all the time. Why is it so hard to just sit back and relax and enjoy yourself?


And I agree.

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I think Henry literally just proved everyone wrong.


Some people are going to claim they thought he could be good from day 1. But no one thought Sexual Chocalate had any true promise.


A great example of a guy chugging along and getting better.


His matches are good for a big guy, his mic work appeared out of no where back in ECW, I'm so happy that someone is being rewarded for hardwork.

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Now look, I dont like ADR, as much as the next person,

but for Cena to win...again....





:mad: I was looking foward to a good title reign from ADR, but WWE didn't even give him a chance to take the ball and run with it.....well, I guess he's going to moved back down to the same card position as Jack Swagger now.

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Screw firing Trips as the COO,


They need to fire who ever is the BOOKER (not The BOOK'AH, but the Booker)


because I can book a better show in my sleep.


The "E" is slipping back into mediocrity once again..




Unless. ..(Possible Story alert)


The person "Pulling the strings" wanted Cena to win the title,but they needed ADR as a "Stepping stone" to get the title off of Punk, just so they can get it back on Cena. And I bet that some "Screwy finish" is going to have Trips Lose. And Cena will be a corner stone of everything.


Well...it a perfect world anyway. ...This make me wanna play TEW.



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The WWE needs to beef up thier Tag Team division..SERIOUSLY


I mean Air Boom is a good tag team, (just a crappy name)

Awesome Truth is ok..


but If I was the E. this is who I would go after.


Kings of Wrestling.

The Briscoes

The Young Bucks

Beer Money (if possible)

All Night Xpress


Basically, they need to bring back the prominence back to the tag team division, because the Team division hasnt been taken seriously since the EARLY 90's

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