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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I am of two minds when I hear the "What" chant. Part of me finds it very funny especially when the fans use it on someone like The Great Khali or Jack Swagger. The best one I ever heard was when it was used on Hulk Hogan and he kept on adding "Cha gonna do." right after they said what.


I do also find it annoying and it sometimes distracts from promos.


The thing that really annoys me is when fans call out "2" when a wrestler kicks out of a near fall. Now that crap needs to go away.

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I think it used to be used on crappy, boring people but now "What" is used by the fans just on someone they don't like (good heels). It kind of seems like this generation of fans (saying that at my age sounds stupid, but I don't really mean generation I just couldn't think of the word) are a bit dumbed down, I could be wrong but the fact that Vickie Guerrero gets the biggest boos really annoys me since it's just because of that grating voice and terrible catchphrase. I think fans now (and I don't wanna say it's because they're stupid baby 6 year olds blah, blah, blah) don't see the difference (why should they, they boo who they hate) between a good heel and someone they want to go away. I literally cringe whenever Vickie is on TV (or atleast talks) and even more the fact she is with Dolph who should be main eventing, and doesn't need a mouth piece as his promo, for my money are the best in the company right now, and he is actually funny.
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I remember a few year ago Undertaker said something to the What chants and they made like a "WHA-uhhhh noooo" reaction. I usually don't mind the chant. Like someone else said, it's usually during good promos, and so some reaction is better than no reaction. How do you work with a crowd that doesn't respond to you? That's no fun. IMO, the What chants are a convenience, or a good sign, for heels that are trying to get over.
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I remember a few year ago Undertaker said something to the What chants and they made like a "WHA-uhhhh noooo" reaction.


Taker said to the crowd "Why don't you say what if you like to sleep with your own sister". Lol the crowd didn't use it for the rest of the night, I remember laughing for ages when I watched that.

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I like the WHAT! chants. I think it adds to the atmosphere of the whole show. I think it sounds great when 10,000+ people get a chant going.


Dunno about anyone else but when the crowd are into a Match or Promo, It helps me get into it too.


One thing I hate about TNA is that there is no atmosphere.

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^ I wish crowds were MUCH more into matches. They seemed to really be involved in Punk/Cena Money in the Banks, before that match it was rare to get them involved. I like it when wrestlers get into a great match and when someone gets pinned the crowd counts with the ref and when there's a kick out it's a cheer or boo haha.

But I do think when wrestlers interact with the WHAT is funny, love it when R-Truth is like "DON'T WHAT ME!"


Don't think I'm gonna order Vengeance tonight, though I look forward to seeing what the WTF moment is going to be at this PPV as there have been the last few PPVs.

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What are people's thoughts on Daniel Bryan and his Money In The Bank title shot. The commentators have been harping on about how he hasn't really won a match for months and I noticed on Smackdown that he looked at the briefcase with disgust, almost as if he were thinking "I don't deserve this".


I hope he does cash in and win the title and if he does I could see him upsetting Mark Henry somewhere down the line. Think about it, Henry is being built as an unstoppable force; putting him against Bryan a couple of months from now and Bryan will be looked at as a no-hoper yet he fights hard and somehow pulls off the win. I would love that.

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I think it's obvious that Bryan will turn heel at some point. Anyone who has watched his work in ROH knows that he is far better as a heel.


However, I don't see him winning the title at WrestleMania. Maybe he changes his mind, cashes in on someone like Orton, and loses the title at WrestleMania. That would make more sense.

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I hope he does cash in and win the title and if he does I could see him upsetting Mark Henry somewhere down the line. Think about it, Henry is being built as an instoppable force; putting him against Bryan a couple of months from now and Bryan will be looked at as a no-hoper yet he fights hard and somehow pulls off the win. I would love that.


And it wouldn't get over a lick.

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And it wouldn't get over a lick.


Says you. You don't know for sure what will happen a few months down the road, who knows. Hell, I would never have thought I would have given a damn about Zack Ryder two months ago, now I quite enjoy the guy and would like to see him win the US title.


On top of that who would have thought Mark Henry would be a good World Heavyweight champion earlier this year. Things can drastically change in a short period of time.

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They've spent almost the entire time since Daniel Bryan won the briefcase treating him as a glorified jobber. You can't just turn that around so quickly to where fans will forget all about that. We're in an era where stop-start pushes are the norm, and it will take more than a couple of months to rehab him sufficiently to where his beating of Mark Henry for the World will get more than a momentary pop before people realize that a virtual whipping boy is now the World champion. Where Mark Henry is different is that, while never always given a strong push, he was at least portrayed as a monster, and had the physical credibility to make up for the less then stellar booking. Mark Henry's strengths were always highlighted, no matter his positioning. Daniel Bryan, on the other hand, as had no such help.
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They've spent almost the entire time since Daniel Bryan won the briefcase treating him as a glorified jobber. You can't just turn that around so quickly to where fans will forget all about that. We're in an era where stop-start pushes are the norm, and it will take more than a couple of months to rehab him sufficiently to where his beating of Mark Henry for the World will get more than a momentary pop before people realize that a virtual whipping boy is now the World champion. Where Mark Henry is different is that, while never always given a strong push, he was at least portrayed as a monster, and had the physical credibility to make up for the less then stellar booking. Mark Henry's strengths were always highlighted, no matter his positioning. Daniel Bryan, on the other hand, as had no such help.


Whist I don't disagree with a great deal of what you are saying, I still believe they can turn it around in a three month period and have Bryan look like a very credible threat. I guess we will have to see how it plays out as all we can really do is base our guesses off hypotheticals. I do agree that Bryan will no doubt have to go through an attitude alteration before the re-build can begin.

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You have to remember that the company is marketed mostly towards kids. All it takes is a few wins and a "nice" attitude, and those kids will cheer. The adults are already cheering because he's an exceptional wrestler.


I think a couple of months is all it would take. He already earned his shot at the title, so he's already worthy of a chance. The fans will see it as a big accomplishment, and cheer him because of it.

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Okay, now you're just being stupid. You can't possibly be comparing Daniel Bryan winning the World title to The Brooklyn Brawler doing it.


You have to understand that Fantabulous is by nature, confrontational and doesn't like people disagreeing with him which gets him bent out of shape as a result. If you look back through this thread you can see it for yourself. Not un-coincidentally a major reason behind me staying out of these particular threads for the most part.


This is the main reason why I dislike forums because you can't share an opinion without people crapping all over it and exaggerating and basically acting like children who aren't getting their way. You say your piece, you see what the person says in response and you get on with it, but no, not with certain people. I thought greydog was better and 99.5% are indeed above that but unfortunately there is still that 0.5%. I would call myself an internet wrestling fan if I didn't think I would become as bitter as Fantabulous.


I tried to have a spirited debate on the subject but what is the point when this is the result.

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You have to understand that Fantabulous is by nature confrontational and doesn't like people disagreeing with him which gets him bent out of shape as a result. If you look back through this thread you can see it for yourself. Not un-coincidentally a major reason behind me staying out of these particular threads for the most part.


This is the main reason why I dislike forums because you can't share an opinion without people crapping all over it and exaggerating. I thought greydog was better and 99.5% are indeed above that but unfortunately there is still that 0.5%.


I tried to have a spirited debate on the subject but what is the point when this is the result.


Ah, I understand. That's what I get for coming to the party late haha.

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Let's have Santino show up and beat Henry. That'll work even better, considering his positioning over the years.


Barring the fact that Santino has been booked as a comedy character/fluke since day one and has remained so for his entire WWE stint, wasn't he also the guy that was the last man to be eliminated in this year's royal rumble? Now I know that he was never realistically going to win the 2011 Rumble, but I think you would be lying if you said that there wasn't some small part of you that thought, however momentarily, that Santino was going to throw Alberto over the top rope.


Santino for a while at least, received arguably the biggest positive reaction from the audience on RAW. He has also been a multiple time Intercontinental champion and tag team champion. Is Santino ever going to be a world/wwe champion? No, probably not. Could he be booked over time to be put in a WWE title scene, even for a short length of time? Absolutely.

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Personally, I would LOVE to see Santino and Ryder as a long term tag team. Either one can make a good midcard title holder as Santino has done and Ryder is getting ready to do, but who wouldn't laugh their ass off at a pairing of the 2 funniest guys on the roster? Plus there is the added bonus that both can actually wrestle.
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On top of that who would have thought Mark Henry would be a good World Heavyweight champion earlier this year. Things can drastically change in a short period of time.


There are people who think Mark Henry is a good World Heavyweight Champion now? :confused:

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There are people who think Mark Henry is a good World Heavyweight Champion now? :confused:


I think he is doing alright to be honest with you, but perhaps that has a part to do with the fact that I thought he would be terrible. He makes a welcome change from the norm of Orton who although I don't mind as much as I used to, is still boring with the title. I think I underestimated what Henry could be and I suppose that has aided my appreciation of his reign.


I don't want him to hold the title for a considerable length but up to this point he has been pretty good. But that's just my opinion, each to their own. :)

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