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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I am impressed with how over Sheamus has gotten as a face. When he was a heel and just starting out everyone just hated the guy and talked about how he'd be gone in 2 months, but I always had a spot for him, I dunno, maybe my Irish heritage loyalty to him or something. I like when he makes references to his ancestors too, has definitely become one of my "fave five"


with Orton possible on the shelf with a back injury might be Sheamus to be the one to carry the other 'big face feuds' while Daniel Bryan feuds with Show/Henry...

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Drew McIntyre is back! I hope they do something worthwhile with him next year.


Funny how the promo for the mystery return said "The End Begins This Week" but we have to wait until next week's Raw.


Was that the WWE's first elevator fight?


Next week should be fun with at least 3 title matches. I bet only one title changes hands (Booker win the IC belt perhaps?). I think it's too early to slap the WWE belt on Ziggler but I suppose Big Show might get the Heavyweight belt back. Depends on who they want Sheamus to face at Mania (assuming that's what they do).

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Drew McIntyre is back! I hope they do something worthwhile with him next year.


Funny how the promo for the mystery return said "The End Begins This Week" but we have to wait until next week's Raw.


Was that the WWE's first elevator fight?


Next week should be fun with at least 3 title matches. I bet only one title changes hands (Booker win the IC belt perhaps?). I think it's too early to slap the WWE belt on Ziggler but I suppose Big Show might get the Heavyweight belt back. Depends on who they want Sheamus to face at Mania (assuming that's what they do).


Would like to see Booker win, then hit Cole with it.


From war as been seen Randy is out for 6 months. That sucks!

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Brock Lesnar retired from UFC 3 days before January 2nd 2012...hmmmmm not to say it's Lesnar in the promos, but if it is Taker, then him returning just in time for Wrestlemania feuds, someone might be lookin for a good Mania fight, someone whose had awesome matches with Taker and has had some tension with him over the last years of UFC and backstage
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Brock Lesnar retired from UFC 3 days before January 2nd 2012...hmmmmm not to say it's Lesnar in the promos, but if it is Taker, then him returning just in time for Wrestlemania feuds, someone might be lookin for a good Mania fight, someone whose had awesome matches with Taker and has had some tension with him over the last years of UFC and backstage


I had just come here to say that Brock Lesnar announced he was retiring.


There's no way it's Lesnar in the promos - Brock said that if he won this fight, he was going to have his title match and then retire, so he couldn't have planned to come back now. And the WWE wouldn't build promos around it if it wasn't a sure thing. Of course, like you said, it still opens the door for a Brock return...and in time for WrestleMania. It's funny because I just mentioned on another message board that if I had my choice of anyone my opponent for Undertaker would be Brock Lesnar, with no idea he'd retire.


But I will also say we need to be careful with the "Brock to WWE" speculation. He's retiring for serious health reasons, and because in his words he promised his wife and kids. Pro wrestling is easier than MMA, but it's still not easy. And it involves more travel, which he was unhappy about even before he had a family.


He could come back for WrestleMania, if not this year then in the future, but I'd be surprised if he ever came back full time.

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Dana White still has him under contract for another fight. Brock SAID he's retiring. But he stands to earn close to half a million dollars and I believe he has one more fight.


So I mean, Brock might do the "one more fight" thing still. Otherwise, if he performs for WWE under UFC contract, he'll probably have to give a cut to them. I have no idea how long his contract is for (google didnt turn up reliable results) time-wise, but I think we're more likely to see Brock in a wrestlemania situation NEXT year at soonest.

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As I want it to be Y2J but don't want him to face Punk until WrestleMania this is how I would play it out:


During Punk vs Ziggler both men go down. The Titantron fires up with a new promo, then then date Monday 2nd January, Jericho comes out, swagger down to ringside, grabs a mic a rips into Punk saying that he has no right to call himself the best in the world when he's clearly inferior to him and has been easily distracted during a match. Ziggler hits the ZigZag but Punk kicks out, they go back and forth until eventually Jericho interferes hitting the Codebreaker for Ziggler to win the title.


Punk / Ziggler have a rematch at the Rumble which Punk loses because of Vicky. He then manages to get himself into the Rumble, where he and Y2J are the last two, and Y2J gets the win.


Fast forward to Elimination Chamber and we get Ziggler vs Cena (trying to make his match with Rock a title match) vs Punk vs The Miz vs R-Truth vs Kane. Punk picks up the win. Move onto WrestleMania and we finally get a proper Punk vs Y2J match.


Now, my actual first thoughts was for Punk to win the Rumble match, but I can't think of three faces from RAW for the Elimination Chamber, so I feel Punk has to be involved. Not quite sure who Y2J would end up facing at EC, but as long as his first match with Punk doesn't happen until Mania I'm happy. Which means Punk could just retain his title, win the EC (with Y2J) before a first singles match at Mania, but running a 60 minute + Battle Royale without CM Punk or Daniel Bryan makes little sense - you may as well have at least one of them involved for 30mins+ to hold the match together.

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Trust me, it's not Jericho coming back. He made VERY clear in a rude tweet that he is sick of wrestling and it's fans and he never wants to get another tweet concerning wrestling.


I told him via tweet that he can kiss most of his followers goodbye since we, the wrestling fans, have PAID for him to live the way he has become accustomed to.


I never thought I would find someone in the business that I would hate more than The Rock, but I think I found him.

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Trust me, it's not Jericho coming back. He made VERY clear in a rude tweet that he is sick of wrestling and it's fans and he never wants to get another tweet concerning wrestling.


Jericho is the same one who said he was done with wrestling forever only to backtrack within an hour and say "just for the moment". He really isnt as bitter as he makes people think, he just likes to keep people in the dark on his future.

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Jericho is the same one who said he was done with wrestling forever only to backtrack within an hour and say "just for the moment". He really isnt as bitter as he makes people think, he just likes to keep people in the dark on his future.


People like Jericho and Nash always try to keep things secret or stay in character. Not that that's a bad thing but it does make it impossible to take things they say at face value. Although you obviously get people who, for some reason, still buy into everything they say. Like when Nash kept kayfabe about his 'suspension/firing' a few months ago and you had people on here who took him at his word even though everyone else was smart enough to know he was just keeping with the storyline.

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People like Jericho and Nash always try to keep things secret or stay in character. Not that that's a bad thing but it does make it impossible to take things they say at face value. Although you obviously get people who, for some reason, still buy into everything they say. Like when Nash kept kayfabe about his 'suspension/firing' a few months ago and you had people on here who took him at his word even though everyone else was smart enough to know he was just keeping with the storyline.


Indeed. I've read both of Chris Jericho's books before, and his personality on Twitter is that of his character, and not of his real personality. I actually find it quite funny that some people who are smarks believe what he is saying on Twitter, when he is obviously in character.

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Looking at the Globe, it could be talking about "Best in The World" and Jericho coming for Punk. Someone said slowing the sound down and you can hear that the boy's voice is Chris Jericho's. Someone else said you can see his name in the book if you watch it in slow motion, etc. The Clock, the countdown, the end of the world gimmicky approach, all sound like Chris Jericho.


Then there is the fact that there is a girl and boy in the video. The boy stands in the corner, like he's shut out in one shot, yadda yadda... For different reasons, people could think perhaps it's Stephanie and Shane... Although we would think Shane wouldn't be involved since he has his own seperate carreer.


Personally, I'm not getting too hyped for it, because I think it's just Goldberg.

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I am not sure why there is such a huge debate over if it is Jericho or not. After watching the video it has become painfully obvious to me that the video is about the triumphant return of The Duke of Dorchester Pete Doherty. Why others refuse to see this, is beyond me...
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I am not sure why there is such a huge debate over if it is Jericho or not. After watching the video it has become painfully obvious to me that the video is about the triumphant return of The Duke of Dorchester Pete Doherty. Why others refuse to see this, is beyond me...


He's still alive I believe. The guy that went "Toe to Toe" with Andre the Giant is coming BACK!!!

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He's still alive I believe. The guy that went "Toe to Toe" with Andre the Giant is coming BACK!!!


Yeah he was elected into some wrestling HOF in April 2010. I remember when I was first getting into wrestling he was one of my favorites along with George "The Animal" Steele. Granted I can't tell you why that was the case but I always thought he was awesome.

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George "The Animal" Steele.. I think that had to be one of the funnest gimicks for someone to play as. I remember my dad "calling" the shots and laughing. My dad has this "hee hee hee" laugh. "Uh oh ref, you better check over there." "What's he doing dad?" "He's eating the ring post padding, Hee hee hee." I would be like "Is he really eating it?" Then my dad would get this look on his face that was like he was saying 'good grief' and tell me "No Chris, this is wrestling, they're just having fun." Then turn back around and that laugh again "Tee hee hee". It was funny, because my dad has this pretty low voice, and the laugh, or that particular laugh is really high. Same laugh he had when listening to his old Bill Cosby records. I don't even think I was in school yet, at that time, lol. Hard to believe I can still remember that stuff. That's back when Lou Albino was still a wrestler, or known as a wrestler moreso then as a manager (The Sicilians!).


Good grief, how old are you BHK? LOL

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I thought this was interesting. They say Orton actually had more main event television matches than Cena. How long until the fans start getting bored with him and HIS 5 moves of doom?


To be fair, I think that Orton's moveset has a lot more variety than Cena's move set, although Cena has shown that he can do more than his standard "five moves of doom" in big matches, like the Punk-Cena match at MitB.

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To be fair, I think that Orton's moveset has a lot more variety than Cena's move set, although Cena has shown that he can do more than his standard "five moves of doom" in big matches, like the Punk-Cena match at MitB.


To be fair, anytime someone wants to poke at a wrestler's moveset, they just pick the "signature" moves and ignore any other move that was made during any match. For example, Cena's "Five Moves Of Doom" is just him doing his signature moves. He doesn't do them over and over and over the whole match, even if what he does before them is lacking or boring, it's not doing those same five moves. Thing is, once a wrestler has signature moves (at least in WWE), they all do those same moves at about the same time... end of match or just before getting screwed, or whatever.


It's wrestling, they do what they are told. IF they are supposed to be a technician, they do technical type moves (and somehow slapping someone on the chest counts). If they are supposed to be a brawler, they punch. I guess, they might be limited on what they are capable of learning, but somehow I don't think that has as much to do with anything, as we would think. It could be that a particular person can't do a match that they have to remember so many moves, but I doubt that's really much to do with it either.

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I think Cena and Orton are both fun to watch. Especially in PPV matches. No one would have to convince me that they are better wrestlers than some of the negative nillys say.


I just find it humorous that, if accurate, Orton was actually on more TV main events than Cena. And I personally wonder how long Orton has until the smarks turn on him too.

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