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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Randomly noticed how different wwe.com is from the last time I actually went to their site(it's been a long time) and I stumbled on this.


Greg Valentine has a comically large head. He looks like he belongs in a cartoon.



He's leaned forward, making his head look bigger then his body... Here's a somewhat reverse position making his head look smaller.




You can google and find pic's with him looking normal easily as well.


But yeah, that pic in itself is all kinds of awesome.

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So cena gets the wrestler turned actor.....now he gets the wrestler turned failed football player.....then mma fighter......its going to be the same thing as the rock. he stuck around when the other guy did not......The rock is just being replaced by brock.....just add a b to the name lol.
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I think it's going to be very interesting to see what happens to the crowds over the next few shows.


To me (and several others it seems) RAW on Monday was made by the fans in attendance. They were vocal and involved in the product in a way that younger fans and their uninterested parents can never be. Sadly, I get the distinct impression that Wrestlemania was the reason. Smart marks at 'mania, smart marks at the RAW afterwards and perhaps on Smackdown! too but after that...?


Does anyone else feel like the D-Bry love, the cheeky chants from informed fans and perhaps the level of passion and audience participation may drop along with the average age of the fans in the coming weeks?

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I think it's going to be very interesting to see what happens to the crowds over the next few shows.


To me (and several others it seems) RAW on Monday was made by the fans in attendance. They were vocal and involved in the product in a way that younger fans and their uninterested parents can never be. Sadly, I get the distinct impression that Wrestlemania was the reason. Smart marks at 'mania, smart marks at the RAW afterwards and perhaps on Smackdown! too but after that...?


Does anyone else feel like the D-Bry love, the cheeky chants from informed fans and perhaps the level of passion and audience participation may drop along with the average age of the fans in the coming weeks?


from what i saw a few in the crowd were to same people that were at mania.

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Does anyone else feel like the D-Bry love, the cheeky chants from informed fans and perhaps the level of passion and audience participation may drop along with the average age of the fans in the coming weeks?


I sincerely hope it does drop.

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I'm with Hive on this one. I tune it to watch Wrestling, not listen to which wrestlers smarks like. I don't have a problem with audience participation at all, and without it there's no doubt Wrestling wouldn't be the spectacle it is. However, RAW became a bit of a joke on Monday with all the chants for Daniel Bryan throughout the show.

We get it, you like Daniel Bryan. He probably got a bit shafted at 'Mania. There are lots of other wrestlers out there, now shut up and watch the show, and let me watch the show without having to see every other promo interrupted by you.

(This is a collective 'you', not aimed at anyone. :p)

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Randy Orton vs. Kane - This is the result that surprised me the most. How could they *not* have Orton win this one? Their second-biggest face (or maybe third now that Punk is so hot) and they have him job to an over-the-hill veteran for no apparant reason at the biggest event of the year? Kane doesn't gain anything from this at this point of his career, it only hurts Orton. Weird.


The way I see it Orton won't suffer for the loss. If they build Kane's momentum up (necessary after his loss to Cena) they can eventually job him to an up-and-coming midcarder who will benefit greatly. Can't think who it would be, though.


And yes, they need to turn Miz and send him to SD where he won't be lost in the shuffle. He can still be cocky and aggressive, but get the crowd behind his attempt to rise back to the top. And he's proven to be a good ambassador for WWE doing TV interview spots and the like.

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And yes, they need to turn Miz and send him to SD where he won't be lost in the shuffle. He can still be cocky and aggressive, but get the crowd behind his attempt to rise back to the top. And he's proven to be a good ambassador for WWE doing TV interview spots and the like.


This. I really like Miz, he's a good worker, and he's got a good look to him, which would likely translate well to merch sales. I'd actually like to see him feud with someone like Cody Rhodes, who I think he could do good work with. Alternatively, if Kane somehow manages to get back some of the masses and masses of heat he lost to Cena (seriously, what an absolutely awful feud that was) in the Orton feud, Miz/Kane could possibly be interesting.

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I think almost every match opened with Daniel Bryan chants


Just got home from Miami, got the chance to go to my first mania!


some random thoughts:


And the "YES!YES!YES!" chants were going on an hour before the event, and continued all night. I was not expecting that D-bry would be so over with the mania crowd. Hell you could get that chant going all night and in the parking lot after.


Felt bad for shemus a bit...we were not happy with the booking live, and there was about 50% booing the quick squash...I don't mind the move as long as bryan keeps getting a chance to evolve his heel character but watching that live it really let the air out of a hot crowd.


Orton/Kane suffered from that too, we were dead for the first 5-8 minutes of that match just going "really?" about the opening match...I liked the shock finish though. we were all expecting a randy victory there i think.


Show/cody? awful booking...two big men matches back to back?


Also i hated the booking in this match...you just had cody hold the IC title for 8 months and actually make it worth a damn again and then you put him in a match where big show murders him in 8 minutes.


the message to the viewer is "yea, cody had a good run but now he has to face a real threat...and he isn't up to it"


I would have preferred some sort of DQ ending letting show get a "feel good" moment but keeping the title on Cody.


The hell was beth wearing on her head?


Starting with Eve's awful grapevine hug, this show shall be remembered as hugamania. between eve hugging it out with maria, the bro hugs at the end of an era match, and cena hugging rock in an awful bear hug TWICE to hide rocks awful cardio, hugging was huge this year.


The end of an era match was amazing live. Loved the interactions between all three guys. amazing crowd for it live as well.


Half the crowd, including me, bought into the SCH into the pedigree finish...I was like "no! they got the old man!!"


taker putting his foot down on the sledge hammer was awesome as was hunter's defiant crotch chop before the end.


the chair shots to takers back were brutal...i mean we were inthe 400 level and you could here the smack...hunters chair shots were the only ones that rose to that level.


Jericho punk was kind of odd...i think we as a crowd were ready to explode when punk got his hands on jericho...and then they kinda slow built for a minute or two, then did the "i'll try to get him DQ'd angle!!" which was ok but no one bought that as a finish.


great crazy eyes by Y2J when he asked about punks family...loved it.


With the above said, the last 15-10 minutes of that match were great especially the finish...loved that they chain wrestled into a submission and love that punk took the old school liontamer


Honestly i went shirt shopping during team johnny vs team teddy. from what i heard when i got back i didn't miss much.


felt bad for both MGK and flo rida. Both finished there sets looking for cheers and got boo's. MGK the worst because we were gearing up for cena but flo got it too because we just wanted it to be over and get to the match.


Awesome energy live for both entrances and actually a much better match than i thought it would be...the AA off the spit punch really popped the crowd and got us into it.


Crazy reaction for rock winning, which i didn't forsee as some here apparently did. I thought for sure Cena would pull it out since Rock is leaving.


Must have been cool for bryan to hear "YES! YES! YES!" chants after Rock won ;)

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I guess the chants are going to die down now. Shame, would have loved this to continue for weeks.


A YES! YES! YES! chant broke out during a Miami heat game. The same happened a while back at an ROH iPPV. WWE's travel schedule leads them to VA/Greensboro (FINALLY), indy crowd here in Greensboro who haven't had RAW in forever? Could be loud.

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Semi-Spoiler... dealing with "Yes" chants.

A YES! YES! YES! chant broke out during a Miami heat game. The same happened a while back at an ROH iPPV. WWE's travel schedule leads them to VA/Greensboro (FINALLY), indy crowd here in Greensboro who haven't had RAW in forever? Could be loud.

It also broke out during a TNA taping.

I can't see the YES chant ending for a while especially after Cena acknowledged it in the final segment of Raw and after it went on all night at Mania.

I'm hoping I'm wrong, but...

Why is that?

During Nxt, and Smackdown tapings, it has supposedly died down.


Now... I'm hoping every time he is on it comes back though, like during Raw. Just kind of disappointing it didn't carry on to the other programming.

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Semi-Spoiler... dealing with "Yes" chants.


It also broke out during a TNA taping.


I'm hoping I'm wrong, but...


During Nxt, and Smackdown tapings, it has supposedly died down.


Now... I'm hoping every time he is on it comes back though, like during Raw. Just kind of disappointing it didn't carry on to the other programming.


That's not what I heard. I heard during his promo it was pretty loud. Thing is SD is taped so they'll probably edit it out, but the crowd cheered him even though he heeled it up, called AJ fat and dumped her. It may not be for 2-3 hours anymore, but whenever he's on screen it'll likely continue, which'll mean they have to keep his push going, or risk losing a huge opportunity

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I'm thinking no matter what, he will get the "Yes" chants every time he does a promo or appears. I just wanted it to carry over everyone else, for a good while. I think Raw had chants of either "yes" or "Daniel Bryan" the whole show, no matter who come out, outside of the HS chant when Lesnar come out... but right back after he left.


I was hoping for that kind of thing to keep going. It would be incredible.


Also, are you sure your not talking about the promo he gave after Raw went off air? They had a six man tag match after Raw went off air, and Sheamus was boo'd while DB was cheered, the whole time, then he addressed the crowd about (There is a link in the thread of it).

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I'm thinking no matter what, he will get the "Yes" chants every time he does a promo or appears. I just wanted it to carry over everyone else, for a good while. I think Raw had chants of either "yes" or "Daniel Bryan" the whole show, no matter who come out, outside of the HS chant when Lesnar come out... but right back after he left.


I was hoping for that kind of thing to keep going. It would be incredible.


Also, are you sure your not talking about the promo he gave after Raw went off air? They had a six man tag match after Raw went off air, and Sheamus was boo'd while DB was cheered, the whole time, then he addressed the crowd about (There is a link in the thread of it).


Nope. Smackdown taping.


Also remember the post-Wrestlemania RAW is always a bit ... odd as its usually filled with more hardcore fans who stuck around after Wrestlemania.

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Nope. Smackdown taping.


Also remember the post-Wrestlemania RAW is always a bit ... odd as its usually filled with more hardcore fans who stuck around after Wrestlemania.


/nod... I'm just worried that it might pass over, without doing what it needs to do (shake things up, as Vince would say).


The "Yes" chants is a direct outcry about poor booking of Daniel Bryan, and it could work.


The thing is, I'm afraid WWE might misread the potential here... I understand that he is still being sold as a heel, and I believe that's exactly how they need to leave him, using this momentum as a way to make him even more devious, etc... Could make him the best heel they've had in a decade if done well enough.


Or: They could misread this popularity boost as him needing a "Face" turn... Which could be ok as well if they do it right, and keep him edgy more then "good" in a way.


Overall, I'm just scared nothing it going to become of it at all, and they will go on with their plans from six months ago.

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/nod... I'm just worried that it might pass over, without doing what it needs to do (shake things up, as Vince would say).


The "Yes" chants is a direct outcry about poor booking of Daniel Bryan, and it could work.


The thing is, I'm afraid WWE might misread the potential here... I understand that he is still being sold as a heel, and I believe that's exactly how they need to leave him, using this momentum as a way to make him even more devious, etc... Could make him the best heel they've had in a decade if done well enough.


Or: They could misread this popularity boost as him needing a "Face" turn... Which could be ok as well if they do it right, and keep him edgy more then "good" in a way.


Overall, I'm just scared nothing it going to become of it at all, and they will go on with their plans from six months ago.


From what I read he's reacting as if the fans are mocking him in keyfabe, which keeps him heel, acknowledges the chats and allows them to continue.

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