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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Don't believe him. Savage's official webpage openly campaigned for him to be elected to the HOF (savage actually had influence on the webpage.)


Yes, and the man deserved it a while ago, and even more now, but even way back when......


Tux match...lame...really...I'm a girl and would have rather seen a divas gown match or something...lame lame lame...I'd be booing this all night.


I mean the opening match was GOOD, but very misplaced......

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I didn't get to see the show, but read the reports. Was it really as bad as it seems? Every show for the last while has had Cena end it. It really seems that the titles are meaningless if they aren't really featured.


Title at the start, title before the Main Event? That's just bad booking all around. It's so predictable too. I saw the card and picked all the matches but the tag team one. Everyone knew that Cena was going over. Ziggler isn't ready for the title and Punk is still the favorite babyface.


I dunno, i guess it just seems rather, crappy that if you're a champ, it's your bad luck to have a title. No matter how good, or how much the fans love ya, you have to take a backseat to Super Cena. I think that Cena must have some blackmail on old Vince, i can't explain it otherwise. I know he sells merch, but still. Same old Same old.


Wish i'd had seen the Christian and Cody Rhodes match. Though to be honest, most of the matches are so cookie cutter that if you've seen one you've seen them all. There's so little new or even varied in the ring. I'm not expecting Big Show to do moonsaults or Bow and Arrows. Something other than punch and kick, powerslam, finisher, end of match.


Still, they are making money with it and i'm not. I'll just go back to my JOSHI watching and at least enjoy some variety.



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