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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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1) I know Sin Cara botches a lot, but at least he's trying insane stuff. Big Show botched punches lol. I'm loving the new Big Show persona and I dig the play on the heel and face interpretations of "bullying". I think it's actually been a decent bit of storytelling. In the ring though, Big Show's a god damn mess anymore. That match with Kane was borderline unwatchable.


2) The AJ storyline is stupid. Vikki is banging Dolph, or at least WAS. It's bad writing as his the "Cena cheerleader for Ryback" storyline. Cena spends weeks going "I want the shot you gotta face me I want that shot!" Hell we even got a meaningful Mick Foley promo out of this feud. We're supposed to believe that not only does Cena need this match, but Punk needs it as well to validate his very existence. Then... for no on screen reason whatsoever, John Cena's all "rah rah Ryback!" Coulda done a little better.

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Dolph should audition for the US Gymnasts team for the next Olympics.


I've always said that Pro Wrestling should be in the Olympics. Just treat it like Pairs Figure-Skating. Each pair of wrestlers gets, say, five minutes to do a match that must incorporate at least one suplex, one top-rope move, and a thirty-second sequence of chain wrestling... after the match, judges grade it on a scale of 1 to 10, losing points for each botched move, but you can get more points for using more complex moves, etc.


I think it could work.

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I think Jericho nailed it. Ryback winning is probably the best money move. Punk is a big boy, he's been around enough that he should keep the heat, if not gain some with a Ryback win.


Build Ryback for the future. You have Punk, you have Cena. You're in the process of having Ryback you just gotta play it out. Is he "the next big thing" or is he just another streaking youngster to be forgotten about like Jack Swagger and Zack Ryder? I guess that's the decision creative finds themselves having to make.

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Ryback winning might be the best money move but I can't see him winning the title especially with Rock vs. WWE champion set for the Rumble. Heyman will call in the Kraken to save Punk's title reign :p.


It's an interesting situation either way, it wouldn't completely surprise me if Ryback won, I'm just expecting Punk to somehow steal one.

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I hope Ryback doesn't win. It's so unnecessary right now.


They need to follow through with Punk/Rock, and it only makes sense if the WWE Title is in the picture.


It's the perfect time of the year to push Ryback at a reasonable pace. He'll be able to share the ring with bigger stars at Survivor Series, and can make the winning pin in that scenario. Royal Rumble and Eliminatno Chamber-- same scenario. This guy basically has four months of multi-man matches which should get him in shape for the big WWE Title win.


I think doing it now would be way too early. The reign would probably be interesting for about 3 weeks before people get bored with it. Ryback/Rock at Rumble? Eww.

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I hope Ryback doesn't win. It's so unnecessary right now.


They need to follow through with Punk/Rock, and it only makes sense if the WWE Title is in the picture.


It's the perfect time of the year to push Ryback at a reasonable pace. He'll be able to share the ring with bigger stars at Survivor Series, and can make the winning pin in that scenario. Royal Rumble and Eliminatno Chamber-- same scenario. This guy basically has four months of multi-man matches which should get him in shape for the big WWE Title win.


I think doing it now would be way too early. The reign would probably be interesting for about 3 weeks before people get bored with it. Ryback/Rock at Rumble? Eww.


exactly and I'm pretty sure they won't even have Ryback vs Rock because at this point in their careers they both need other people to help them look better than they actually are.


So in that case having him win the belt and then dropping it back before the Rumble would do much more damage than not giving it to him for now.


I think if he does dominate the "main event" Survivor series style match and then have an impressive Rumble showing it would be better for his career at this point

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I hope Ryback doesn't win. It's so unnecessary right now.


They need to follow through with Punk/Rock, and it only makes sense if the WWE Title is in the picture.


It's the perfect time of the year to push Ryback at a reasonable pace. He'll be able to share the ring with bigger stars at Survivor Series, and can make the winning pin in that scenario. Royal Rumble and Eliminatno Chamber-- same scenario. This guy basically has four months of multi-man matches which should get him in shape for the big WWE Title win.


I think doing it now would be way too early. The reign would probably be interesting for about 3 weeks before people get bored with it. Ryback/Rock at Rumble? Eww.


My only issue with this is that everyone sees Punk/Rock or Cena/Rock 2 coming. Maybe they swerve us.


What if Ryback wrestled the Rock at Royal Rumble? What if he wins? Does he get pushed to that "next level"?

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My only issue with this is that everyone sees Punk/Rock or Cena/Rock 2 coming. Maybe they swerve us.


What if Ryback wrestled the Rock at Royal Rumble? What if he wins? Does he get pushed to that "next level"?


That would be a terrible decision because both of them need someone to help them look better than they actually are. The match would be a trainwreck

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Personally, I think Rock/Punk is Wrestlemania-worthy. The Rumble doesn't need a big star-power match -- it has the Rumble.


I, for one, would love to see Rock/Ryback at the Rumble (R vs R at the RR). Ryback beating Rock when even Cena couldn't would be great... and Rocky would probably sell the Shellshock like nobody's business.


Of course, you could go with Rock beating Ryback (going by the 'there's no shame in losing to the Rock' theory), and Punk winning the Rumble to set up Punk/Rock. Heh. Punk Rock. I get it now. Someone needs a manager named Blues and a valet named Country...


... where was I...

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Yea I'm not saying Punk/Rock or Cena/Rock being highly anticipated as a bad thing. I'm just saying Jericho's point is that if you have Ryback win at HIAC, he goes on to fight Rock at RR and you have a shot at building a true headline main eventer by wrestlemania. He brought up quite a few fantasy scenarios where maybe he challenges Undertaker... maybe he even beats Undertaker. It takes huge matches to build the next "guy".


If Ryback wins at HIAC, fights Rock at RR and then carries the title into WM 29, they are some MASSIVE matches for a young guy if you really do want to push him through the roof.


That's Jericho's point, and I find it intriguing and am inclined to see it that way myself right now. Ryback's something different, something fresh. He's the first "new" guy the crowd has really gotten behind in recent memory. You can set him up with three huge matches by March and possibly create the next huge star. Punk's a seasoned vet at this point he can lose and keep heat. It seems like good booking considering there's a feeling that with the recently poor ratings that things need to be freshened up a bit. Push Ryback to the moon, set him up and have brand new challenges that main event PPVs going into next year.

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He got some pretty good pop last night against Bumpler on Main Event.

Even if he loses (because I'm still sure they're going to give Punk the 'full-year champion' thing), it'll probably be a close one (one of those 'Punk being a weasel' finishes probably--which would be a first for a HiaC match, actually...even after Kurt Angle at Armageddon 2000) and result in another shot at Survivor Series.

Assuming the guys in Creative actually have their heads on straight.

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Y'know, another way they could go with this...


They want to test Ryback as a champion, but don't want to lose Punk... so something happens to screw over Ryback, but Show beats Sheamus, and Ryback gets put against Show in the near future. Let Ryback be the champ on Smackdown (which, ironicly, seems to have more 'hoss'-type champions as of late) for a while to build credibility.

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Y'know, another way they could go with this...


They want to test Ryback as a champion, but don't want to lose Punk... so something happens to screw over Ryback, but Show beats Sheamus, and Ryback gets put against Show in the near future. Let Ryback be the champ on Smackdown (which, ironicly, seems to have more 'hoss'-type champions as of late) for a while to build credibility.


I like this plan however you seem to have forgotten a certain Money in the Bank winner who probably cashes in on Sunday.

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My only issue with this is that everyone sees Punk/Rock or Cena/Rock 2 coming. Maybe they swerve us.


What if Ryback wrestled the Rock at Royal Rumble? What if he wins? Does he get pushed to that "next level"?


They've been sowing seeds for Punk/Cena (again), Punk/Rock & Punk/Austin for months. Sounds like they're keeping their options open for RR and WM.


And Ryback doesn't need to win the title this year. Just put him in big feuds and if he has to lose make it tainted or not involved in the decision (multi-man match). Putting him over to SD and taking the WHC off Ziggler (if he takes it from Sheamus) would be a good move.

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WM 29 poster revealed (unless it's fake of course):




So how about this WM 29 lineup:


Cena vs Rock vs Lesnar - WWE Title

Ryback vs Sheamus vs Orton - Heavyweight Title

Punk vs Austin

Ziggler vs Undertaker

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WM 29 poster revealed (unless it's fake of course):




So how about this WM 29 lineup:


Cena vs Rock vs Lesnar - WWE Title

Ryback vs Sheamus vs Orton - Heavyweight Title

Punk vs Austin

Ziggler vs Undertaker


You're assuming the three guys on the poster are going to be fighting each other. Could just be they put their three biggest names on the poster.


So it's still possible to see Punk/Rock, Cena/Ziggler, Lesnar/Ryback... and I still say they'll give Taker an easy match this year. Ryder, probably.

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The poster is real. We're not getting Punk/Austin next year. The odds are pretty good we're never getting it, despite both parties being interested in the idea, because Austin is that banged up. Undertaker is not getting a joke match. He's either getting a major match or he likely won't be on the card at all. Whatever happens is up to him.
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