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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The Punk/Rock match was good though. I liked it much more then the Cena/Rock match.


wich is not much of a suprise, rock is rusty as hell and cena just cant carry a lesser wrestler then him. punk on the other hand can carrry a lot of people to a great match, or at least a decent one.


havnt watched the rumble, but what i've read the overall opinion about the RR is it was pretty bad: lackluster, cena winning, rocky winning, rumble not the main event and the matches wernt all that good either.

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wich is not much of a suprise, rock is rusty as hell and cena just cant carry a lesser wrestler then him. punk on the other hand can carrry a lot of people to a great match, or at least a decent one.


havnt watched the rumble, but what i've read the overall opinion about the RR is it was pretty bad: lackluster, cena winning, rocky winning, rumble not the main event and the matches wernt all that good either.


IIRC, they changed it the night of the Royal Rumble.


I don't get it either.

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The moment I heard about Cena winning the Royal Rumble (will watch it later or tomorrow), I knew Captain Obvious was doing the booking. Rock vs Cena at WM29, then Rock putting Cena over and returning to his Hollywood commitments. Stuff like that makes me wish I hadn't followed through on my New Year's resolution to watch more WWE and get caught up on the storylines.


Then again, I think we may have some interesting stuff for the next RAW. Could we be seeing the end of Team Hell No?

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For those wondering what made it such a poor Royal Rumble, look no further...


Miz botching a leap from the top rope...

Ryback botching a leap from the top rope during the rumble...

Rock botching a suplex onto the barricade...

Big Show lumbering around for near 20 minutes against Del Rio...

A face Del Rio cheating to beat Big Show....

Hideous overbooking of the main event that didn't need it...

The WWE title changing hands on an elbow drop...

The only surprise entrants being Y2J, Goldust and The Godfather...

Cena winning, period....

No cash in from Dolph Ziggler despite promising earlier in the night...

No actual visual appearance by The Shield....

No Goldberg...

No Batista...

No Brock Lesnar...

No Triple H...

No Undertaker...

No Sting...


I actually felt pretty robbed of £15 by the end of it to be honest.

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From another forum posted during the Rock vs Punk match:


Let's write an on the fly good ending to this pay per view:


1.Brock Lesnar comes down F5's CM Punk and forms the Rock & Brock connection

2.The lights go out and Taker drags both of them into the depths of hell

3.Cena comes down to fight Taker and Kane comes down and sets him on fire

4.AJ strips in the ring and blows Kane

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Royal Rumble 2013 in pictures:



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Lot of people upset over the Rumble being #2 main event. Personally I think the WWE Title should always be #1 main event. Everyone's always bitching about the WWE Title lacking prestige by being buried.


Except that the name of the event is the Royal Rumble. There are 11 other PPVs throughout the year where the WWE Title can be the main event.

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I genuinely can't see any problem with rumble going second last, its not that important. I don't like Rock at all but if this leads to Taker/Punk I would be extremely happy. Don't mind Cena/Rock (unless they do a switch at EC which I doubt) since it frees up Punk for the potential match. I'd like Punk to goad Taker into the match demanding Vince make the match so he can break the streak and ensure it's his WM and not Rock and Cena's again before Taker confronts him. That leaves Brock/HHH which I wouldn't be thrilled about, unless they gave it a good angle.


Despite being gutted at the tease of Punk retaining,the Shield looked bad ass, as there move kept Rock out for a long time.


Tonight will go a long way and I expect either silence from punk to build anticipation or for some great work and if it is the first eventually he'll cut some great promos on the R2WM. I expect him to go all out to overshadow Cena and Rock in the next few month and I know he has the ability to do it.

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Lot of people upset over the Rumble being #2 main event. Personally I think the WWE Title should always be #1 main event. Everyone's always bitching about the WWE Title lacking prestige by being buried.


The bigger burial is a guy with 3 matches in 10 years somehow beating a guy who has 3 matches every week and has beaten people who wrestle on a daily basis.


What does that say about the roster when the best one of them got beat with a simple elbow drop by a guy who wrestles twice a year?

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I don't think him losing to the People's Elbow makes anyone look weak, it's his finisher. No matter how it looks it's still a well established finisher and it's much better than seeing Punk kick out of 3 rock bottom's - people will now see the People's Elbow can win a match so it adds to the excitement when he hits it against someone else, instead of just thinking 'well he's got to hit another 2 Rock Bottoms before this is over.'
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The finish to the ADR vs Big Show was great. Did anyone complain when a face Eddie used to throw a chair at his opponent and then fall down to get wins by DQ? Of course not! Not to mention that Cena did the exact same thing to Batista before and while I'm sure ppl complained (cuz it's Cena), it was funny then too.


As for the Rock winning the WWE Title, well, I'll just paste what I tweeted directly after the PPV ended.


"Remember when David Arquette won the WCW Title? Well, #royalrumble went something like that. Actor Dwayne Johnson is the #WWE Champion."

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I don't think him losing to the People's Elbow makes anyone look weak, it's his finisher. No matter how it looks it's still a well established finisher and it's much better than seeing Punk kick out of 3 rock bottom's - people will now see the People's Elbow can win a match so it adds to the excitement when he hits it against someone else, instead of just thinking 'well he's got to hit another 2 Rock Bottoms before this is over.'


yeah that would work if he was actually going to wrestle enough to make a moment like that relevant

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So WWE and WCW have some things in common


3MB = The group with Sugar Shane Helms, Shannon Moore and the other guy.


Actor as Champion= Dwayne and David


The Shield= NWO 2.0 or Natural Born Thrillers


Super Cena= Super Hogan


Just some thoughts of mine


3 Count weren't jobbers. They won titles and matches and even with a ridiculous boy band gimmick, were still treated as threats in the ring. If anything, 3MB is a rip off of Rock n Rave Infection without Christy Hemme to look at.


The Rock is one of the most popular wrestlers of all time, calling him "just an actor" or comparing him to David Arquette is just asinine.


The Shield isn't the nWo or the Natural Born Thrillers in the slightest. The only similarity between them and the nWo is they're an "outside" threat, but the gimmick is completely different.


Cena is in Hogan's spot, so of course he's going to be treated as the unbeatable force. That's generally what happens with the number one face in a company.

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Comparing Rock to David Arquette is absurd. I get being upset that Punk's title reign was ended by a part-time guy, but the Rock isn't just an actor. He's also one of the most legendary wrestlers of all time. He's also still in excellent shape, and looks like he could kick serious ass. Arquette, not so much.


David Arquette winning the WCW title was one of those moments where I was ashamed to be a wrestling fan. I honestly don't see how anyone can compare the two.

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