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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I haven't seen a crowd this loud and vocal since the ECW days, Where was a crowd like this in WrestleMania??


The RAW after Wrestlemania is always one of the best shows based on crowd reactions. Last year it was the Daniel Bryan Show and today it's Fight The Machine.

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Yeah. False alert Alden.


But RyBack finally got over as a babyface!!!


By turning... heel?



Whatever, awesome RAW. Barrett won, Ziggler cashed in, Orton looked like he was about to cry, Jericho giving JBL his hat, and Fandango immortalizing himself in WWE history.


Du DUH, du du da du duh duh DUH...

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Ok.. let me get this straight.


Cena retains via countout, Henry destroys Cena. Ryback saves Cena, then attacks him.. and he STILL GETS CHEERED??


WWE..are you listening??


And it was a 99% smark crowd. The same ones chanting goldberg at him for some reason.


People just want something new

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And it was a 99% smark crowd. The same ones chanting goldberg at him for some reason.


People just want something new


Aye, it was the same crowd that started a "RANDY SAVAGE" chant just to get under Randy Orton's skin... probably because he thought, for that first first name, that maybe they gave a shit about him.


They did not.

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By turning... heel?



Whatever, awesome RAW. Barrett won, Ziggler cashed in, Orton looked like he was about to cry, Jericho giving JBL his hat, and Fandango immortalizing himself in WWE history.


Du DUH, du du da du duh duh DUH...


It's the WWE. Anyone against Cena is a babyface automatically.

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Absolutely. This is exactly how I'm feeling. WWE bores me to death right now. I stopped DVRing Smackdown months ago, and I skip so much of Raw each week that I'm considering dropping it from my recording schedule too.


I usually try to catch the first hour of RAW each week but that is about all of the WWE that I watch. I am probably in the huge minority but I actually like both ROH and TNA better.

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I usually try to catch the first hour of RAW each week but that is about all of the WWE that I watch. I am probably in the huge minority but I actually like both ROH and TNA better.


I'm not that invested in ROH at the moment through I try my best to watch the show when I can.


TNA however has been very good and even the few minor consistency issues that they make are either small enough to completely ignore or they try to make a good enough excuse. While I'm not a fan of any of the Aces and 8's members I am a huge fan of this new Bully Ray. He's been on fire and I hope he gets a nice long reign. Best of all is the future feud between Bad Influence and The Greatest It Factors. Two teams of entertaining, smarmy, egocentric heels going heel mode on each other just seems like the perfect smark dream.


I'm throwing my hat in with those that believe TNA has been more entertaining than WWE for the last few months.

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Wrestlemania was predictable, bland and lacked anything of interest. The WWE in general is full of bland, predictable and uninteresting characters in bland, uninteresting and predictable storylines. I'm so glad TNA actually has my interest at the moment, I'd rather rewatch any TNA PPV from the last year over a Wrestlemania re-run. I've tried so hard to keep loving the WWE, I've not missed a Wrestlemania live in years, which given that the show doesn't start here until midnight is a very, VERY late night... this year, I went in barely caring and came out not caring. And by the sound of the crowd, or lack of it to be more accurate, I wasn't the only one..


I was actually watching the 23rd of December, 1999's Thunder, after WM29. Even THAT was better than WrestleMania.


TNA however has been very good and even the few minor consistency issues that they make are either small enough to completely ignore or they try to make a good enough excuse. While I'm not a fan of any of the Aces and 8's members I am a huge fan of this new Bully Ray. He's been on fire and I hope he gets a nice long reign. Best of all is the future feud between Bad Influence and The Greatest It Factors. Two teams of entertaining, smarmy, egocentric heels going heel mode on each other just seems like the perfect smark dream.

I don't watch TNA much, but I agree.


To sum up Cesuck vs. Rock: MINUS 5 STARS!

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Raw Highlights:


- Amazing smark crowd!

- Cena trolling Henry

- Wade Barrett was great and I'm glad he beat Miz. I'm sick of the champ always retaining in the rematch.

- Swagger vs Del Rio. Better than their Mania match (which I thought was good but the crowd crapped on).

- Ziggler WHC and the way the crowd exploded! That's how you do a cash-in.

- Big Show assaulting Orton

- Faandaangoo trolling Kofi and Jericho's heelish revenge!

- Heyman = best manager ever

- Cena buried by Henry & Ryback!



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Wow... RAW was bizarre tonight! That crowd just made the show incredible, though I think even with a regular crowd that show would've stood out as being pretty good anyways. Heyman was awesome in his little bit tonight, managed to get boos from a crowd who seemed to be in mirror mode all night, so kudos to him. The pop for Ziggler coming out and the bell finally ringing to start the match AND for him winning were all incredible, finally Dolph has gotten the belt that he deserves so much more than Swagger or Del Rio do.


Shield coming out had me marking out hard and then the save was electric too, I bet Daniel Bryan is wondering what alternate universe he's slipped into where he's going to be teaming with Taker and Kane.


And Ryback... if there was ever a night to do something like that, this was it. The building exploded when he nailed Cena and it put a huge smile on my face too. Henry and Ryback may not be awesome against each other simply because of it being power vs power, but throw Cena in there and this suddenly got interesting. Not sure where things are going to go but I'm more interested now than I have been for the last few months. :)


Fandango even managed to get over with me, which I didn't expect. The crowd may have just solidified him for the forseeable future, if people keep joining in with his music then he'll be able to ride that for a while and might even have time to shine in future. :)


All in all... this could end up being the best WWE event of the year. Haven't heard a crowd like it since Money in the Bank 2011, probably won't hear another one like it for another couple of years. If fans could care like this all the time, wrestling would be impossible to miss because it would feel awesome. :D

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Poor wrestlemania - hugely entertaining raw. What a bonkers crowd. Love it. Ziggler finally rewarded for his hard work.


Crazy fun crowd!! I loved the sing-along to Fandango's music I really hope this is picked up by other crowds. Randy Savage chant! They were really top notch all evening. Went into business for themselves and stole the show.

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A lot of the little things apart from what was mentioned here were great - the fact the cash-in had a little back and forth, Ziggler breaking off the armbar, Ryback's "up yours" gesture after he Shellshocked Cena...


and the crowd chants. They chanted RVD, JBL, ECW, Randy Savage and a bunch of other things. What a night to make up for Mania. There may be hope just yet, though of course in no way will the subsequent crowds live up to this one.

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Seems most people don't believe Rock's injury is as bad as they're saying but it looks like the rumoured Rock/Lesnar match has been cancelled for now. Still looks like Extreme Rules could be good if creative don't waste the next 5 weeks.


Possible matches:


Ryback vs Henry vs Cena (or just Ryback vs Cena)

Taker/Kane/Bryan vs The Shield

Show vs Orton vs Sheamus

Ziggler vs Del Rio

AJ vs Kaitlyn

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