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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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While I'm sure alot of what Punk says is true, I remember hearing a quote from Scott Levy (Raven) - Punk always had an inflated opinion of himself...


"WWE didn't make me...I was CM Punk before I got there"...just like how many other talented indie guys?


"Money isn't everything"...talks about how much money he should have made for the next hour and a half.


"I don't want to bash WWE"...rips on WWE for the next hour and a half.


1st point - few guys have had the accolades Punk has had before he even stepped foot in the WWE. 2nd point - I could give you that. And 3rd point... if everything he said checks out, can you really hold that against him? Especially if the part about releasing him on his wedding day is true.. maybe if he exaggerated even half of these points I would concede that, but at face value the treatment he's received on an overall scale sounds subpar at best. From the same guys who would bend backwards for Cena and Orton, granted those two have paid their dues far more than Punk has, but as a guy who runs the show, when you're nurturing your top guys there are certain things you need to put into perspective.


When it gets to a point where ONE match takes away years of your life, I think there's a lot of aspects that need to be put into question. No wrestler alive should be subject to that

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How has Orton paid dues? He wasn't slumming it on the independent circuit before getting hired. He received basic training and got a developmental contract. He's matured a lot now yeah, but they gave him a free ride and ignored most of his wrongdoings.


I'll give you Cena though. He busts his hump and has worked incredibly hard.

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I think you guys are missing the point on the Punk & money issue. Of course everyone of us wants the money that we have earned, the problem was that he wasn't getting that which was his. He tried to get his checks and royalties owed to him for MONTHS without getting them. Also if you're being screwed over and over and over again, even fired on your wedding day, of course you're going to try to get every penny from the company for all the trouble you've been through. It's a shame he never did get that main event spot of his which he 100% deserved. He also made several valid, good points thoughout the podcast and it really made me sad when he talked about the Lesnar/Taker/Rock/HHH appearing once in a year and he jobbing to them, when it was he who was on the RAW next night.


What Punk was saying that the scale had completely tipped to the other side in the "my well being (physical and mental health) vs. "the money I'd get" -dilemma. I did listen that whole 2h podcast from start to finish and I was surprised of how quickly that 2hrs went by. The first 5-15mins though are pretty much Cabana talking to himself or advertising the podcast but when it gets going, it gets going.


Sure I might be biased, Punk was one of my favourites and I even bought some shirts etc., which I never do. The Money in the Bank main event in 2011 and that whole storyline was and is one of the best moments in my history of being a wrestling fan. I remember watching it live at 6AM, the sun was slowly rising from the horizon when the match ended. It was so awesome I barely could get any sleep.

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How has Orton paid dues? He wasn't slumming it on the independent circuit before getting hired. He received basic training and got a developmental contract. He's matured a lot now yeah, but they gave him a free ride and ignored most of his wrongdoings.


I'll give you Cena though. He busts his hump and has worked incredibly hard.


Fair enough, I meant overall through his tenure in the WWE for the most part. And even there, as you've said they cut him an awful lot of breaks. One's viewpoint could vary as to if he should've been on his 3rd strike by now.


So yeah, they bent backwards for Orton. They have, at least on one occasion, given Orton time off simply for being banged up, whereas you have WWE's medical staff flat-out misdiagnosing Punk and he had to work through an HIAC match among other things.. there's about five ways that could've ended badly.

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Listened to the entire thing last night and he just came off as a bitter lunatic. I agree wholeheartedly with what JackKnifed72 said He claims Money wasn't everything but pisses and moans about the money he didn't get for the first half of the podcast. His second point that JackKnifed also brought up "I don't want to bash WWE" well if you didn't want to do that then why did you spend so much time bashing them when you said you didn't want to?


I used to be a CM Punk fan but I am not anymore, the guy is an idiot who thinks way too highly of himself when after he came back at Payback 2013 he did a half way job at best before "getting fired" in January. He claimed to still be the best in the world upon his return but the man who truly was the best in the world was Daniel Bryan and that's a fact.


The one thing I did agree with Punk on was the entire Ryback thing and I saw what Ryback had to say on twitter but lets face it anything he (Ryback) says on Twitter can't be taken as face value because it almost always gets deleted immediately either by him or WWE.


I don't care to ever see CM Punk wrestle ever again, the guy can stay home and sit on his couch and whine and complain about "what if" because I guarendamntee you that when his career is completely over (apparently now) and after he gets too old to come back he will regret not going back for a potential Wrestlemania main event. He probably would have been in Daniel Bryan's spot at Wrestlemania (The match with Triple H, and winning the title) had he not left but he couldn't suck it up and stick with the job.


Good Riddance CM Punk I do not miss you and I no longer have an ounce of respect for you. Grow up you moron.

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It was very clear that he kept telling them to pay him like he was on the level of the other guys purely out of respect. The only time money came up was when he was talking about his wrestlemanias and how he wasn't in the main event.


It was very clear that he wanted them to pay that level of money to show that he was valued as much as the other guys when they kept telling him that he was in the main event. If they say he was in the main event to calm him down but the card doesn't say it, he certainly wasn't getting main event money compared to even Cena. He wanted it as validation


Aside from that how is it bitter to ask about PPV bonuses when they company is about to completely kill their PPV business in favor of the network? It's not like he was crying about what he was making (here) it was a clear lack of foresight by the company and he was a guy who clearly didn't see himself having much time left, he wanted to know how the business was changing and how it would effect him since it's how he makes a living. Just like the UK network debacle, the company is clearly mismanaged and at this point it isn't even debatable. There is a much bigger theme to this story and it's clearly not about money just because money was brought up.


Are we also going to ignore the staph infection thing that's an entirely different debate?

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He probably would have been in Daniel Bryan's spot at Wrestlemania (The match with Triple H, and winning the title) had he not left but he couldn't suck it up and stick with the job.

Not sure about that. He might have gotten the match with HHH, but I think it became blindingly obvious at the Rumble that Bryan HAD to close the show.

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Listened to the entire thing last night and he just came off as a bitter lunatic. I agree wholeheartedly with what JackKnifed72 said He claims Money wasn't everything but pisses and moans about the money he didn't get for the first half of the podcast. His second point that JackKnifed also brought up "I don't want to bash WWE" well if you didn't want to do that then why did you spend so much time bashing them when you said you didn't want to?


I used to be a CM Punk fan but I am not anymore, the guy is an idiot who thinks way too highly of himself when after he came back at Payback 2013 he did a half way job at best before "getting fired" in January. He claimed to still be the best in the world upon his return but the man who truly was the best in the world was Daniel Bryan and that's a fact.


The one thing I did agree with Punk on was the entire Ryback thing and I saw what Ryback had to say on twitter but lets face it anything he (Ryback) says on Twitter can't be taken as face value because it almost always gets deleted immediately either by him or WWE.


I don't care to ever see CM Punk wrestle ever again, the guy can stay home and sit on his couch and whine and complain about "what if" because I guarendamntee you that when his career is completely over (apparently now) and after he gets too old to come back he will regret not going back for a potential Wrestlemania main event. He probably would have been in Daniel Bryan's spot at Wrestlemania (The match with Triple H, and winning the title) had he not left but he couldn't suck it up and stick with the job.


Good Riddance CM Punk I do not miss you and I no longer have an ounce of respect for you. Grow up you moron.


Dude, every time Punk has come up lately, you talk about him like a jilted ex. Chill out, he's just a guy from TV, and, unless he punched you in the face or something, not anyone worth this level of hatred.

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A more detailed cliff notes link:




I read that Cesaro retweeted the podcast. Good news is they can't punish him with a losing streak.


One of the bumps Punk talks about:




I do think Ryback's improved a lot but back when he was facing Punk he was still pretty green, so I believe Punk when he says Ryback was dangerous.

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As with anything in professional wresting, I find it hard to take these 'shoots' seriously. The amount of times I've watched or listened to a guy completely bury another worker or company (usually Triple H and WWE), and then end up working for them again a few years later, is laughable.


But hey, anything for that $$$ I suppose.


On that note, I just got through with Bill DeMott's book that came out in 2011, just before he was re-hired as the head trainer of NXT. Anyone else read it? Was quite good. In terms of the WWE doctors that Punk mentions, DeMott says in his book that he was having pain his neck and back, so WWE sent him to a doctor, who told him he needed surgery. When this got back to WWE, they sent him to another doctor, and another, until they found a doctor who said there was no need to operate. So I think I believe Punk what he says about the doctors, having now heard it from two sources.

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had he not left but he couldn't suck it up and stick with the job.



Going by these words and most of your other statements you didn't listen to much of the podcast at all. Either that or you did but already made up your mind on your hatred of Punk.


As with anything in professional wresting, I find it hard to take these 'shoots' seriously. The amount of times I've watched or listened to a guy completely bury another worker or company (usually Triple H and WWE), and then end up working for them again a few years later, is laughable.


Usually those shoots involve a disgruntled worker who got released and tries to throw the most shade possible for vindication. But a lot of aspects are different here, even beside the fact Punk was a top guy, his mind was more or less on his way out and he did mention he kept contact with a lot of wrestlers after leavin, including Cena. Plus, Punk admitted early on he wasn't the easiest guy to deal with so it's not like he's victimized himself the whole way through.

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Well they say there's always two sides to every story. I will say this: if things with WWE medical were that bad, then wouldn't half the current roster be dead? I mean, this is the same company who played it safe with the likes of Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett and now most recently, Roman Reigns (their rumored next golden goose, no less), and all guys who the WWE could have severely used during their respective times on the injured list. I came across this blog article that kinda helps put some things into perspective. Even if you completely 100% disagree with it, I think it's worth the read anyway:




Now I won't argue that WWE's creative team can be the pits. While their PPVs have been solid (my opinion, anywho), there are times that I want to throw a brick at the TV for how the writers have constructed Monday Night Raw. But I do have to wonder if Punk has embellished anything for podcast downloads. And if he hasn't, fine, let the chips fall where they may. What I don't like, however, is how the blind Punk marks who think Punk can do no wrong (I'm not talking about people who are just fans of his but can look at things in an objective manner) want to ruthlessly and angrily marginalize anyone who dares to have a different perspective on anything CM Punk related.


All that said, I've been a fan of CM Punk's work. Heck, I may be one of the few that remembers his MLW feud with Raven that first got me invested in him, and how he had his own "straight edge" referee and for his lackey, he picked the biggest drunk (well, that was probably just kayfabe) in the locker room. I thought all that was brilliant. And I have enjoyed his work in WWE. But the person, I'm wondering about, if that makes sense. I hope I don't ruffle any feathers. I just wanted to share my two cents.

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I figured Punk doesn't have all the information he really needs, especially to do with their plans for Wrestlemania, not only the medical reason he was given ZPaks. They should have told him everything.


You know... I can't help but to think that this might have been his big chance and he blew it away "IF" you look at it in a very positive light from WWE's perspective. Keeping him active, having a match with Triple H, everything not concrete for Wrestlemania yet, maybe due to not knowing what Punk was going to do. Yeah, Bryan was the man that year, but while watching up to January, and the way things were going, I couldn't help but to think Punk was going to be up for the title, and I honestly thought Bryan would be the biggest threat to it after the fact.... I honestly thought they might build up to a Daniel Bryan verse CM Punk Wrestlemania event for 2015. If you go back and look at how everything was evolving, and how it felt like they were NOT going to give it to Daniel Bryan just yet (before Punk walking), it made sense, at least to me that they were building this long term plan for the both of them that would have our fantasy Wrestlemania match (at least mine) as the end result.


I feel like Punk didn't get all the information, because they were working around his flakiness (for lack of knowing a better word at the moment). It's a "What If" scenario that I'd like to hear Vince as well as Triple H fill in the blanks.


Plus, Punk has admitted to being not the easiest person to talk to when it comes to the powers that be. IF Tiple H really has a disliking to him like Punk believes, then I don't see the information for a good future being all that mapped out to Punk, with possibly Triple H wanting Punk to screw himself out of it somehow. Without being at least a little bit humble and respect to other's on par with him, I can see their being huge tension and people acting in ways that might not be their normal person.


Daniel Bryan is a much more like-able person, and much easier to throw goodies at then Punk, or so it would seem ONLY going by what Punk says. For that matter, going from what Punk says... Seems to me that just about everyone on the roster is easier to work with.


To sum up my thoughts: I can't help believing that Punks biggest enemy is himself, possibly motivated by insecurities in what others think of him as well. He's almost in a "no win" scenario though. I do NOT believe if he was any other way he would have been given what he was (longest modern belt reign, etc.).


He's in a better place, or so he says, now though. So I wish him the best, and hope he reaches even more success outside of WWE. He has certainly gained more popularity since leaving, I believe. Now if he can put it to good use somehow.

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I figured Punk doesn't have all the information he really needs, especially to do with their plans for Wrestlemania, not only the medical reason he was given ZPaks. They should have told him everything.


You know... I can't help but to think that this might have been his big chance and he blew it away "IF" you look at it in a very positive light from WWE's perspective. Keeping him active, having a match with Triple H, everything not concrete for Wrestlemania yet, maybe due to not knowing what Punk was going to do. Yeah, Bryan was the man that year, but while watching up to January, and the way things were going, I couldn't help but to think Punk was going to be up for the title, and I honestly thought Bryan would be the biggest threat to it after the fact.... I honestly thought they might build up to a Daniel Bryan verse CM Punk Wrestlemania event for 2015. If you go back and look at how everything was evolving, and how it felt like they were NOT going to give it to Daniel Bryan just yet (before Punk walking), it made sense, at least to me that they were building this long term plan for the both of them that would have our fantasy Wrestlemania match (at least mine) as the end result.


I feel like Punk didn't get all the information, because they were working around his flakiness (for lack of knowing a better word at the moment). It's a "What If" scenario that I'd like to hear Vince as well as Triple H fill in the blanks.


Plus, Punk has admitted to being not the easiest person to talk to when it comes to the powers that be. IF Tiple H really has a disliking to him like Punk believes, then I don't see the information for a good future being all that mapped out to Punk, with possibly Triple H wanting Punk to screw himself out of it somehow. Without being at least a little bit humble and respect to other's on par with him, I can see their being huge tension and people acting in ways that might not be their normal person.


Daniel Bryan is a much more like-able person, and much easier to throw goodies at then Punk, or so it would seem ONLY going by what Punk says. For that matter, going from what Punk says... Seems to me that just about everyone on the roster is easier to work with.


To sum up my thoughts: I can't help believing that Punks biggest enemy is himself, possibly motivated by insecurities in what others think of him as well. He's almost in a "no win" scenario though. I do NOT believe if he was any other way he would have been given what he was (longest modern belt reign, etc.).


He's in a better place, or so he says, now though. So I wish him the best, and hope he reaches even more success outside of WWE. He has certainly gained more popularity since leaving, I believe. Now if he can put it to good use somehow.


You hit the right notes Funk. Exactly what I think.

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Pretty much agree with funk. I'm sure that some of these things are totally true, but as with any issue, the correct answer is almost always somewhere in the middle. Punk came off as a rambling bitter dude, but he has some right to be. I lost a little respect for him in some ways and gained it in others. This is just an ugly situation that isn't getting resolved anytime soon. I'd love to hear some truth in a statement from the WWE side but I'm not sure if we'll ever get a true, non-political WWE statement.
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As with anything in professional wresting, I find it hard to take these 'shoots' seriously. The amount of times I've watched or listened to a guy completely bury another worker or company (usually Triple H and WWE), and then end up working for them again a few years later, is laughable.


But hey, anything for that $$$ I suppose.


The difference being Punk didn't record a shoot interview that's for sale. Art of Wrestling is completely free and he didn't get paid for it. Colt told me he doesn't make much, if anything on the podcast and does it just because he loves it.

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The difference being Punk didn't record a shoot interview that's for sale. Art of Wrestling is completely free and he didn't get paid for it. Colt told me he doesn't make much, if anything on the podcast and does it just because he loves it.


I didn't really mean Punk here as he did on a podcast, I was just generalising.

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The difference being Punk didn't record a shoot interview that's for sale. Art of Wrestling is completely free and he didn't get paid for it. Colt told me he doesn't make much, if anything on the podcast and does it just because he loves it.


Although I know Colt has been doing this for a very long time, but I'm pretty sure WWE2k15 actually sponsored that particular show. In fact, I think the only thing about Colt Cabana that the WWE have shown an interest in is his podcast (ironically).

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It really is pretty crazy how anybody could still be upset at Punk about this. As he pointed out, he was an "independent contractor," and it was pretty plain to see he was not physically well the last few months of his run.


WWE's business culture really seems like the worst of both worlds, since it's full of petty carnies who don't mind taking making things unnecessarily personal along with a corporate face that stands in the way of taking risks or doing cool things. And Vince's line about Punk taking a "sabbatical" probably wasn't even one of the top three white lies/absolutely bonkers things he said at that shareholders meeting in February.

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Although I know Colt has been doing this for a very long time, but I'm pretty sure WWE2k15 actually sponsored that particular show. In fact, I think the only thing about Colt Cabana that the WWE have shown an interest in is his podcast (ironically).


Well Colt has been working with the video games doing mo cap for years and years now. He at least has a relationship with the studio

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Well they say there's always two sides to every story. I will say this: if things with WWE medical were that bad, then wouldn't half the current roster be dead? I mean, this is the same company who played it safe with the likes of Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett and now most recently, Roman Reigns (their rumored next golden goose, no less), and all guys who the WWE could have severely used during their respective times on the injured list.


But none of them were anywhere near the main event (except for Reigns when The Shield were main eventing). It was less important to keep them on TV than it was Punk, Cena, Orton etc. If Bryan didn't need surgery WWE probably wouldn't have given him time off. Although Bryan strikes me as the type of guy who would happily wrestle injured given the chance unlike Punk who had to force himself to do it every day. No judgement from me either way.


You know... I can't help but to think that this might have been his big chance and he blew it away "IF" you look at it in a very positive light from WWE's perspective. Keeping him active, having a match with Triple H, everything not concrete for Wrestlemania yet, maybe due to not knowing what Punk was going to do. Yeah, Bryan was the man that year, but while watching up to January, and the way things were going, I couldn't help but to think Punk was going to be up for the title, and I honestly thought Bryan would be the biggest threat to it after the fact.... I honestly thought they might build up to a Daniel Bryan verse CM Punk Wrestlemania event for 2015. If you go back and look at how everything was evolving, and how it felt like they were NOT going to give it to Daniel Bryan just yet (before Punk walking), it made sense, at least to me that they were building this long term plan for the both of them that would have our fantasy Wrestlemania match (at least mine) as the end result.


Orton was champ so he was main eventing WM30. It was obvious when Batista returned before the Rumble he would win it and main event WM30. Punk was never main eventing WM30. And either he or Bryan would have tread water for awhile while the other challenged Orton or Batista post-WM30.


As for the 2015 fantasy scenario, I doubt Punk would have lasted that long. For several months before the Rumble he looked sluggish in the ring and like he was going through the motions outside of major PPV matches. Something looked off to me, I just had no idea who bad it was. He needed an extended break to recover and Vince/Trips were never going to allow that.


Just my own opinions based on what I've read and seen with my own eyes, so take it all with a pinch of salt.

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As for the 2015 fantasy scenario, I doubt Punk would have lasted that long. For several months before the Rumble he looked sluggish in the ring and like he was going through the motions outside of major PPV matches. Something looked off to me, I just had no idea who bad it was. He needed an extended break to recover and Vince/Trips were never going to allow that.


Just my own opinions based on what I've read and seen with my own eyes, so take it all with a pinch of salt.


I agree with the bolded statement completely, most of you people have stated that you know that I don't like CM Punk so take this for what it' worth but to me CM Punk's last good match I really liked was his match with Taker at Wrestlemania 29. Even when he came back at Payback 2013 in his hometown of Chicago and faced Jericho he seemed a bit off probably from the previous two months off so that's understandable. I forgave Punk for his match with Jericho at Payback (although I still enjoyed the match) because at the time I was still a fan of his.


But then from that point forward all the way to the day he left the company (was fired according to him) he half assed every performance he was in from my personal observation and again at the time this was occurring I was still a fan of him but he just seemed off to me.


I will say this as well, I always was wondering why he came in at number 1 in last years rumble and laid around in the ring for what was about a half hour it made me a bit upset but after hearing him say that he was injured I completely get why he did it and I can't fault him for it.


I may not like the guy but I do agree with some of the stuff he said within the podcast. I will hold off further judgment on this issue until December 1st when I hear McMahon's side of the story on The Steve Austin Show if that is something that they are going to talk about on it and I imagine that it will be talked about.

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