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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Absolutely, I can understand that poeple want to cancel because they don't like the product, but cancelling because of a guy they don't want winning?! That's not rational is it?


I like the WWE, and the WWE Network. And do you know what? Today they just got 1 million subcribers, so how's that for a kick in the teeth?


I cancelled a little bit after the Rumble, but it was because I wasn't really watching anything, not because I can't stand that Reigns won. But I'm probably now lumped in with the people who did.

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Absolutely, I can understand that people want to cancel because they don't like the product, but cancelling because of a guy they don't want winning?! That's not rational is it?


I like the WWE, and the WWE Network. And do you know what? Today they just got 1 million subcribers, so how's that for a kick in the teeth?


I do think for many people Roman Reign's winning the Rumble was the last straw. To me, for someone who was on the fence about getting the WWE Network, it makes it an official no for me. I don't like Roman Reigns he is a crappy and boring wrestler. Hopefully the fans reject him, forcing WWE to terminate his push.

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I do think for many people Roman Reign's winning the Rumble was the last straw. To me, for someone who was on the fence about getting the WWE Network, it makes it an official no for me. I don't like Roman Reigns he is a crappy and boring wrestler. Hopefully the fans reject him, forcing WWE to terminate his push.


War, you are my freind, and we both agree that Reigns winning was a strike for WWE, but I would never cancel the network. Quite frankly, it is any wrestling fan's wet dream. If you don't like the current product, watch stuff from the time period you did like.

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Alright, now if you know me, you know I like to add my two cents. So I am going to on Bryan. In my opinion, Bryan doesn't deserve more. For gosh sake, he is the only man to not win the Rumble and then win the strap at Mania. Bryan's had the title, it has his stamp on it. The Rumble is used to get guys over, and Bryan is over as hell. Do I agree with Reigns winning? Nope, I personally would have had Ambrose. But you have to understand, Bryan doesn't need to win the Rumble. Reigns does. Eventually we'll all realize that.

Winning the Rumble isn't used to get guys over. It's used to set up the main event of WM. Maybe it functioned a bit differently when they had two world titles, but those days are gone. Bryan being over as hell shouldn't prevent him from winning the Rumble and headlining WM; just the opposite.


I like the WWE, and the WWE Network. And do you know what? Today they just got 1 million subcribers, so how's that for a kick in the teeth?

Didn't their initial projections have them at one million by Wrestlemania last year? It's a nice milestone, but it has to be a huge disappointment that it took them this long to get there.


Absolutely, I can understand that people want to cancel because they don't like the product, but cancelling because of a guy they don't want winning?! That's not rational is it?

Who wins the Rumble and headlines WM is a pretty significant aspect of the product though, isn't it? Now if someone was feeling completely satisfied with the product before that and went from 0 to 100 based off of that one result, I agree. I would guess that for most of the people up in arms it was just a final straw type of thing.

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Didn't their initial projections have them at one million by Wrestlemania last year? It's a nice milestone, but it has to be a huge disappointment that it took them this long to get there.


Everything I read said their goal was one million by the end of 2014, which isn't far off from when they actually achieved it really.

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Everything I read said their goal was one million by the end of 2014, which isn't far off from when they actually achieved it really.


I'm just waiting for more detailed numbers, we'll have them when WWE will host the conference call about the 4th quarter of 2014.


I'm not trusting much a company that historically has inflated his numbers, but probably now is different because we are talking about a listed company.

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Thought Reigns handled himself well enough on Raw (especially with the grilling he got from Heyman) but they played it safe with his script. Bryan did some semi-shooting but ruined it by sort of putting over Reigns. Rollins was the MVP again. That's the guy how's ready for the moon push.
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Watched the Reigns / Lesnar / Heyman segment from last nights "RAW" and have to say, it was pretty good. Yes, this was because of Heyman, but I think Reigns handled himself just fine (even if the rumors are to be believed that he was being fed the lines) For anyone who watches Sons of Anarchy, I think he (Reings) came across very Jax Teller.


Honestly, the fact that RAW was cancelled may be a blessing in disguise, and may give fans a chance to cool down on the Reigns Rumble win before they have to put him in front of a live audience again.


The build-up to 'Mania is certainly going to be interesting with Reigns' shortcomings on the mic, and the heat he is getting. They need to somehow hide his promo flaws while trying to get some good reactions for him again. I think he has to be involved with the beloved babyfaces of the company (Bryan, Ziggler, Ambrose) to try and get the fans back on his side. Teaming with them, saving them from beatdowns etc.


It's going to be a big challenge for the creative team and I am looking forward to seeing how everything unfolds.


<removed due to spoilers>

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Daniel Bryan is not main eventing when he should be. Reigns Vs Lesnar will suck and I hope the fans boo Reigns out of the building. Daniel Bryan not in the title match ruins Wrestlemania.


This was posted days ago, but only now I noticed this line. THIS is wrong. Just plain wrong. Daniel Bryan can't Main Event every WrestleMania ever, for Christ's sake. He can't have the title forever, he has to move on to other things. Who cares if he's not in the title match or in the Main Event if his WrestleMania match is built up well and is a good match? Quite frankly, I couldn't care less! And Bryan was the lesser problem in the Rumble match, because Ambrose and Ziggler were both thrown out like crap by BIG SHOW and KANE, in 2015. Bryan's elimination was pretty bad, but he was eliminated by someone who has a little bit of credibility, at least, this being Bray Wyatt. Show and Kane should be jobbing to the newer talents, not eliminating them, and they took out two talents that are fan favorites and right now might even be equal to Bryan in popularity. These two had more credibility to win the Rumble, more reasons to win the Rumble, and for me, they would have been a preferred option. And also, I'm not sucking Reigns' balls or anything, but we have to wait. If he doesn't have the ability to carry the company after WrestleMania, then whoever dislikes him has the right to complain. But that line there in your post changed the view of your point. Your point isn't that Roman Reigns shouldn't have won, it's that Daniel Bryan should have. So, if anyone else other than Reigns had won, you would have thrown shit on this person too? Ambrose or Ziggler on the Main Event would have ruined WrestleMania as well? Think better about this, bro.

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I love how people online are backlashing to the backlash by saying Daniel Bryan can't main event multiple Wrestlemanias. Why not? Cena did it. Hogan did it. Austin did it. Michaels did it. Batista did it. What's so different about Bryan, especially considering he's their hottest babyface and he's got the most story justification.
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I love how people online are backlashing to the backlash by saying Daniel Bryan can't main event multiple Wrestlemanias. Why not? Cena did it. Hogan did it. Austin did it. Michaels did it. Batista did it. What's so different about Bryan, especially considering he's their hottest babyface and he's got the most story justification.


I'm not saying that he can't. I'm saying that him not Main Eventing multiple WrestleManias isn't a reason to get freaking pissed off...at least not yet. Don't take my post wrong. If his match is interesting and good enough, who will care about the fact that it is not the Main Event anyway? He can always Main Event the next year's WrestleMania, but he doesn't need to. That is what I meant.

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I love how people online are backlashing to the backlash by saying Daniel Bryan can't main event multiple Wrestlemanias. Why not? Cena did it. Hogan did it. Austin did it. Michaels did it. Batista did it. What's so different about Bryan, especially considering he's their hottest babyface and he's got the most story justification.


I agree but at the end of the day none of that matters because he just does not have that Vince "look" for a superstar. The only reason why two smaller guys, there were like DB, in HBK and Bret Hart got pushed was because of the steroid trials. DB might be the most over but he does not have the look that Vince and the rest of the higher ups want.

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This was posted days ago, but only now I noticed this line. THIS is wrong. Just plain wrong. Daniel Bryan can't Main Event every WrestleMania ever, for Christ's sake. He can't have the title forever, he has to move on to other things. Who cares if he's not in the title match or in the Main Event if his WrestleMania match is built up well and is a good match? Quite frankly, I couldn't care less! And Bryan was the lesser problem in the Rumble match, because Ambrose and Ziggler were both thrown out like crap by BIG SHOW and KANE, in 2015. Bryan's elimination was pretty bad, but he was eliminated by someone who has a little bit of credibility, at least, this being Bray Wyatt. Show and Kane should be jobbing to the newer talents, not eliminating them, and they took out two talents that are fan favorites and right now might even be equal to Bryan in popularity. These two had more credibility to win the Rumble, more reasons to win the Rumble, and for me, they would have been a preferred option. And also, I'm not sucking Reigns' balls or anything, but we have to wait. If he doesn't have the ability to carry the company after WrestleMania, then whoever dislikes him has the right to complain. But that line there in your post changed the view of your point. Your point isn't that Roman Reigns shouldn't have won, it's that Daniel Bryan should have. So, if anyone else other than Reigns had won, you would have thrown shit on this person too? Ambrose or Ziggler on the Main Event would have ruined WrestleMania as well? Think better about this, bro.


Ambrose of Ziggler main eventing Wrestlemania would have been ok but not as cool as Daniel Bryan main eventing Wrestlemania. They way they both went out was not good but what was worse was Daniel Bryan's elimination after only 10 minutes in the Rumble. That was insulting, Daniel Bryan could have had a triumphant return from his injury to regain the title he never lost. THAT would make for good TV but that makes too much sense for the idiots that write WWE.


I love how people online are backlashing to the backlash by saying Daniel Bryan can't main event multiple Wrestlemanias. Why not? Cena did it. Hogan did it. Austin did it. Michaels did it. Batista did it. What's so different about Bryan, especially considering he's their hottest babyface and he's got the most story justification.


This sums up my thoughts on the matter. Who cares if Daniel Bryan headlines WM two years in a row when he is good enough to do so.

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Like I said, Bryan is still the lesser of the problems. Ziggler had huge momentum, leaving the Survivor Series as the Sole Survivor, with Sting's help, and JOHN CENA was eliminated beforehand, getting Ziggler over as hell...then they put him in a feud with Harper and the Authority that was booked very well, and they take the Intercontinental title off him to...do nothing. No continuation. He enters as the last entrant and lasts way less than Bryan did, not having a good performance at all, and like I said, is taken out like crap. Ambrose is outselling John Cena in merchandise, being hugely popular, and then they start jobbing him out to Bray Wyatt week after week after week...but then they push him as a dark horse to win the Rumble. Perfect. However, guess what? Thrown out like a sack of crap after doing nothing. Bryan's situation can be fixed, because he's already a top star, and he will be winning the title again for sure...Ambrose and Ziggler are being kept out of this status by management. The other day, reports of Ambrose turning heel were popping...I don't doubt it. He might feud with Cena and be buried more and more...


Bryan returned only some time ago, and his situation is way far from being critical. Ambrose and Ziggler have been struggling to continue being relevant.

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There's something to be said for Bryan main eventing 'Mania as he's been absent for too long. Fans want to see him in a high profile match again. But they can also see him on the undercard, I suppose.


And was #cancelWWENetwork really a thing? I ran it through COOSTO and got... 22 tweets. What am I missing? Shares?

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I heard some people say it was trending all night, and I've heard other people say they never saw it all, so I dunno. I almost never know what's trending unless there's a friendly neighborhood WWE commentator on hand to tell me, so I never saw it myself.


It does have a Facebook page though.... with 354 likes, (none of which came from me). Someone in the comments described the page as a 'useless waste of time'.


So there is that.

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I seen the finale but I sure do hope you haven't spoilt it for anyone else.


I just meant the way he delivered some of his lines on RAW. I what he did on RAW was fine. They made the right move by giving him very little to say while keeping it serious.


Well he ruined it for me, quite amazing how one person winning the Royal Rumble could cause people to be so dickish


I don't get the hate, i would of preferred Lesnar vs Bryan, but there needs to be a bit of faith in where they may go with this, also i look at WWE when i do watch it as a live soap opera, i have no control in what happens in WWE, same with some of my favorite shows i watch, like Breaking Bad and American Horror Story, people don't cancel Netflix or whatever based on who they have killed off


I recently purchased The Network and cancelling based on one result is baffling, also imagine the crowd if Bryan wins the Rumble next year, but by then people will be cancelling because if he wins it will be too predictable

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So if WWE pushed DB as hard as people want (at least people on the internet that is) wouldn't he just wind up being quotes from Batman movies? I have to imagine that people would wind up getting upset because he would always be winning, then that would be how WWE would become so predictable then. A weird situation we would potentially eventually run in to...Remember a time when John Cena was a fresh face who drew cheers from the crowd?



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Well he ruined it for me, quite amazing how one person winning the Royal Rumble could cause people to be so dickish


I don't get the hate, i would of preferred Lesnar vs Bryan, but there needs to be a bit of faith in where they may go with this, also i look at WWE when i do watch it as a live soap opera, i have no control in what happens in WWE, same with some of my favorite shows i watch, like Breaking Bad and American Horror Story, people don't cancel Netflix or whatever based on who they have killed off


I recently purchased The Network and cancelling based on one result is baffling, also imagine the crowd if Bryan wins the Rumble next year, but by then people will be cancelling because if he wins it will be too predictable


The main difference is WWE is producing a live soap opera, instead Netflix is producing or distributing more than one registered series. So the audience as a rightfully immediate response on what they want or don't want to see.


What they saw in Philadelphia was an awful story told during the Royal Rumble. They saw the starring hero kicked out of the competition like a third string character and one of the second rate heroes winning against the competition formed by second rate and third rate opposition for a chance at becoming the leading player. People are not complaining only because who won it, but mainly how he won it.


I lost how many times I fast forwarded RAW segments because they were awfully bad.

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So if WWE pushed DB as hard as people want (at least people on the internet that is) wouldn't he just wind up being quotes from Batman movies? I have to imagine that people would wind up getting upset because he would always be winning, then that would be how WWE would become so predictable then. A weird situation we would potentially eventually run in to...Remember a time when John Cena was a fresh face who drew cheers from the crowd?




Or you either die before to see yourself the hero becoming a villain.


It's a matter of how you play the champ, and Bryan's reign was moving into the direction of Chris Benoit WHC reign, probably ended by Brock Lesnar. And yes I would have like it, a lot, a one year face reign by Daniel Bryan.


Yes, I remember Cena getting cheers, against JBL. I also remember after a few months later Cena get jeered because of his Superman push, defeating established champions with any substantial difficulty. At least a few years later they admitted the thing.




Now, if you like it, get ready for Controversial Champion 2.0.

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