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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I was shocked by how good Raw was. Ziggler vs Bray and Rollins vs Bryan were great matches. Reigns was handled well. WWE are in damage control mode and it's working so far. They set up a lot of potential matches for Fast Lane (plus Miz vs Mizdow and Stardust vs Goldust for Wrestlemania unless they get fast-tracked). Still hoping Orton gets involved next week.


Rollins vs Orton

Bryan vs Reigns

Cena vs Rusev

Ambrose vs BNB

The Usos vs UpperCats

Paige vs Nikki

Ziggler, Ryback & Rowan vs Kane, Big Show & Harper (or Rollins)



You may be able to say that Miz/Mizdow and Stardust/Goldust might be "Fast Laned" ba dum tshhhh..... I'm here all week....

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While I'd rather have seen Bryan win the Rumble, if they have him go over Reigns at Fast Lane, then that'll be two years in a row where the Royal Rumble has been undermined. If that's going to become the trend going forward, I'd rather they just got rid of the event, or else what's the point in winning it?
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While I'd rather have seen Bryan win the Rumble, if they have him go over Reigns at Fast Lane, then that'll be two years in a row where the Royal Rumble has been undermined. If that's going to become the trend going forward, I'd rather they just got rid of the event, or else what's the point in winning it?


It wasn't totally undermined last year. Batista still got the title shot he earned only it was in a Triple Threat.


I don't think they explicitly say you get a one-on-one title match for winning the Rumble.

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I don't think they explicitly say you get a one-on-one title match for winning the Rumble.


Indeed, they don't. This is the first time, however, that they explicitly say the winner has the chance of losing the shot, and that's a dangerous precedent because it devaluated the rumble. The years they put the event on the co-main kind of hurt its popularity. This will hurt it even more.

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Indeed, they don't. This is the first time, however, that they explicitly say the winner has the chance of losing the shot, and that's a dangerous precedent because it devaluated the rumble. The years they put the event on the co-main kind of hurt its popularity. This will hurt it even more.


BIB - It's not though. Mysterio put his shot on the line against Orton in 2006.

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Vince also WON the Rumble in 99 (which should've cheapened the rumble in itself), then lost it the next month. It's definitely not the first time the Mania spot was defended, or even lost. However I do agree about your point. I would have just preferred Bryan win the Rumble than just be given it. A triple threat would soften the blow though I suppose.
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About the Royal Rumble, was the Sheamus Rumble win an 18 second match against Bryan, if it was that is the worst pay off, i remember looking forward to that match


Also its kind of on-topic i have just purchased The Network and watched a few event including World War 3, my lord what an awful match, no one had a clue, but Steven Regal made me laugh so much, during the roll call and when he was in the ring


and i really enjoyed December to Dismember, the one with CM Punk in the elimination chamber, forgot how much i liked Test and Lashly


WCW vs WWF had so much potential i watched the Invasion main event and forgot how much i liked that match


an finally i have forgotten the event Al Snow vs Boss Man in some kind of dog kennel match, i actually skipped most of it and Boss Man looked like he really did not want to do the match

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Indeed, they don't. This is the first time, however, that they explicitly say the winner has the chance of losing the shot, and that's a dangerous precedent because it devaluated the rumble. The years they put the event on the co-main kind of hurt its popularity. This will hurt it even more.


Point I was trying to make is that it isn't really the 2nd year in a row they've undermined the Rumble winner.

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While I'd rather have seen Bryan win the Rumble, if they have him go over Reigns at Fast Lane, then that'll be two years in a row where the Royal Rumble has been undermined. If that's going to become the trend going forward, I'd rather they just got rid of the event, or else what's the point in winning it?


In addition to the other examples (99, 06, 08), in 1997 neither the Royal Rumble Winner, the runner-up, or the guy who left RR as champion were in the Main Event / Title Match at Wrestlemania.


Austin won, Bret was the would-be winner as Austin had been eliminated but refs didn't see it, and HBK won the championship that night. At WM, Austin vs Hart had nothing to do with the title or the ME, which was Sycho Sid vs Undertaker.


Let's not act as if the Rumble is some sacred, unbroken, unbreakable promise. Del Rio vs Edge and Sheamus vs Bryan opening WM instead of Main Eventing is also going against the conventional way the RR works.

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When we are born, the first salvation we see is the light of life staring us BLANK IN THE FACE... But with life, comes death. And death, death is a funny thing. Death can happen to the mightiest of people in this world and it will drop them to there knees and make them beg for mercy. But it's when you embrace the sorrow of your own death, it is at that time you will become the embodiment of death it self... That's what he was. He used to take souls, make people wallow in fear at the mention of his name, and make them Rest... in... Peace... But now all that darkness, all that DEATH inside him!! He has turned that death that engulfed his body and soul, into the love and admiration he has for all of you... But I have embraced the sorrow of death, and now since he has strayed away from the gates of hell I have no choice but to make him Rest in Peace... RUN!


(A little Bray Wyatt promo I made up about the Undertaker.)

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When we are born, the first salvation we see is the light of life staring us BLANK IN THE FACE... But with life, comes death. And death, death is a funny thing. Death can happen to the mightiest of people in this world and it will drop them to there knees and make them beg for mercy. But it's when you embrace the sorrow of your own death, it is at that time you will become the embodiment of death it self... That's what he was. He used to take souls, make people wallow in fear at the mention of his name, and make them Rest... in... Peace... But now all that darkness, all that DEATH inside him!! He has turned that death that engulfed his body and soul, into the love and admiration he has for all of you... But I have embraced the sorrow of death, and now since he has strayed away from the gates of hell I have no choice but to make him Rest in Peace... RUN!


(A little Bray Wyatt promo I made up about the Undertaker.)


Not vague enough 4/10 :D

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Just when you think that Vince has totally lost it, he goes & proves that he's the greatest there is at making stars


Reigns will go over cleanly over Bryan at Fast Lane. Boos everywhere


Reigns will go over cleanly over Lesnar at Mania. Boos everywhere


Rollins will try to cash in. Cheers everywhere


Reigns will go over cleanly over Rollins. Boos everywhere


Cena takes it upon himself to become the hero that the WWE Universe needs. Everyone that hates him cheers for him as he rids them of Reigns


Cena becomes universally loved, just like Vince planned all along

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Just when you think that Vince has totally lost it, he goes & proves that he's the greatest there is at making stars


Reigns will go over cleanly over Bryan at Fast Lane. Boos everywhere


Reigns will go over cleanly over Lesnar at Mania. Boos everywhere


Rollins will try to cash in. Cheers everywhere


Reigns will go over cleanly over Rollins. Boos everywhere


Cena takes it upon himself to become the hero that the WWE Universe needs. Everyone that hates him cheers for him as he rids them of Reigns


Cena becomes universally loved, just like Vince planned all along


That was the Master Plan

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