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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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And with that, his WWE career is now over.

They obviously aren't going to be happy, especially since the nude photo of the girl from NXT (who he's allegedly messing around with) showed up on their official website. I can't see his punishment being quite that severe though. If he were lower on the totem pole maybe, but they've invested too much in him to fire him over this.

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They obviously aren't going to be happy, especially since the nude photo of the girl from NXT (who he's allegedly messing around with) showed up on their official website. I can't see his punishment being quite that severe though. If he were lower on the totem pole maybe, but they've invested too much in him to fire him over this.


Of course they're not going to fire him now, but his push is dead in the water. I'm willing to bet after WrestleMania, they'll slowly slide him down the card until he's feuding with some random midcarder over the IC title. With his momentum stalled, fans will lose interest and we'll probably see him back in ROH in a few years.


I want so bad to be wrong, but the 'E is too predictable.

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Of course they're not going to fire him now, but his push is dead in the water. I'm willing to bet after WrestleMania, they'll slowly slide him down the card until he's feuding with some random midcarder over the IC title. With his momentum stalled, fans will lose interest and we'll probably see him back in ROH in a few years.


I want so bad to be wrong, but the 'E is too predictable.


I remember a time they would have used it as a gimmick.... kind of ironic.

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Raw was a mixed bag. Bray vs Ziggler, The Usos vs The UpperCats and Miz were worth watching. The fake Sting segment was silly but kind of fun. The main event was worth watching just to see Reigns turn on Bryan. He did a good job outside of the flubbed line. Shame the other half of the show was average.


Is it just me or is the roster looking really thin? No Orton, Sheamus, Dallas, Young or Truth. Padding the midcard with guys like Riley and Axel. Neville is overdue for a call-up. They should put Sheamus and Cesaro in the Authority and demote Kane and Big Show to the midcard.


Which leads me to Rollins. There is no way in hell they can they can afford to depush their top full-time heel unless Bray and Rusev get big Wrestlemania pushes.

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Can someone enlighten me on this subject? I don't want to google it at work, because,... well, you know... :p


From what I understand Seth's fiance got ahold of messages and pic between Seth and the NXT Diva. Having access to his social accounts she posted nudes of the Diva that Seth had on twitter multiple times. WWE of course took them down each time so she then posted Seth Rollins nudes on her accounts. She also posted quotes of what Seth had been messaging the NXT Diva such as "I hate my life and my fiancee, I wish I could run away with you."


So Seth Rollins cheats and his fiance decides to post nudes of his and his lover. In my opinion his fiance is the worst of the two.

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Of course they're not going to fire him now, but his push is dead in the water. I'm willing to bet after WrestleMania, they'll slowly slide him down the card until he's feuding with some random midcarder over the IC title. With his momentum stalled, fans will lose interest and we'll probably see him back in ROH in a few years.


I want so bad to be wrong, but the 'E is too predictable.


Well, the 'E is predictable that card placement matters too. Otherwise Orton would have been out of a Job long ago.


Considering it was his Fiance who posted it (she got ahold of his phone, rookie move Seth if your banging someone else.) and not him, I think he'll be fined and suspended from social media.


Now if it happens multiple more times (see Orton, Randy) They might do something, but his position as the top heel in the company should insulate him.


Now, if this had happened to say, ziggler, you would be 100% correct. Main eventers play by different rules though.

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... Why? Seems like she reacted in an emotionally understandable way. Rollins could have broken up with her if he hated the relationship so much.


I don't know if I would call trying to get him fired by using his social media account to post Nude pictures to millions of WWE's followers and then retweeting private photos to millions of people when the WWE shut down his account "emotionally Understandable"


An emotionally understandable response would be chewing him out and then kicking his cheating ass to the Curb, not trying to ruin two careers by posting nude pictures to millions of people (lets not forget she posted the NXT Diva's photos too, and she is much more likely to be fired, as she has yet to even debut yet, what does WWE care about her?.)

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The most I see coming from this is HHH making a 1-liner about it next Monday that's vague enough for the younger fans that don't know what happened won't get it & everyone who does know what happened will have a small chuckle


He won't get fired & I'll be shocked if he starts jobbing out


People acting like he went on Twitter himself and sent all those pics out himself. If sexting & cheating on your significant other leads to firings & getting jobbed out, then the WWE roster would disappear overnight

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Cena cheated on his wife with a pornstar and nothing happened


Rollins is viewed as a top guy, he won't be hurt by this especially since he didn't leak the original pic...he was a cheater but so are many people.


Randy Orton probably did way worse in his younger years between actively destroying property and whatnot

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... Why? Seems like she reacted in an emotionally understandable way. Rollins could have broken up with her if he hated the relationship so much.


Basically what crownsy said. If the roles were reversed Seth would have been crucified for it. Revenge porn is just low. I expect her to get sued or something similar by Seth.

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I don't disagree, but so is cheating on your fiancee, if that is indeed what happened. There are no good guys in this story, just human beings hurting each other.


But there's is still different levels of low. Assault isn't comparable to murder and at least from how I see it Revenge porn is way worse than cheating.


Once those pictures got involved she easily lost any sympathy I might have had for her. She could have dumped him and tweeted "I cheat on my fiance" since she had access to his twitter or something similar. One thing is someone hacking and posting your pics like in thefappening but posting nude personal pics of someone you know and being proud of it is just wrong.

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But there's is still different levels of low. Assault isn't comparable to murder and at least from how I see it Revenge porn is way worse than cheating.

We have a different view on this then. I'm not going to define either as worse than the other, and I don't think the assault/murder analogy is at all applicable. Both are in the wrong as far as I'm concerned.


Eh but cheating isn't exactly illegal and I'm fairly certain people have been arrested for revenge porn recently

Just because cheating isn't against the law doesn't give him any sort of moral high ground, at least not in my opinion. I'm not excusing or condoning her response, but I have zero sympathy for Rollins in this situation. It sort of reminds me of the Hardy/Edge/Lita situation in that I felt like all three of them should share in the blame.

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Raw got trounced by Better Call Saul. No surprise there.


The show averaged 3.66 million viewers, a huge drop from the 4.29 million it posted last week. The hourly breakdown shows a drop for each hour, as usual:


Hour one: 3.79 million

Hour two: 3.67 million

Hour three: 3.52 million


Bullet points from Hunter's NXT Conference Call:



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Cena cheated on his wife with a pornstar and nothing happened


This was proven false. Kendra Lust has stated multiple times in interviews such as this one

that it was just a rumor mainly because she's such a huge WWE fan. Certain fans just want to believe it's true so they can hate on Cena more.
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What isn't a lie is that Cena likes his BBWs :D


yea, that Nikki Bella, huge fatass :D


on a serious note, so if it wasen't the porn start, was it Nikki? I've always never bought the whole "we started dating like a month after his divorce, but i tots wasn't the other women" act by nikki.

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