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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Watched RAW this morning. It was a decent enough show but one thing really irked me...


When Dean Ambrose got attacked by Rollins, Orton & Kane while he was talking with Reigns & Cena via the Titantron, did Reigns & Cena just stand in the ring and watch it happen? How come the made no effort to get backstage and help Ambrose out a little?


I just found it pretty weird.

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Watched RAW this morning. It was a decent enough show but one thing really irked me...


When Dean Ambrose got attacked by Rollins, Orton & Kane while he was talking with Reigns & Cena via the Titantron, did Reigns & Cena just stand in the ring and watch it happen? How come the made no effort to get backstage and help Ambrose out a little?


I just found it pretty weird.


Lame booking.

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It seemed weird for Flair to pick Cena when Reigns was one of the options. Flair just picked The Shield over Evolution during their feud. You would think he would back Reigns.


Legends Contract Rule - Cena must be treated as the greatest champion in history no matter what.


CM Punk reign - Cena backed by Foley, Piper, Ross as someone who you need to beat in order to prove yourself even if it means him getting a title shot every single PPV.


I'm surprised they haven't had Bruno Sammartino come out and say his reign what nothing compared to Cena's.

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Legends Contract Rule - Cena must be treated as the greatest champion in history no matter what.


CM Punk reign - Cena backed by Foley, Piper, Ross as someone who you need to beat in order to prove yourself even if it means him getting a title shot every single PPV.


I'm surprised they haven't had Bruno Sammartino come out and say his reign what nothing compared to Cena's.


God that was sad to watch. They were so desperate to make Punk a heel that they had him picking fights with a legend nearly every week only for Cena and later Ryback to save them.


John Cena constantly demanding that Punk face him despite Cena's inability to beat him was also laughable

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God that was sad to watch. They were so desperate to make Punk a heel that they had him picking fights with a legend nearly every week only for Cena and later Ryback to save them.


John Cena constantly demanding that Punk face him despite Cena's inability to beat him was also laughable


The best way to describe the feud



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The rumor is the Flair segment was so Cena could hand off the World Heavyweight belt (presumably to make way for a single new WWE Unified Championship belt). Although it was strange that the announcers didn't call attention to it.


Even stranger is that the segment just made it even more obvious that Cena will win at Battleground. Predictable booking won't help Vince's floundering Network. I'm hoping for a swerve where Reigns pins Cena to win. If they want people to boo Lesnar at SummerSlam then I see no better opponent than Reigns. IMO, he's not ready for a long championship run so why not give him a quick title reign followed by a match or 2 against Lesnar. The stare-downs alone would be better than Cena cracking jokes about Heyman. Side benefit will be some fun matches between Reigns and Cena and Cesaro over the coming months.


Anyone notice Rollins getting injured in the Raw main event? I thought it looked legit. Apparently the referee threw up the X sign and real medical staff attended to Rollins while the end of the match looked like a shambles to sell the chaos. But it was all a work. Rollins is too damn good at selling.

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A quick title reign would be the absolute worst thing for Reigns' career right now. Predictable isn't always bad in wrestling. Bryan beating HHH was predictable and a necessity, not to mention a MOTYC.


Cena is a guy who can absorb a loss and losing to Lesnar wouldn't hurt him where it would clearly hurt Reigns if he loses what would be his first PPV singles match instead of the direction of facing and beating Orton and/or HHH. Cena is also the biggest name on the roster so it makes sense for Cena/Lesnar to headline the PPV from a star power standpoint. Roman's steady push is one of the things WWE has down pretty much flawlessly so far, no need to ruin it.

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A quick title reign would be the absolute worst thing for Reigns' career right now. Predictable isn't always bad in wrestling. Bryan beating HHH was predictable and a necessity, not to mention a MOTYC.


Cena is a guy who can absorb a loss and losing to Lesnar wouldn't hurt him where it would clearly hurt Reigns if he loses what would be his first PPV singles match instead of the direction of facing and beating Orton and/or HHH. Cena is also the biggest name on the roster so it makes sense for Cena/Lesnar to headline the PPV from a star power standpoint. Roman's steady push is one of the things WWE has down pretty much flawlessly so far, no need to ruin it.


I agree 100%. This is one of those situations where WWE need to think long term, Reigns first title win should be a big deal and shouldn't be done just to swerve the internet and be unpredictable. I'm calling it now though, if Reigns wins the belt at WrestleMania 31, he won't be Champion by the time Extreme Rules rolls round.

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A quick title reign would be the absolute worst thing for Reigns' career right now. Predictable isn't always bad in wrestling. Bryan beating HHH was predictable and a necessity, not to mention a MOTYC.


Cena is a guy who can absorb a loss and losing to Lesnar wouldn't hurt him where it would clearly hurt Reigns if he loses what would be his first PPV singles match instead of the direction of facing and beating Orton and/or HHH. Cena is also the biggest name on the roster so it makes sense for Cena/Lesnar to headline the PPV from a star power standpoint. Roman's steady push is one of the things WWE has down pretty much flawlessly so far, no need to ruin it.


Seems like a waste to get so much heat on Lesnar for beating Taker's streak then on his PPV return have him face Cena who will get booed like a heel. As you said, Cena is the safe option for WWE so that's what we'll likely get. I don't think it's fair to compare Bryan's "predictable" WM triumph to anything involving Cena because most people (IWC and casuals alike) wanted Bryan to win. And I'm sure I wasn't the only person who thought there was still a chance Bryan would be screwed at WM and Batista would win.


I also disagree about Reigns being buried by a 1 month title reign. If he were a proven main eventer then yes, but he's still a main event rookie (as a singles competitor) so losing a brutal hoss fight against Lesnar at SS wouldn't be that bad. Just being in a huge match would put Reigns over. If the match tanks, play up an inury angle by Kimura Lock and have Cena vs Lesnar at Night of Champions. Then Reigns can beat Cesaro and Orton in PPV feuds to keep him over.

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Giving the title to Reigns just to not be predictable is bad booking. Look at TNA. They give the title to guys on a whim and its all booked badly. WWE doesnt need to follow suit. The WWEs handling of Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins has been done pretty well and I see no reason for that to change.


Save Reigns/Lesnar for a future match when Reigns is a bigger star and you have a fresh main event. Lesnar/Cena is a decently anticipated matcg going by the critical response to their last match and Lesnar is owed a win against Cena anyway so why not do it on the second biggest show?

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I agree 100%. This is one of those situations where WWE need to think long term, Reigns first title win should be a big deal and shouldn't be done just to swerve the internet and be unpredictable. I'm calling it now though, if Reigns wins the belt at WrestleMania 31, he won't be Champion by the time Extreme Rules rolls round.


So wait you're saying if he wins the title at Wrestlemania 31 the biggest show of the year he'll lose the title before Extreme Rules four weeks later? I'll bet you any amount of money you'd like that will not happen. I'd personally bet he hangs onto the title until Summerslam after he wins it barring injury and what not.

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KENTA _O_ Can't wait to see him in action. Ow wait, I'd probably just watch my ROH tapes as they'll probably (main)streamline his offense to suit their programming. Nah, who am I kidding. I'll watch. :cool:


Seems Emma's back again. Expecting fans to come bearing signs that say "Don't steal my sign Emma". :D

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The only difference is that Billy is like 8 inches taller and Ziggler is about 3x better in the ring


He's like a more refined Billy if anything.


Dolph Ziggler does same finisher i did not know that i only glimpse things now and whatever my mates tell me, i was more on about selling of certain moves, i saw a move that i think was botched on Money in the Bank but Ziggler made it look amazing, same as Billy Gunn being hit by Bradshaws clothesline, same as Scorpio he sold it like mad too


again i only said reminds me


its like the Ric Flair flop i love it

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this has nothing to do with the current convo, but am watching Old RAW on YouTube, and my golly gosh can Billy Gunn sell Bradshaws Clothesline


its amazing Dolph Ziggler sort of reminds me of Gunn, looking back i wished i liked Billy more


I think Billy's a bit underrated because he couldn't talk and didn't have a ton of personality, but he was a fantastic athlete and a pretty good worker.

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Just come across this Randy Savage statue made by Todd McFarlne Toys. It's going to retail at $295, but it is a beautiful piece of work. For the full article and full size pictures, click here.




EDIT: It's online store page, with more images: http://www.mcfarlanetoysstore.com/mmarasawweic.html

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