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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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So the peacetalks just happened between Ukraine and Russia. It took a crapload of hours, but finally Poetin's demands have been satiated. Apparently he only wanted to sign the ceasefire IF Rusev won at 'Mania, but the other leaders convinced him of the folly of that demand. It was never going to happen, Poetin. :p
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Saw NXT last night, thought it was very good. random thoughts:


Itami is starting to hit his stride, and work in his stiff style. Doesn't hurt that Tyler Breeze is very good at selling, and telling a story with his ring work. Very good match


BAron Corbin and Bull Dempsy still doesn't do it for me yet as a fued. I get the concept, but to me it's just missing...something.


Balor V. Neville was great, watch it if you missed it. Balor has such ring presence, and Neville continues to impress. The pele into superkick spot was great, along with many others.


Big fan of Sasha banks winning. Why? because nxt actually took the time to tell a story where she was expected to cheat in there first match and be a pushover, she wasn't and impressed people by going after Charlotte, chased the title getting a bit closer each time for two months, and then won clean over a long time champ. That's how you get someone invested in a character, and I look forward to what BAnks has next. I wonder what this means for Charlotte, getting called up maybe?


Im terrified however, of these women going up to the main roster. Not because i don't believe in them, but because I don't want to see Charlotte, sasha, baylee ect. losing in 2 minute matches via rollup to the bellas. The Womens division is so good in NXT right now, I almost don't want any of them to get called up although they absolutely deserve it.


Main event was very good as a story, not so much as a match. I did really enjoy how they put over KO as a brock lesnar like figure here, just concerned with winning and just overly physically dominate. The amount of Powerbombs Zayn took at the end was brutal. Loved the touch of Zayn kicking out of the arrogant cover, they had me there thought he was done.


Great show.

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Saw NXT last night, thought it was very good. random thoughts:


Itami is starting to hit his stride, and work in his stiff style. Doesn't hurt that Tyler Breeze is very good at selling, and telling a story with his ring work. Very good match


BAron Corbin and Bull Dempsy still doesn't do it for me yet as a fued. I get the concept, but to me it's just missing...something.


Balor V. Neville was great, watch it if you missed it. Balor has such ring presence, and Neville continues to impress. The pele into superkick spot was great, along with many others.


Big fan of Sasha banks winning. Why? because nxt actually took the time to tell a story where she was expected to cheat in there first match and be a pushover, she wasn't and impressed people by going after Charlotte, chased the title getting a bit closer each time for two months, and then won clean over a long time champ. That's how you get someone invested in a character, and I look forward to what BAnks has next. I wonder what this means for Charlotte, getting called up maybe?


Im terrified however, of these women going up to the main roster. Not because i don't believe in them, but because I don't want to see Charlotte, sasha, baylee ect. losing in 2 minute matches via rollup to the bellas. The Womens division is so good in NXT right now, I almost don't want any of them to get called up although they absolutely deserve it.


Main event was very good as a story, not so much as a match. I did really enjoy how they put over KO as a brock lesnar like figure here, just concerned with winning and just overly physically dominate. The amount of Powerbombs Zayn took at the end was brutal. Loved the touch of Zayn kicking out of the arrogant cover, they had me there thought he was done.


Great show.


I agree with most of this...


To me Itami is too little. I get he is a great wrestler but at some point when he hits the main roster he is going to be seen as too small and the push is going to be nothing. He looks smaller than Tajiri who I thinkw as the last Asian wrestler to get a descent push. On the other hand I think Tyler Breeze is a million times better than the Miz at his own gimmick. Personally I think Tyler is main roster ready. Who doesn't love the selfie stick he was rocking?


I just don't get Baron Corbin. I think Bull Dempsey has a little mileage as a good NXT bruiser heel but I dont see him ever getting over on the main roster unless its more of a body guard/enforcer type role like big E had when he came up.


Balor vs Neville was awesome. I think Balor has everything but size on his side. I look at him the same way I always looked at Christian. I always thought Christian was a better wrestler than edge and better on the mic at times than edge but Edge had the better look because he was 3-4 inches taller and 20 pounds heavier. Balor is 15-20 lbs smaller than Daniel Bryan who is considered unrealistic sometimes beating the top big guys. Neville is main roster ready. He has the excitement of Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy rolled into one.


Probably the best women's match I have ever seen other than the Lita/Trish match people still talk about. Charlotte is main roster ready and I see her coming up to take the Diva's title quickly. I was most impressed with Bayley. She can really go. I see Bayley vs Sasha dominating until the next big show. Sasha is quite talented as well. I am on the fence with Becky Lynch.


The main event was something to see. At first I complained with how slow things were going based on my watching Steen vs Generico matches previously. But then I caught on to what story they were trying to tell. Sami plays the underdog better than Daniel Bryan. He is the perfect underdog babyface. Owens played his role as a mini Brock Lesnar. I was on the fence with the TKO ending. THe more i thought about it the more I really liked it. This allows Sami to be wrote off NXT for awhile. Owens can pick up fighting Balor for the next Month. Maybe They have a match in a month where Sami returns to interfere causing a No Contest. Maybe set up a 3 way where Owens pins Balor. Stretch it out until we get another "ppv" match out of Owen/Sami. In the 2nd match Sami wins by DQ or something stupid. Then finally they have a 3rd and final match where Sami wins the title back. THis will allow Kevin Owens to move up to the main roster. I think he is more main roster ready than Sami.

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The problem with Corbin/Bull is there was too much Bull involved. I am surprised he hasn't taken over the Mojo Rawley spot of being universally hated by the fans. He seems very blah to me.

My problems with Bull:


1. His look - he looks like a fatter Rhino + Roman Reigns

2. His finisher

3. He talks too much


Corbin isn't great, as far as look goes, but he caught my eye with the finisher and the silent bruiser character. First time I saw Bull I was underwhelmed.


The TKO angle - didn't they run this with Graves vs Zayn before Graves had to retire from in-ring competition?

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The problem with Corbin/Bull is there was too much Bull involved. I am surprised he hasn't taken over the Mojo Rawley spot of being universally hated by the fans. He seems very blah to me.

My problems with Bull:


1. His look - he looks like a fatter Rhino + Roman Reigns

2. His finisher

3. He talks too much


Corbin isn't great, as far as look goes, but he caught my eye with the finisher and the silent bruiser character. First time I saw Bull I was underwhelmed.


As I said before Bull is this geeky chubby dude who THINKS is a monster old school heel but stack him up against a real NXT monster (Baron, Big E, Konnor) and he just looks like a dweeb. I think the best way to play him would be if they have him in a comedic wanna be monster role. Basially a midcard monster for people to beat.

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As I said before Bull is this geeky chubby dude who THINKS is a monster old school heel but stack him up against a real NXT monster (Baron, Big E, Konnor) and he just looks like a dweeb. I think the best way to play him would be if they have him in a comedic wanna be monster role. Basially a midcard monster for people to beat.


THAT is something I could get behind. And honestly, if he stopped talking and had a better finisher than the falling (there's no diving/flying there) headbutt, I could take him a little more seriously. I mean Taz, Rhyno, and others have had a similar look and been successful. I stopped short of mentioning Bam Bam because he was far more agile than what I've seen from Bull.

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The problem with Corbin/Bull is there was too much Bull involved. I am surprised he hasn't taken over the Mojo Rawley spot of being universally hated by the fans. He seems very blah to me.

My problems with Bull:


1. His look - he looks like a fatter Rhino + Roman Reigns

2. His finisher

3. He talks too much


Corbin isn't great, as far as look goes, but he caught my eye with the finisher and the silent bruiser character. First time I saw Bull I was underwhelmed.


The TKO angle - didn't they run this with Graves vs Zayn before Graves had to retire from in-ring competition?


I feel like Bull Dempsey has no character and is very bland in his style.

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THAT is something I could get behind. And honestly, if he stopped talking and had a better finisher than the falling (there's no diving/flying there) headbutt, I could take him a little more seriously. I mean Taz, Rhyno, and others have had a similar look and been successful. I stopped short of mentioning Bam Bam because he was far more agile than what I've seen from Bull.


I've wold disagree with this part myself. Taz and Rhyno were short and bulky but they acted and felt like the monster they were presented as. Taz was the killer who went around suplexing and choking people while Rhyno had the gore which he made into a monster move.




Even putting them side by side it's easy to see that Bull doesn't stack up to them.


He works in NXT since the characters have more characterization than anyone else be it Bailey being more aggressive after seeing her NXT idol Sami Zayne do the same without compromising their similar ideals or Adrian Neville being a face who will play dirty (not cheat) to retain his title because he's a professional. Bull has a inferioty complex in that Baron Corbin IS what Bull Pretends to be.

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Even putting them side by side it's easy to see that Bull doesn't stack up to them.



Well, of course they don't. You've used tiny pictures for Taz & Bull and a massive picture for Rhyno. :p

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NXT Takeover: RIVAL Review:


Itami vs Breeze - Tyler has selfie titantron, a selfie stick and a hot groupie? Awesome. Good match. Both guys looked badass.

Bull vs Corbin - Disappointing end to a one-sided feud. It was a No DQ match and they didn't use any weapons!

Lucha Dragons vs Blake & Murphy (NXT Tag Titles) - OK match. In the 1st half the champs were booked too weak and the Luchadors were botching. The 2nd half was fun even though both teams were spamming finishers and counters.

Neville vs Balor (#1 Contender) - Balor's theme and entrance are Wrestlemania worthy. Great match. Mark out moment #1 when Balor won. I hope Neville gets to put over Itami, Crowe or Breeze before heading to the main roster.

Bayley vs Sasha vs Becky vs Charlotte (Womens Championship) - Great match and one of the best WWE women's matches ever. Becky really stood out early on. Mark out moment #2 when Sasha won.

Owens vs Zayn (NXT Championship) - That hype video was incredible. I like how sparingly they have used Owens since his debut, similar to Lesnar. Great match. It had a nice slow build leading to that brutal last 10 minutes. This is the first time the title has changed hands so quickly and I think it was the right decision. This feud is going to be epic.


Verdict: Overall not quite the best special NXT has put on but the important 3 matches all delivered on their hype. The commentary and production values were top notch. The card was also structured more like a New Japan event than a WWE event. Swap the first 2 matches and the card would have been in reverse order of importance the way it should be.



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What isn't a lie is that Cena likes his BBWs :D


That was just hilarious! I'm surprised WWE didn't jump on him for going on that show and talking dirty. Although, that must've been before they went to the PG rating.


yea, that Nikki Bella, huge fatass :D


on a serious note, so if it wasen't the porn start, was it Nikki? I've always never bought the whole "we started dating like a month after his divorce, but i tots wasn't the other women" act by nikki.


I never bought that whole thing either. I think Nikki and Cena started dating way before they said they did. Speaking of Nikki, anyone else think that she's been a good Divas champion lately? She's been performing better and she had a good 10 minute match on Superstars (I can't remember who she fought) recently that was pretty good. I never thought I'd say this at all since I've never really been a huge fan of either of the Bella twins.

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If they were going to end Corbin's undefeated streak thanks to Bull, they should have at least made him more of a threat in their matches. That now seems like a waste. Other than that, I have no qualms with the show at all, it was very good. Was pulling for Becky Lynch to win the title (and change her gimmick) but no problems with Sasha whatsoever.
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If they were going to end Corbin's undefeated streak thanks to Bull, they should have at least made him more of a threat in their matches. That now seems like a waste. Other than that, I have no qualms with the show at all, it was very good. Was pulling for Becky Lynch to win the title (and change her gimmick) but no problems with Sasha whatsoever.


I think it was better to end it sooner than later especially to someone like Neville who was the former champion. Relying heavily on an undefeated streak really kills the character in my opinion.

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Edge being tall is pretty much the reason he's more successful than Christian (who I was never actually a huge fan of) since they were pretty comparable in every way before Edge started getting banged up.


He was a far better serious promo, but he didnt get to do those until he got the push which mostly came from being tall with long hair

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Edge being tall is pretty much the reason he's more successful than Christian (who I was never actually a huge fan of) since they were pretty comparable in every way before Edge started getting banged up.


He was a far better serious promo, but he didnt get to do those until he got the push which mostly came from being tall with long hair


Plus steroids. Dude was huge during his Smackdown 6 run not to mention the Hardy/Lita/Edge deal.

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Maybe but I wouldn't go that far. He obviously put on more weight nearly every time he got hurt stating with his neck break, but he was tall and super lanky in 2002 he seemed pretty natural though it was the most ripped he ever was.


He was one of the guys caught in the scandal by a ESPN article in 2007 along with Batista and a lot of other athletes from different sports and he admitted that he was on roids in 2003.

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I think it was better to end it sooner than later especially to someone like Neville who was the former champion. Relying heavily on an undefeated streak really kills the character in my opinion.


I agree with this part, and I'm not saying that it was a bad move, but rather that they could have done something better. Neville is probably getting called up soon and it really doesn't do all that much for him (especially considering he lost his next match anyway). I think they should have given it to someone who has more to gain from it, like Balor, Itami, Breeze, Bull himself (if they had any plans for him) - even Zayn or Owens... another month or two couldn't have hurt too much.

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Edge being tall is pretty much the reason he's more successful than Christian (who I was never actually a huge fan of) since they were pretty comparable in every way before Edge started getting banged up.


He was a far better serious promo, but he didnt get to do those until he got the push which mostly came from being tall with long hair


They might've been comparable in skill, but Edge was both about six inches taller and way better looking. It was obvious from day 1 which one WWF wanted to be a major player. From winning the IC title when he was a tag guy to winning KOTR in 2001, they really wanted Edge to be a big deal sooner, but injuries and his struggles to connect as a babyface delayed him a few years. Take a look at basically any match where E&C are doing the job and it's Christian taking about 95% of the falls, even back in the Brood days.


And Edge was obviously juiced when he came back to Raw following his neck injury. Part of it is it's not hard to get steroids prescribed to you when you really are rehabilitating a broken neck.

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