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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Just re-read some of Hardy's commentaries from 2005. It really shows the incredible immaturity of wrestling fans that they cheered for this loser and wanted him back. He did whatever he can to stay in the wrestling media, generally talking a bunch of **** about his ex that betrayed him and how she "reported back" to Edge, while he "reported back" to absolutely anyone that would listen.


Everyone betray him! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okaNIRTXvV0

So what if he was immature about it? Yes, it was immature. And? This wasn't understandable? It's not as if his reaction was out of the norm. It wasn't as if, if had stubbed his toe against a desk, and then smashing the table because the table was in the way of his foot. That would be out of the norm.


His reaction? Not out of the norm. I've seen people throw out their's EX'd TV's out of windows, burn their clothing, or... well, "relieve" themselves on pictures of their ex's. His reaction was far from the most outrageous, and I've seen many people act like that.

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So what if he was immature about it? Yes, it was immature. And? This wasn't understandable? It's not as if his reaction was out of the norm. It wasn't as if, if had stubbed his toe against a desk, and then smashing the table because the table was in the way of his foot. That would be out of the norm.


His reaction? Not out of the norm.

Apparently, your girlfriend cheating on you with your best friend is nothing to get too upset about.

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WWE could have helped things by not booking the first match of the feud to have Edge kick the **** out of Matt and the referee stop it in less than five minutes. Not exactly the stuff that avenging heroes are made of.


Yeah, but Matt was still handed a top storyline. But like I said, he was never able to put it together.


Yup that's how I saw it. The booking wasn't superior, but Hardy's promos were awful


After a while I rooted for Edge just because ...I mean ..I could kinda see why Lita dumped Matt.

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Hey, I think his reaction was understandable. If he was hollering about it, it's understandable. I wasn't critciziing Matt Hardy for his reaction.

If anything, I think Matt's reaction was a little understated considering what happened. Lita is lucky that she still had possessions to collect from Matt's place.

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I have a feeling your Sarcasm Radar is broken. :p

Sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet. ARGH


If anything, I think Matt's reaction was a little understated considering what happened. Lita is lucky that she still had possessions to collect from Matt's place.


She did? Wow, Matt must have not have pissed off as I thought he was.

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I think that calling in on the WWEs call in show to ask Lita questions while she was doing a live Q&A is a bit immature


byte this had many epic moments


Maybe WWE should have thought twice about putting Lita on a live Q&A show on Byte This during that period. Although depending on when this happened, it could have been done after all parties had agreed to turn things into a storyline and Matt was gleefully playing his part.

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believe it or not, this is Rock is the answer to both Cena and the WWE's prayers. I mean they have been trying to figure out for years how to turn Cena heel. I mean he was doing up the whole "Hulk Hogan" thing. Now that Rock is in the picture and they have beef in the past. I mean did yall see how QUICKLY they turned on Cena when Rock came out? I mean granted, when Cena was there he was one of the popular faces, now that Rock is back, I mean hes like in Muhammed Hassan Status.


If they were smart, they would turn Cena heel soon and capitalized on this.


this assumes rock is back for longer than the WM season and will wrestle.


If not, its silly to turn cena, who's your number one babyface? orton? he's not up to that.


I mean if rock is back as a semi-active talent, sure, turn cena. but if not, orton can't carry that mantle, people just don't care about him that way.

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How so? In all honesty, how exactly has he been 'hurt' by trying to to separate himself from his wrestling persona as he pursued his acting career? How would it have helped...?


Because knowing wrestling nerds, they would hve been bitter either way.

Just an opinion. I dont' know if it would have or not, but I do know alot of people that were alot more excited to see movies he was in while he was still wrestling, and after he left... that interest wasn't there anymore. Alot of fans felt like he was abandoning them, and I just don't think seperating himself from the wrestling actually did him any favors. I'm not saying he wasn't successfull, just an opinion that he could have possibly been more successfull if he kept the wrestling fans in the loop with him.


Now, that doesn't mean I'm right. However, you can't possibly think you can prove to me that I'm wrong either (no more then I can prove I'm right).

I guess that's true...but I still think Rocky would not have gotten his run of family movies and comedies if he hadn'te work to show done some people he was serious about being an actor. And part of that was staying away from his wrestling past.


I will agree to dissagree with you. I don't think he would have had as much of a problem proving himself either way. I don't think he would have done any worse at it.


However, it's all speculation. I DO feel he was doing what he thought was best for him. I DO believe that he had other's giving him advice as well, to do just as he did. I was NOT one of the people upset that he left. I supported most of his movies (well... The Tuth Fairy he can keep). Had no problem with him as an actor or wrestler turned actor, and I don't think that many people (fans of movie or wrestling) would have either. I think it was more a political thing to do, as you say... To ensure the powers that be knew he was serious about making movies.


My opinion is that I just think he didn't have to cut himself off like he did. I'm not saying to keep on wrestling, or anything like that... but to cut yourself off like he did almost entirely from the industry that loved him (and gave him the chance to do what he was doing) wasn't the brightest move. IF I were his friend I would have told him so. As I said, that's just my opinion.

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My opinion is that I just think he didn't have to cut himself off like he did. I'm not saying to keep on wrestling, or anything like that... but to cut yourself off like he did almost entirely from the industry that loved him (and gave him the chance to do what he was doing) wasn't the brightest move. IF I were his friend I would have told him so. As I said, that's just my opinion.


Because cutting the pro wrestling industry off made it so that the WWE and the fans would never welcome him back regardless of how successful and beloved he was previously?


O wait...no ..just the opposite.


Last night proved that - the second he decided to come back - fans would welcome him back regardless.


I'm still not seeing the negatives chris.

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If my girlfriend said to me "It's over," I would probably stop going to her place. If her goal was to have me continue to see her with my eyes but just not as a relationship, then she'd probably be out of luck.


If she called me a week later, and said she missed me and wanted to get back together, does that mean I'd turn her down? No. But I wouldn't have a vested interest in her well being for that week.


What Chris is saying is that when The Rock was wrestling, he was our boy and we would see things because we liked his Rock character, even though he was playing The Scorpion King, or whoever. When he left WWF, we lost that vested interest in his well-being. Hence a negative. It doesn't mean we've forsaken him forever.

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If my girlfriend said to me "It's over," I would probably stop going to her place. If her goal was to have me continue to see her with my eyes but just not as a relationship, then she'd probably be out of luck.


If she called me a week later, and said she missed me and wanted to get back together, does that mean I'd turn her down? No. But I wouldn't have a vested interest in her well being for that week.


What Chris is saying is that when The Rock was wrestling, he was our boy and we would see things because we liked his Rock character, even though he was playing The Scorpion King, or whoever. When he left WWF, we lost that vested interest in his well-being. Hence a negative. It doesn't mean we've forsaken him forever.




I don't follow your example. I was talking about the effects on The Rock.


So - in your example - I don't give a crap about you. I am talking about - again, in your example - your girlfriend.


She stopped dating you because you just weren't in her league. You were cute for High School but she knew she could do better. So she went off and dated some wealthy investment banker and got treated like a princess, and then a few years down the road came back into town to see her folks. She kinda wants to hook up and of course you said yes.


So she got everything she ever wanted AND you still are in to her because - DUH - she's ten times hotter than anyone else you might get.


So, back to what I was saying: where's the negative for your girlfriend/The Rock? I don't see it.

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Yup wrestling is fake. This stuff happens in movies all the time.


Wow...that was painful to watch. The one around the 7:00 mark, where the woman looks like she broke her ribs...WTF was the ref doing? First he grabs her mask like he's trying to pull it off, then he starts rubbing her ribs like he's trying to get a stain out or something...I don't get it.


Never gets old seeing Sparky Plugg sandbag Brock Lesnar and get dropped on his head, though. God bless you, Brock.


...and who the F was the woman in heels that got out of the limo??

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