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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Alright so I am extremely lost about something.


The past two years Kurt Angle has been extremely nice to WWE and hypes them and says he would love to go back one day and crap like that.


Now he got a new contract recently he's kind of bashed the E.


Couple weeks ago he changed his stance from I would love to go back one day to I like WWE but I wont leave TNA for WWE. Then tonight he makes fun of WWE for using his moves, which doesn't make sense because wrestling moves are like wrestlers and gimmicks, everyone gets used and anyone can do it. So he bashed them tonight because of that.


So I wonder when his last contract was up did he try to go back to the WWE and they said no or what he all of a sudden just loves TNA?

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Alright so I am extremely lost about something.


The past two years Kurt Angle has been extremely nice to WWE and hypes them and says he would love to go back one day and crap like that.


Now he got a new contract recently he's kind of bashed the E.


Couple weeks ago he changed his stance from I would love to go back one day to I like WWE but I wont leave TNA for WWE. Then tonight he makes fun of WWE for using his moves, which doesn't make sense because wrestling moves are like wrestlers and gimmicks, everyone gets used and anyone can do it. So he bashed them tonight because of that.


So I wonder when his last contract was up did he try to go back to the WWE and they said no or what he all of a sudden just loves TNA?


He's taken shots at Swagger and WWE trying to turn Swagger into Kurt Angle plenty of times in the past.

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Come on man. You're the only one who lets yourself be bothered by this kind of stuff. Ok, definitely not the only one but it's your loss. Counting the amount of minutes each match has lasted for judging effect? It's not like the WHC and Rhodes/Rey lasted five minutes each anyway. Stats like that are just.. meaningless when it comes to a WM spectacle, IMO.


There are only two gripes I can concede, the placement of the US title match and not having Morrison/Ziggler do a bit more in their match. And the Snoop audition thing but I was smart enough to go to the bathroom for that.


Apart from that, WM was exquisite. Numerous number of moments. I'm not gonna sit there and judge the time of matches or star quality when you had stuff like Austin stunnering Booker T, listening to good old JR/King calling the rest of the show and a freakin' Rock/Austin staredown. The ending was a moment that will be replayed and remembered for years to come.


I didnt literally count up the minutes, but we have seen matches on SD that were longer and WM is supposed to be the supershow. It kind of took away from the big show feeling at the start of the show despite some good wrestling.

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Ok so I watched Wrestlemania and liked things and hated other things. My #1 biggest gripe was the fact that they had a terrible match order. Why begin the show with the Smackdown Title? They made Edge look like he was much better than ADR. To me it sets up Christian vs Del Rio while Edge looks completely dominant. 3 guys tried to take out Edge and nobody layed a hand on ADR. Christian did help keep Brodus off Edge but still.


I didn't like how the Rock was used. A guest host to me would probably introduce each match participant or something.


Hated that Sheamus and Bryan wasn't on the show but I bet they didn't have it on because it would have been a MOTN canidate probably and they ddin't want it to outshine the other matches.


The Corre match was just bleh. No point in it being on and Sheamus Bryan not being on. I didn't hate this match though.


Taker vs HHH was good but dragged on a lot with nothing happening. I wanted Taker to sit up like he used to do at that point where HHH had his forehead on the turnbuckle and was asking himself what he had to do. They were really selling the brutality of the match and HHH was trying to come across as battling himself about whether or not he should just kill him or not. He sorta sold being remorseful and merciful on Taker. I hated that after the match they wasted so much time doing nothing. They should have just cut to the back. The amount of time wasted in this match could have been a Bryan vs Sheamus match probably.


The fluff womens match was ok. I went to the bathroom and when I returned I saw Morrisons spont to the outside and SNookies back hand spring elbow. So I am glad they kept it short and simple.


Cena vs Miz was blah. Hated the double count out. Plus the fact that when they went to the outside our tv was doing still frames and all choppy. Luckily we could hear it but we missed the real end to the match. Luckily it began working again in time for the replays. I hope this leads to Cena vs the Rock at Summerslam.


Does anyone think HHH vs Taker next year at Mania? I have a feeling it will happen again.

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makes sense.


Also, Orton and Swagger will never be on par with Angle. He can do everything, comedy, serious, psychotic, and he can make a paper bag look awesome.


Danielson is the only other guy I can think of that can do that.


and now I want to see Danielson vs Angle...now that would be awesome. I'm going to see if I can find Angle/Wolfe now :p

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Ok so I watched Wrestlemania and liked things and hated other things. My #1 biggest gripe was the fact that they had a terrible match order. Why begin the show with the Smackdown Title? They made Edge look like he was much better than ADR. To me it sets up Christian vs Del Rio while Edge looks completely dominant. 3 guys tried to take out Edge and nobody layed a hand on ADR. Christian did help keep Brodus off Edge but still.



Taker vs HHH was good but dragged on a lot with nothing happening. I wanted Taker to sit up like he used to do at that point where HHH had his forehead on the turnbuckle and was asking himself what he had to do. They were really selling the brutality of the match and HHH was trying to come across as battling himself about whether or not he should just kill him or not. He sorta sold being remorseful and merciful on Taker. I hated that after the match they wasted so much time doing nothing. They should have just cut to the back. The amount of time wasted in this match could have been a Bryan vs Sheamus match probably.


The SD World title match kicked off because WWE these days always kick off the PPV with a high-profile match to get the fans in the groove. It's a smart tactic, it makes people care about the match from the get-go and sets a nice standard for the event.


Agreed, I loved the story told during the NHB match. But after the match, they didn't.. completely waste time doing "nothing", though I see where you're coming from. But there was obviously something unnerving in the air about Taker's condition, if Taker is fine then that was some legit and really spot on selling but part of me is guessing he was hurt. Have there been any updates on that so far? All I've heard is lower back injuries or something...

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Unlike most people I would have to say I enjoyed the show. I thought Edge/Del Rio was good, Punk/Orton was really good, Mysterio/Rhodes was good, HHH/Taker was awesome, and Miz/Cena was watchable especially when you knew the Rock was coming out later.


My only real issue was the ending. WM supposed to be a season finale, a cap on things. It just seemed like it was a teaser to keep things flowing. If they were going to do that I think they should of let HHH/Taker go on last.

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Teaser or not, the ending was a moment that will likely be remembered for years to come. Wrestlemania is all about creating moments, and that was a hell of a moment right there. Fan contrast between Cena/Rock is in full force now.


And yes, Miz's video package was something. That did more of a job helping him get over than almost anything else so far.

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And yes, Miz's video package was something. That did more of a job helping him get over than almost anything else so far.



I absolutely loved it. Being a person that grew up with the real world, and watching him on those. I think they need to play that again on Raw.

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Forgot to mention I really liked CM Punk vs Orton even though we were making fun of Orton punching the mat and being spastic. The working over the leg was good I felt. Him tripping or whatever going for the punt was silly but the RKO at the end was perfect.


The SD World title match kicked off because WWE these days always kick off the PPV with a high-profile match to get the fans in the groove. It's a smart tactic, it makes people care about the match from the get-go and sets a nice standard for the event.


Agreed, I loved the story told during the NHB match. But after the match, they didn't.. completely waste time doing "nothing", though I see where you're coming from. But there was obviously something unnerving in the air about Taker's condition, if Taker is fine then that was some legit and really spot on selling but part of me is guessing he was hurt. Have there been any updates on that so far? All I've heard is lower back injuries or something...


I felt like the Bryan vs Sheamus match should have opened the show or Orton vs Punk though. To me your World Titles should always be in the last 2-3 matches.


As for the Taker HHH match I felt they did more than enough during the match to get over how brutal it all was. Everyone I was with got bored watching the after match part. HHH wanting to help Taker to me was a sign of respect and mercy from his character I think though. I don't think he got hurt for real. If so they never would have shown that. They usually try not to show stuff like that.


Anyone else love the Video package on theMiz right before the main event? I thought that was one of thier best in quite some time.


I hope they make that video package part of Miz's entrance. I loved it! It was really cool.


And yes, Miz's video package was something. That did more of a job helping him get over than almost anything else so far.


I thought that package really did help get him over. To me though it was just a really well done package. Much better than Cena's. Cena's whole entrance to me was really lame. DMX? Choir? The choir could have been cool but not how that whole thing came across.

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I don't post in here often but I have to say that I thought that was my favourite Wrestlemania of the last few years as a whole. The Taker-HHH match turned out to be the best match of the card (to almost no-one's surprise) and there were some very watchable matches with Edge-ADR, Orton-Punk, Rey-Cody and Miz-Cena. The stage looked incredible and all work put into that made the show feel huge. The best non-wrestling segment of the night was Miz's awesome hype video... whoever came up with that deserves some kind of award because it was that good and I'm really hoping they keep using it for the forseeable future to help secure Miz's spot as a legit main event player for years to come.


I even won the predictions contest in my flat with The Two, with 5 out of 8 (6 before the reversed decision in Cole-King) with me being perhaps the only person in the known WWE universe (:p) to have picked both Edge and Miz to retain. When Rock hit the Rock Bottom on Cena I marked out harder than seeing Rock and Austin together again earlier in the show.


The show wasn't perfect, with the 8 man tag being a waste and the 6 person tag being... there. The Snoop Dogg segment was silly fluff for a show that had less action on it than I'd expected, especially with a match already cut from the show that I'd been looking forward to seeing.... but all in all, I thought the show was very good indeed. I'm not likely to start watching WWE regularly again any time soon but at least there was no Justin Beiber. And for that, I'm also happy. :D


Well worth staying up til 4am to watch, especially since I'm once again the predictions champion of my flat/friendgroup. :)

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I don't post in here often but I have to say that I thought that was my favourite Wrestlemania of the last few years as a whole. The Taker-HHH match turned out to be the best match of the card (to almost no-one's surprise) and there were some very watchable matches with Edge-ADR, Orton-Punk, Rey-Cody and Miz-Cena. The stage looked incredible and all work put into that made the show feel huge. The best non-wrestling segment of the night was Miz's awesome hype video... whoever came up with that deserves some kind of award because it was that good and I'm really hoping they keep using it for the forseeable future to help secure Miz's spot as a legit main event player for years to come.


I even won the predictions contest in my flat with The Two, with 5 out of 8 (6 before the reversed decision in Cole-King) with me being perhaps the only person in the known WWE universe (:p) to have picked both Edge and Miz to retain. When Rock hit the Rock Bottom on Cena I marked out harder than seeing Rock and Austin together again earlier in the show.


The show wasn't perfect, with the 8 man tag being a waste and the 6 person tag being... there. The Snoop Dogg segment was silly fluff for a show that had less action on it than I'd expected, especially with a match already cut from the show that I'd been looking forward to seeing.... but all in all, I thought the show was very good indeed. I'm not likely to start watching WWE regularly again any time soon but at least there was no Justin Beiber. And for that, I'm also happy. :D


Well worth staying up til 4am to watch, especially since I'm once again the predictions champion of my flat/friendgroup. :)



Ya I thought maybe Miz would retain but I didn't think there was a chance in hell Edge would retain so good call.

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Ya I thought maybe Miz would retain but I didn't think there was a chance in hell Edge would retain so good call.


I also didn't think Edge had any chance in hell to retain.


I debated with myself right up until the start of the show about changing those picks... but I stuck with my gut instinct. I couldn't really tell you why I went with them either, it just felt right. Totally got nowhere near picking the running order for the show though, but I understand why they went the way they did. Big opening matches get the crowd psyched up for the rest of the show so setting the tone with a big match (in theory anyways, since it doesn't seem many people really cared that much) got the crowd up.


Fun times. Wrestlemania always makes me want to book the real world in TEW but I can never quite get there. Though I do wonder how people would rate the show if they used the same way of weighting the results that TEW does... would be an interesting experiment. :)

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HHH hitting the tombstone on Undertaker and then pinning him "dead man style" with the tongue sticking out was a moment I marked out for hard. :o


The streak will never end in my opinion (WWE would be stupid to do it) but I wouldn't be surprised to see Vince McMahon vs Undertaker at next years Wrestlemania. Who doesn't want to see Vince McMahon take it to "his creation" and put an end to the streak HE built? Nobody wants to see it ACTUALLY happen, but people would definitely buy to see if it's going to happen.


Overall I thought it was a good show. The entrance ramp and stage was really nice. The big WRESTLEMANIA sign was epic and I'm curious how much the entire setup cost them. It makes me wonder if putting in place their standard HD-sets for RAW and SD made it financially possible for them to spend more money on bigger sets for PPVs. They definitely went all out for this years WM.


One gripe I have was the World title match opening the show. I guess you can set the mood with a big match like that, but I was a bit disappointed that they rushed it right to the beginning. Sunny looked good. Trish looked good. Snooki looked extremely small (with that entrance setup). Match Of The Night for me was actually Orton vs Punk. I thought it was a really good match that told a great story. HHH/Taker comes in 2nd with Miz/Cena following.

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My order of matches from best to worst...


HHH vs Taker

Good match that had too many slow points. It told the story it had to and both guys looked strong. I think it could have done just as much by cutting out 5 minutes of laying around plus cutting to a different segment instead of watching Taker struggle to get up.


Orton vs Punk

Orton being hurt and selling the leg injury was good. Punk and Orton both looked strong. Orton happened to catch Punk with an RKO. I liked this match a lot.


Edge vs ADR

I just didn't like that Edge won so convincingly. I really wish they made ADR look better.


Miz vs Cena

Didn't like the double count out. Glad Miz won.


Morrison and girls vs Ziggler and girls (only because they kept it short)


Corre vs Big Show, Kane, Kofi, and Santino

Didn't pay a ton of attention to this but what I did see I wished the Corre looked better.


Cole vs Lawler (boring and bad match but I did mark for the Stunner on Booker T)

Cole should never be in a match again... same for Lawler. Needed more Stunners!!!

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Hated that Sheamus and Bryan wasn't on the show but I bet they didn't have it on because it would have been a MOTN canidate probably and they ddin't want it to outshine the other matches


I really don't hope "oh no, this match will be too good to put on the biggest wrestling event of the year" is actually part of their selection strategy for the Wrestlemania card... though it sure would explain a thing or two.


Also, while I thought it was a good match, I agree with those complaining about HHH/Undertaker being a bit too much of a spotfest/finisherfest.

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I didn't find this Mania particularly great, but it wasn't terrible. HHH/Taker was really good along with some awesome storytelling, Orton/Punk was pretty good, Rhodes/Mysterio was entertaining. Other than that, I didn't really enjoy anything else. Miz/Cena was completely flat, I don't know what was up with that but it had no feeling of a WrestleMania match at all. It felt like a typical RAW match. I think they were really pushing it on time so they had to rush out there and it just fell apart. Rock's interference was pretty cool though.


I feel bad for ADR, it's almost as if WWE felt like they made a mistake in pushing him over these past few weeks. He was made to look incredibly weak before Mania, stuck into the opening match of the show despite winning the RR, and ended up losing clean. Match was decent in itself, but it just made me scratch my head.

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You should see all the hate on Twitter about WM27. It's insane. You wonder why so many people spent 60 bucks on something they hate so much. :p


But anyway, here are my thoughts:


Edge vs Del Rio was a good match. They did make Del Rio look bad with this though. I think they decided Del Rio wasn't ready for the Title yet. They are learning from past mistakes that rushing someone new to the top can damage their character. Look at Swagger/Sheamus/Ziggler. Each of them have World calibur titles to their name and look where each of them are right now. Also I wanted more Christian involvement but I guess I can live with it.


Cody Rhodes beating Rey Mysterio was a shocker to me. I came into that match thinking there wasn't a chance in hell that Cody was going to win at WM against a former 2 time World champion. To be honest though, Cody came out of the match looking really good. Doesn't even matter that he used the brace to win, considering Mysterio used the face mask just a couple minutes earlier. The only problem is, they are now pushing TOO many young stars all at one time (see earlier arguement about Swagger/Sheamus/Ziggler).


Orton vs Punk was MOTN up to this point (And was only beaten by HHH/UT later). Orton's stumble on the punt scared me for a minute. His leg looked like it went sideways at the knee. But after DVR went back a minute and I watched it again, he clearly clipped it with his other leg to make himself fall. The ending was okie, Punk made a REALLY stupid mistake doing the springboard and it made the end obvious. I guess this match worked so well to me for the ring psychology alone. Orton is a master in the ring, but you would expect that from someone who has spent so much time around HHH.


The 8 man tag match was over in a heartbeat it seemed like. It's a shame. But at least Santino got in the cobra. They really should have made THIS the dark match and let me see Daniel Bryan on WM.


HHH vs UT was no question the MOTN. Contrary to what other people have said, I DID believe at a couple points that HHH had it. Especially when he hit the tombstone. I was marking out big time. Once the Hell's Gate was locked in though, I knew that was the end. It was held on for a pretty long time though. When HHH got the sledge back into his hands I wondered if Taker was gonna get it in the head. And damn, I legit wondered if I was going to see Taker die in the middle of the ring after the match was over. They were checking his breathing and everything. And then he collapsed outside. I have no question that it was real. I know that is dangerous to see in pro wrestling but I believe it.


Divas match was much better than anyone could have expected. Snooki doing the Muta backspring elbow was epic. Her finisher however was laughable. She SHOULD have splashed her with the flip, not splash her AFTER it. But still, way better than anyone would have thought coming from a celebrity.


Main event was okie. They really should have put HHH vs Taker last. The video package with Miz like others have said was awesome. Personally I watched Mike Mizanin on the Real World and the various Real World/Road Rules challenges he did. I know how good of a guy he is irl. In a genre of tv where it's easy to be deceitful and backstabbing, Miz was always the good guy. And not in a scripted sort of way, he was genuine. Which makes 'The Miz' that much more impressive by the way he is able to make the crowds eat him up. He is by far the best heel in WWE right now and I am glad he kept his title. The way he kept it was less than stellar but it had to be done considering how much they probably paid Rock to make his WM appearance. Now I hope Rock goes back to Hollywood where he belongs cuz he is a no good sellout ******* who doesn't belong in a WWE ring with people who actually CARE about the fans and the other boys in the back.


I apologize if I missed a match in there, I am going off of memory.

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Wrestlemania was a joke. Really disliked most of the show. Undertaker/Triple H was good but that far from saved the show. Easily one of the worst PPVs I have seen in quite some time.



Apparently you are not watching TNA ppv's? I don't think WrestleMania was EPIC by no means but it wasn't bad either.


Cena/Miz....average match with memorable ending

Orton/Punk....good match with cool ending

Edge/Rio...above average to good match

Rhodes/Mysterio....above average to good


The backstage stuff was HORRIBLE but the in ring stuff wasn't bad by no means.

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