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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The draft really put a sour taste in my mouth, I liked it but now we know who is going to win the match between Del Rio and Christian.


Plus if the rumor I heard is true Kofi Kingston will defeat Sheamus for the US title and take it to Raw.


Sorry, how exactly do we 'know' who is winning the Christian vs Del Rio match? You're just assuming Christian has to win it so that Smackdown have the title by the end of the night. There are so many things they could do by having Del Rio win it.

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I hope there isn't a US Title match between Kofi and Sheamus as then that would give away the result to the main event, because while there is a chance of both big titles on Raw, if, for example, Kofi win the US Title it gives away the ladder match result, as I really can not see a 3-1 split of the make singles belt.
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I hope there isn't a US Title match between Kofi and Sheamus as then that would give away the result to the main event, because while there is a chance of both big titles on Raw, if, for example, Kofi win the US Title it gives away the ladder match result, as I really can not see a 3-1 split of the make singles belt.


Again, maybe I'm just being naive but I don't see how anything is as clear cut as some people are making out.


The titles could be switched around at any point in the futrure in a variety of ways, just because one match goes one way tonight doesn't mean another one has to go a certain way.

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Again, maybe I'm just being naive but I don't see how anything is as clear cut as some people are making out.


The titles could be switched around at any point in the futrure in a variety of ways, just because one match goes one way tonight doesn't mean another one has to go a certain way.


Thats actually my fear though, that the WWE doesn't pull the trigger on christan because it's "predictable"


not everything has to be a swerve. They just added a ton of new UMC heels to Smackdown, and Christan is a great consistent worker that always gets good matches out of his opponent and makes them look good.


he also has every Edge fan in his hand right now due to the emotional storyline, and a great promo friday.


Meanwhile, a loss doesn't hurt Del Rio. He's way over heat wise, and going to the main show because of it. He should drop this match, the WWE should have Miz retain, and have Del Rio go after Cena on raw when Cena inevitably, somehow, gets yet another shot at the #1 contender slot.


If there smart they'll give the title to Christan tonight and use him as a transitional face to get rhodes, shameus, barret, jackson heck even henry a good rub before they drop it to one of them (my picks rhodes in a few months) and then you run the randy vs. the Champ storyline

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As there are people saying that the World Heavyweight Title is a done deal, I'll stick my neck out and disagree, to be mocked tomorrow:


Triple Threat Cage Match for the WWE Title

John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz


Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio


Last Man Standing Match

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk


Falls Count Anywhere Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes


No DQ, No Count-out, Loser Leaves WWE Match

Layla vs. Michelle McCool


Country Whipping Match

Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole & Jack Swagger


The crossbrand matches add some intrigue, as it would be easy for a new feud to start by someone costing Orton or Mysterio the match. Could easily see Punk winning if he's not as near leaving as rumoured if Henry / Clay / A.N.Other Smackdown heel interferes. If Orton does lose then my Mysterio / Rhodes pick swaps around... but I can only do one prediction, so that's it.


If any of the other titles ends up being defended I'll go for it being retained.

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Triple Threat Cage Match for the WWE Title

John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz


Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio


Last Man Standing Match

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk


Falls Count Anywhere Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes


No DQ, No Count-out, Loser Leaves WWE Match

Layla vs. Michelle McCool


Country Whipping Match

Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole & Jack Swagger

Swagger face turn?!??!!?!? Doubt it


Bold = Who I think will win, Underline = Who should win

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Triple Threat Cage Match for the WWE Title

John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz


Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio


Last Man Standing Match

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk


Falls Count Anywhere Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes


No DQ, No Count-out, Loser Leaves WWE Match

Layla vs. Michelle McCool


Country Whipping Match

Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole & Jack Swagger

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For me, he is easily the worst and that includes Michael Cole!




I've only watched NXT twice since he's been on it, but both times I've thought he did a good job as colour commentator. Booker T just doesn't sound right on commentary to me, he gets way too excited at times and his words just become jumbles of sounds.


Triple Threat Cage Match for the WWE Title

John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz

I've enjoyed Miz's reign as champ and would like to see it continue, but I wouldn't be surprised if Cena won tonight. Now that The Rock is only going to be making occasional appearance, and looking at the number of top heels Raw has, I just have a feeling that they'll have Cena win the strap again tonight.


Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio

I don't anticipate things being complicated just for the sake of a swerve, I think Christian will win and keep the title on Smackdown.


Last Man Standing Match

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

If CM Punk is on the verge of leaving I don't see any chance of him winning here.


Falls Count Anywhere Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Not sure who will win this one, so I've gone for who I hope wins it.


No DQ, No Count-out, Loser Leaves WWE Match

Layla vs. Michelle McCool


Country Whipping Match

Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole & Jack Swagger

I see something similar to WrestleMania happening; Lawler and JR getting all of the revenge that they want, Cole getting the crap beat out of him, but then something happening - potentially involving the GM once again - so that Cole can keep bragging like a moron afterwards.


I'm also half expecting a midcard title match to be thrown in somewhere so that Raw has either the US or IC title; after what happened on Smackdown I'd say there's a decent chance of it being Kofi/Sheamus. I think it needs to happen either tonight or on Smackdown next week, it's the only reason I can see for that segment on Friday.

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My predictions for tonight.


Miz to retain his title.

Christian to win the World Heavyweight title

Punk to beat Orton

Mysterio to beat Rhodes

Layla to beat Michelle

JR and King to win what is sure to be a dreadful sight for the eyes.

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Triple Threat Cage Match for the WWE Title

John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz

He needs the belt back Miz is getting stale already


Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio



Last Man Standing Match

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk


Falls Count Anywhere Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes


No DQ, No Count-out, Loser Leaves WWE Match

Layla vs. Michelle McCool


Country Whipping Match

Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole & Jack Swagger

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Triple Threat Cage Match for the WWE Title

John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz

-Truth causes Morrison to not win just before Miz falls from the cage just before Cena walks out


Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Title

Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio

-Going on last for the storybook ending.


Last Man Standing Match

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

- Flash RKO again. Fuel for CM Punk to leave WWE if he loses, which I think he will.


Falls Count Anywhere Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

-Rey has been Cody's play toy for the past 2 weeks, Rey wins and feuds with Miz for the title.


No DQ, No Count-out, Loser Leaves WWE Match

Layla vs. Michelle McCool

-McCool is out so I guess Layla is in.


Country Whipping Match

Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole & Jack Swagger

- This needs to end tonight.


Edit: This seems way face heavy, Punk has a 46% chance to win in my book after help from Mason just to claim he did it on his own tomorrow.

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Punk/Orton was about on par with their other matches. I would say a little better then their WM match.


Kofi winning was a nice surprise over Sheamus.


The Cole crap needs to end. I find him entertaining as a heel but keep him out of the ring.


Currently the Rhodes/Mysterio match is going on. Its been really different. They have spilled into the audience and now up to the concession area.

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Kong actually scares me a little bit.


Good card so far, i'm with rager all i didn't like was the tag carwreck


the Diva's match was even above average, and good debut for Kong, mctaker sold absolute shock and fear pretty well.


My thoughts when they showed the diva's watching backstage


Divas: oh snap!


Gail Kim: oh jesus, not again...

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