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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I agree that it makes sense but not with your reasoning


What is Danielson's weakness? Mic work, promos, character. So pair him up with the obnoxious heel and then he doesn't have to worry about. He gets over as a character by standing up to the heel that fans love to hate.


Fair enough, but I was coming from if it was really going to be "reality" based, where they learn how to do promos, matchs, follow storylines etc. If they are going to make it as if they are actually "trying out" to get on a roster, and are going to use storylines and such to tell that story, then it's not really reality, and what you said makes alot more sense.


I was just under the impression that we were going to see them put together match's and such, and Miz and the rest were going to mentor them by showing them the ropes, not feuding with them. I still don't understand why they would feud if they are supposed to be mentor/student thing going on.

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Um because its WWE entertainment? And no one would tune in to see "we are going to walk step by step through a match to show you how to put one on" I guarantee the whole thing turns into who can groom the best student and the heel team will cheat their way to winning matches when the faces preach their vitamins and prayers.
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So who is ki's "mentor" going to be? They said truth is going to be one. If it is truth it is going to be epic. triple x vs three live crew was a good feud in tna. Now Ki will have to be teamed up with him. Classic.


R-Truth is mentoring Otunga, I dont think they mentioned who Ki (Kaval) will be. Guess they are saving some for next week or he didnt make the first season. It said online they were going to have 12 teams but decided on 8.


Also, William and Jackson are heading to SD! so no "mentor" role for Regal

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Carlito/Tarver strikes me as bizarre. Unless it's to try to help him with his charisma, or promo skills, but even then, they're two different breeds of animal. Carlito's arrogant and ****y and Tarver's brooding and menacing.


Still not sold on the show as a whole anyway, but I have the benefit of watching FCW weekly. So in that respect, the aspect of exposure for Justin Angel and such is nothing but a good thing. Just not sure this is the way I'd have done it, personally.

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Where do you guys think these 8 FCW'ers will land in WWE...

Bryan Danielson(Daniel Bryan)-

Skip Sheffield(Ryan Reeves)-

Heath Slater-

David Otunga-

Darren Young-

Justin Gabriel(Justin Angel)-

Wade Barrett-

Michael Tarver-


I think after the first season half will stay and half will go, I dont see them keeping everyone but they also wont want to let go of most of the people or will make NXT look bad and most likely get the show cancelled (as Sy Fy is quite unhappy with the ECW rating and NXT needs to up them)

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NXT is still a scripted show, so it's not like The Miz is going to be really mentoring Danielson anyway.


I see The Miz/Bryan as the main storyline of NXT's 1st season. It would surprise me if the finale's main event being Daniel Bryan winning the US title from The Miz. It would be a good way to put over the NXT concept as well as give Danielson the same opportunity that CM Punk got by being the guy on ECW.

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isn't the point of the show is it is also a non scriped show? They are putting it over as in ring and out of ring "real life" stuff. I am still not sure about the concept. If done right it could work but could also bring down the last "curtain" of keyfabe. Real names....friendships backsatage.....stuff like that.
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isn't the point of the show is it is also a non scriped show? They are putting it over as in ring and out of ring "real life" stuff. I am still not sure about the concept. If done right it could work but could also bring down the last "curtain" of keyfabe. Real names....friendships backsatage.....stuff like that.


Woof. Vince McMahon hates professional wrestling.

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Do you seriously think for a minute it will non scripted or real? Do you still think reality shows are real? WWE is investing way to much money to leave anything to chance just like other TV producers. I imagine the whole concept will be "These are new guys trying to make it to RAW or SD!" instead of just, "hey, look at our new workers...um... please like them and buy their merchandise!" like normal.
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Well, reality shows are real, so yes I do...:p Trust me, those shows are casted well, not scripted. It's simply a matter of finding the right mix of personalities and putting them in situations where they can give you what you want from them. Trying to fake it would be a waste of time and it would be blatantly obvious - if you've ever seen these people outside of their reality shows, you would know it's real because they can't act their way out of a paper bag. I would expect NXT to be much more like Raw/SD! than reality shows...but anybody who says they know what it will be is lying.


Back to that discussion about themed pay-per-views, they've announced some changes to the schedule: Extreme Rules moves to April to replace Backlash, Wild Card replaces Extreme Rules in May, and Fatal Four Way replaces The Bash. In July, they added Money In The Bank. MITB is obvious and I'm guessing Wild Card is the Roulette event they talked about, but Fatal Four Way...really? An entire event of four way matches? Wow, they're really desperate now.

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Well, reality shows are real, so yes I do...:p Trust me, those shows are casted well, not scripted. It's simply a matter of finding the right mix of personalities and putting them in situations where they can give you what you want from them. Trying to fake it would be a waste of time and it would be blatantly obvious - if you've ever seen these people outside of their reality shows, you would know it's real because they can't act their way out of a paper bag. I would expect NXT to be much more like Raw/SD! than reality shows...but anybody who says they know what it will be is lying.


Back to that discussion about themed pay-per-views, they've announced some changes to the schedule: Extreme Rules moves to April to replace Backlash, Wild Card replaces Extreme Rules in May, and Fatal Four Way replaces The Bash. In July, they added Money In The Bank. MITB is obvious and I'm guessing Wild Card is the Roulette event they talked about, but Fatal Four Way...really? An entire event of four way matches? Wow, they're really desperate now.


I would to know who in the blue hell thought of Fatal Four Way seriously are these writers smoking blunts with Vince in his office.

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Back to that discussion about themed pay-per-views, they've announced some changes to the schedule: Extreme Rules moves to April to replace Backlash, Wild Card replaces Extreme Rules in May, and Fatal Four Way replaces The Bash. In July, they added Money In The Bank. MITB is obvious and I'm guessing Wild Card is the Roulette event they talked about, but Fatal Four Way...really? An entire event of four way matches? Wow, they're really desperate now.


That's rather cringeworthy.

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Never understood why people would want that. I know it's hard to believe, but even if a wrestler DOESN'T like the WWE, it would be nothing but good for them to make a name for themselves with that product... It would open alot more doors then what is already open, and better pay on top of it. Not saying that either of them couldn't get a job tomorrow working for TNA, but if they establish a name in the WWE, you know they would be able to go to a company like TNA with a better contract, and position for that matter.


Just saying, if you like a wrestler, I would think you would be very happy with them getting on a WWE show.


I agree, I was making a joke hence the lolz.

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