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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Arrows has and probably always will boldly say whatever comes accross his mind, and I kind of like that about him... You know where he stands...


With that said, I believe this comment by you is taking his statement out of context. I took what he said bassically totally differently. To me he was just saying that they've invested so much into Cena that they would be left with nothing if something happened to Cena. I don't necessarily agree.


Howerver, this statement,

I totally agree with, but for different reasons.


I just wanna know when I said Cena sucks.


I actually like the guy.

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I just wanna know when I said Cena sucks.


I actually like the guy.


Your posts and Shawn's are similar, so I can see how someone might confuse them. Fact is, I think we all have alot more in common in what we "think", but it's really easy to get the wrong impressions when reading, instead of hearing. Sarcasm can be lost, senses of humor, and even if someone is actually upset or JUST TYPES IN CAPS to make sure that part isn't missed from their post.


I get in trouble at work for accidentally putting something in capital letters, as if I'm being pushy or bossy or something, when I'm actually just trying to sound urgent. Example of something people missunderstood "We need "x" ASAP, to ensure that the job is done up to specs." Because I capitalized ASAP, I was told I was being mean and bossy. Someone I didn't even mean the email to effect was actually upset because they thought I was yelling at them... and the only reason they even recieved it was only because I wanted them in the loop, it was addressed to a different person all together (who didn't take it that way). Make sense? Bah, someone will get my point.:cool:

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I get the idea. I get the "He makes the most monies!" The difference between the iPhone and Cena? The iPhone WILL work tomorrow. Odds are, 20 years from now, an iPhone will still function.


John Cena? Will not.


In the wrestling business, you can not put all your eggs in one basket. He could have a career ending injury tomorrow, and they've buried everyone short of CM Punk.


Who's gonna sell t-shirts next? No one else is even close BECAUSE of the Cena god push.


This is where pushing five > pushing one.


If ONE goes down, you still have four guys making you a decent profit. Not no one making you nothing.



YOu got part of what i was saying, and it wasn't that hard. Other people made long posts without bothering to understand what i meant. Yes, i mean Stennick. Dude, i usually respect your opinions, so you should try to at least understant mine.


Wait so Cena sucks because he can have a career ending injury?


So who else deserves his spot? Anybody can get injured.


No one said that. At least i didn't. WHo else deserves his spot? WHy not the Miz, sheamus, JoMo or any other joe that they decide to push?? Cena is not untouchable and i'm sick of listening people say he is. Stone cold retired and live went on. If Cena died today, life would go on, so would the wwe. So don't ask that question as if no one could fill his shoes. THe man ain't that good. The point is that he got where he got because he was carried there by the WWE. Sure ,others would have falied to achieve such success with the same push, but others wouldn't.



On a side note: "There is a difference between stating an OPINION and blindly ignoring facts. When people spew Cena hate, they never notice all of the good he brings and dismisses it as a one off. "


Yeah, and when in the closet Cena lovers (and i'm not mentioning names) talk about cena they tend to dismiss his weaknesses (or forget them) and refuse to accept that he sucks in a lot of areas. And i dont see anyone trying to shut them up. Equality! TO everyone! PEriod!


Cena could be replaced, but that's not even the point. The point is that he will not last forever and other people should be pushed. Cause frankly, i couldn't care less for a product that is all about John Cena. Thank God Punk changed that...at least for now. Cena haters are entitled to hate the man and express it. And the other people are entitled to listen and say nothing (if they so wish) or to answer in a civilized way. I'm a cena hater and i din't came here to insult anyone. And i din't. But i willl keep saying the man sucks, and no law can stop me from doing so. But the fact is, there wouldn't be any (almost any) Cena hater if Super Cena stopped a long time ago or never happened. How can someone defend that?? Oh well, each one with it's own opinion. Fui!

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If you ask me, it looks like they have been grooming Miz to be as big, if not bigger than Cena in the mainstream. The only thing he doesn't have right now is the merch sales.


I agree, and I find it very exciting. The Miz has potential for much wider mainstream appeal than Cena, and his babyface turn is inevitable. I've said it before and I'll say it again: A proper babyface Miz can be what they need to feel safe enough to turn Cena heel somewhere down the line.


Stone cold retired and live went on.


Yes, and life will go on just the same when Cena retires. New stars will take his place just as new stars stepped up when Austin left. Noone has yet to reach Austin's level of merch sale, and it will probably be hard to find someone who can level Cena's as well - but WWE will create new stars and they will survive. But the thing is... they didn't try to replace Austin untill he left, and why should they? Why should they begin to depush him or give him less spotlight in favor of someone else when he was doing the merch sales he was? Same thing with Cena. There's absolutely no reason at all to try to replace him.


I agree with Stennick: In a business, you find something that works... and then you milk it untill its' milk gets sour. WWE trying to outright replace Cena with Punk or Morrison or Sheamus or anyone else would kinda be like Microsoft bying Linux and having it replace Windows. You don't remove your prime moneymaker. And expecting them to do so is silly.

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YOu got part of what i was saying, and it wasn't that hard. Other people made long posts without bothering to understand what i meant. Yes, i mean Stennick. Dude, i usually respect your opinions, so you should try to at least understant mine.

Again, I think sometimes it's a language barrier thing. Your saying someone sucks in ONE area, but is great in almost every other area.... but overall you say he sucks. To most of us, your statements sound kind of silly, backwards almost. As I said, language barrier or something, English is a second language for you, I believe (forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe you said it was before, my memmory might be wrong though).

No one said that. At least i didn't. WHo else deserves his spot? WHy not the Miz, sheamus, JoMo or any other joe that they decide to push?? Cena is not untouchable and i'm sick of listening people say he is. Stone cold retired and live went on. If Cena died today, life would go on, so would the wwe. So don't ask that question as if no one could fill his shoes. THe man ain't that good. The point is that he got where he got because he was carried there by the WWE. Sure ,others would have falied to achieve such success with the same push, but others wouldn't.
The Miz is obviously being sold in the mainstream as someone who could possibly do exactly that. Sheamus, I don't know yet. Kind of 50/50 with him. JoMo only has two things out of many going for him... He's flashy and has a good look. Outside of that, not much... No mic skills, his charisma falls a bit flat. I liked him alot more when him and Miz were together. Never thought I would end up liking Miz so much more, but it happened.


On a side note: "There is a difference between stating an OPINION and blindly ignoring facts. When people spew Cena hate, they never notice all of the good he brings and dismisses it as a one off. "


Yeah, and when in the closet Cena lovers (and i'm not mentioning names) talk about cena they tend to dismiss his weaknesses (or forget them) and refuse to accept that he sucks in a lot of areas. And i dont see anyone trying to shut them up. Equality! TO everyone! PEriod!

Cena could be replaced, but that's not even the point. The point is that he will not last forever and other people should be pushed. Cause frankly, i couldn't care less for a product that is all about John Cena. Thank God Punk changed that...at least for now. Cena haters are entitled to hate the man and express it. And the other people are entitled to listen and say nothing (if they so wish) or to answer in a civilized way. I'm a cena hater and i din't came here to insult anyone. And i din't. But i willl keep saying the man sucks, and no law can stop me from doing so. But the fact is, there wouldn't be any (almost any) Cena hater if Super Cena stopped a long time ago or never happened. How can someone defend that?? Oh well, each one with it's own opinion. Fui!
"Closet Cena Fans"? Why would anyone be a closet Cena fan? I can't think of anything that would make someone want to "act" as if they don't like him, if they did. I'm not much into his character, but I have no problem saying I like the guy as a person (from what I've seen/heard/watched, etc.). Nothing there to dislike really..> As a wrestler, I'm more of an underdog fan... So I root for CM Punk, not Cena... Pluss, I'm sick of the character.


As I was saying earlier though, the problem with your posts is that they totally ignore facts, and try to insert personal "feelings" as if they are facts instead. I want to try and think of something as an example, but all I keep thinking of is 1 pluss 1 equals 2. Then someone comes along and says... That's the old way, 1 pluss 1 is 3, bottum line. I'm going to believe this no matter what anyone else says because it's the way I see it. 1 pluss 1 will never be 2, because I say it's 3, and if you don't like it, tough, because I should get an equal opportunity to answer the question, and discuss my feelings on it as well.


Bassically the debate goes like this:


John Cena sucks, because I don't like the way he wrestle's.


Other's: He might not be the best in the ring, but his merchandise sells are unbelievably good. The PPV sells are better when he's there. The show ratings are better when he's on the show. He's good on the mic, does great entertaining segments. He excells in every other aspect in a product that labled themselves as "Sports Entertainment".


Your response: So, he still sucks in the ring, and therefore it doesn't matter to me. They need to put someone else in his spot.



Then there is the incredible belief that "Anyone" could step in the same shoe's and do just as good in all those other area's, although there's only been a very small handfull historically that ever has. Doesn't matter to you, because you believe someone else is more deserving, and so everything else doesn't matter.


IF this is exactly what you mean, then really there's no reason for anyone to take you seriously. IF this isn't what your actually trying to say, hopefully my post will allow you to see what other's are seeing.

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JoMo only has two things out of many going for him... He's flashy and has a good look. Outside of that, not much... No mic skills, his charisma falls a bit flat. I liked him alot more when him and Miz were together. Never thought I would end up liking Miz so much more, but it happened.


Morrison is too unreliable to ever become a WWE company man like Cena, The Miz or possibly Sheamus. They can't count on him, and his affiliation with Melina definately isn't helping that issue one bit. I don't see WWE investing the required time and effort in trying to mold him.


Too bad, as I really like him as an in-ring performer. He's very exciting to watch.

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Morrison is too unreliable to ever become a WWE company man like Cena, The Miz or possibly Sheamus. They can't count on him, and his affiliation with Melina definately isn't helping that issue one bit. I don't see WWE investing the required time and effort in trying to mold him.


Too bad, as I really like him as an in-ring performer. He's very exciting to watch.


/nod. I didn't like him to start with, but he's really grown on me over the last few years. I'm not going to say that he won't ever grow out of the flaws, because if you would have asked me around the time MNM were a tag team, I wouldn't have thought he could go beyond what I thought of him back then... which was bassically someone that looks like a wanna-be, and not someone that actually would put forth the effort to get where he is today, which is like one step away from the main event. He's changed my opinion on that, so I suppose it's possible one day for me to look at him as a Main Eventer... because I don't look at him as a teenage wanna-be anymore.

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Cena hid Punk's flaws? That's a good one. I'll have to remember that if I ever need a good laugh.


They both blew spots but they were going so long, and I think it showed that they're best matches from a quality standpoint are probably ones kept to around twenty minutes; less time to do more moves means less botches.


I think you missed my point here. One of the best traits (at least to me), is the ability to help the person your having a match with. Blowing spots, and pulling it off as if it was "meant" helps the match tremendously. I don't know if you changed part of this or not, I meant to comment on it a while back, but got caught up in other posts.


What I was trying to point out, is that I doubt there is ever an intention on Cena's part to have his opponant ever look bad. That was another discussion from a while back, a poster said something about Cena making other's look bad. Punk's match isn't the first one that he tried to hide other people's flaws, nor is it the first match someone tried to help him hide a flaw (remember Kennedy tapping out quickly when he saw Cena was really hurt?).


Unrelated to my quote:

Every single person that has talked about Cena, on a personal level, has said something similar to this video (Punk). Everytime I turn around I here someone in here point out something either personally or something else that shows that Cena is a Class Act. If he doesn't deserve it, I find it hard pressed to think of anyone before or after him that would.



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What I was trying to point out, is that I doubt there is ever an intention on Cena's part to have his opponant ever look bad. That was another discussion from a while back, a poster said something about Cena making other's look bad.


I don't think anyone ever claimed that Cena makes people look bad on purpose: it's the booking of him and his at times inability to sell properly that does the trick.


Unrelated to my quote:

Every single person that has talked about Cena, on a personal level, has said something similar to this video (Punk). Everytime I turn around I here someone in here point out something either personally or something else that shows that Cena is a Class Act. If he doesn't deserve it, I find it hard pressed to think of anyone before or after him that would.




I don't see many people arguing against Cena being a really nice guy, probably one of the nicest in the business.


I myself have nothing against Cena as a person (in fact, I would probably like him as a person if I ever met him), and I completely understand his value to the company. I just strongly dislike his character and his booking and I find most of his in-ring work to be dull and repetitive.

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I don't think anyone ever claimed that Cena makes people look bad on purpose: it's the booking of him and his at times inability to sell properly that does the trick.




I don't see many people arguing against Cena being a really nice guy, probably one of the nicest in the business.


I myself have nothing against Cena as a person (in fact, I would probably like him as a person if I ever met him), and I completely understand his value to the company. I just strongly dislike his character and his booking and I find most of his in-ring work to be dull and repetitive.


Maybe I missunderstood the post.


Fact is, we all find his in-ring work to be dull and repetitive (with the exceptions pointed out). I found it the same with quite a few other's that have been in his shoe's in the past as well. Maybe it's the company trying to protect thier investment, I don't know, but I surely do agree with that.


That's not all what has been said though. It's been said he doesn't deserve to be where he is.

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Well, here's the new Sin Cara... already noticing little differences. Don't recall Sin Cara doing all that nodding, or really posing as much...


Wonder how he feels about this. It must be weird going under someone else's mask and using someone else's name. On the other hand, he's basically coming right in as one of the top faces on SD!.





...Although... I wonder if they might work this into a story. They're noting a weight difference and such - I feel like if they legitimately wanted to replace him, they'd instruct the commentators not to point out ANY changes.

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Now that I've started thinking of it, I'm really thinking they could push this as an angle. It'd be an easy enough story to do, I think. Find a way to expose Hunico as not being the same guy, have the explanation that Sin Cara is one of the top faces on SmackDown!, and when he got injured, Hunico saw it as the perfect way to springboard himself directly into a big spot on the main roster, so he donned Sin Cara's mask and tried to replace him. Could be a solid enough premise for a feud.


Probably not going to happen, though...

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I will disagree with you guys on Cena. He actually does have great in ring skills, which he has been showing lately. In 2003-2004 I would've actually called his in-ring skills on par with The Undertaker's. The problem is how he is booked IMO. Most of his matches involve him being destroyed by the heel and then coming back, ala Hogan. I blame creative for that. True, Cena's in-ring skills have some rust since he has stated showing them again, but IMO when he wants to (or when creative does anyways), he can be a good wrestler. Truth be told, I don't truly know if it is creative or Cena just phoning it in, but from what I've heard of Cena's (real life) personality, phoning it in each week doesn't sound like him.
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Actually I read on B/R that it is speculated and that very angle could be happening according to WrestleZone


I think I'd actually prefer to go that way, then. I know people don't generally like imposter angles and whatnot, but I feel it could work in this setting, and I certainly like that route more than putting a different guy under the mask and trying to say it's the exact same wrestler. I'm all for suspending disbelief, but that's asking a bit much... :p

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Except they will need subtitles to translate the pointing at each other from the Sin Cara's


They could do like how HHH/Taker did earlier in the year and have one of those silent promos that somehow tells everyone everything they need to know...

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