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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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A few thoughts:


-I figured Primo and Epico were going to win the titles. So glad I was wrong. I think they should be at least partially over before they take the belts from a popular team. And frankly, I kinda doubt Primo and Epico get even partially over.


-I loved how much the US title means to Zack Ryder. Great job with his reaction and the shots of his dad.


-I was kinda surprised that Barrett took the loss, especially because...


-They didn't turn Bryan. That seems wrong. Who is he going to feud with? With Henry hurt enough to take the belt off him, Barrett coming off a high-profile loss, Christian still hurt, and Rhodes tied to the IC title, what other credible heels does Smackdown have?


There's still time to turn Bryan, or Big Show I suppose, but I think they missed their opportunity to do it well. Oh well, I'm a hell of a lot more interested in a Bryan/whoever feud than Big Show/Henry.

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GhostDogg's Review of TLC


Ziggler v Ryder - Like everyone else, I agree, this was a good solid opener match and I am proud of Ryder. I will honestly say that Ryder's character grew on me, but he was the classic example of making "something out of nothing". This also is a "Double Win" due to the fact that Ziggler has been ready for the Main Event picture for a while now. ***1/2


Air Boom v Epico/Primo - I was actually shocked that Air Boom retained , due to Bourne's recent suspension. The match wasnt bad and it was a pretty good filler match. Now when KOW comes or when the "E wise up and rebuild the tag team division, then thing will get intresting, at least they are exciting. ***


Orton v Barrett - Call me "Negrodamus" but I knew the outcome of this match. I mean Barrett has been going over Orton for the past few weeks, since the survivor series. You knew it was going to happen the way that it did. I am pretty sure that the momentum that Barrett gained should at least get him in the Upper Midcarder picture. **1/2


Beth v Kelly - Ok, WWE you REALLY need to listen, I am REALLY getting tired of Beth vs K2 part 3 and so on and so forth and go to a certain female promotion **coughSHIMMERcough** and get some good competent female wrestler. I mean dont get me wrong, I dont mind beautiful women, but if they cant wrestle, what the point? *.75


Nash v HHH - For both guys being old and with Nash being injury ridden in his knees, this match must have been a time warp, because I could have SWORN I was back in '96. Not to mention a good way to conclude the storyline. Well played gentlemen, well played. ***


Swagger v Sheamus - Not that I am complaining bout Sheamus vs Swagger, because I have seen this match before, I mean its good because they do have good Chemistry together (yeah i know TEW reference..shoot me), but somethings got to change with these two guys.. either turn Swagger face, or something. (Stranger things have happen)


Big Show v Henry - This wasnt a bad match, and I actually though that Henry was going to retain especially with the chair shot to the hand, where Show couldnt execute the WMD or the Showstopper Chokeslam, but what was shocking than the outcome was the after the match when Danielson (yeah I know but I am going to call him that) cashed in the MITB. Now being a wrestling fan and following his career when he was the "American Dragon" I yelled "HOLY S**T" when "the ride of the valkyries" theme played. My fiance thought something was wrong! I am happy that WWE put the strap on him, now as long as they dont screw it up..we are fine..:)




Booker T v Rhodes - Booker showed me that he still got it. And I have a funny feeling that there will be a rematch in the future for these two, I wouldnt be surprise if Book costs Rhodes the title so those two can have a high profile fued and prep him for the main event, then again, that just me.




ADR v Miz v Punk - I must say this was the match of the evening, even thought they are doing the "Stone Cold 2.0" storyline for CM Punk, I legitimately thought that Punk was going to lose especially when the handcuffs were going to be involved with Punk ala "Hell in a Cell". But this match was clearly over booked. and I love the violence involved in it! I mean the match itself put you on the edge of your seat, not to mention the crowd was red hot, especially for Punk! I gotta give respect to Ricardo for taking the INSANE Table Spot of the night, I mean he almost miss the damn thing!! Good Match over all.



At the end of the night I had a recollection of the wrestlemania moment where both Benoit and Eddy were both champions at the end of the night, that kinda made me feel like that, because these two guys wrestled on the Indy scene, spilled thier guts and blood in ROH, and now they are on top holding the richest prize in the game. And the funny part, John Cena was no where in sight to make this a good ppv..(Hint Hint)


Final PPV Rating: ***1/2




"I could be WRONG, But I DOUBT IT"

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Face it....everyone in the modern era with few exceptions as had terrible first reigns as world/WWE champion and been made to look weak but very few of them are sent back to the mid card permanently. Do I see this reign lasting beyond Friday? No. Actually I see Show or Henry getting the belt back before the week is over. But I also see Bryan being in the main event scene off and on from here on with a full leap into a permanent main event slot by the end of next year and a couple more world title reigns along the way.


Bingo. As often as not, guys who win their first World title don't hold it very long or look good with it. Just look at the first reigns of ADR, Swagger, Christian, Sheamus, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, Edge, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho...all were either short reigns, or they looked weak, or both. All of them turned into bonafide main eventers, many of them after going back to the midcard for awhile. (Swagger's still in the 'back to midcard' phase, but I'd be surprised if he wasn't back in the main event before too long) The WWE likes to give a test run with the title before they commit to making them main eventers - especially this time of year. When you book as far in advance as they do(they likely had the WrestleMania card finalized by now), it's a lot less risky to do it that way. You don't want to have to change things on the fly because you thought somebody was ready and it turns out they're not.


Bryan deserves it, but I was kinda sad to see Big Show lose the belt so quick.


Yeah, me too. I was there when he beat Hogan for the WCW title in his first match(between the monster truck match and the DQ-loses-the-title deal, one of the oddest/dumbest booking decisions I've ever seen) and when he beat Triple H for the WWF title. I've always thought somebody with his size, athleticism, and charisma should do much more than he's done. I was happy to see him win. I'm guessing this will lead to a Christian-esque heel turn.


It made me think of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit when they were both the WWE and World Champions because that moment was so amazing and this moment was just as good if not better (depending on your taste).


I had the same thought. I was hoping DB would come out and celebrate with Punk, although obviously the storyline connection isn't there between them like Eddie. Hopefully Punk and DB will still both be alive in 4 years with neither of them having decided to murder his wife and child.


I think they've been hinting at this recently too with Cole saying that Bryan was stupid to let the whole world know when he was going to cash in because that took the element of surprise out of it. Someone at WWE must have little faith in Bryan challenging for the title at WM as a big-time match.


I'm guesing they never planned on having him cash in at WM. It was pretty smart the way it went down...he says he wants to cash in at WM, Big Show convinces him to cash it in earlier, and it ends up backfiring on Big Show.

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Yes but that was a very different promotion than today's WWE (It actually was as it was called the WWWF.). I am not sure if some of the workers from back then would be able to work in the WWE now.


I think Bob could, since he is bassically just a bigger Bryan Danielson with mic skill.:cool:


I mean come on, I think someone like Nick Bockwinkle would be a dramatic "gift" to current WWE standards. Someone that has skills, can talk, and is so easy to hate...


There is a reason why these guys were on top, although alot of it was "connections", alot of it is easy to see when they were on top of their game, why they were so great at one time. It's something that hasn't really changed in Wrestling... IF the people love you, or love to hate you, you're going to eventually make it unless you mess it up somehow (or someone messes it up for you).


1978 to 1983 I believe was Bob's reign. Got it back in 1984, because "He can rule the world!!"

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I think Bob could, since he is bassically just a bigger Bryan Danielson with mic skill.:cool:


I mean come on, I think someone like Nick Bockwinkle would be a dramatic "gift" to current WWE standards. Someone that has skills, can talk, and is so easy to hate...


There is a reason why these guys were on top, although alot of it was "connections", alot of it is easy to see when they were on top of their game, why they were so great at one time. It's something that hasn't really changed in Wrestling... IF the people love you, or love to hate you, you're going to eventually make it unless you mess it up somehow (or someone messes it up for you).


1978 to 1983 I believe was Bob's reign. Got it back in 1984, because "He can rule the world!!"


No doubt Nick would be great (The funny thing is I saw a video of him being interviewed from the late 50's early 60's and he was very bland in the interview.) and there are a lot of guys from back then that I think would do well. Superstar Billy Graham, George The Animal Steele and Ivan Koloff are three WWWF stars that I think would do great in the modern day. Backlund from the 70's...not so much.


Now if you were to bring him in as Crazy Bob Backlund (The gimmick he used in the 1990's and in TNA a couple of years back.) then I think he would do good.

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Michael Cole's commentary has gotten 10x more entertaining now. His constant lamenting at the sight of Ryder, Bryan and Punk as champions is just downright enjoyable and priceless, especially as he's been rubbing in the fact for months that Ryder and Bryan weren't gonna get anywhere, and at many times it actually looked like it.


So many quotables during the main-event and the champions' entrances, but what stood out to me is when Punk climbed the announce table to end the show, and Cole hurls repeatedly with "why are you doing this to us?!?" :D

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No doubt Nick would be great (The funny thing is I saw a video of him being interviewed from the late 50's early 60's and he was very bland in the interview.) and there are a lot of guys from back then that I think would do well. Superstar Billy Graham, George The Animal Steele and Ivan Koloff are three WWWF stars that I think would do great in the modern day. Backlund from the 70's...not so much.


Now if you were to bring him in as Crazy Bob Backlund (The gimmick he used in the 1990's and in TNA a couple of years back.) then I think he would do good.

Bob from the late 70's, early 80's... when he was on top. IF you go back to the 50's and 60's, the only person to me that stands out is Gorgeous Gorge, the guy Muhamad Ali immitated. You can go drudge up old youtube video's, when they sound more like announcer's then in ring wrestlers, but that's how things were done back then... Meaning, you're seeing a "Promo" in it's original form. You have to get them when they are excited, and doing their "thing". Remember, back then, they did wrestling alot like they did Boxing, with the interviews. These were done quite often, and you didn't get the personality that you would when they are wrecking a set or dancing around the ring, or getting talked to after a match (most of these were done before a match, and as boxing, in these interviews they talked like real fighters do "I've been training with "X" and working real hard, so I'm pretty confident I can win this match." There's a difference in how they do things now, compared to then. We don't get segments like that anymore, and really, it was all just part of the Kafabe back then, to make it appear more real.

Michael Cole's commentary has gotten 10x more entertaining now. His constant lamenting at the sight of Ryder, Bryan and Punk as champions is just downright enjoyable and priceless, especially as he's been rubbing in the fact for months that Ryder and Bryan weren't gonna get anywhere, and at many times it actually looked like it.


So many quotables during the main-event and the champions' entrances, but what stood out to me is when Punk climbed the announce table to end the show, and Cole hurls repeatedly with "why are you doing this to us?!?" :D


I love Cole. He brought attention to those guys better then anyone else, and in doing so put them over. If EVER there was an announcer that could put over wrestler's, he is the one. Single handedly made Daniel Bryan in my opinion, although I know that goes 100% opposite then most people's thinking.

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I wouldn't say Cole SINGLEHANDEDLY put over Daniel Bryan. I think Bryan himself might have had something to do with it... ;-)


It's so nice to see positive feedback after a PPV. That's how you know it was a good one. TLC did alot of fan service for a change. The fans got Punk, Ryder, and Bryan all winning and no John Cena haha. Perfect in most people's eyes.


I dug Raw alot too. I'm from Philly so it was a good emotional moment there in the beginning seeing Bryan come out to the huge pop. Unfortunately I had to work last night so I couldn't attend, but it seems like the first WWE show I missed in years was a great one.


I enjoyed the Big Shows promo as well. I'm very interested to see where that goes. I hope they do something a little different and deeper there. I'm liking the possibilities. Kane suffocating Cena was a stark departure from your typical PG stuff we're used to seeing. The main event was a pretty fun match.


All in all two great shows in two nights. Things are looking good for WWE fans in the near future heading into Royal Rumble.

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Awesome opening to Raw (and Punk said "Pro Wrestling" :)). Enjoyed Kane smacking Cena around. And Kane looks the best shape he's been in for years.


Thought they missed an opportunity though: Lauranitis should have forced Punk to defend his title against Brodus Clay. It would have been more creative than a 6-man tag match and Brodus would have gotten good heat.


The tag match was actually pretty good and Bryan got the win he needed. The future of the WWE is in good hands.

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There is no way Kane suffocating John Cena was PG at all, and I loved it. I liked how Cena got his shots in, knocked Kane to the outside and got absolutely shut down.
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I wouldn't say Cole SINGLEHANDEDLY put over Daniel Bryan. I think Bryan himself might have had something to do with it... ;-)

Of course he did. He wouldn't be in the position he is, if it was solely Cole. I don't mean to take away from Bryan as far as his skills go... but as far as putting his name out there over and over and over and over, etc... Cole did that for him. He handled things, but Cole led the way for him. When he's finally to the point the WWE are comfortable with him in (Bryan), I wonder who Cole will push next?

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Cole was beyond obnoxious in the opening the main event on Raw, to a whole new level. Yeah, let's have the main guy selling the public on the PPV's act in the most obnoxious and off-putting manner possible, that will sell some tickets.


Something to remember about Backlund's reign, and something it doesn't appear certain people are aware of, is that even though his run at the top lasted until the end of 1983, there was a serious backlash against him that began a few years before that. We're not just talking about the fans of one particular heel shouting him down, we're talking about outright hatred and mockery from the fans to a degree and in a manner that you just didn't see much of in that era towards top stars, especially babyfaces. And he only got the belt back strictly to transition it from Bret to Diesel; his persona and skill had nothing to do with that. Just to impart some knowledge to the unenlightened.

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