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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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You mean the one who in the grand scheme of things is largely irrelevant and works maybe 15 shows per year on top of already being above Cena? :rolleyes:


This. If Jay-Z wanted to wrestle Sunday, Cena would put Jay-Z over as a babyface. Because tomorrow, Jay-Z isn't going to be there and he's still the man.

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Ryback got hot at a hard time. They couldn't move the belt from Punk and they booked him in countless title matches. They should have kept him away from the title even had Punk actively ducking him to make this man appear very dangerous. Of course then when do you pull the trigger you can't have him beat Cena right after Cena won the title so the guy winds up sitting around for a year with nothing to do.


As bad as WCW screws up when Goldberg got hot they put the title on him. Of course he was then the mid card world champion but still.

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Ryback got hot at a hard time. They couldn't move the belt from Punk and they booked him in countless title matches. They should have kept him away from the title even had Punk actively ducking him to make this man appear very dangerous. Of course then when do you pull the trigger you can't have him beat Cena right after Cena won the title so the guy winds up sitting around for a year with nothing to do.


As bad as WCW screws up when Goldberg got hot they put the title on him. Of course he was then the mid card world champion but still.


The thing is that they made Ryback skip the midcard scene and challenge CM Punk directly. A stint with the US title with a nice feud with both Wade Barrett and Antonio Cesaro would have better served him. Both guys could realistically stand up to Ryback as Barrett is a better striker and just as big while Antonio Cesaro has the freakish strength and the technical skills to ground Ryback.


Size and Power(Ryback) vs Size and Strikes (Barrett) vs Power and Skill (Cesaro)

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The thing is that they made Ryback skip the midcard scene and challenge CM Punk directly. A stint with the US title with a nice feud with both Wade Barrett and Antonio Cesaro would have better served him. Both guys could realistically stand up to Ryback as Barrett is a better striker and just as big while Antonio Cesaro has the freakish strength and the technical skills to ground Ryback.


Size and Power(Ryback) vs Size and Strikes (Barrett) vs Power and Skill (Cesaro)



The original idea was to do the "goldberg push" it was pretty transparent(as the chants will attest) so they just rushed it. Honestly, he's not ready to be here, he can't work with that kinda mass at all, he's the second coming of Ultimate Warrior in the ring. Good for about 3 good power moves, then.... Huff-puff-land. You simply can't get that over anymore in a 20min match. I mean for godsakes, Rock-Cena just got absolutely crapped on by the fans AND IT WAS THE ROCK! If I was the WWE i'd have just admitted this wasn't going to work at the Goldberg chants and would have just had him squash people on Main Event for a few years.... And yes, I said, years. Because that's how far he has to go. His chant is really over, but once the match starts, bathroom time. Can't main event like that.

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The original idea was to do the "goldberg push" it was pretty transparent(as the chants will attest) so they just rushed it. Honestly, he's not ready to be here, he can't work with that kinda mass at all, he's the second coming of Ultimate Warrior in the ring. Good for about 3 good power moves, then.... Huff-puff-land. You simply can't get that over anymore in a 20min match. I mean for godsakes, Rock-Cena just got absolutely crapped on by the fans AND IT WAS THE ROCK! If I was the WWE i'd have just admitted this wasn't going to work at the Goldberg chants and would have just had him squash people on Main Event for a few years.... And yes, I said, years. Because that's how far he has to go. His chant is really over, but once the match starts, bathroom time. Can't main event like that.


See now I have to disagree with you. I think you are selling Ryback short on what he can do in the ring. The guy might not have the stamina Daniel Bryan or John Cena but he can be relied for a 20 minute match.


John Cena was able to get an awesome match out of Bobby Lashley years ago and with a more over Ryback the result should be better.

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I'm sorry, what?


About half-way through "the streak" he won the WCW US Title over Raven(who was feuding with Page at that time). Held it all the way through the title-match with Hogan. I think they actually retired the US belt shortly after he won the "Big Gold Belt" Then brought it back so they could give it to Bret Hart, because they had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for him at the time.

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About half-way through "the streak" he won the WCW US Title over Raven(who was feuding with Page at that time). Held it all the way through the title-match with Hogan. I think they actually retired the US belt shortly after he won the "Big Gold Belt" Then brought it back so they could give it to Bret Hart, because they had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for him at the time.


That doesn't explain how Goldberg could be described as a "mid card world champion" in the slightest. Goldberg was a main eventer, I don't see how anyone can try and say anything against that.


They vacated the US Title for like 3 weeks and Bret beat DDP for it.

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That doesn't explain how Goldberg could be described as a "mid card world champion" in the slightest. Goldberg was a main eventer, I don't see how anyone can try and say anything against that.


They vacated the US Title for like 3 weeks and Bret beat DDP for it.


Obviously he was talking about the Mid-Card Champion...

As bad as WCW screws up when Goldberg got hot they put the title on him. Of course he was then the
mid card world champion
but still.

Just substitute "WCW US Title" for mid card world champion, and kind of ignore the world part, and you can understand what he meant. The first sentence basically tells us he wasn't putting Goldberg down here.

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Obviously he was talking about the Mid-Card Champion...


Just substitute "WCW US Title" for mid card world champion, and kind of ignore the world part, and you can understand what he meant. The first sentence basically tells us he wasn't putting Goldberg down here.

Yeah, I perfectly understood what he meant after he explained himself.

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Obviously he was talking about the Mid-Card Champion...


Just substitute "WCW US Title" for mid card world champion, and kind of ignore the world part, and you can understand what he meant. The first sentence basically tells us he wasn't putting Goldberg down here.


So basically, ignore what he said and infer something else? :p


Yeah, I perfectly understood what he meant after he explained himself.


Where did anyone explain themselves?

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So basically, ignore what he said and infer something else? :p




Where did anyone explain themselves?



For a lot of people on this forum, english is a second language. So I think this semantically argument is kinda self-entitled, honestly.

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For a lot of people on this forum, english is a second language. So I think this semantically argument is kinda self-entitled, honestly.

I think it was a bit confusing when you referred Goldberg as a mid card champion, which could have meant a champion that was a midcarder, but I wasn't too concerned with what it meant, considering the rest of your post implied you meant that Goldberg was someone that held the mid card title as a champion of said title.


So, I chalked it up to as a poor choice of order of the words (literally), and did not think much of it.

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I think it was a bit confusing when you referred Goldberg as a mid card champion, which could have meant a champion that was a midcarder, but I wasn't too concerned with what it meant, considering the rest of your post implied you meant that Goldberg was someone that held the mid card title as a champion of said title.


So, I chalked it up to as a poor choice of order of the words (literally), and did not think much of it.


..... I didn't post the thing that started this whole thing. I simply said the US Title he held was a "mid-card title" for WCW, and defending the guy who did say that line. Why this has disintegrated into a minatory of poor reading comprehension is beyond me. Very clear what he meant. If you want to get Ryback over, you have him win matches alot, and do important things... like be "mid card champion of the world"


As to midcard champion/champion of midcard title argument. I see no difference. At the time he won it; he WAS a midcarder on the rise. In the same way "The Rock" was an IC champion when was CLEARLY a ME talent in the VERY near future at the 1998 Royal Rumble.


Stuff like that happens in wrestling, and it's why I usually just leave my midcard titles as "floating" in TEW. But that's a different matter.

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..... I didn't post the thing that started this whole thing. I simply said the US Title he held was a "mid-card title" for WCW, and defending the guy who did say that line. Why this has disintegrated into a minatory of poor reading comprehension is beyond me. Very clear what he meant. If you want to get Ryback over, you have him win matches alot, and do important things... like be "mid card champion of the world"


As to midcard champion/champion of midcard title argument. I see no difference. At the time he won it; he WAS a midcarder on the rise. In the same way "The Rock" was an IC champion when was CLEARLY a ME talent in the VERY near future at the 1998 Royal Rumble.


Stuff like that happens in wrestling, and it's why I usually just leave my midcard titles as "floating" in TEW. But that's a different matter.

You do know I was supporiting your point, right?


Can we pretend this last conversation didn't happen and move on?


So did anyone see the Regal vs Ohno match on this week's NXT?


Poor subject change is poor. ;)

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You do know I was supporiting your point, right?


You're the second person in the thread to attribute comments I didn't say to me. The post was about the fail that was our reading comprehension and a general one, wasn't even directed at you, just used your quote as corroborating evidence.


But for god sakes, lets move on. Someone tests Ryback's urine so we can talk about his wellness suspension.

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As to midcard champion/champion of midcard title argument. I see no difference. At the time he won it; he WAS a midcarder on the rise. In the same way "The Rock" was an IC champion when was CLEARLY a ME talent in the VERY near future at the 1998 Royal Rumble




I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with that. It was the highest rated segment in wrestling history at that point when he beat Hogan for the title. Dude was getting massive pops on WCW which had some huge names in the business at the time and he was getting arguably the best crowd response in the company.


Dude was edging main event status with the US title even before that match. He was having very big matches for that belt. Getting massive pops. Then fought Hogan for the world title. Hogan. Not a midcarder when he won the belt, sorry.


The Rock in January of 1998 was in a different position from what I remember. Wasn't breaking ratings records. In no way could have held the world title in January 1998 in that company and been justified in doing so, when he had so many more popular people in front of him. He wasn't even the leader of The Nation yet. He had to have a few more high profile matches first. Did. And was a massive success. Goldberg was essentially the most popular babyface in the company when he won the WCW world title. They weren't the same thing. Was The Rock's build better and more effective? Yes. But that doesn't make Goldberg a midcarder when he won the title.


Granted, if I remember correctly that was about the time when WCW's list of stars was growing increasingly shorter, and all the big names wanted to be heels, but still. Comparing a dude who broke ratings records and was the top face to a midcarder is inaccurate to me.

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I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with that. It was the highest rated segment in wrestling history at that point when he beat Hogan for the title. Dude was getting massive pops on WCW which had some huge names in the business at the time and he was getting arguably the best crowd response in the company.


Dude was edging main event status with the US title even before that match. He was having very big matches for that belt. Getting massive pops. Then fought Hogan for the world title. Hogan. Not a midcarder when he won the belt, sorry.


The Rock in January of 1998 was in a different position from what I remember. Wasn't breaking ratings records. In no way could have held the world title in January 1998 in that company and been justified in doing so, when he had so many more popular people in front of him. He wasn't even the leader of The Nation yet. He had to have a few more high profile matches first. Did. And was a massive success. Goldberg was essentially the most popular babyface in the company when he won the WCW world title. They weren't the same thing. Was The Rock's build better and more effective? Yes. But that doesn't make Goldberg a midcarder when he won the title.


Granted, if I remember correctly that was about the time when WCW's list of stars was growing increasingly shorter, and all the big names wanted to be heels, but still. Comparing a dude who broke ratings records and was the top face to a midcarder is inaccurate to me.

Pretty sure he meant as far as booking was concerned... Having a mid-card title = booked as mid card on the rise.


I really think people are being too critical over little things. The conversation started by pointing out that when Goldberg was hot, they put their main title on him. This was compared to Ryback NOT getting the title when/while he is hot.


I honestly don't know how this conversation is getting into something I don't think a single soul is debating, as what card position Goldberg should have been at the time he won the title.

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I think not putting a big title on Ryback when he was hot was pretty smart. It's a big step to go from squashing a few midcarders to carrying a company. I didn't like the direction they were going with him, but then i'm a bit bias as i'm not really into the "bigger" guys. I was never sold on Batista, I didn't rate Bobby Lashley and i'm not much into Cena. I just think when a guy bulks up too much he can look a bit lethargic in the ring. That's why I have always preferred guys like Jericho/Ziggler etc (and oddly Mick Foley) I suppose being a wrestling fan who uses the internet those are the people I "should" like anyway ;)


I agree that making Ryback's character into a tweener would be inspired. They could also do the same with Big Show at the moment, either man could pull it off. I think I could almost get behind Ryback with that gimmick.l I want him to stop "feeding" off the crowd though, his catchphrase is more over than him at the moment!

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You're the second person in the thread to attribute comments I didn't say to me. The post was about the fail that was our reading comprehension and a general one, wasn't even directed at you, just used your quote as corroborating evidence.


But for god sakes, lets move on. Someone tests Ryback's urine so we can talk about his wellness suspension.

...really? Before I let this go, you do your post was initially a bit confusing? Right? But it really didn't matter to me, because I'd assume you didn't mean what you Jaysin thought what it meant. I don't think it was a failure of "reading comprehension" as much as miscommunication. But in any case, if you want to let it go, I'll let it go. I have no bone to pick with you. Just be careful in how you use the words to lower confusion. I don't think I was wrong to interpret what you said the way I did.


I know and it failed :(


But who doesn't need a little Regal in their life?


Heh, I didn't mean it as a jab. Just a little joke. Regal's cool, but I've always felt, that whe was misused in the WWE these days. Then again, I think everyone is misused (some would say, abused...I'm not so sure about that) in the WWE these days.

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Pretty sure he meant as far as booking was concerned... Having a mid-card title = booked as mid card on the rise.


I really think people are being too critical over little things. The conversation started by pointing out that when Goldberg was hot, they put their main title on him. This was compared to Ryback NOT getting the title when/while he is hot.


I honestly don't know how this conversation is getting into something I don't think a single soul is debating, as what card position Goldberg should have been at the time he won the title.


I'm not even going to comment further. Every successive post is like a three stooges sketch. I say I like Batman too, they say there aren't two Batmen. Massive troll job, has to be.

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