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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Is Mike Dalton the real-life Zimmy Bumfhole?




wtf has Dalton been? Havent seen him on FCW/NXT in like a year


Last time I saw him he looked like a blonde Heath Slater


and a funny pic I found



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Just watching NXT and Steph McMahon announced a new NXT Women's Championship. And of course, Sara Del Rey has been training them. Hopefully this means the women's division will be taken more seriously in the near future. We've also been getting quality tag team action on the main shows for months and fresh superstars being promoted from NXT more regularly. Looks like HHH is delivering on the promises he made last year.



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The future is bright for the WWE at the moment. But with all of this awesome heel talent coming up through nxt (And I'm super excited about Bray Wyatt the man is a guru on the mic) there is a bit of a shortage of decent faces around. Plus there are a few faces who could probably do with a bit of a switch. (Orton, Cena, even maybe Sheamus)


I think Daniel Bryan and Kane need to split in a way that keeps them both faces. And either they need to start raiding nxt for some decent faces (although there are not many face characters there that have impressed me) or start to rebuild guys like the Miz or Zack Ryder who are going nowhere very fast. Ziggler could do a job as a face, he gets face pops quite a bit anyway from Smarky crowds due to his work rate and he has the look to be an instant face. If the WWE went and offered someone like John Morrison a fat contract i'm sure they could get him back to bolster the face side. (I loved that guy, great look, solid in the ring and mic skills were improving all the time) hell they could even look at bringing in someone like MVP.


Having said that, I honestly think the roster is looking as good as it has done for a long, long time. But I still worry it's not being utilised to it's full ability. I think they need to put more faith in the talent, give guys with charisma a bit of free reign instead of making them learn lines. It seems the talent has a bit more input in nxt, i'd like to see that approach on the main shows.


With the amount of young starlets on the roster in 4-5 years time the WWE could enjoy a a golden age. (With barely a talentless, musclebound idiot in sight!) I just hope the diamonds are given their chance to shine.

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There are quite a few guys in NXT that could be good faces if they are treated correctly. There's Adrian Neville, Kassius Ohno, Corey Graves who can play the anarchist face, Sami Zayn can obviously play a babyface, Xavier Woods, and in the WWE there is always Alex Riley, Ted DiBiase, The Usos who have improved a lot. The problem is that with no midcard for the new guys to enter and establish themeselves they either become jobbers unless they get a giant push from the very beginning.
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I really hope that When Kassius Ohno debuts on the main roster that Vince (Or hopefully Triple H) will reform The Kings Of Wrestling with Kassius Ohno and Antonio Cesaro. Right now I am hearing that the creative team has lost confidence in Cesaro because they say he has no personallity (You don't have to be a great wrestler to be in WWE even though Cesaro is as long as you have a good personallity and can connect with the crowd) and can't connect with the crowd. However If they bring Ohno up and have him start Tagging with Cesaro It could help Cesaro connect with the fans more if they wanted to go that route.


I really hope that they do that because WWE needs tag teams.


I also heard that when Ohno gets called up he will likely have to change his finisher because it's too similar to the Bullhammer Elbow that Barrett is currently using.

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I also heard that when Ohno gets called up he will likely have to change his finisher because it's too similar to the Bullhammer Elbow that Barrett is currently using.


You mean the finisher that Ohno had years before, the same finisher that Barrett mysteriously started using about the same time Ohno started in NXT? I think Ohno should debut by showing Barrett how it's really done. :p

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Zayn is a good natural face. I'd like to see Neville and Gabriel as a tag team. Riley, Tatsu and DiBiase should be on SD putting over the heels more regularly. Barrett and Big E can be turned. The Usos should get into a feud with the Shield.


I also heard that when Ohno gets called up he will likely have to change his finisher because it's too similar to the Bullhammer Elbow that Barrett is currently using.


On NXT I saw Ohno use a Rolling Knee to the chin, so he could use that instead of the Rolling Elbow.

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SD review:


- Rollins vs Kane & Reigns vs Bryan - The booking of these matches was perfect. Repetitive long-term booking can be risky. Lucky for WWE these 4 guys (and Ambrose) are consistently good performers and the chemistry is there. It should end at Payback followed by a Kane vs Bryan feud at MITB and Summerslam.

- Sandow's got a regular show so he can troll Sheamus every week :D Shame he has to eat a brogue kick to keep Sheamus strong.

- Axel vs Sin Cara - Better mic work this week, and he used the word "Perfect" leading to "Not so perfect" chants" during the match. Won with a Perfect Plex this time. Decent start to Axel's big push.

- ADR vs Big E - Del Rio german suplexing Big E was cool. AJ attacking Del Rio was hot :) Solid match and 1 win apiece in this feud.

- Kofi vs Ryback - A short but good match. 3 table powerbombs from Ryback and Kofi can now take time off for the surgery he needs.

- Jericho vs Rhodes - Good match. Rhodes needs a storyline.

- Orton vs Ambrose - Shame about the DQ (WWE Booking 101 to keep them both strong) but at least Orton didn't win. And Bryan came to the rescue and went total beast mode on the Shield for the 2nd straight week. He's the only guy more over than Orton! He needs to pushed into the main event ASAP.


Verdict: Best Smackdown of the year. Entertaining and jam-packed with well-booked matches. Better than Raw and NXT this week.

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What is Antonio Cesaro doing these days? Haven't seen him since he lost the US Title and was relegated to 'Main Event'!


if he was to come back, I myself wouldn't mind a pair-up with Wade Barrett or Swagger, it would sort of make the whole 'All-American' thing really confusing(as if WWE isn't already) but unless he returns as a face and works a feud with him would be alright.


Or if he came back in time for Money in the Banks and got in the match or better yet wins it and cashes in for the World Heavyweight title. He definitely can wrestle and talk and bring something interesting to the World Heavyweight title!

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What is Antonio Cesaro doing these days? Haven't seen him since he lost the US Title and was relegated to 'Main Event'!


if he was to come back, I myself wouldn't mind a pair-up with Wade Barrett or Swagger, it would sort of make the whole 'All-American' thing really confusing(as if WWE isn't already) but unless he returns as a face and works a feud with him would be alright.


Or if he came back in time for Money in the Banks and got in the match or better yet wins it and cashes in for the World Heavyweight title. He definitely can wrestle and talk and bring something interesting to the World Heavyweight title!


Match against Sheamus this week on Main Event. Guaranteed to lose. I think they'll tweak his gimmick and have him job for the next few months until they need someone with his body size and move-set for a big feud then he'll get pushed again.

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Raw (aka The Daniel Bryan Show) highlights:


- Steph and Vince out trolling the crowd

- Shield vs Hell No & Orton - Nice to see Orton dominated for a change. Bryan is the best wrestler in WWE right now and he's over as ****. Creative continue to nail the Shield's push.

- Sandow being awesome - "I am a magician. I was not cheating." "Drinking from the trough of ignorance."

- AJ trolling the divas tag match

- Bryan vs Ryback - These are the matches Ryback needs to make him look strong not squash matches. Bryan looked like he had a legit chance of winning.

- Cena vs Axel - Solid match from Axel again but he still lacks a wow factor. Finish was predictable.


Verdict: Good Raw this week. More wrestling, more Daniel Bryan and less filler. Only criticism is the booking going into Payback is repetitive.



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I really hope that When Kassius Ohno debuts on the main roster that Vince (Or hopefully Triple H) will reform The Kings Of Wrestling with Kassius Ohno and Antonio Cesaro. Right now I am hearing that the creative team has lost confidence in Cesaro because they say he has no personallity (You don't have to be a great wrestler to be in WWE even though Cesaro is as long as you have a good personallity and can connect with the crowd) and can't connect with the crowd. However If they bring Ohno up and have him start Tagging with Cesaro It could help Cesaro connect with the fans more if they wanted to go that route.


I really hope that they do that because WWE needs tag teams.


I agree with you, the only thing I would want them to do is change that stupid name. Kassius Ohno is just such a horrible name.


I saw some NXT last week and that Australian chick who dances funny (I cannot remember what her name is and I am lazy so I am not going to bother looking it up.) is just horrible when it comes to talking.


I thought Kyle O'Reilly was bad over in ROH but that chick might be one of the worst I have ever watched.

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I agree with you, the only thing I would want them to do is change that stupid name. Kassius Ohno is just such a horrible name.


I saw some NXT last week and that Australian chick who dances funny (I cannot remember what her name is and I am lazy so I am not going to bother looking it up.) is just horrible when it comes to talking.


I thought Kyle O'Reilly was bad over in ROH but that chick might be one of the worst I have ever watched.


Yeah I am not crazy about Hero's name either but it is what it is. Man the chick that you are talking about sounds horrible and comparing her to ROH's Kyle O'Reilly as far as promo skills go can never be a good thing!:D

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I saw some NXT last week and that Australian chick who dances funny (I cannot remember what her name is and I am lazy so I am not going to bother looking it up.) is just horrible when it comes to talking.


Emma or The Emmalution



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