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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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all i can say if this is true, and really happens is WOW


eric, hogan and heyman

the 3 men who took wwf to school in the 90s.


2 of them nearly put him out while ecw was where wwf stole ideas.


they been on both sides of the fence . they worked against vince after the wars they worked for the company and knows just the way vince thinks more than anyone. pretty dangerous combo.



you also have russo , while russo get likes if people pissed with him, hes no idiot. sure giving him full control = bad, but hes a good idea guy to have around, as long as you have someone watching over him (vince in wwe , heyman in tna) dont forget tommy dreamer and raven. dreamer is headed to tna in the next 90 days. he was part of ecws creative team with heyman so was raven. im sure those are guys who heyman would push for in such positions


you have eric bishoff dealing with tv deals, marketing and tv production


hogan name value and also experience who can go outside of wrestling and get publicity for tna like no other wrestler could do.


hogan working with heyman who is no doubt one of the greatest creative minds in wrestling and is always on the edge of whats hot and going to be hot in pop culture.


then the talent, the young talent and the older talent that heyman and hogan can truly mold and market to the masses.


also shannon moore posted on his twitter that hes headed to the tna show to speak with hogan, jeff hardy is coming along


I agree with everything you say but... too many cooks spoil the broth. There is no way all those guys will be able to co-exist.


This is an exciting time for TNA but I'd rather these were new faces being brought into these positions rather than the same old Bischoff's, Heyman's and Hogan's.


TBH, I'd be more stoked if they'd parted with loads of cash and had brought Jericho in and gave him the book. Now that would be a smart business decision.

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I hope Heyman appears. I love Heyman and if he is joining TNA that is awesome. He's fantastic on screen and obviously very good behind it.


I really don't care at all about Kennedy. I don't understand why he or Shannon Moore have any appeal to fans.


Hall might make a good color commentator, but beyond that...why?


Waltman? Whatever.

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The Sports Courier feels there is a 70% chance of RVD showing up tomorrow night.


I love the fact they gave an exact percentage - "there's a good chance" and "it's quite likely" just wasn't good enough for them, they had to scientifically measure the probability. That has me sold, they must be professional reporters with inside sources if they can give actual percentages...

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RVD makes absolute sense for them. He's a beloved worker who is still very good and who works a style that meshes well with TNA.


And..? Couldn't you make the same case for a lot of these guys?


I think RVD would be lots of fun in TNA. But longterm, what does he do for the roster? Another high up the card face? He can work a couple "dream matches" with Joe, Kurt, and obviously AJ...but after the special attraction feel wears off, does RVD bring anything to the table that other guys on the roster don't? REALLY?


I guess more than anything, I'm questioning whether the writers could make RVD something special in TNA or would it be like Jeff Hardy and Foley and Lashley and Booker T where, after some initial momentum, RVD would be 'just some guy.'

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And..? Couldn't you make the same case for a lot of these guys?


I think RVD would be lots of fun in TNA. But longterm, what does he do for the roster? Another high up the card face? He can work a couple "dream matches" with Joe, Kurt, and obviously AJ...but after the special attraction feel wears off, does RVD bring anything to the table that other guys on the roster don't? REALLY?


I guess more than anything, I'm questioning whether the writers could make RVD something special in TNA or would it be like Jeff Hardy and Foley and Lashley and Booker T where, after some initial momentum, RVD would be 'just some guy.'


Yes, RVD brings something the rest of their roster doesn't. He's very popular across the groups of fans. He's a talented in ring worker. He is exactly the type of veteran TNA needs. Popular, talented, believable workers who have cred as something other than a failed WWE project or a WWE reject. If they can't think of good things to do with RVD, they are stupid and deserve to go out of business.


Edit: Daniels, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe are three very good workers who have no real mainstream appeal. RVD is more popular than any one of them. RVD is much more vaulable than a guy like Flair at this point, because unlike Flair or Booker T, or even Hogan, RVD isn't washed up or rejected by the E. He's insanely popular and has always had a cult following. He's a guy that common fans will be like "Oh he's in TNA? That's cool!" as opposed to "What? FLair is still wrestling? LOL!"

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I love the fact they gave an exact percentage - "there's a good chance" and "it's quite likely" just wasn't good enough for them, they had to scientifically measure the probability. That has me sold, they must be professional reporters with inside sources if they can give actual percentages...


lmao i laughed at the percentages when i saw that. im just in wait and see mode, cause so much speculation of whats gonna happen tomorrow and the coming months. no matter what happens wrestling just got fun again

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What happend to the whole we are diffrent then wwe thing? How is hiring the cast off's from wwe going to be any better then what wcw did? We all remember what happend to them right. Huge contracts.....big names that only care about them selfs and there friends..........I think tna should be realistic about what they are. A small fed that has a small but loyal fan base with a great tv slot. They should in no way try to compete with wwe......why would they want to? Tna is still in reality a regional company *look at how they do when they leave the impact zone* with a nation wide tv show.
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Hell yeah Gonna roll with my boy @TheShannonBrand to FLA to put in a good word & check out tha show.




Jeff Hardy's twitter.... things that make you go hmmm..... Maybe Jeff is going to be on the show, and Shannon Moore is riding with him... Or maybe the other way around.... or Maybe... they just like to drive long distances to watch wrestling?

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If they can't think of good things to do with RVD, they are stupid and deserve to go out of business.


Based on TNA's track record... :/


Until I see some well-booked, consistently good episodes of Impact strung together, I don't think it will matter one bit who TNA brings.


Let's not forget: Kurt Angle was arguably the best wrestler on the planet when he signed with TNA (more talented, more popular, and with far more crossover appeal than RVD) and literally within a few months their buy numbers and ratings were at a level as if he'd never appeared.

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Hell yeah Gonna roll with my boy @TheShannonBrand to FLA to put in a good word & check out tha show.




Jeff Hardy's twitter.... things that make you go hmmm..... Maybe Jeff is going to be on the show, and Shannon Moore is riding with him... Or maybe the other way around.... or Maybe... they just like to drive long distances to watch wrestling?


Pretty sure he's just saying he's going to the show to 'put in a good word' with TNA management about hiring Shannon.


Of course, its always possible he could sign...TNA's schedule and non-policy on recreational drug use would fit Jeff's lifestyle.

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What are some non wrestler related stuff you guys have heard? We know the logos changed, I heard they may be going back to the "squared circle", and a time slot change (length, day, etc)


I think they HAVE to get out of the iMPACT zone... I dont care if it looks like ECW shows used to, ie small venues.


What other changes would you guys make?

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Why do people keep saying WCW died because they brought in veteran cast offs? If TimeWarner hadn't wanted WCW gone they'd still be in business.


Yeah, no.


The reason why Time Warner wanted them gone was because the ratings for Thunder and Nitro were abysmal, the buy rates were bad (and there were no signs of improvement on either front) and more importantly WCW lost upwards of $60 million in 2000.


TW pulled the plug on the TV show, but, even with a weekly timeslot, there's no way in hell a promotion losing that much money would've continued much longer.

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According to his website, Rob van Dam will not be appearing on Impact tomorrow night. Here's what he had to say:


"This Monday kicks off the new ratings war between WWE and TNA-like I have to tell you! I admit, I am interested in the hype. In fact, I feel like I'm involved with this new era just because of the ginormous rumors involving me and a return. I'm going to say this-even though I know it won't do much good-don't be mad at me that you tuned in to see your favorite wrestler and I wasn't there. I'm going to be watching with you."


I suppose it could be a swerve, but RVD is saying he won't be at Impact tomorrow.

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kayfabe is a wonderfull thing lol.........the boys can't let the secrets out ;)....I know that rvd and alot of other people always say o i am not going to do this or that and then end up happing. Didn't he say he was not going to be on the raw homecoming some or something like that and did show up?
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Why do people keep saying WCW died because they brought in veteran cast offs? If TimeWarner hadn't wanted WCW gone they'd still be in business.


Yes and no. Like PeterHilton says, it was the ratings and buy rates that allowed Time Warner to kill WCW. If WCW remained hot - pulling great ratings, making tons of money - then there is no way to justify pulling the plug on the show. But when its hemorrhaging money, its an easy business decision. And veteran cast-offs who were past their prime was one of the many things that caused WCW to decline to the point that Time Warner could end it.


Also agree that if RvD is just bluffing about not being on Impact, its rather stupid. The point is to give fans reason to tune in, not give them reason not to and hope they still do...


I find it really odd that they have announced so little in terms of matches thus far. Really, announce a few PPV caliber matches and that alone could get a few fans to tune in. If you told me that they were going to do Wolfe-Angle again, then I might be more tempted to watch rather than PVR...

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I would say it reduces the chance of him showing up by 10 percent lolz. Still I am so on pins and needles and everyone watch Impact plz even if you are an E fan you know competition brings out the best in the E plus although Hart coming back will be great there will be no further surprises and when you record/dvr/tivo it you can skip all the usual crap apart from Bret. Personally I think long term RVD, Hardy and Kennedy could be good additions and glad the original BP will be back.
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Heard Jeff Hardy is going to crash the party tomorrow. Everyone is welcome!!! Gonna be fun.


There's been alot of last second internet marketing going on... Anyone that cares should post a link to their Space Books to this/or similar hype videos. I have, tell your friends if they know anyone who likes, or ever has liked wrestling to tune in Monday.



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