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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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That was phenomenally stupid.


Wolfe has already proved that the fans love him and he can work with virtually everyone in the main event scene.


He just had two MOTY candidate performances with Angle, and would probably do the same with Daniels, AJ, and Joe...having him lose to Pope on this show... ouch

Yes, that was INCREDIBLY stupid. The Knockouts tag match aside, this show has been pretty bad from what I've seen (didn't see much of the Hogan promo because I switched over to see Bret.)

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I'm surprised anyone expected any different - an X Division scramble, a couple of decent knockout matches, a rushed match with two decent workers, a 20 minute Hogan promo and countless shots of Jeff Jarrett wandering around backstage.


It's exactly as I expected...

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Guest cmdrsam
I think BigPappa said it best. This is not a night for wrestling per say. They are litterly throwing everything against the wall to see what is gonna stick. I will admit. I am gitty. If this was a week in and week out booking scheme I would be very turned off. But this is a play on "How big can we be" So far, match wise, dissapointed. Show wise and am I being entertained, I would say yes. But again lets see how this plays out over the coming weeks before we start crapping all over it. I for one have been dissappointed with TNA except for the last month. Some things look like they are starting to come togethor. Now lets see if the storylines and the talent can mesh with the new arrivals. Do I hope the Nasty Boys stay. O lord no. But face them against MCMG or some other team. And of course have the TNA home grown talent go ever eventually then yes it would be worth. Do I want to see Hall go on a title run? NO. But in short term am I glad he came, yes.
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I just don't understand how they didn't line the show up better than they have. We see JJ. Go to commercial. We see JJ again. Go to commercial. Hey JJ is almost ready to come to the Impact zone. Go to commercial.




Also, No AJ No Angle NO Daniels No Joe

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I'm surprised anyone expected any different - an X Division scramble, a couple of decent knockout matches, a rushed match with two decent workers, a 20 minute Hogan promo and countless shots of Jeff Jarrett wandering around backstage.


It's exactly as I expected...


I just hoped it would be different.


I really really can't believe what is happening here tonight.

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I just hoped it would be different.


I really really can't believe what is happening here tonight.


People will say they just need time. But they said that when they got PPV. They said that when they got TV. They said that when they got 2 hours - TNA is just categorically the number 2 promotion and won't be anything like number 1 without a serious overhaul that will never happen. If they gave the entire show to AJ, Joe, Daniels, Wolfe and even Angle in serious wrestling driven storylines, then it would be a show to watch - unfortuneately that probably won't happen.


On a side note, here's Jeff Jarrett talking, as that's what we want to see in 2010...

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