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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Actually it is 49 and that is including Tag Teams as singles and the Knock Out's + Foley and Jarret and Sharkey. Still to many yeah but with some fat cutting and fading out very solvable and still room for effective signings.


Fantastic. Who? And i only ask because literally every single time I've suggested someone be fired, you say no and then suggest 10 more people to sign.


lol ;)

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Getting those guys to the cusp is the relative easy part, so long as they have a bit of talent. Put them in a position to let that talent shine, especially against the top talent - like Angle. But taking that focus away is basically just making it a big waste of time. They need to long-term plan and have something for the guys they come out of that big feud, some way to keep them relevant and near the top. This is a big weakness of TNA booking, in my opinion.




I really really hope that isn't the case... but looking like an afterthought on this show makes it seem very possible.


Correct and for that they need more guys that can go and put them over that top.


With Lashley, AJ, Joe, Daniels, Angle, Abyss, Steiner otherwise engaged there wasn't much for Morgan or Hernandez to do other then the wrecking crew.


Only option would have been Nash or against each other. Come to think of it going after World Elite could have been smarter booking but not much better.


And they where on tv each episode with promos and matches and won the feud in the end. Only gripe was they should have been more dominant but it did elevate Dinero and Suicide by association imho.


Still compare this to +- two years ago. Prince Justice Brotherhood, Black Reign (out of shape) and Rellik (thats killer spelled backwards) anyone?

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Overall, I was entertained. Seeing all those 'names' was cool in a very visceral markish kind of way.


But I've never not watched TNA because of the roster. I've always stayed away because of the booking. Because I though they made bad decisions on who to push. And because the storylines were ridiculous.


And sadly nothing on this show made me think that's going to be fixed.


In 3 weeks, if Impact is more of the same I won't be a regular viewer.


I'm much the same. It looks to be same-old TNA, but with more clutter.


I so desperately wanted this to be the debut of a "new" TNA, one which would play to its strengths and move away from what kept from really buying in as a fan. Instead, it looks to be more of the same. I am a sad Papa.

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Fantastic. Who? And i only ask because literally every single time I've suggested someone be fired, you say no and then suggest 10 more people to sign.


lol ;)


Lol don't go overboard but to fire:


Rob Terry

Jesse Neal


Lacey Von Erich


To Fade Out and then fire/Backstage/Rare appearances:


Stevie Richards


Kevin Nash

Scott Steiner

Team 3D


Jeff Jarrett

Mick Foley



All the recent surprises except Jeff Hardy.


Bring In definitely and "possible":




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I'm much the same. It looks to be same-old TNA, but with more clutter.


It was like one of those DC comics Infinite Crisis uber-crossover epic issue deals...where every other panel has seven characters from a critically acclaimed comic you've never heard of before so you don't have any clue who they are...so it's just a bunch of faces drawn in to create the sense that "whoah everyone in the DC universe really IS affected."


Like that.

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Nasty Boys??? Waltman & Hall??? Right there, the four guys that are going to kill TNA. Sad.


actually i wanted the nasty boys in tna for a fued with 3d. odds are they wont be long term , but they can have some good wild brawls with 3d. maybe not great wrestling based matches but some fun all over the arena brawls. and theya re entertaining.


im interested in whats nash hall and pacs role. if they are hogans back up when he hs rouble with anyone. or if hes have issues with them and bish or what.



then you have flair why was he watching part of the main event. is he interested in the world title? or will he offer services to aj styles as a mout piece.


who was the attacker backstage, was it the sam person who went after aj? or someone else.


also sting, will he side with hogan, or jarret foley or alone. does he trust any of them


lots of potential here. and who will be in tna by the time of the ppv.

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Lol don't go overboard but to fire:


Rob Terry

Jesse Neal


Lacey Von Erich


To Fade Out and then fire/Backstage/Rare appearances:


Stevie Richards


Kevin Nash

Scott Steiner

Team 3D


Jeff Jarrett

Mick Foley



All the recent surprises except Jeff Hardy.


Bring In definitely and "possible":





I'm disappointed to even see Mick Foley get beaten up in that last segment. AS well with the beating down of Team 3D, Rhino, Beer Money and all those pieces of bad segments there. The rare appearances of Stevie Richards and Raven is understandable.


And I just got a notice here: almost all of the guys I've mentioned are a part of ECW!!! Bring Heyman to TNA and we could have a hell of a war here between Bischoff and his men against the alumni ECW!!!!!


Hehehehehe that'll bring at least some ratings to TNA.

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I'm much the same. It looks to be same-old TNA, but with more clutter.


I so desperately wanted this to be the debut of a "new" TNA, one which would play to its strengths and move away from what kept from really buying in as a fan. Instead, it looks to be more of the same. I am a sad Papa.


As Bigpapa knows I agree on that point completely (,I just don't think trimming the roster is the only or even most effective solution,) but I much rather watch 3 hours crammed into 2 with occasional good matches then 1 hour stretched into 2 with rare good matches like the E feels for me most of the time.

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I can categorically say that I don't especially care about the 'cliff-hanger' ending that they left. I could care less about Hogan's internal struggle between the old Hulk that would party with Bischoff and the nWo and the new 'corporate' Hogan who is all about giving the young stars an opportunity. This is 2010 - the characters in featured roles in this show are irrelevant. Period.


Is wrestling really this difficult to book? Honestly? No-one wants to see The Nasty Boys, Orlando Jordan or X-Pac anymore. By the end of the show, there were so many 'shock' appearances that the one that mattered and was legitimately important to the wrestling landscape (Jeff Hardy) was completely overshadowed and glossed over as a non-event. I just don't get it.


The general concensus on boards like this will be that the best part of the show was Styles vs Angle, because it offered exciting action with characters we cared about and have not overstayed their welcome. Is it really that hard to book a simple point of conflict between the two and let them tear the house down like they did tonight?


What I'm saying is that with a roster like TNA's, I don't understand why they're still producing a television product that gives me a headache after watching it. It just doesn't make sense.

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So for the people who watched both shows.........Who won? I have not watched raw yet but impact was a very good show. What are your views?


I'm not a guy to say who 'won'. I have a bias towards WWE, and do not speak for the common casual viewer. I paid more attention to RAW. The only time I properly flicked over to TNA (I was running dueling streams and switching audio tracks to whatever I was more interested in) was when AJ/Angle went head-to-head with Kofi/Orton, and whenever Jeff Hardy was on screen.


I missed a lot of Impact, so I'll have to read spoilers to know exactly what's what. I haven't the foggiest what Hall & X-Pac were all about, and I skipped Lashley entirely.

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Both shows were good. TNA's as a single show was probably better show because of the craziness in every segment but I think in the long run this Bret Hart angle will be better and give me more entertainment than any of the storylines TNA started tonight. Out of all of them I kind fo look forward to Bobby Lashley as a heel for some reason. nWo is played out, and Foley just bugs me anymore. Jeff Hardy pisses me off because I just feel WWE has put up with a lot from him (drug use and more chances than anyone) to put him at the top of the wrestling world for him to pull some **** like this. I dunno I guess he fulfilled his contract and was free to leave like any person at any job. Anyway I am interested to see where they go. I hated seeing Wolfe lose. He had some killer momentum going and is one of their hottest heel acts. He could easily be built into a main event heel agaisnt AJ.
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As Bigpapa knows I agree on that point completely (,I just don't think trimming the roster is the only or even most effective solution,) but I much rather watch 3 hours crammed into 2 with occasional good matches then 1 hour stretched into 2 with rare good matches like the E feels for me most of the time.


I don't want either, to be honest. I want basic, smart booking with proper roster usage. WWE certainly has its problems at this point, but I don't think that excuses the problems with TNA at all. That's negative justification.


I simply don't understand TNA's need to overkill something. When they could make a point with one segment, they do six instead. Its like they think the viewers are morons and the most basic storyline point has to be hammered - literally hammered - into their heads.

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So for the people who watched both shows.........Who won? I have not watched raw yet but impact was a very good show. What are your views?


Yeah, I don't think "won" is the right way to put it. I watched Raw and a good portion of Impact (going back and re-watching the rest). Raw was the best its been in awhile, with solid segments and decent matches. Impact felt like a cluttered mess of overkill, with continual debuts, leading into a damned good main event. To me, it was the kind of show that TNA does so often, which you either enjoy or just find endlessly annoying. It shows both the potential and the downside to TNA.

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I am not making excuses just clarifying my choice. Both have their faults in other areas but unfortunately those are the choices given at the moment and TNA entertains me more as there is at least always something going on. Often it is too much but I am of the rather too much then to little school as the E really hammers things over and over across all their shows mainly with recaps etc. Recaps are fine for ppv but a last week on this show and what happened on the other show rewinds all the time together with stomp, punch, stomp, punch wrestling I would chose Russo ADHD booking. If they could always book like between No Surrender and Final Resolution (removing the odd snafu here and there) and tone it down a bit I would be one happy camper.
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I always find to me, that TNA's product doesn't have any substance. Not that WWE does either but it has. I rarely find anything from TNA that keeps me hooked for very long. They seem to jump around so often between bringing in WWE castoffs to who is feuding with who. I have really got into the Wolfe/Angle feud the first storyline in awhile I have been interested in from TNA. I really look forward to them trying to put together 3 or 4 top programs. My problem is they don't seem to know who is heel and who is face. For the past few weeks I thought for sure Foley and Jarrett would be the heels taking on Hogan. Well, Foley acted heelish most of the night, but gets jumped by nWo???
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Yeah, I don't think "won" is the right way to put it. I watched Raw and a good portion of Impact (going back and re-watching the rest). Raw was the best its been in awhile, with solid segments and decent matches. Impact felt like a cluttered mess of overkill, with continual debuts, leading into a damned good main event. To me, it was the kind of show that TNA does so often, which you either enjoy or just find endlessly annoying. It shows both the potential and the downside to TNA.


Hell I am often both annoyed and entertained but rather that then yawning/sitting on my hands.

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So for the people who watched both shows.........Who won? I have not watched raw yet but impact was a very good show. What are your views?


In the end I just hope wrestling wins as I am not, repeat not anti wwe at all. I just prefer TNA. Ok Ill stop for now as I can type about wrestling till the cows come home. I will be back once I have seen both shows so be warned hehe.

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I thought Impact was a darn good show... by TNA standards. I've seen better shows, but I found this one exciting and entertaining. Would've been a better idea to have the tag title match though, and (preferably) have Beer Money win the gold, IMO. I taped both shows, but at some point I flipped over to Raw to see what was happening, just in time to see Matt Sydal get piled up by Sheamus, and that pretty much dried up my interest in Raw for the evening. Hopefully I'll get around to watching it eventually though.
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