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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I really dont like Womans wrestling so I dont see as much of a loss I always skip the knockouts any way instead of TBP but I can see how people who like the knockouts could be disspapointed but I dont see it as much of a loss


It is a slight loss to TNA considering there Knockouts consistently pull in some of the highest rated segments on Impact.

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Unreal. The Knockouts are the last true alternative left to WWE and honestly, they're pretty damn good. Melissa has been busting her butt for 10 years to get where she is, but is overlooked by WWE because she isn't a model. It's a shame she'll never get the recognition she deserves. I was hoping TNA would be the place for that, but it would appear not. Kong leaving is a huge blow as well. And I can't help but think Hamada's time is limited.


I can't see Hogan being a huge fan of legitmate female wrestlers. Considering right now, the Beautiful People seem to be the only ones getting air time due to them feuding themselves.

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Unreal. The Knockouts are the last true alternative left to WWE and honestly, they're pretty damn good. Melissa has been busting her butt for 10 years to get where she is, but is overlooked by WWE because she isn't a model. It's a shame she'll never get the recognition she deserves. I was hoping TNA would be the place for that, but it would appear not. Kong leaving is a huge blow as well. And I can't help but think Hamada's time is limited.


I can't see Hogan being a huge fan of legitmate female wrestlers. Considering right now, the Beautiful People seem to be the only ones getting air time due to them feuding themselves.


Your comment on Hogan not being a huge fan of legit female wrestlers and it got me thinking...could the changes that are happening effect the relationship that TNA has with Sh!mmer? If TNA looses the girls that also work for Sh!mmer it would be the end to the Knockouts.

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I really dont like Womans wrestling so I dont see as much of a loss I always skip the knockouts any way instead of TBP but I can see how people who like the knockouts could be disspapointed but I dont see it as much of a loss


Awesome Kong is one of the few draws on the roster so yeah, it hurts. I have to assume "dur I don like wimmen wrestling" is the exception, since the Knockouts have regularly been the highest rated part of TNA since their debut. A debut which featured Awesome Kong.


I think Kong would be great for WWE, especially since Beth Phoenix has been teasing a face turn for the past year. A feud between those two would be worth watching. Melissa... isn't likely to get much of a shot if she went up north. I look at where Katie Lea is and that seems like the same spot Melissa would end up in.

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TNAWrestlingNews.com is exclusively reporting that TNA Knockout Alissa Flash is leaving TNA Wrestling.


According to their source, word is that Alissa (Melissa Anderson) requested her release from the company. There are rumors of others besides Kong and Anderson requesting their releases but nothing is confirmed.


good for her i'm a big fan of Cheerleader Melissa and she deserved to use her own gimmick.

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angle vs styles for 3rd time in a month? hogan would suck at TEW lol


LOL. I keep making the "penalty" reference on other message boards and nobody gets it :(


Yeah, that show was... ugh. I don't understand the point in them blatantly ripping off the Montreal Screwjob right down to the spitting. I mean, they've already done two of these in the past with Larry Z and Earl Hebner. Did they just do it in hopes that WWE would rehash it and ruin it's appeal? Who knows.


I tried my best to enjoy it, I couldn't. None of the matches were good, it was flooded with pointless segments, and there's too many guys sitting on the sidelines who have good momentum at the moment that just aren't being followed through with (Beer Money, Desmond Wolfe)

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Two things.


1) If WWE was held to the standards TNA is, it would be out of business.


2) TNA needs to go to a live show bad. With taped shows, fans are deciding whether the shows are good or not before they ever see them. Tonight's Impact was no worse than any WWE broadcast, but it is being trashed largely because we all got so upset from the spoilers earlier in the week.

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Just finished watching the DVR of the show (was gonna miss the first half hour and now that I have DVR I decided to catch TNA for the first time in months) and three things stuck out


1) The knockouts all have t*ts so big its distracting (Seriously a C won't do they all need double D's?


2) Scott Hall is fat and needs to go away.


3) TNA apparentley is doing GREAT financially b/c they can afford to sign everyone who has ever spent any time wrestling.


bonus 4th: plz make the ring bigger now that it is square.


bonus bonus 5th: Their house music sucks.

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The Wrestling Observer reports that Awesome Kong gave notice to TNA on Tuesday night. This comes on the heels of her altercation with Bubba The Love Sponge over the ill-advised comments about Haiti.


Well... that would suck. She's the only chick who genuinely looks .... frightening. She's the key to the Knock Outs division, as you can always book her legitimately as the strong heel no questions asked.


Diva Dirt has just received word that TNA Knockout, Alissa Flash — real name Melissa Anderson — has parted ways with TNA.


Anderson made her debut in January 2008 as Raisha Saeed, manager of Awesome Kong before debuting a second character, ‘The Future Legend’ Alissa Flash in July 2009. Saeed was written out in October last year and Anderson continued to compete as Flash until her departure.


During her time in the company, Alissa has competed in memorable matches with Sarita, Hamada, Awesome Kong and Tara.


For more on Alissa please visit her Twitter page and official website


Again, that's rather ordinary also.


This just sounds so... WCW-ish. Hogan thinks he's the messiah, sells himself well to corporate types, gets ingratiated with the upper brass, becomes a key figure behind the scenes, and whammo, the ingredients of a great recipe start to go by the way-side.


It sounds like a very disorientated, very disorganised unit at the moment. It doesn't surprise me. Look, I think Hulk Hogan knows how to sell Hulk Hogan. And he's done it very well for a very long time. But much like say Ric Flair with WCW, I don't think Hulk Hogan is someone to lead an organisation from a non wrestling perspective. At the end of the day, it seems to me that Vince McMahon is probably sitting back quite happy that the only genuine chance in years to pose any threat to his promotion is destroying itself, in good old WCW fashion.

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Does TNA release a financial report to show whether they are making a profit or loses? If so, can someone post it. And why would wrestlers want to sign a deal with Panda Energy instead of TNA?


I read that if TNA were to go out of business their contracts would still be guaranteed because they are working for the parent company. If they had TNA contracts and the company went out of business that would be that, and they would get nothing.

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I read that if TNA were to go out of business their contracts would still be guaranteed because they are working for the parent company. If they had TNA contracts and the company went out of business that would be that, and they would get nothing.

Right. Just like how some of the guys from WCW (Goldberg being one for certain) continued to receive money from Time Warner/AOL/whatever after WCW was sold off.

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from what i understand panda energy *the parent compnay if you will* makes alot of money and was willing to loose money for a while till tna started making a profit. I do understand that tna was turning a profit. but that was before hogan and all the new people started coming in. I am assuming that is costing them alot of money. They might not be making a profit any more but panda might be willing to risk it for a few more month.
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Well... that would suck. She's the only chick who genuinely looks .... frightening. She's the key to the Knock Outs division, as you can always book her legitimately as the strong heel no questions asked.




Again, that's rather ordinary also.


This just sounds so... WCW-ish. Hogan thinks he's the messiah, sells himself well to corporate types, gets ingratiated with the upper brass, becomes a key figure behind the scenes, and whammo, the ingredients of a great recipe start to go by the way-side.


It sounds like a very disorientated, very disorganised unit at the moment. It doesn't surprise me. Look, I think Hulk Hogan knows how to sell Hulk Hogan. And he's done it very well for a very long time. But much like say Ric Flair with WCW, I don't think Hulk Hogan is someone to lead an organisation from a non wrestling perspective. At the end of the day, it seems to me that Vince McMahon is probably sitting back quite happy that the only genuine chance in years to pose any threat to his promotion is destroying itself, in good old WCW fashion.


I don't think this is the case at all. I think we need to stop buying the perception that the internet media is putting out there. They have issued reports ranging from "Morale is great after inspiring speech from Hogan!" to "Everyone wants out! Hogan is terrible!" We just need to stop trying to be smarky about it and see what happens. I think Hogan is doing a good job right now personally. The only thing I hate that they've done is reenact the Montreal bit last night. To be fair though, the WWE does that seemingly twice a year.

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I don't think this is the case at all. I think we need to stop buying the perception that the internet media is putting out there. They have issued reports ranging from "Morale is great after inspiring speech from Hogan!" to "Everyone wants out! Hogan is terrible!" We just need to stop trying to be smarky about it and see what happens. I think Hogan is doing a good job right now personally. The only thing I hate that they've done is reenact the Montreal bit last night. To be fair though, the WWE does that seemingly twice a year.


I would agree except for Knockouts apparently leaving and homegrown talent not working so that the Nasty Boys can wrestle Kevin Nash. That's just not something that needs to exist in 2010.


Also, even if WWE did do screw-jobs twice a year (which they don't), it is THEIR STORY. The screwjob was WWF's, and they took something which was genuine and real and made money off of it by creating the Mr. McMahon character. TNA's re-enactments of the screw-job are just sad in comparison since they have virtually no connection to that genuine event and are basically saying "hey, remember this wrestling fans?" Instead of TNA doing anything creative, they are leeching off of 12 year old stories show-wide. It's wrestling nostalgia for the Attitude era.

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I would agree except for Knockouts apparently leaving and homegrown talent not working so that the Nasty Boys can wrestle Kevin Nash. That's just not something that needs to exist in 2010.


Also, even if WWE did do screw-jobs twice a year (which they don't), it is THEIR STORY. The screwjob was WWF's, and they took something which was genuine and real and made money off of it by creating the Mr. McMahon character. TNA's re-enactments of the screw-job are just sad in comparison since they have virtually no connection to that genuine event and are basically saying "hey, remember this wrestling fans?" Instead of TNA doing anything creative, they are leeching off of 12 year old stories show-wide. It's wrestling nostalgia for the Attitude era.


Yes exactly the point

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