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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Yep last year they averaged around 1.1 - 1.2 so that is what they at least need to do to have the same size of first time viewers. Some are arguing that they have lost fans but that they have been replaced with paying fans. Say loss of 0.4 non payers gone and 0.2 payers gained. Still this is hard to verify. The big bad is the merchandising. Their sales should be much higher now, while they are higher but not as could be expected, with Hogan and RVD and Hardy. Their contracts should/could pay for themselves. Same goes for extra international expansion. They have signed a contract in Saudi Arabia now but if that is because those names are on board now is a question.
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Yeah. As bad as it's been, if you're TNA you have to be relieved to be back at where ya were.


US Ratings wise yes and they have 2 more years to get those up or at the same level. The rest is up as well and so are international ratings. Not as much as could or should be up but still up.

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But yeah before the Kurt Angles, Mic Foley's, Hulk Hogans, Flairs, RVD's,Hardy's etc. and now low and behold there is roster cuts going around.


Before those?


Yknow..it's gonna be close IIRC the Impact shows before Angle were in the low 0.7's at their absolute best. He may have been the first (and only) signing that atually created a long term bump in the ratings. i could be wrong though.

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Yeah. As bad as it's been, if you're TNA you have to be relieved to be back at where ya were.


That's true.


Yep last year they averaged around 1.1 - 1.2 so that is what they at least need to do to have the same size of first time viewers. Some are arguing that they have lost fans but that they have been replaced with paying fans. Say loss of 0.4 non payers gone and 0.2 payers gained. Still this is hard to verify. The big bad is the merchandising. Their sales should be much higher now, while they are higher but not as could be expected, with Hogan and RVD and Hardy. Their contracts should/could pay for themselves. Same goes for extra international expansion. They have signed a contract in Saudi Arabia now but if that is because those names are on board now is a question.


Interesting. Honestly, if that were the case, then it's worth it. I'd much rather have 0.4 of the TNA internet dorks (or the 'passionate faithful' as I'm sure they'd prefer to be called) in exchange for 0.2 of an audience that will pay for PPVs and merch.

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I'm pretty much done with TNA right now. Maybe I'll tune it another time, but not right now.


I hate to say this, but when people tell me that "it is possible to put on worse shows be worse than what the WWE right now" I scoff. Not anymore.


TNA is proof you can have great workers, but crappy angles, crappy storylines, and even crappier booking means the it's near unwatchable as a whole.

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Yknow..it's gonna be close IIRC the Impact shows before Angle were in the low 0.7's at their absolute best. He may have been the first (and only) signing that atually created a long term bump in the ratings. i could be wrong though.


I always believed Angle to be the 'name' signing who actually created/arrival was followed by a consistant increase in ratings. I recall Sting's TV debut caused a initial bump, no idea how influencial Christian's arrival was prior to Angle... too lazy to trawl the net for reliable stats.


Regardless though, beyond the initial curiousity spike caused by Hogan's Impact debut, the ratings quickly dwindled back to their pre-Hogan level. It would be interesting to know what sort of fan turnover TNA has experienced, how many diehards have stuck around, how many fans actually tuned in due to Hogan/Bischoff/RVD/Hardy/etc.


Overall though, TNA didn't capitalise on the additional curiousity/buzz Hogan's arrival caused. Muddled product with no clue as to it's identity, completely inconsistant/poor booking, messing around with the ring, deludge of new arrivals, workers going 'missing', take your pick or add more. It's pretty hard to get someone to buy into product if you can't convince them you're actually sure what you're selling.

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WCW proved this years ago.


(waits for Hyde's head to explode at umpteenth WCW reference ;) )


Well, no ****, Sherlock. I never said WCW didn't prove this. TNA is only more proof of this.


What the real issue is, at a time when they need to doing well, they are doing badly. They are a joke among casual AND internet fans. That's just pitiful.

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Well, no ****, Sherlock. I never said WCW didn't prove this. TNA is only more proof of this.


What the real issue is, at a time when they need to doing well, they are doing badly. They are a joke among casual AND internet fans. That's just pitiful.


It was a joke aimed at Hyde. Calm down.

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I always believed Angle to be the 'name' signing who actually created/arrival was followed by a consistant increase in ratings. I recall Sting's TV debut caused a initial bump, no idea how influencial Christian's arrival was prior to Angle... too lazy to trawl the net for reliable stats.


Regardless though, beyond the initial curiousity spike caused by Hogan's Impact debut, the ratings quickly dwindled back to their pre-Hogan level. It would be interesting to know what sort of fan turnover TNA has experienced, how many diehards have stuck around, how many fans actually tuned in due to Hogan/Bischoff/RVD/Hardy/etc.


Overall though, TNA didn't capitalise on the additional curiousity/buzz Hogan's arrival caused. Muddled product with no clue as to it's identity, completely inconsistant/poor booking, messing around with the ring, deludge of new arrivals, workers going 'missing', take your pick or add more. It's pretty hard to get someone to buy into product if you can't convince them you're actually sure what you're selling.


Yep that is there biggest failure, the loss of all the momentum from the Jan 4th show. Which was happening before they moved to Mondays. And now an even more negative perception of the brand among die hards and casuals.

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It was a joke aimed at Hyde. Calm down.



In any case, TNA isn't dead, but it's certainly makes itself look like a two-bit company at the worst time.


I mean, they have all this talent, and they can't pull off a better show than most regional wrestling companies (sometimes pull even WORSE shows)? That's inexcusable.

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In any case, TNA isn't dead, but it's certainly makes itself look like a two-bit company at the worst time.


I mean, they have all this talent, and they can't pull off a better show than most regional wrestling companies (sometimes pull even WORSE shows)? That's inexcusable.


Let's ignore the fact that the largest wrestling company in the world just put on a worse pay-per-view than TNA has ever put on.

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Let's ignore the fact that the largest wrestling company in the world just put on a worse pay-per-view than TNA has ever put on.


Victory Road 2009:o. Hey I am a fan and will defend what is in my view unrighteous accusations or present the other side of the coin. But when they do bad or dumb **** I call them out. Not an apologist or blind mark.

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They got their own thread to bash them hehe lolz. Plus they need more posts as the TNA one has a lot more.


Wrestling in general is in the tank right now with RAW scoring consecutive 3.1's. The E has severely eroded the entire (US) fanbase , while admit-tingly upping their profits, and TNA has not been able to find their niche as a viable alternative.

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And now for something completely diffrent...and as it may be a possable spoiler, i'll put the rest in White




Whts everyone's reaction to TNA turning anderson babyface over the next two weeks because they qoute "can't ignore the crowd any longer!" in my mind, you should keep him heel and build off that. The crowd likes him because he's a great arrogant heel. IT's ok if a section of the crowd cheers for him TNA. if means they enjoy his work.


I am of course, withholding final judgment until we see the turn over the next two weeks. IF they are doing a "grey hat" turn where he's still a bad ass, but sticks to fighting heels, ok then, though i still think that's unnesscary


IF it's a full fledged babyface turn, it is, IMO a huge mistake. Don't turn the best heel in the company babyface because the crowd doesn't stick to loud Boo's TNA, that will be a mistake for you.


Anderson is Killing it right now, he's one of the reasons i watch. IF they change his character to much with this, huge mistake.


Sometimes the awnser is to stand pat, i think this is one of those times. In essence, i see them looking at a guy pulling a solid A for his gimmick and momentum, and now they want to turn him to see if they can get a A* instead


Not worth the risk, TNA. Let the man roll and enjoy the ride.

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Won't quote you to avoid the spoiler, but I agree with everything you said there.


It's a bad risk imo. If they play it worn - like what the E did to Orton when he broke off from Evolution - they are going to absolutely kill one of the hottest acts they have.


If they play it right..just not that much to gain. Especially since they need some top tier heels.

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Yeah agreed although a pretend turn could also work with the distrust in the end being valid. That would make him an uber heel. Both stories are hard to pull of though and why muddle the waters? If it ain't broke don't fix it. Read that again TNA: If it ain't broke do not fix it!
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<p>Strange, with all the things TNA's gotten wrong, it's gonna be one of the thing's they've gotten right that they're gonna change. </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>So is this go big or go home for TNA? With the Hogan signing I mean. I know Eric has other ventures outside of TNA but Scott Baio has ran his reality t.v course and Celeberity Wrestling didn't set the world on fire either. Bischoff doesn't have a lot of things going out outside of TNA right now. If he did he wouldn't be so involved with TNA. Say what you will about TNA and how many different "on screen" authority figures they've had but backstage things have been Jarett, Dixie and Russo for a while. Dixie does not get rid of the people in charge even when she should. So Bischoff's not going to get fired no matter how poorly he does and he's not going to leave because whats out there for the guy besides TNA that is this close to a billionaire's wallet?</p><p> </p><p>

Hogan's the same way. The guy is at the very least 50% poorer than he was a few years ago. I don't know what his finances are like but the Hulk Hogan brand isn't selling t shirts, his energy drink is nowhere to be found. Basically like Bischoff all Hogan has left is pro wrestling. I'm not even sure Vince is willing to take him back at this point. He already complained about being lowballed at WM a few years ago and I'm sure if he went back there he'd see an even bigger paycut. Just like his friend Eric I think this is Hogan's best chance at making cash being this close to a billionaire's wallet isn't something you cut out on. </p><p> </p><p>

My point is Dixie's not firing them and they got nowhere else to go that they would make any thing close to what TNA would pay them. Not for as little work as Hogan puts in and Eric's not exactly burning the midnight oil. So really is this going to be either the E and H connection bring TNA to never before seen heights or then run it flaming into the ground? </p><p> </p><p>

Again I'm not saying their doing either currently but with Dixie unwilling to fire "staff" and them not having a deal anywhere else that has near as much money vs. work as they do here their sure as heck not gonna leave under their own power. So that leaves them stuck together for better or worse I would imagine.</p>

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