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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I love the AJ-Kaz-Flair love triangle.


I love the idea, but i really wish tna would slow down - i could see a nice storyline to pull out over six months or something that would see Kaz increasingly prove to Naitch that he's the real new Nature Boy, and AJ has failed in his new role. Build the tension in Flair's new faction over months, with AJ getting jealous and then have AJ turn face and break from the faction feuding with Kaz at say Bound For Glory in October. That would elevate Kaz as a ****y top heel, lets AJ play an honourable face again and give tna some different angles to use over the next few months, rather than the same run-in over and over again. I just feel that they introduced Kaz into the Flair fold last week and now he's feuding with AJ? Way too soon...


Plus, I don't really want to see Naitch taking back body drops in angles - ok, Ric, we get that you can still do them, just relax a bit eh?


Also, Abyss is a disgusting excuse for an upper level face - this Chelsea angle is backwards and weird. That is all :p

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I laughed when they DDT'd the midget.


Lucky midget, first he got to slap Velvet's butt and then he got to make out with Lacey!


What was up with that opening segment between Mr. Anderson, Modest and a Flop, and AJ? It was just so bad...


I am really getting into the Team 3D/Ink Inc. which is weird because the only person that I like in the feud is D-Von.

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So I liked Impact this week. I haven't really watched much since shortly after Lockdown since the show got pretty silly.


I know people elsewhere have said there is nothing to gain by turning Anderson face. I'd say he's easily the biggest face in the company now. I haven't seen anybody dragging the reaction with his promo's from these fans since Pope before Lockdown and Anderson has them eating out of the palm of his hand and his promos are insanely good. Just shoving Anderson in a handful of segments is more than enough reason to make me watch the show.


The Wolfe/Abyss thing is stupid but what I like is that a throwaway line from Wolfe about calling OJ "Bubble Gum" can get over like that. The guy has buckets of charisma and hopefully after this Abyss storyline he can move onto something else. Although I fear that something else may be Rob Terry another big lug but none the less.


I like this stable of AJ, Wolfe, Kaz and Flair. Although Beer Money don't really fit with the group IMO. Their the "Muscle" of the group but I'd rather have a guy than a tag team. Matt Morgan would have been good for the role I'm not saying I don't like his role now because I love it I'm just saying a big guy that is menacing and looks good in a suit.


The biggest flaw in this four taped shows in two days is AJ busting in on Flair and Kaz and saying "I've been looking for you all day and I find you in here with Kaz". Its like AJ you were just in the opening promo with him by your side so you haven't been looking for him all day. Maybe it wasn't a mistake but I'm more than willing to bet it was. You can't say "I've been looking for you all day" when you were with him the segment before last.


So all in all I'm entertained by RVD/Sting does not hold my interest and Angle on commentary was kinda boring as well. I also hate how AJ is Ric Flair Jr. and Abysss is Hogan Jr. but these are things I can't change so I won't dwell on them.


I like the direction of the company and I'm LOVING Anderson........... Andersoooooon.

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Did you guys also have the very, very long promo for the UK tour as well?


Plus anyone else find it funny that Young is now aligned with Hall given the promo Joe gave when Hall no showed and Young stepped up to fill his shoes?


Puppet was more entertaining then all the stuff Swaggle has ever done combined hehe.


Nice continuity with Jeff saying he didn't have a match and then the match against Wolf. ffs. Also not promoting that at all during the show?? Nice match though for the time given.


Really hope its a false face turn with Anderson. He is much better as someone you like to hate then like to like. If you get what I mean.


What is with the heel vs heel ppv matches? One ok but two? And shame that king of the mountain is gone as it gave decent to good matches and was a part of TNA's identity. If they had tweaked it a bit by making it full elimination and no need to pin to hang up the title for example it would have been less gimmicky and thus even better.


Overall decent Impact. Not great but not bad either.

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So I liked Impact this week. I haven't really watched much since shortly after Lockdown since the show got pretty silly.


I know people elsewhere have said there is nothing to gain by turning Anderson face. I'd say he's easily the biggest face in the company now. I haven't seen anybody dragging the reaction with his promo's from these fans since Pope before Lockdown and Anderson has them eating out of the palm of his hand and his promos are insanely good. Just shoving Anderson in a handful of segments is more than enough reason to make me watch the show.


The Wolfe/Abyss thing is stupid but what I like is that a throwaway line from Wolfe about calling OJ "Bubble Gum" can get over like that. The guy has buckets of charisma and hopefully after this Abyss storyline he can move onto something else. Although I fear that something else may be Rob Terry another big lug but none the less.


I like this stable of AJ, Wolfe, Kaz and Flair. Although Beer Money don't really fit with the group IMO. Their the "Muscle" of the group but I'd rather have a guy than a tag team. Matt Morgan would have been good for the role I'm not saying I don't like his role now because I love it I'm just saying a big guy that is menacing and looks good in a suit.


The biggest flaw in this four taped shows in two days is AJ busting in on Flair and Kaz and saying "I've been looking for you all day and I find you in here with Kaz". Its like AJ you were just in the opening promo with him by your side so you haven't been looking for him all day. Maybe it wasn't a mistake but I'm more than willing to bet it was. You can't say "I've been looking for you all day" when you were with him the segment before last.


So all in all I'm entertained by RVD/Sting does not hold my interest and Angle on commentary was kinda boring as well. I also hate how AJ is Ric Flair Jr. and Abysss is Hogan Jr. but these are things I can't change so I won't dwell on them.


I like the direction of the company and I'm LOVING Anderson........... Andersoooooon.


He said he was looking for him all over not all day. Big difference so not a problem. And Anderson is just more likeable as a heel imho.

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I like the direction of the company and I'm LOVING Anderson........... Andersoooooon.


I wish I could say I did. I didn't think it was possible but after this Impact, I think I'm even more annoyed about Anderson that I even was before. Hogan was right in that little heart to heart segment. The guy finally has a part of his character that could become HIS in making "*******" into a badge of honor and it's already at risk because he's also supposed to be "Mr. Sincerity"?


Damnit, TNA. You were on track to getting me, a long-time Anderson critic, to accept the guy as being worthy of the his spot on the card. So you go and split your focus like this NOW? If you're going to pull this with a guy like Anderson who just needed that last little bit to get over the top, why should I believe in any TNA characterization? Why should I embrace the Flair/Styles relationship? Why should I accept Orlando Jordan as this Goldust minus the body paint type? Heck, why should I accept Brother Ray as the hothead Taz is always calling him? That opening segment extending the ******* talk from Sacrifice had actually made me willing to give Anderson a fresh shot at converting me. And you create this muddle? Maybe you should just kiss off, TNA.

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Ric Flair Says TNA Will Have "As Much Awareness As WWE"


Posted by Ashish*on 05.28.2010


In six months... -


The Daily Mirror has a video interview up with Ric Flair promoting the 2011 TNA UK tour. In the interview, Flair says he will wrestle on the tour and that he is the happiest he has been in wrestling since 1986, adding that TNA lets him be himself. He also said that Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan are in for the long haul and that TNA will have "as much awareness as WWE" in six months.


Oh, Ric.


I get that it's his job to pimp TNA, but do he have to take a dump on his entire career since the mid 80s? Evolution? WM against Undertaker? The match with HBK that mightve been the best send off ever?


Ah well...

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It is


But the E trated him like a god. There's an entire wave of wrestling fans that have been programmed to think Ric was the greatest performer to work in the business. And maybe he was. But considering his 'prime' was over 20 years ago, he should be thanking the wrestling gods that the E gave him the 'legend' treatment since he came back because that's the reason he's even remotely relevant today.

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