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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Found this on another site and thought I'd share it. Its not a "credible" source but its a lot of information and thought it was atleast credible enough to discuss.


News from TNAasylum.com. These guys have been the TNA inside source for some time and just a few weeks ago decided to start their own website.


The X divison right now is the talk backstage. Everyone is trying to figure how to make it more appealing. The wrestlers in ring ability is fine. Problem is when a X Divison match take place the ratings drop. Bischoff, and Russo seen this happen in WCW and WWE with the cruiserweights. Now TNA's dealing with the same problem with the X Divison. Shane Helms will be a big part of the divison. Bischoff wants to use lucha stars, and guys with alot of charisma to spark more interest. Lethal, Kendrick, and Kaz are all in line for a big push within the company. The early idea for Helms is use to pair with Hardy, Neal, and Moore. Another idea is to build him up as a heel when he debuts. The answer will take place at the next set of tapings. Kurt Angle is said to be a huge supporter of Amazing Red. Kurt thinks Red could be the next Rey Mysterio. Red's match with Kurt got rave reviews and may get rewarded for it.


TNA is currently eyeing Extreme Tiger, Aerostar, Laredo Kid, and Alex Koslov. All these workers are AAA stars and AAA owe TNA. TNA is let to cash in on favors owed to them from DGUSA, ROH, or AAA. TNA also has its eye on ROH/indy star Kenny Omega. Omega as of late been currently working NJPW shows. Omega is said to be working without a contract in ROH. Joe, AJ, Williams, and Wolfe all have named guys who could be impact stars in the divison. Both Williams and Wolfe have suggested adding PAC from the UK. TNA Management has kept a close eye on recent NJPW, ROH, DGUSA, and AAA shows. Many in TNA also feel its only a matter of time before Daniels return. Rumor has it Daniels will return late July or early August.


Also a little news about Magnus's return. He was never in hot water with TNA. Magnus was said to have suffered an injury in the UK at an indy show. The early plan for him is to reform The British Invasion. The names that TNA have on the radar are Paul Burchill, DJ Gabriel, and Dave Mastiff a good friend of Magnus. Mastiff was trained at OVW for over a year. He was suggested by Williams and Magnus when TNA decided to disband them. Magnus will likely return and feud with Terry and Helms/Ink Inc.


Los Ben Dejos will sign with TNA according to reports. Also look for tryouts in the coming weeks for several more Team 3D students. Generation Me have alot of people happy with them within TNA. They have been nothing less of model employees since joining TNA.


The Knockout Divison main star will be Mickie James. James is said to excited about the idea of joining TNA. Dixie told James TNA will support and encourage her music career. James is also going to get the Gail Kim treatment in TNA. TNA will take a long hard look at Sara Del Rey. The KO's draw TNA's Impact highest rated segment each week. TNA feels it will be only wise to add more KO's. ODB's currently resting from a blown implant. Hamada, and Sarita will get more ring time if the agents have their way. AL Snow is really behind Taylor Wilde, Sarita, and Hamada. The KO's are safe for now in TNA. Tara, and Kong names have come up alot lately. TNA isn't high on Rosie's in ring ability as a worker but loves her personality. Katie Burchill, and Rayna Von Tosh is said to be of interest to TNA. Roxxi's once again is back in TNA and this time it seems fulltime.


Bischoff is starting to win more people over backstage. Bischoff has even convinced Hogan to stay off the camera more. Bischoff is said to be very high on Joe, Kaz, Kendrick, Angle, Lethal, Wolfe and Morgan. Bischoff wants more wrestling to take place on the show. More tweaks will happen with the show and also at ppvs. Bischoff main goal is to present TNA with an edgy creative look on television. TNA production will have more changes in the coming months. He alway tell people to slow down. He feel its best to always show a more personal side to the wrestlers.

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Good to hear about a renewed effort to work the X Division. The problem that lead to the cruiserweight division being scrapped is both WCW and WWE didn't use it ever to elevate anyone. Why should you believe and support the Crusierweight/X Division Champion when he can't beat anyone outside the division? The Champion needs to be able to knock the crap out of other midcarders as well if the division is to be believed.


Extreme Tiger would be an interesting pick up, he's been groomed for success by Pyschosis, Damien 666 and Halloween down in Mexico for quite some time. Alex Koslov has also been making big waves down in AAA as part of D-Generation Mex, a stable that also include Ricky Reyes and X-Pac. Finally Kenny Omega could be a nice pick-up for TNA. He's quite over in RoH, JAPW and PWG, but RoH have no clue how to book his goofy character and it'd be a solid career move for Omega to head for TV land.


Sara Del Ray is definitely being considered by TNA, I've seen that reported on other sites. She'll be working some TNA house shows soon and that'll give them a chance to witness the centrepiece of SHIMMAR and JAPW's women's division in action. Del Ray would be a magnificent heel for TNA to have, and would definitely stand out against the other Knockout heels of the moment.


Generation Me being model employees doesn't surprise me. They're both good Christian men IRL and I believe the elder one is already married despite being only 25.

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Hmm lotta interesting plans and like the fact that Bisch is gaining more power and Hogan and seemingly Russo less. Like I indicated before Bisch was not the problem, Hogan and Russo writing for Hogan was. Not totally sold on all those names though as adding even more would be crazy at this point and the quality is already there it is just a matter of booking it better. The KO's do need some shoring up though imho and Death Ray, James, Burchill and return of Kong and maybe Flash would be very welcome.


And actually during some of the X matches I saw ratings rise in the quarter hour reports so not totally sure on that.


Ask maskedpropaganda to see if Tucker knows any of this lolz.


Also doesn't CMLL still owe TNA somewhat and now that the working agreement is over can't TNA sign Mistico to an exclusive? Dude would pay for himself via a Mexican tv and ppv deal and merchandise.

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Lethal is such a good charactor right now.........first macho man......now flair............my god.....is there any guy lethal can't do? I wonder who is going to be next? hogan???????? hall????????? lol i am looking forward to lethal each and every week.
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I think the point is now that he's not "playing" one of these characters. He's doing Flair because of the feud and what not. If you notice he's actually Jay Lethal now and not Black Machismo. Their trying to get him to stop being a joke. After this Flair feud he'll be Jay Lethal.
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On Dixie's twitter this is what she has put


It's 6:30 am. Been up for hours. So excited I can't sleep. TNA's about to change forever. Can't wait to share it w/you, my staff, the talent


I would say its Helms but he is booked in a show in the Carolina area on Sunday. Could it be going live every week on thursdays? Or maybe a new show?

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Hehe yeah but wrestling and overhype are so uncommon right lolz. Problem is TNA uses social media for it and the E their whole shows. I take TNA if I have to have it. As to who or what it is. Probably the mysterious card dude which will be???? My guess is Dreamer.


Again a good show Bisch has been listening to the survey and has implemented good changes. If they had been like this post Jan 4th with out all the crap TNA would be in a much better spot right now.

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Hehe yeah but wrestling and overhype are so uncommon right lolz. Problem is TNA uses social media for it and the E their whole shows. I take TNA if I have to have it. As to who or what it is. Probably the mysterious card dude which will be???? My guess is Dreamer.


Again a good show Bisch has been listening to the survey and has implemented good changes. If they had been like this post Jan 4th with out all the crap TNA would be in a much better spot right now.


I predict another past-it from the Hogan era coming in. So by guessing...TNA is gonna get MACHO. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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Dixie on facetwat:


Just got off phone w/Spike prez Kevin Kay. He is all in and agrees this will change TNA on every level.


Seems I was wrong. It is tv related. My guess live every Thursday or a second show on Tuesday?


If they go with a 2nd show on Tuesday please make it an all X-Division/KO show.


That way both of those would get enough time and the "regular" male workers would get plenty of time on Thursday.

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Was I the only one who really disliked the Kendrick Homicide match last night (Impact was good though)? It just seemed to be paced quite awkward and the whole matched just seemed sloppy. I am a fan of both and last night was just a very disappointing match.


I'm with you on this. I'm not too sure Homicide is into doing anything except finally doing the job.


It was almost as Kendrick couldn't get him to do what was planned and had to go along with what was being done.


I didn't think it helped Kendrick at all after what was a decent promo. Altho it seemed to me he was reading off cue cards or a prompter whenever he was looking away for dramatic effect.

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Thing also is you where expecting an X Division match so either technical or high-flying or a combo which we know these guys to be capable off and instead we got a mediocre brawl. I think it told the story well of Kendrick being a bit off in the head and having great fortitude though.
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If they go with a 2nd show on Tuesday please make it an all X-Division/KO show.


That way both of those would get enough time and the "regular" male workers would get plenty of time on Thursday.


That would be too much B show, but not B show for me. Either make it a B show featuring the entire undercard or make it an A show but without splitting the brand giving one more time to focus on all the stories going into ppv and matches. It could be more focused towards the X and or the KO's but I would not make it exclusive.

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Also could be a major signing seeing as Spike sometimes helps foot the bill for very expensive ones.


Who at this point could be considered a major signing though? I think the only true major signing is nearly impossible or maybe even completely impossible. I'm guessing its TV related. Actually thinking of ordering the PPV this time, looks to have a good card and Sting vs. RVD could be a good main event.

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Just saw this:




By Dave Scherer on 2010-06-11 19:07:39

The 6/10 edition of Impact did a 1.0 rating, with 1,276,000 viewers. The 6/10 edition of Superstars did a 0.8 rating, with 1,017,000 viewers.

The Superstars replay did a 0.3 rating, with 207,000 viewers.




Also on PWInsider they mention it could be Kevin Sullivan or Paul Heyman coming in to book TNA.





So w/o Game 1 of the NBA, they got back to a 1.0.

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Or it is very slightly up. Hmm PWI I trust and Sullivan was under Bisch during the good WCW years so maybe. Heyman would be ace. But why would Kevin Kay be needed for that?


Only thing I can think off is that Spike would allow Heyman to make a Heyman Hustle type show on their network as part of the deal.

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