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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I've been a Jeff Jarrett fan pretty much since his rise in WCW when he was wrestling Booker T for the title. Did Jeff deserve to be main eventing for the second biggest company in the US? Probably not but WCW was a sinking ship. I am not much of a fan of JJ anymore but I still think he's a good veteran to put over young talent. I don't think he should even be anywhere near the main event and think he would be really good feuding with someone to help put them over in the mid card.


TNA really needs to establish the young guys and they are starting to do better but I don't think there doing a good enough job. And they need to focus a lot more on the X division because right now it's a joke

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I also liked Tatanka and the Beverly Brothers.


I'll give you the Beverlys. I never took to Tatanka. The same time he was debuting the Youngblood brothers were becoming the Tribal Nation, Brave Sky and Nikona, in Global and they had this big ritual ceremony as a part of taking the greater tribal identities. When Chavis had his intro videos under his given name and had his debut as Tatanka without anything similar, it soured me on him. For his whole run in WWE, I looked at him as a fake and a fraud. I actually cheered when he turned heel and joined Ted DiBiase's Million Dollar Corporation. It meant the rest of the WWF "universe" was going to catch up with how I'd felt about the turncoat all along.


But I did like the Beverlys. The guys who played the Beverlys anyway. Albeit more so in the AWA as Destruction Crew. I never cared so much for the actual gimmick. I especially marked for Mike Enos (Blake). When they were in the AWA, they had a shtick while Enos would get asked questions in interviews only for Wayne Bloom (Beau) to jump in and answer them for him. As a smark, I now get that was because Bloom was considered the better speaker.. But it always made me hate him and feel sympathetic to Enos. Because of this, part of me was annoyed they were still together to have BECOME the Beverly Brothers. I had always wanted Enos to turn face by decking Bloom and asserting his right to speak in interviews.


Even as Enos was in WCW at the the twilight of his career and no longer the sympathetic victim type he was in the AWA, I still marked to see him on WCW Saturday Night. Sure it was more the Joey Maggs, Jim Powers kind of jobber marking at that point. But even so, it was satisifying to see him be the more relevant guy on the team after Bloom had already faded into the woodwork.

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Look at this FANTASTIC calendar for early September...


Sep 5 - TNA No Surrender

Sep 6 - TNA Impact! Tapings

Sep 7 - TNA Impact! Tapings

Sep 8 - TNA Impact! Tapings

Sep 9 - Anderz flies to Orlando

Sep 23 - Anderz flies home

Oct 11 - TNA Impact! Tapings



absolutely typical..

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Last 8 seconds gotta love it.




I like the Beautiful People, but just so I'm clear, they think they invented the snotty bitch gimmick and thereby no one else can use it? Pretty sure Trish Stratus was doing the gimmick when she turned heel way before the BP even existed. I also like the way they seem to believe gimmicks have never been recycled before in wrestling and that they're totally original. As i say, i like them, but i think they need to get over themselves a little bit tbh.

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I like the Beautiful People, but just so I'm clear, they think they invented the snotty bitch gimmick and thereby no one else can use it? Pretty sure Trish Stratus was doing the gimmick when she turned heel way before the BP even existed. I also like the way they seem to believe gimmicks have never been recycled before in wrestling and that they're totally original. As i say, i like them, but i think they need to get over themselves a little bit tbh.


Heck forget Trish Stratus. How about we talk Missy Hyatt? Or even Heidi Lee Morgan. We go back to Missy that puts the Beautiful People just about in diapers when the gimmick was pioneered.

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I like the Beautiful People, but just so I'm clear, they think they invented the snotty bitch gimmick and thereby no one else can use it? Pretty sure Trish Stratus was doing the gimmick when she turned heel way before the BP even existed. I also like the way they seem to believe gimmicks have never been recycled before in wrestling and that they're totally original. As i say, i like them, but i think they need to get over themselves a little bit tbh.


its diffrent from when a gimmick is in the past and not your competion, Laycool is a direct copy of TBP I just hope they dont turn Low Ki into a Kute Kip charcter after NXT

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Dixie is at it again! From facebook:


"Just signed a new talent contract on someone you guys have been asking about. Stay tuned!"





Many possibilities here but my money is on Katie Lea.


Well at least shes not say the greatest addition to the knockouts division ever if its Katie Lea I say Rodrick Strong

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Has Roderick gotten less bland btw? Haven't seen a lot of him lately as I follow ROH sporadically.


Have never seen him wrestle TBH I've watched some ROH but I honestly cant stand it. But I heard he had a try out and I know that he has a good cult following if I'm not mistaken?

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BTW in one hour Eric Bischoff will be taking questions from his facebook again on mondaynightmayhem. I got in 13 questions posted without interruption so if you have a q for him now is the time.


On Strong, well most uppermid/ME ROH wrestlers seem to have some cult following. Doesn't mean they are good enough for a mainstream promotion. Doesn't mean they aren't either. I think almost every wrestler has his fans. Hell I have seen people clamouring for Luger and Bagwell or a return of the Nasties.

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On Strong, well most uppermid/ME ROH wrestlers seem to have some cult following. Doesn't mean they are good enough for a mainstream promotion. Doesn't mean they aren't either.


As an in-ring performer Roderick Strong is very talented, but he is a charisma vacuum, it's probably why even a Performance Based fed like ROH has yet to give him a run as their World Champion and he's consistently been booked as a 'nearly man' for the past five years.

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Yeah Carlito would add nothing to the product right now so hopefully they don't go that route. Not too mention he's shown to work about as hard as he's being pushed and thats not the kind of guy you need around.


I dunno, I like Carlito a lot. I have since his debut in WWE. When he's on his game, he's great in my eyes.


Sadly, he ruined the first time I got to see Ron Killings in person. I went to a Smackdown/ECW house show before Killings re-debuted as R-Truth, and it was Truth vs Carlito. Since Carlito was so unhapppy, he no sold damn near everything Truth did. When I found out they were facing each other, I was ecstatic...such a let down.

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Yeah I like Carlito but I agree with Hyde. If this was a few years ago I would say yes but you don't want someone who basically takes days off in the ring if he's not in a good mood. You need someone who will give 110% every time they go out there and I don't see Carlito doing that.


They need to stop signing so many new people without letting other people go. And people they do let go are the wrong people...(Kong, ODB, Alissa Flash, Aries, Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, Creed etc.)

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Lol accept for Creed agree with that list lolz. Was working on another potential roster with a high TNA original perception level, and added all the others. Yep on Petey and why they did not put him over Steiner in the end of that feud is beyond me. Williams also helps with the canuck audience and Dutt with the Indians. Plus Petey is more then just his finisher. Good all round wrestler and decent enough promo.
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