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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Main Event 6:

AJ Styles - TNA original, one of the best talents in the company.

Jeff Hardy - Jobber to the stars, im not a fan.

Kurt Angle - Cant ditch Angle.

Mr. Anderson - Charismatic and can put oon good matches when happy.

Samoa Joe - Great talent.

Christopher Daniels - Only if the "Fallen Angel" gimmick returns.




Uppermid 6:

RVD - Demoted from the main event, helps build new stars.

Matt Morgan - Fortune needs there Enforcer.

D'Angelo Dinero - Not quite main event, needs to be built up slowly.

Abyss - Decent monster to have around, just needs to become a real MONSTER again.

Hernandez - Not a bad guy to have around.

Shelton Benjamin - Could do well in TNA.




X Division 6:

Doug Williams - Technical master of the division.

Jay Lethal - Adds something different to the division.

Kaz - Representing Fortune.

Roderick Strong - His offense would be unique in the division.

KENTA - Adding International flavour.

Sonjay Dutt - One of the best high-flyers imo.




Tag 5: (Im taking it this means 5 teams, I can only think of 5)

MCMG - Top talent.

Beer Money - Build the division around them and MCMG.

London Brawling - New good team.

Team 3D - Help build a few teams.

¡Peligro Abejas! - Paul London & El Generico - Add some fun to the division.




Women 10:

Angelina Love



Lacey Von Erich

Madison Rayne


Taylor Wilde

Velvet Sky

^^^The current roster^^^

Amazing Kong - Great talent to have back.

Cheerleader Melissa - Again great talent.



Legend/Occasional 4:

Kevin Nash - Decent, helps out younger stars.

Sting - Again, good, can main event and help younger workers.

Ric Flair - Just to manage Fortune.

Mick Foley - Couldnt think of more than 3 I wanted.




Jobbers 6:



Shark Boy - TNA original

Amazing Red - Good jobber, who can put on a great match.



Gen Me - Can job for a bit before getting a push

Inc Ink - Can double as tag team jobbers or singles.




Commentators 2: (Cant be bothered to think of replacements atm

Mike Tenay





Backstage 2: (Not doing a bad job, and cant think of replacements)

Jeremy Borash

Christy Hemme




Referee 4: (Copied from TNA website, got rid of Hebner)

Andrew Thomas

Mark "Slick" Johnson

Mike Posey

Jamie Tucker




Authority 1:

Jeff Jarrett - Should have a retirement match then become the Authority.




Ring Girl 1:

So Cal Val - Cant fire Val




Meaning I released - Brian Kendrick, Chelsea, Don West, Eric Bischoff, Eric Young, Hulk Hogan, Jimmy Hart, Kiyoshi, Orlando Jordan, Raven, Rhino, Rob Terry, Stevie Richards, Suicide, Tommy Dreamer, Earl Hebner and whoever I have forgotten.

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TNA has announced that London Brawling (Desmond Wolfe and Magnus) have been pulled from tonight's No Surrender PPV in Orlando in what they described as "personal problems."


Generation Me will now take their place in facing The Motor City Machineguns for the TNA World Tag Team Championships. We are aware of reports over the weekend with major communication issues between TNA and website staff on the advertising for that match. Generation Me was also pulled from the PWG tourney. this weekend so people knew something was up.


Source: Ewrestlingnews

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I know. That's why I said "Poor choosing skills, TNA fans." It's nice to give the fans input, but when you end up with an assortment like this, is it not better to 'work the results' a little? It's a fine DVD, but severely lacking in variety.


I'm just bummed because I was sitting down to a meal, felt like watching a MCMG tag match, and couldn't find one.


Ok sorry must have misread that. Also No London Brawling due to personal issues. Hope they are ok and replaced by Gen Me.

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Just a theory on who "They" and "Them" are.


Ok it's like this, thanks Christian Cage, Bound For Glory a group of former TNA talent, Daniels/Brown/P.Williams/London, comes out and lay waste to Hogan, Sting, Nash, EV2, Hardy and another top face(s) and run off Dixie and Bisch.


Samoa Joe joins them explaining they where the ones that kidnapped him way back when. This makes 6 of them including Abyss and ad in Kendrick for a tag makes 7. Now you have two heel groups running wild on TNA with a lot of faces laid out.


Bischoff convinces Dixie to give him full power over TNA so that he can protect her and handle things while Hogan is out. Once this is done it turns out that Bischoff is behind them/they. This brings out Nash and Sting saying they where saying it all along and that Hogan was in on it. They get beat down heavily.


Once all hope seems lost. Out comes Hogan and he actually was not in on it, he tries the rescue but fails miserably. Hogan is then forced to turn to Flair and Fourtune resulting in a Flair led Fourtune vs a Bischoff led "Them" with the old guys phased out and the other talent stuck in the middle or not choosing sides.


Just an idea and off course it would be spread out over a couple of months but it could definitely work imho.

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I think Daniels would be the leader if they were to come back.


And it would actually explain why Kendrick just decided to join EV2.0 to get intel snooch.


ieboochie. Yeah Daniels or Joe would lead and Flair and Bisch would be the "supporters". And thanks I hadn't explained that part. It kinda ties up all the loose threads and in the end delivers a nice "originals" vs "originals" war. Anybody else have thoughts on this? More so on the story then the people revealed as They/Them.

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