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Adam Ryland

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I thought about it but if she hasn't listened to the educated smarks lately or before I don't know if she will listen to them now.


Thing is it is hard to separate them at first glance and the more of us asking questions the more chance we get an answer. For instance why TNA does not release it's ppv buyrates or if TNA is operating in the black etc etc.

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She made an reference that a talent they really wanted and pursued multiple years ago because they needed big names has recently contacted TNA if they would be interested and TNA is not sure now.


Jericho anyone?

I don't see how it could be Jericho--why would she say TNA is "not sure" if it were him? He'd be a huge addition to TNA, and an absolute must-sign even with their bloated roster.

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I don't see how it could be Jericho--why would she say TNA is "not sure" if it were him? He'd be a huge addition to TNA, and an absolute must-sign even with their bloated roster.


I was paraphrasing. It was more: used to do everything they could to sign him and now let's see the emphasis was on the increase in roster quality. Just watch it and see what you think.

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I doubt its Jericho, I have no idea who else it could even be but why would Jericho want to be a part of TNA after all the things he's said about them on twitter? I know people would say "well of course he's going to say that he's in the WWE" but there are plenty of guys with twitter accounts in the E that don't even mention them yet Jericho takes time out of his day to directly make fun of them. Not too mention he was gone for what two years? And the minute he was truly ready to come back he came back to Vince.


If he's leaving the WWE its because he wants to tour with his band more, do this game hosting thing and in general get away from wrestling. I don't see him wanting to do all this and go to TNA.


If he wanted to wrestle THAT bad he would work something out with Vince. I honestly would be stunned to see Chris Jericho show up in TNA. Its just not Jericho's style he's shown that when he's burnt out he's burnt out and that doesn't mean a quick stop in TNA.


I got no idea who she's talking about but I'd be more stunned if he went to TNA than when Hogan showed up.

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Mickie James


In all seriousness, the way WWE and TNA throw around the term "superstar" and "big names" it could be anyone


I also just don't trust dixie's hype machine anymore. How many times over the last 5 months has she announced a huge surprise that will "change TNA forever!!!!!" on twitter and then brought out something meh at best (ECW retirement club) and then gone "that wasn't it!" when called on it.


She cries wolf to much, no offense to desmond :D

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I love Big sexy but really kev?


Twitter: RVD said Jeff hardy and him are rock stars ,in my prime I was selling out 30′000 plus seat domes they can’t draw 1000 on the road. WTF.


no you weren't bud. you were a good big man worker, but the drawing power was always who you were working with. HBK in the WWE and Hogan in WCW being the prime examples.


I would honestly not pay to see Nash wrestle some midcarder in his prime. I would pay any amount of money to watch Hogan, micheals, flair, brett, angle go with anyone ect in thier prime.


you wern't the draw man, you were the accessory, the imposing big man to the ME guys stable/fued.


Awesome guy, but wayyy up their on the delusional scale.

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I love Big sexy but really kev?




no you weren't bud. you were a good big man worker, but the drawing power was always who you were working with. HBK in the WWE and Hogan in WCW being the prime examples.


I would honestly not pay to see Nash wrestle some midcarder in his prime. I would pay any amount of money to watch Hogan, micheals, flair, brett, angle go with anyone ect in thier prime.


you wern't the draw man, you were the accessory, the imposing big man to the ME guys stable/fued.


Awesome guy, but wayyy up their on the delusional scale.


Not true. His run as Diesel was big time. I also give him and Hall a lot of credit for WCW 96-98. Fans were paying to watch both of those guys. Maybe you personally weren't, but a lot of people were.

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Not true. His run as Diesel was big time. I also give him and Hall a lot of credit for WCW 96-98. Fans were paying to watch both of those guys. Maybe you personally weren't, but a lot of people were.


Kevin Nash, (along with Scott Hall and Shawn Michaels), were ranked very highly among my favorite wrestlers in 1996, so I was paying to watch them.



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Not true. His run as Diesel was big time. I also give him and Hall a lot of credit for WCW 96-98. Fans were paying to watch both of those guys. Maybe you personally weren't, but a lot of people were.


His run as Diesel is considered one of the lowest points from a revenue perspective in WWF history.


He and Hall were great...but that was also the shock of two WWF guys showing up on WCW TV. A lot of it was the booking.


I do admit that when Nash was getting a pseudo face run as the guy who's finisher was banned and the leader of the Wolfpack, he was insanely over. He's a star...but nowhere near the level of star he claims to be.

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I love Big sexy but really kev?


no you weren't bud. you were a good big man worker, but the drawing power was always who you were working with. HBK in the WWE and Hogan in WCW being the prime examples.


you wern't the draw man, you were the accessory, the imposing big man to the ME guys stable/fued.


Awesome guy, but wayyy up their on the delusional scale.


You to have to realize that he wasn't claiming to be the biggest star in the business but he's not delusional. I'm not sure how old you are or if you remember the start of the nWo so let me give you some numbers. First understand that selling out 15,000 and 30,000 arenas was a nightly occurance during Nash's nWo run with WCW. You can't credit Hogan for the nWo you have to credit Hall and Nash. Without Nash and Hall, Hogan's turn is completely different and might not have worked. Hall and Nash where in WCW for two months before Hogan joined the nWo.


Scott Hall debuted in WCW on May 27th, 1996 so let me give you some numbers.


WWF RAW May 6th 4.1

WWF RAW May 13th 3.5

WCW Nitro May 6th 1.9

WCW Nitro May 13th 2.3


So before Nash showed up RAW was beating Nitro by as much as 2.2 in the ratings.


Now lets look at what happens after Kevin Nash shows up (3 weeks later).


RAW 2.7, 2.3, 2.7

Nitro 3.4, 3.3, 3.5


Those are what the ratings look like the next three weeks after Nash shows up. So not only did he bring WCW's ratings up by as much as 1.6 (nearly doubling their previous ratings). He also caused a drop of as much as 2.2 in RAW's rating.


For the record RAW would not beat Nitro in the ratings for a single week after Kevin Nash's debut that year. Not on week.


Was all of this Nash? No but as I said the first two months of it was ATLEAST 50% Nash since there was no Hogan and those first two months I just showed you Nash killed them in the ratings.


To say this guy wasn't at the least the second biggest heel in the company during the nWo's time period is pretty silly. Nash WAS a draw, and people did pay to see him.


There are a lot of lies in pro wrestling and a lot of exaggerations but Bash at the Beach 96 was the bigggest pay per view they had that year until Starrcade (their biggest show of the year and that one was their biggest one ever). Who do you think main evented Bash at the Beach 96 which by the way was a 30,000 arena? Who do you think was the focus of those first two months of Nitro while he was selling out 15,000 arenas?


Nash was a draw, he wasn't a world champion but you can't look at who the world champion is and say "that guy was the draw". Remember when the nWo was happening The Giant was the World Champion, do you really think The Giant was pulling in ratings for Nitro?


Nash was a draw and in 1996-98 he was one of the biggest draws in this business. Did he do it alone? No but I don't care if you're name is Steve Austin, The Rock, Ric Flair, nobody in this business makes money by themselves and neither did Nash but the fact that he was a part of it, the fact that him and his storyline which by the way he had a ton of input in turned WCW around. Remember people crying (he has too much power, creative control, etc.). Well if you're going to bash the guy (not saying you are) for doing basically whatever he wants then you need to give him credit for some of the nWo storyline since if thats the case then he had a lot to do with that as well.


Nash is right he's put more butts in seats in a single night (30,000) and popped bigger buyrates than either of those guys have ever done as main eventers.


I'm not saying Kevin Nash is a big star like Hogan, Rock, etc. but he's a WAY bigger star than Hardy or RVD ever were and most likely ever will be.

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I absolutely agree with you Stennick. I wasn't a huge Diesel fan but the second he switched to WCW I was hooked. I stopped watching WWE altogether when him and Hall came over to WCW. WCW was absolutely huge after he came over. It was pretty much the last BIG and I mean BIG surprise in wrestling. Kurt Angle was a big surprise but hasn't nearly done anything close to resembling what Nash helped WCW do. RVD is a joke to me who thinks because he got one big push in WWE near the end of his time there he's some type of rock star. Maybe in TNA he might be because they probably paid him a lot but he really hasn't done much to help ratings.


Nash def helped WCW kill WWE in the ratings his first few months. I'm a huge Nash fan no so much in ring but could def see him as an authority figure at some point on in the broadcast booth.

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