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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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You guys are still arguing the 'WWE rejects' thing as if it makes a difference.


Look at that roster...there ARE no TNA originals. Mainly because TNA got rid of them years ago. As a matter of fact, TNA has pretty much got rid of everything that made them stand apart from the WWE. Also...years ago.


They have done a good job taking guys like Pope, Anderson, and Morgan and using their full potential. And guys like Steiner and the Dudleys haven;t reinvented themselves, but they definitely have brought a lot to the company.


But they brought just as many guys who were total busts and/or added nothing to the company: Test, Rikishi, OJ, Val Venis, Dustin Runnels...i mean the list goes on and on and on...


In the end though the argument doesn't matter because if you take out those "WWE rejects" i don't really see anyone on the roster - other than AJ - that you can really call a homegrown STAR anymore.


TNA shifted their focus a long time ago. They're "Sports Entertainment" now. People still worried about how the 'originals' are being treated have really missed the boat.


That time is gone.


I don't care where people are "originals" from. My only point was that people want TNA to have an X division. To push guys like AJ Styles, Pope, Samoa Joe, and even Christopher Daniels. I like Daniels but he is never used by TNA.

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You guys are still arguing the 'WWE rejects' thing as if it makes a difference.


It makes a difference to my enjoyment of the show. Does it negatively affect ratingz or buyz or things of that nature? No, I'll agree, I don't think it does. I'm just one guy with his own likes and dislikes, who is saying that, in general, I prefer to see new guys over folks who have already been on National television for an extended period of time, and shown 87% of what they can do. Take it with a grain of salt.


I wouldn't have even posted, were I not stunned that someone suggested 'showcasing' Shannon Moore. Hey, I like the guy, I like his team with Jesse, but... What is there left to showcase?


My pick for an X-Division champion you can build around? BxB Hulk! Unique gimmick. Hasn't had a lot of mainstream American exposure. Does some fun stuff in the ring. Whether you could get him is another matter entirely, but he'd be my choice.

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I don't care where people are "originals" from. My only point was that people want TNA to have an X division. To push guys like AJ Styles, Pope, Samoa Joe, and even Christopher Daniels. I like Daniels but he is never used by TNA.


ummmmm...Daniels was released months ago and has been working for ROH since then


And based on their ratings, I don't really think the majority of TV fans care one way or the other about the X Division.


Again..that time is gone.


Net fans - in a lot of cases - are fooling themselves when they talk about 'what people want.' If TNA starts getting 2's by continuing to push Jeff Hardy, Ken Anderson, Angle, and featuring Hogan...who's to argue?


TNA has more talent on their roster then at any time in their history. They can potentially put on PPVs that feature more "name" wrestlers (top to bottom) than the WWE has.


If they have to push the 'WWE rejects' over AJ to get that crossover success, then so be it.

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It makes a difference to my enjoyment of the show. Does it negatively affect ratingz or buyz or things of that nature? No, I'll agree, I don't think it does. I'm just one guy with his own likes and dislikes, who is saying that, in general, I prefer to see new guys over folks who have already been on National television for an extended period of time, and shown 87% of what they can do. Take it with a grain of salt.


I wouldn't have even posted, were I not stunned that someone suggested 'showcasing' Shannon Moore. Hey, I like the guy, I like his team with Jesse, but... What is there left to showcase?


But I think that guys like Pope, Morgan, Angle..etc ..are all wildly entertaining. And I'm pretty sure you enjoyed OJ's gimmick while it lasted.


Shannon Moore is a retread. He's incredibly bland and generally sucked in WWE so it's not a shock he sucks in TNA


That's a case of TNA adding a wrestler for no real reason.

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You guys are still arguing the 'WWE rejects' thing as if it makes a difference.


Look at that roster...there ARE no TNA originals. Mainly because TNA got rid of them years ago. As a matter of fact, TNA has pretty much got rid of everything that made them stand apart from the WWE. Also...years ago.


They have done a good job taking guys like Pope, Anderson, and Morgan and using their full potential. And guys like Steiner and the Dudleys haven;t reinvented themselves, but they definitely have brought a lot to the company.


But they brought just as many guys who were total busts and/or added nothing to the company: Test, Rikishi, OJ, Val Venis, Dustin Runnels...i mean the list goes on and on and on...


In the end though the argument doesn't matter because if you take out those "WWE rejects" i don't really see anyone on the roster - other than AJ - that you can really call a homegrown STAR anymore.


TNA shifted their focus a long time ago. They're "Sports Entertainment" now. People still worried about how the 'originals' are being treated have really missed the boat.


That time is gone.


saying there are NO TNA originals is a tad extreme. while there may be only a few left there still are some around.


while yes they have been more examples of tna bringing talent from where ever and it not working out as to them well working out well, but that can be say for just about every company.


while tna maybe more like wwe these days there is still enough there to atleast be somewhat diffrent. yes it may not be a 100% alternive anymore but thre are still plenty of diffrences between them.

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saying there are NO TNA originals is a tad extreme. while there may be only a few left there still are some around.


Really? Who? Other than AJ and Jarrett..who's been there since basically the beginning?


while tna maybe more like wwe these days there is still enough there to atleast be somewhat diffrent. yes it may not be a 100% alternive anymore but thre are still plenty of diffrences between them.


Really? What? What's in TNA's product that's so different from the WWE besides the slightly more PG 13 language?


Their wrestling style used to set them apart and now that rarely gets showcased.

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Really? Who? Other than AJ and Jarrett..who's been there since basically the beginning?




Really? What? What's in TNA's product that's so different from the WWE besides the slightly more PG 13 language?


Their wrestling style used to set them apart and now that rarely gets showcased.


if you define an oringal by there from day one then those two are the only ones... or if you class the ones that tna gave the first major exposure to then you can count abyss, beer money, lethal, kaz, the gun's and EY. storm, abyss, kaz, sabin and EY have been around since the asylum days. while yes kaz has come gone a few times hes been around tna for a while all-be-it on and off.


i didnt mean that where massive diffrence but there are some. over all talent of the roster, tag titles that mean somthing other then to give someone a belt, while it may not be as cared about as it used to be the inring product is cared about more then in E, while granted its there both on the back burner right now they atleast still have an x-div and a womens div far more talent then E has on both its brands combined (yes thats not a hard achivment).

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i didnt mean that where massive diffrence but there are some. over all talent of the roster, tag titles that mean somthing other then to give someone a belt, while it may not be as cared about as it used to be the inring product is cared about more then in E, while granted its there both on the back burner right now they atleast still have an x-div and a womens div far more talent then E has on both its brands combined (yes thats not a hard achivment).


Saying 'while granted its there both on the back burner right now they atleast still have an x-div and a womens div' is circular logic since I could say the same thing about the WWE's cruisers and Divas. The fact they EXIST does not make them a difference maker.


TNA is far more similar to the WWE than it is different. That was their decision. And it's been that way since Hogan came aboard. And again--it was their decision.


Pointing out minute differences like the tag division and a little more emphasis on the in-ring product won't change that.


And I'm not saying it's a bad thing...I just think that it's something that TNA fans should maybe look at and not try to fight so hard. Because the shows lately aren't terrible...when the writing is good it's still really good TV.

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The time hasn't passed for TNA to use their X-Division. If they want to create new fans out of people they need to offer something for those people. As someone said before WCW had the cruiserweights in the 1st hour. I know I showed my gf video footage of guys I knew she would like such as Jack Evans, Kazarian, AJ Styles, Brian Danielson, Evan Bourne/Matt Sydal, Rey Mysterio Jr., and other guys who are considered X-Division guys. She loves the athletic stuff. Now she is starting to watch wrestling for the other stuff that I like but I had to get her interested with that stuff first. I think the X-Division having about 2 matches a week would catch peoples attention who don't normally watch wrestling.
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The time hasn't passed for TNA to use their X-Division. If they want to create new fans out of people they need to offer something for those people. As someone said before WCW had the cruiserweights in the 1st hour. I know I showed my gf video footage of guys I knew she would like such as Jack Evans, Kazarian, AJ Styles, Brian Danielson, Evan Bourne/Matt Sydal, Rey Mysterio Jr., and other guys who are considered X-Division guys. She loves the athletic stuff. Now she is starting to watch wrestling for the other stuff that I like but I had to get her interested with that stuff first. I think the X-Division having about 2 matches a week would catch peoples attention who don't normally watch wrestling.


Meh...ratings don't agree.


Also..you named 6 guys and 4 of them don't actually work for TNA. I don't really see anyone in the current X division outside of Jay Lethal that have the same potential that guys like AJ, Joe, and Daniels did.


And - as has been mentioned earlier - Lethal should've been elevated beyond the XDivision by now

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Saying 'while granted its there both on the back burner right now they atleast still have an x-div and a womens div' is circular logic since I could say the same thing about the WWE's cruisers and Divas. The fact they EXIST does not make them a difference maker.


TNA is far more similar to the WWE than it is different. That was their decision. And it's been that way since Hogan came aboard. And again--it was their decision.


Pointing out minute differences like the tag division and a little more emphasis on the in-ring product won't change that.


And I'm not saying it's a bad thing...I just think that it's something that TNA fans should maybe look at and not try to fight so hard. Because the shows lately aren't terrible...when the writing is good it's still really good TV.


im far from a tna die hard fan. i watch wwe as mach as i watch tna. its just a pet peeve of mine when people say there both the same is all.


hogan and bisch did change the product when they came on board but thats hardly a surpise. some of it i like some i dont but then i've never found a company that ive been 100% satisfied with to the point where it has given me all i want to see, or been loyal to a company to the point where i dont watch the company or companys that ther are compeating against.

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Guys that have been with TNA since the ppv days off the top of my head are AJ, Jarrett, Roode, Storm, Abyss, Kaz, Sabin and thats all that I can think of at this time. Eric Young if he's still around.


A twist on TNA originals would be guys like The Pope guys that have re invented themselves and organically grown into the spot on the card their on.


Its not about who's been with the company from the start its about what interesting things are they doing with the WWE rejects.


Hardy has been god awfully boring in fact what has Hardy done thats mildly interesting since coming back? He's been Anderson's little buddy thats about it. RVD is the same way. Name me one interesting thing Rob Van Dam has done since he's come back. What memorable feud has he done. For years they have tried to get this guy and when they get him he gets into a feud with AJ Styles that lasts FOUR weeks thats it. A feud that could have easily gone the entire summer and they let it go four weeks before ending it. Thats what I'm talking about bringing in guys like OJ, Hardy, RVD, guys that are costing this company a lot of money and for what? What are they doing with these guys? Bobby Lashley, I don't want to think about how much they paid this guy and what did he do? Heck he wasn't even interesting in the WWE feuding with Vince McMahon. This Dr. Pepper can in front of me could be made interesting in a feud with McMahon.


I've heard so many times the "future is now, this is the next generation of wrestling" And then they bring in Tommy Dreamer and whoever else is still hanging around them.


Guys like Jay Lethal, the Motor City Machine Guns guys like that have proven time and time again they can carry the ball they can be big time players in TNA and yet what do they get? Is Jay Lethal even ON the BFG card?


Explain to me why Rhino, Richards, Raven and Dreamer get to be on the biggest show of the year but Jay Lethal who was feuding with Ric Flair and Fortune just four months ago gets left off.


People say "atleast they have an X Division" no they realy don't. When the X Division Championship is being left off the card in favor of Sabu, Rhino, Stevie Richards, Tommy Dreamer and Raven you don't have an X Division. If that division was even REMOTELY something they were interested in do you think they would leave it off the biggest show of the year? Do you think the champion Jay Lethal would sit at home while guys like Raven, Rhino, Sabu and friends get to be on the show. Are Raven and his merry band of hardcore icons going to be around next year? Or the year after? I doubt it while Jay Lethal who has given the company everything they could ask for gets to sit at home.


And people wonder why TNA gets such a bad rep, because they build people up only to forget about them. Jay Lethal, even Rob Terry sure he was a talentless hack but the truth of the matter is they decided to push the guy only to let it fizzle in favor of the same old same old. Shouldn't they figure out if the guy is any good in the ring before they push him? Why give him one of three singles championships in the entire company and then decide "you know what he's not that good".


The truth is TNA has never been an "alterntitive" if you want that watch ROH on HDnet. In 2002 they had the X Division but they also had migets doing things in trash cans that are x rated and unable to be talked about here. They had AJ Styles as World Champion but they also had shoot interviews between Tony Schiavone and Paul Bearor, they also had Vince Russo as an on air character. They also have about eleven directors of authority in the span of a year. TNA has always been wrestlecrap and I truly believe they always will be. They have had very few moments in their eight years where they were able to put it all together.


They have never had an attitude era or a WCW 96-98 era. In eight years you have to count the good "eras" in TNA by the weeks and if you're lucky but the months. Their entire company name is a huge play on words that describes Russo's booking style. I'm to the point where I truly believe their not capable of putting on an interesting product for more than a month or two. They have proven just that time and time again over the last eight years and I think I'm to the point where I want this company to die just to put it out of its misery. Its like a sports franchise that does horrible in the draft and goes looking for expensive, past their prime veterans in search of the championship.

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Meh...ratings don't agree.


Also..you named 6 guys and 4 of them don't actually work for TNA. I don't really see anyone in the current X division outside of Jay Lethal that have the same potential that guys like AJ, Joe, and Daniels did.


And - as has been mentioned earlier - Lethal should've been elevated beyond the XDivision by now


I agree AJ, Joe, and Lethal have moved on out of the X-Division. They are not upper level guys. I just feel like you need to have something to draw people in and the X-Division seemed perfect. I don't mind having some older guys to draw in the older crowd.


Other than the obvious answer of they should book better shows what do you think they should do to improve?

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Its not about who's been with the company from the start its about what interesting things are they doing with the WWE rejects.


Hardy has been god awfully boring in fact what has Hardy done thats mildly interesting since coming back? He's been Anderson's little buddy thats about it. RVD is the same way. Name me one interesting thing Rob Van Dam has done since he's come back. What memorable feud has he done. For years they have tried to get this guy and when they get him he gets into a feud with AJ Styles that lasts FOUR weeks thats it. A feud that could have easily gone the entire summer and they let it go four weeks before ending it. Thats what I'm talking about bringing in guys like OJ, Hardy, RVD, guys that are costing this company a lot of money and for what? What are they doing with these guys? Bobby Lashley, I don't want to think about how much they paid this guy and what did he do? Heck he wasn't even interesting in the WWE feuding with Vince McMahon. This Dr. Pepper can in front of me could be made interesting in a feud with McMahon.


I've heard so many times the "future is now, this is the next generation of wrestling" And then they bring in Tommy Dreamer and whoever else is still hanging around them.


Guys like Jay Lethal, the Motor City Machine Guns guys like that have proven time and time again they can carry the ball they can be big time players in TNA and yet what do they get? Is Jay Lethal even ON the BFG card?



All true.Instead of worrying about whether or not someone is "an original" let's talk about what they're doing now with the company and what they bring to the table.


For instance: Daniels was a longtime TNA guy. But he hadn't been interesting in months and -outside of doing Daniels/AJ for the umpteenth time - didn't look like he had anything on his plate. So losing him wasn't that big a deal.


By the same token, Hardy is a big name and had a ton momentum coming in, but he's been bland as a character and hasn't really delivered in his matches either. After BFG, if it were me, I'd have him job out to someone who needs a little boost in an extended program.


I agree AJ, Joe, and Lethal have moved on out of the X-Division. They are not upper level guys. I just feel like you need to have something to draw people in and the X-Division seemed perfect. I don't mind having some older guys to draw in the older crowd.


Other than the obvious answer of they should book better shows what do you think they should do to improve?


Book better shows. That's it.


you can maybe do a better job of not signing guys just for the sake of signing them, and I think that having a more adult product is a plus, but in the end...Book Better Shows.

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All true.Instead of worrying about whether or not someone is "an original" let's talk about what they're doing now with the company and what they bring to the table.


For instance: Daniels was a longtime TNA guy. But he hadn't been interesting in months and -outside of doing Daniels/AJ for the umpteenth time - didn't look like he had anything on his plate. So losing him wasn't that big a deal.


By the same token, Hardy is a big name and had a ton momentum coming in, but he's been bland as a character and hasn't really delivered in his matches either. After BFG, if it were me, I'd have him job out to someone who needs a little boost in an extended program.




Book better shows. That's it.


you can maybe do a better job of not signing guys just for the sake of signing them, and I think that having a more adult product is a plus, but in the end...Book Better Shows.


Telling them to book better shows is pretty generic. How would you handle things if you were given the book?

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I've heard so many times the "future is now, this is the next generation of wrestling" And then they bring in Tommy Dreamer and whoever else is still hanging around them.


Guys like Jay Lethal, the Motor City Machine Guns guys like that have proven time and time again they can carry the ball they can be big time players in TNA and yet what do they get? Is Jay Lethal even ON the BFG card?


Explain to me why Rhino, Richards, Raven and Dreamer get to be on the biggest show of the year but Jay Lethal who was feuding with Ric Flair and Fortune just four months ago gets left off.


People say "atleast they have an X Division" no they realy don't. When the X Division Championship is being left off the card in favor of Sabu, Rhino, Stevie Richards, Tommy Dreamer and Raven you don't have an X Division. If that division was even REMOTELY something they were interested in do you think they would leave it off the biggest show of the year? Do you think the champion Jay Lethal would sit at home while guys like Raven, Rhino, Sabu and friends get to be on the show. Are Raven and his merry band of hardcore icons going to be around next year? Or the year after? I doubt it while Jay Lethal who has given the company everything they could ask for gets to sit at home.



Whilst I agree with the sentiments of the rant, you do realise that only 6 matches have been announced for the show thus far, most PPV's have at least 8 matches. More than likely there will be an X-Division title defence, it will just have no build at all and be treated as an afterthought. TNA and WWE do it all the time, they'll put effort into promoting about half the card and the other half will be just there as filler. Am I disappointed that the X-Division has been reduced to 'filler' ?


Yes, but as Peter Hilton has been pointing out this has been the realities of the situation with TNA for the last few years now.

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Telling them to book better shows is pretty generic. How would you handle things if you were given the book?


Fantasy booking is a joke.


I'm not a booker or a writer for that company. If I wanted to book for TNA i'd do a diary.


I'm speaking generally about what TNA does that sets them back. They - on the whole - have screwed up more often than not. Look at what Stennick said because he's right: their strongest "eras" last a few weeks at a stretch.


If they could just string together six months of quality shows, without the ridiculous over-the-top 'US VS THEM' storylines and concentrate on the fact that they have a ton of talented workers - both in the ring and on the mic - and take advantage of the fact that the E would never put their top matches on free TV while TNA can, then eventually I think TNA would attract a bigger audience more consistently.


But they keep trying to re-create the nWo and create an instant wave of popularity and it just comes off as sloppy and haphazard.


Cut the useless guys off the roster, do some more straightforward booking, pick the guys you're going to push and stick with them, and don't mention a single thing that happened before 2000..it'll be fine. Because they just need to trust the talent they have.

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Thats a pretty loaded question. Right now TNA's roster is a mess.


the ECW storyline is boring, I don't like Pope, Anderson or Angle as the champion. Pope isn't there yet, Angle if I'm not mistaken has a contract coming up fairly soon, and Anderson doesn't need it. In fact they turned Anderson WAY too fast just because the guy is getting cheers doesn't mean you turn him. Austin was getting cheered in November but didn't turn until March.


If it were me as I said AJ Styles would be world champion. They would have built to a HUGE match between AJ Styles and Rob Van Dam, at that match up there is a double pin, the next match up RVD has it won but the referee is bumped allowing Fortune to win.


After a few months of screwing AJ over in comes Angle, Angle again gets screwed over. Basically its the Horseman all over again, everybody and their brother is trying to keep the title on AJ.


During this time Lethal is running through everybody in Fortune on Pay Per view. first Beer Money in a handicap match, then Kaz, then they send the big man Morgan after him nobody can beat him. So finally Flair has a fit and HE challenges Flair to a match.


At the end of the match Lethal has bloodied and beaten Flair. He gets on the mic and says he's going to finsih Ric Flair once and for all right here. I don't know lay a chair on his unconcious head and threaten to come off the top. AJ comes out and warns him not to do it. Lethal says he'll let Flair go free and clear if AJ puts the title on the line at BFG. AJ reluctantly agrees and there ya go. Lethal vs. AJ at BFG.


Its tough to say what would you do because their stories are so convulted and uninteresting. I wouldn't have let it get to that point.


I don't know what I would do going forward because there isn't a single match on the show that interests me.


This is their wrestlemania but why do I care about MCMG vs. Gen Me what was the build up to that? Who's even the heels in this thing? I really don't care about ECW and the main event match doesn't even really have an antaganist its three faces isn't it? Anderson vs. Angle vs. Hardy. I'm ok with dual babfaces but THREE faces in ONE match as your main event?


So yeah Bischoff says they have been building to this since March so many of these stories have been played out since then but come on you know thats not the case. They never intended on RVD losing the title because he worked too many dates, they never intended on Anderson's babyface turn, etc.


They certainly couldn't have planned ECW because in March Dreamer was under contract and I really doubt this thing goes forth without him. Maybe they give Foley a bigger role in it but I think its common knowledge that wasn't planned until they did the market research in Philly.....I still don't know why they did it in Philly or if thats just what their saying instead of saying "we were trying to get Paul E to come in".

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This is their wrestlemania but why do I care about MCMG vs. Gen Me what was the build up to that? Who's even the heels in this thing?


I'm not sure how often you watch, but its pretty clear GenMe are the heels. They have been since the last pay per view. The build up has been going on since the last pay per view when the Guns retained the titles and GenMe snapped and beat the crap out of them, taking one out. Then on the Impacts between the last ppv and this coming one have been assaulting the Guns and cutting promos on them.

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Its tough to say what would you do because their stories are so convulted and uninteresting. I wouldn't have let it get to that point.



Yeah, this. To take TNA from where it is to where it could be would take months of untying on these inane storylines. For the life of me I couldn't even remember what the main event of BFG was til I went to TNA's site..


I mean..shouldn't the biggest PPV of the year have the top face facing the top heel or something close to it?

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Thats a pretty loaded question. Right now TNA's roster is a mess.


the ECW storyline is boring, I don't like Pope, Anderson or Angle as the champion. Pope isn't there yet, Angle if I'm not mistaken has a contract coming up fairly soon, and Anderson doesn't need it. In fact they turned Anderson WAY too fast just because the guy is getting cheers doesn't mean you turn him. Austin was getting cheered in November but didn't turn until March.


If it were me as I said AJ Styles would be world champion. They would have built to a HUGE match between AJ Styles and Rob Van Dam, at that match up there is a double pin, the next match up RVD has it won but the referee is bumped allowing Fortune to win.


After a few months of screwing AJ over in comes Angle, Angle again gets screwed over. Basically its the Horseman all over again, everybody and their brother is trying to keep the title on AJ.


During this time Lethal is running through everybody in Fortune on Pay Per view. first Beer Money in a handicap match, then Kaz, then they send the big man Morgan after him nobody can beat him. So finally Flair has a fit and HE challenges Flair to a match.


At the end of the match Lethal has bloodied and beaten Flair. He gets on the mic and says he's going to finsih Ric Flair once and for all right here. I don't know lay a chair on his unconcious head and threaten to come off the top. AJ comes out and warns him not to do it. Lethal says he'll let Flair go free and clear if AJ puts the title on the line at BFG. AJ reluctantly agrees and there ya go. Lethal vs. AJ at BFG.


Its tough to say what would you do because their stories are so convulted and uninteresting. I wouldn't have let it get to that point.


I don't know what I would do going forward because there isn't a single match on the show that interests me.


This is their wrestlemania but why do I care about MCMG vs. Gen Me what was the build up to that? Who's even the heels in this thing? I really don't care about ECW and the main event match doesn't even really have an antaganist its three faces isn't it? Anderson vs. Angle vs. Hardy. I'm ok with dual babfaces but THREE faces in ONE match as your main event?


So yeah Bischoff says they have been building to this since March so many of these stories have been played out since then but come on you know thats not the case. They never intended on RVD losing the title because he worked too many dates, they never intended on Anderson's babyface turn, etc.


They certainly couldn't have planned ECW because in March Dreamer was under contract and I really doubt this thing goes forth without him. Maybe they give Foley a bigger role in it but I think its common knowledge that wasn't planned until they did the market research in Philly.....I still don't know why they did it in Philly or if thats just what their saying instead of saying "we were trying to get Paul E to come in".


I love your scenario with Lethal.


You are absolutely right that they weren't building up to this since March. Maybe they had intentions to push some old ECW guys in an attempt to lure Heyman in but he wouldn't have wanted that.


PeterHilton your opinions are good. I just enjoy wrestling conversations. Do you have a favorite time period in wrestling?

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I love your scenario with Lethal.


You are absolutely right that they weren't building up to this since March. Maybe they had intentions to push some old ECW guys in an attempt to lure Heyman in but he wouldn't have wanted that.


PeterHilton your opinions are good. I just enjoy wrestling conversations. Do you have a favorite time period in wrestling?


Smackdown when Lesnar, Angle, Edge, Los Guerreros, Benoit, Rey, and Hogan were running around. Heel Rock...WGTT...Heyman ...lotta good stuff there.


As an Era..Monday Night Wars but only because I was in Navy A school and wrestling was so popular we had weekly viewing parties ..RAW in one room and Nitro in the other. We were a bunch of young (ie drunk) guys about to be sent off to the fleet so things would get rowdy, and most nights would end with someone getting 'beat up' and having the nWo put on them in shaving cream.

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Smackdown when Lesnar, Angle, Edge, Los Guerreros, Benoit, Rey, and Hogan were running around. Heel Rock...WGTT...Heyman ...lotta good stuff there.


As an Era..Monday Night Wars but only because I was in Navy A school and wrestling was so popular we had weekly viewing parties ..RAW in one room and Nitro in the other. We were a bunch of young (ie drunk) guys about to be sent off to the fleet so things would get rowdy, and most nights would end with someone getting 'beat up' and having the nWo put on them in shaving cream.


Haha I love it! That sounds like a good time. I am a little younger. I was in middle school during the Monday Night Wars. The Brock Lesnar era was a good one. I still remember before he debuted on tv seeing him at a house show tossing Spike Dudley around. Very entertaining.

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Meh...ratings don't agree.


Also..you named 6 guys and 4 of them don't actually work for TNA. I don't really see anyone in the current X division outside of Jay Lethal that have the same potential that guys like AJ, Joe, and Daniels did.


And - as has been mentioned earlier - Lethal should've been elevated beyond the XDivision by now


No your interpretation of rating's doesn't agree. As we do not get minute by minute's or know what makes people tune in in the first place we do not know. Plus midcard drawing less then main event! What a shocker!


I think in the end it comes down to perception as I can't imagine people having problem with Angle, Hardy, RVD being there (some discrepancy on how they are used though). The whole "Originals" talk is much like the classic push new talent/stars debate when it comes to the E. Right now the Nostalgia crew is still being used too much which takes away time for the other talent, that is the main gripe.


As far as both the same talk. Like I said before in TEW terms both have Mainstream set to key. TNA has different (and varying) other settings then the E though, match intensity and danger are higher, blood/swearing etc stuff. Better women's division (although in decline atm), better tag division, a cruiser/X/modern division (although also low atm), more nostalgia (too much imho) and I can go on. They don't emphasize these things enough or are consistent enough with these things, which is the problem. They could do that if they finally lower the nostalgia level.

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No your interpretation of rating's doesn't agree. As we do not get minute by minute's or know what makes people tune in in the first place we do not know. Plus midcard drawing less then main event! What a shocker!


Has there been a giant DECREASE in ratings since the X Division was de-emphasized? No? then no one is really all that put-off by it.

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