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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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-- TNA Wrestling's decision to turn Jeff Hardy heel was made approximately seven weeks ago. The creative department felt that it was adamant that the group Abyss had been referring to as "they" for the past several months include the TNA World Heavyweight Champion and it was determined that Hardy and Rob Van Dam were the prime options. credit:PWinc


Thats your reason for turning a guy who should be gold as the face of your company and who connects with the crowd as a babyface way more than on the stick? because he had the belt at the time?


If your going to trun a guy like Jeff hardy, a man who has never played a heel well (not that he's had much chance...I think i've only seen him heel very early in his career if ever), you need better justification and thought behind the angle than "uhh....he's gonna have the belt at the time right?"


Isn't that something you want to be building in the "months" this angle was on going before hand? The turning of one of your top drawing faces should probably be incorporated into that earlier than a month and a half ago.


P.S spoiler


Rumor site also had a clip of Jeff's first heel promo....good god. "IA'H didn't seeeell out.....IA'H sold INNNNNNNN (stupid grin)


What a fantastic heel with his thick accent and horrible timing on the mic :rolleyes:


Oh also, Hogan's heel promo was terrible, from the same recap. It was literary "yea, were the NWO again, complete with calling myself hollywood! I told ya i would change this entire industry brother!" :

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LT recapped this storyline and again great job by him.


BUT, this is a case of the fans knowing the story better than the creators (star wars anyone?).


I truly believe this entire thing outside of Sting/Hogan/Eric/Aybss turn's were created roughly two months ago when Dixie first announced on her twitter the big change. Hardy and JJ I'm willing to bet came along at this time. Again though its not about what was planned and what wasn't planned its still the nWo and I don't know if anyone can dispute that at this point he's even calling himself Hollywood Hogan again. And the fact that they took seven months to recreate the worst version yet of the nWo AFTER already TRYING to do the nWo at the start with the "Band". Seriously just give up, the nWo is gone, dead and buried. The best rendition of the nWo I've seen since 1997 is the Nexus.


Pertaining to Spoilers.


As for Fortune it seems like they showed up the night of the tapings and they said "oh yeah you're with Hogan's group now".


I truly think whatever Ric does there will be Hogan right there to rip it away from him. If Ric Flair dies Hogan will die at his funeral just to steal his heat.

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Lolz Stennick.


And if they wanted a heel champion why not Anderson or Angle? Oh because they would be more obvious? Well who else has prominatly been face for most of his wrestling career or tenure in TNA? Hmm Sting, ooooops, Pope? Nope started heel, AJ? Oops, Joe? Oops, Daniels? Oops. Kaz? Ooops. Turn turn turn turn turn turn turn guh. I think on the whole roster the only one that has been consistently heel or face are Taylor Wilde and Madison as Shark Boy has just been released and Daffney is more a tweener.

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PWI is reporting Nikita aka Katie Lea has signed with the company. Good one seems the KO's are getting some love again.


Still letting Kong, Flash etc go in the first place was a mistake.


PS Sharky is not released just moved to ref and agent and removed from the roster page, same goes for the Suicide character.

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Katie Lea has signed with TNA. Reports are they need some women to wrestle on Xplosion since their too busy doing a WWE feud for their TNA women's championship that was supposed to be "different" than what the "divas" were doing.


Ok so only the first sentence has been reported the rest is creative licence.

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Ah come on Stennick you can do better then that your Flair funeral was brilliant. Yeay Dexter's finished d-loading gonna watch that! Hope but not expecting TNA to pay this off anyway I'll read here and a review and untill they consitantly get closer to the no 1 to 8 ordering I posted a while back I ain't coming back. Still like to discuss wrestling though.
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at the 1 hour 15 minute mark, TNA still hasn't held one real match.


Yes this is my running diary.


Yes, I still enjoy it.


They didnt explain everything like Liontamer did.... I thought they where going to, the eluded to it... I still hope they put together a video package and run it on the next couple of shows.


I dont really see the need of having Fourtune involved at all, but whatever... It's TNA, they're like my special cousin who's done all his homework, but forgot to put his name on it.





UH OH.... A MATCH!!! One hour, 16 minutes in... Abyss vs Samoa Joe.

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You know what I love? TNA spending $15,000 on Jwoww, having Jwoww go on Twitter to promote it (Note she said "Watch me on TNA for the first hour and then watch Jersey Shore at 10), hyping the hell out of this Cookie/Jwoww segment and so many people talking about how this was such a brilliant business decision.... what does TNA do? Have Hogan Knows Best for 45 minutes and a fingerpoke of doom for the first hour. Have the Jwoww/Cookie showdown go up against a new episode of Jersey Shore in the second.


Oh look, wrestling. At 1 hour 15 minutes.

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You know what I love? TNA spending $15,000 on Jwoww, having Jwoww go on Twitter to promote it (Note she said "Watch me on TNA for the first hour and then watch Jersey Shore at 10), hyping the hell out of this Cookie/Jwoww segment and so many people talking about how this was such a brilliant business decision.... what does TNA do? Have Hogan Knows Best for 45 minutes and a fingerpoke of doom for the first hour. Have the Jwoww/Cookie showdown go up against a new episode of Jersey Shore in the second.


Oh look, wrestling. At 1 hour 15 minutes.


Yeah, that's brilliant....... :rolleyes:


How stupid do you have to be, you have this heffer on so she brings her fans to you, that and the main stream exposure...

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Samoa Joe vs Abyss ended in a 4 minute barn burner... and of course... there was blood. This isn't your lil brothers sports entertainment...


I think they left off the "Sports" part... or the wrestling anyways, lol.


I am enjoying it though, even now with Bischoff telling off the gossip girl.


Joe vs. Abyss.... The blood didn't help that match, but the high kicks by Joe did... Although they didnt' seem to have any effect worthy of them.

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