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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Let's be real: the idea that Sting was the one in those videos was entirely started by and kept alive by net fans.


The WWE obviusly planned it to be Undertaker all along.


Sting had made no move to sign with the WWE.


Maybe it made fun of the idea that the WWE could get so much hype and excitement generated among fans for the "return" of a guy who is on the roster and takes a long break every year and returns before a big PPV, every year (just like Sting does)


But here's my issue:


TNA is AGAIN creating the comparison to the WWE, and they don't really look good in doing it. Not bad. But not good. And - after reading the spoilers - they are relying on the hype for a video that they didn't create to push a character who - the last time he was on TNA TV - was being booked to look like crap.


Soooo..you are hyping the return of a guy that's been around forever, that was turned heel then face then super secret face because of storylines, and who *probably* is no longer that big a deal in your company.


And you promoted it as 'the biggest thing in the history of the industry'...which pretty much set yorself up to mocked by the haters and to get a bunch of heat from your actual fans


It's not that the video is bad per se, so much as I don't see the benefit. At all.


The video did have that TNA feel to it with the chain fences and the backstage area's, but it was way too like the WWE video with a guy who has not been that big of a deal in a long time, especially in TNA. If he would have went to the WWE to feud with Taker then I may have turned in to Mania (my first WWE program in many, many years) just to see that. However Sting beating Hardy for the Title next week does not spark my interest at all. Where's Mr Anderson's rematch? Wheres the focus on the younger wrestlers that was in the news a few weeks ago. How come AJ is not going for the Title not that Fortune is not a part of Immortal any longer? Im not claiming to be any great booker but Sting should not be there world champion. Sting should be that crow on the shoulder of Fortune or the rest of the TNA roster, helping them get rid of Immortal. He should be the thorn in the side of Hogan and Bischoff, have them pull out there hair in frustration (or in Hogans case whats left of his hair). Sting should be the guy that appears out of nowhere to foil outside interference, he should be the guy that when a face is getting beat down the lights go out and when they come back on Sting is in the ring to clear house. Maybe a few high profile matches with members of Immortal down the line. Hell a Sting / Flair match could be awesome just for nostalgia's sake. Its reasons like this that I have stoped watching wrestling all together.

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Sting should be that crow on the shoulder of Fortune or the rest of the TNA roster, helping them get rid of Immortal. He should be the thorn in the side of Hogan and Bischoff, have them pull out there hair in frustration (or in Hogans case whats left of his hair). Sting should be the guy that appears out of nowhere to foil outside interference, he should be the guy that when a face is getting beat down the lights go out and when they come back on Sting is in the ring to clear house. Maybe a few high profile matches with members of Immortal down the line.


My thoughts exactly. Book Sting as a figure that acknowledges the bell is soon to toll on his career, but refusing to walk away and leave TNA in the clutches of the self-indulgent and self-gratifying Immortal regime. He feels it is his obligation to cleanse the promotion of the group, to finally drag Hogan & Bischoff from the spotlight and allow TNA and the business as a whole to move on without their oppressive presence. I dunno, I just have these flowery visions of this storyline eventually ending in however many months/years time with Hogan completing one final turn to go full-circle, sending Bischoff packing (I never should have you to corrupt me, for all these years my priorities were skewed, blah, blah) standing alongside Sting and walking off into the sunset, leaving the younger stars of TNA to breath and carry the promotion on to it's next stage.


The reality though is far different and TNA show no signs of providing me with the coherency their product to change my increasingly casual viewing of iMPACT or that they've decided on any sort of stable direction. Kicking their main title around like a football isn't exactly helping that cause.


And judging them on past form, Sting will probably turn heel within a month and join Immortal anyway.


As for the 'shot' at the WWE with the Sting video. tbh the whole affair amuses me. Inadvertantly the WWE prompted this frenzied net-hype about a dream Wrestlemania encounter that there exists no real evidence they ever explored the possibility of delivering. That turned the completely anti-climatic return of the Undertaker for the 294th time into something completely different and in seemingly trying to capitalise of the perceived WWE letdown, TNA did their usual "HUGE MEGA SURPRISE OF ALL TIME ON IMPACT THIS WEEK~!!!!1!11!" tease and managed to leave nothing more than a sense of deflation whilst evoking the style of the WWE's video to provide opening season for all their usual critics.

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Jericho spoke about seeing the TNA video (I'm sure it around most news site)


On TNA's 3-3-11 video from 'Impact': 'It drives me nuts and I'll tell you the reason why. I am the biggest fan of TNA as a concept. I want them to be huge, Vince wants them to be huge because the more competition there is, it's better for the business, it's better for the boys, it's better is for the fans. I don't understand their obsession with copying the WWE I think it's lame, I think its bush league and I don't get it, they have some of the best talent, some great idea men. Why do they do this? Why do their guys go out there and say 'When I was in the WWE I was left behind and I was held back'. If I was working for TNA I would project that it's the greatest wrestling company in the world because if you're not projecting it, why is anyone going to believe it? When we were in ECW it was small, I never made more than $250 a show but you would die for that company and when you came across that way, the fans came across that way and suddenly you have this underground revolution going on and it was real, it was a revolution, people believed it was the best. No one in TNA believes they are in the best company and if they don't believe it then why am I going to believe it as a fan? Why am I going to buy their product? It's just so bush league, they can do better than that and the guys on top there should know better and it really makes me mad because they're wasting money and they don't have to be wasting money but I'm not burying TNA I'm saying you should be ashamed of yourself because you can do better.'
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I agree fully with Jericho. TNA has so much potential, but throws it all away with illogical decisions that go against anything that makes even remotely sense.


I'm not a big fan of WWE's product these days, and think they make some horrible booking decisions... but the sad truth is that TNA is even worse, which is quite an accomplishment.

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Jericho was spot on. I feel like a group of us from these forums could do a better job as the booking team for TNA even. We all have different tastes but could come together and agree on a good show.


At this point in time i feel the writers of Hollyoaks could do a better job.

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If TNA wants to bring the ratings up, all they have to do is bring back the Johnsons!


Your wrong i think it's the Rainbow Express they need!


.. And of course they need the Miss TNA Championship Tiara back .. Orlando Jordan vs Bruce smell the ratings.

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A month of vignettes and such to hype the return of "The Johnsons".


A fraction of a second after the tag titles change hands we go TO THE BACK to see a limo pull up and JB telling us The Johnsons are here.


And out steps former referee Mark Johnson and his black 'twin brother' Amos.


Cue Tenay and Tazz looking disappointed and Tazz going, "Well, that was a disappointing climax."

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Im only a casual TNA watcher, but did James Stoorm get pudgy or what?


He's been about that size for awhile. Standing next to someone like Robert Roode doesn't make his gut look much better either.


I kinda hope Ink Inc wins the titles though. I'm a giant Shannon Moore fan though. Though, though I won't be too heartbroken if Beer Money retains.

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