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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Would it really surprise you if that was the case?


That's what I was thinking. I'm reading Motley Crue's autobiography The Dirt and there were times that everyone thought Nikki Sixx was sober and right before they went out on stage he'd end up shooting up or snorting and no one knew until right then.

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Just in case you guys haven't seen it. Personally I think this was the most awkward thing I have seen in wrestling. Based on this I don't think anyone realized until Jeff came out that he was high or drunk or whatever.


Thanks for the link.


This was every bit as terrible as people had said. On the positives however, I think Sting looks in his best shape for years. And his reaction and professionalism during this only made me respect him more.

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Would it really surprise you if that was the case?


No it really wouldn't


That's what I was thinking. I'm reading Motley Crue's autobiography The Dirt and there were times that everyone thought Nikki Sixx was sober and right before they went out on stage he'd end up shooting up or snorting and no one knew until right then.


Which brings me back to my point: if you are dealing with a guy with a KNOWN DRUG HABIT WHO HAS REFUSED TREATMENT AND IS CURRENTLY FIGHTING DRUG FELONY CHARGES, and then he goes out and does something like this, it's still the fault of management for putting themselves in that position where they are relying on someone with Hardy's particular set of problems.


I don't care if Hardy snorted coke while his intro music was playing, TNA still shares some of the blame for having him in the main event and having him in a position in the company where he was headlining PPV after PPV despite his drug habit.

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Which brings me back to my point: if you are dealing with a guy with a KNOWN DRUG HABIT WHO HAS REFUSED TREATMENT AND IS CURRENTLY FIGHTING DRUG FELONY CHARGES, and then he goes out and does something like this, it's still the fault of management for putting themselves in that position where they are relying on someone with Hardy's particular set of problems.


I don't care if Hardy snorted coke while his intro music was playing, TNA still shares some of the blame for having him in the main event and having him in a position in the company where he was headlining PPV after PPV despite his drug habit.


The exact point I was going to make. Jeff Hardy did what Jeff Hardy should be expected to do. He has a history of it, refuses the idea that he has a problem, and had an issue just a few months ago that was passed off as "fatigue".


And if he was getting high at the event, I would quite honestly see the situation as far worse. Getting high on yoru time and having that affect your ability to do you job is bad. Getting high at work is an instant-fired offense in any line of work.


If Hardy isn't severely punished for this, I'm losing even more respect for TNA. They have a real late-WCW vibe going on with this crap right now. And that is now a good thing.

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I don't care if Hardy snorted coke while his intro music was playing, TNA still shares some of the blame for having him in the main event and having him in a position in the company where he was headlining PPV after PPV despite his drug habit.


As ever, this sentence from Pete pretty much sums it up. TNA don't deserve sympathy because everyone knew about Hardy's issues well before he joined the company. If Sting had turned up kettled then you might be a bit more understanding.

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TNA should have assumed the risk pushing him yes. We all agree TNA is at fault. I don't see anyone saying otherwise. I do see people understanding why the main event was such a cluster---- though.


They need to bury Hardy and fire him. Never bring him back to the main event again. Once he gets help and such maybe bring him back as a curtain jerker but don't give him titles, push him, or use him in any major storylines. That's my opinion.

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If I was Sting I'd run a mile. If I was Jeff Hardy I'd resign. If I was Dixie Carter I'd fire Jeff Hardy and whoever said he'd be okay to go out on the night.


But I'm not, and I find that all too often the 'name value' and money gets in the way of logic. Call me a pessimist :D


TNA should have assumed the risk pushing him yes. We all agree TNA is at fault. I don't see anyone saying otherwise. I do see people understanding why the main event was such a cluster---- though.


They need to bury Hardy and fire him. Never bring him back to the main event again. Once he gets help and such maybe bring him back as a curtain jerker but don't give him titles, push him, or use him in any major storylines. That's my opinion.


It's sad that you even have to wonder IF they're going to bury/sack him or not.


Saw the footage and I have no words. Inconceivable. And I honestly do think some talent one way or another are gonna say "peace out" if Hardy stays and/or receives the same treatment.

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Does anyone else thing that this thing is a complete and total work? Going with a Jeff's falling off the wagon storyline is something TNA isn't above and putting an angle on PPV that should have been on TV is something TNA does all the freaking time.


I can't see it as work, result aside watching it all just looked to awkwardly legit to me, plus pull Jeffro losing a 2 minute match on iMPACT, but on a $20(???) PPV no way, not even TNA could do that... I think :p

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Not really, because if it's a work then it just means they're a different kind of moron.


Wrestling can only be what you think it should be. I understand.


That being said I highly doubt it was a work.


Even without the main event the PPV was horrible top to bottom, this monthly PPV **** needs to stop. Too many throw away PPVs in both WWE and TNA.

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Ouch. I know it ended up a BS Main Event, but once Hardy and Sting were out there, they did the best they could. Bisch' did well (even if perhaps he was going to make it no DQ anyway), there really just wasn't the time to get anyone involved. I fully believe whatever Hardy did he did moments before he came out.


So, can anyone answer the question why would you want to keep Hardy around? Name value? Na-ah. To job to someone? Er, risky. Fire him publically on Impact. Storyline wise of course. Then carry out internal disciplinary. Where you fire him.

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Wrestling can only be what you think it should be. I understand.


If it's a work, it not only pissed off their usually easy-to-please Impact Zone fans, it pissed off the few fans they have who will pay to see their product. Who could possibly have paid $30 or whatever for that PPV and been happy with that as their main event? And that's not even getting into the idea of the semi-main event going to a non-finish with it being used as a hook for the free TV.

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I guess I can see it from both sides but in my eyes I do place blame on both but I'm not totally against those who say its only Hardy's fault because most people try to give others the benefit of the doubt and I guess thats what TNA tried to do.



Just youtubed the video and I must say that was extremely awkward. It's not a work, kudos to Tenay who tried to stay professinal but when Hardy tried to kick out but couldn't, he seemed surprised. Also when Hardy was playing with the T-Shirt Tazz's "What the hell is Hardy doing here?" didn't seem like it fit. The way sting cautiously went towards Hardy at the begining and the look he gave him at the end also makes it seem real.


All I have to say is LOL


Another thing; I can see them giving a credit to the PPV customers for the next one.

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If it's a work, it not only pissed off their usually easy-to-please Impact Zone fans, it pissed off the few fans they have who will pay to see their product. Who could possibly have paid $30 or whatever for that PPV and been happy with that as their main event? And that's not even getting into the idea of the semi-main event going to a non-finish with it being used as a hook for the free TV.

The Impact Zone fans don't pay anything. I'm sure that next week the Impact Zone will look like stands of a beer league softball game, not even little league. No one was happy, if they booked a finish like that no one was supposed to be happy. Again I'll the re-emphasize that I don't think it was a booked finish.


I didn't mind the finish to the semi-main event, I did mind that it was a match well below RVD and Mr. Anderson's standards.

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The Impact Zone fans don't pay anything. I'm sure that next week the Impact Zone will look like stands of a beer league softball game, not even little league. No one was happy, if they booked a finish like that no one was supposed to be happy. Again I'll the re-emphasize that I don't think it was a booked finish.


I don't think it was a finish they planned going in either, but the idea that it would be better if it was worked is absurd because it would be a horrible idea with no upside.

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Wow, just wow. Thats all I have to say. Well not really. I have not watched in a while because I am losing interest in wrestling as a whole, but I do read whats happening in TNA because I am a huge fan of a lot of the guys they have there. However what happened last night was something that would have happened in WCW in there final years. Is this a sign of things to come? I just dont know. Jeff Hardy should be fired if he was truly high. No if and or butts about it. The next question is, who can take the place of the top heel in TNA now?
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Jeff Jarrett has to be the top heel now, I mean sure its been done before but he just has to keep the seat warm as they build someone up.


Hernandez? Morgan? Kurt turning on Sting? There's a few ways to go but I'd start with J-E- double F



Jeff Jarretts new MMA inspired super submission gimmick vs. Sting in a submission match where Sting brings back the Scorpion Death Lock (as a finisher)!!!

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Jeff Jarrett has to be the top heel now, I mean sure its been done before but he just has to keep the seat warm as they build someone up.


Hernandez? Morgan? Kurt turning on Sting? There's a few ways to go but I'd start with J-E- double F


Hernandez, Morgan and Angle has been turned so many times already in recent years that everyone in the Impact zone must be dizzy from it by now. Other than that, Hernandez will NEVER be the top heel in any promotion. Morgan might have the potential to be, but he's not there yet. Angle could do it, of course, but his current feud with Jarrett as the loveable face would make it extremely weird and wasteful.


Matt Hardy is not up for it, Anderson hasn't been face long enough for another turn, Styles just turned himself... so that leaves what, Van Dam? Or possibly Samoa Joe, if they start treating him right again?


Jeff Hardy really screwed TNA with this on so many levels. Then of course, TNA partially screwed TNA for being dumb enough to run with him for so long in the first place...

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