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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Just read that its rumored Jeff Hardy is actually entering rehab. So glad to hear that if its true. He's got a wife and a kid to worry about.


If that's true I could see it being advised to him by his lawyer. He could be doing it for a lesser sentence and also to keep himself employed by TNA.


I've known people to go to jail and do rehab only to go right back to how they were when further punishment wasn't looking them dead in the face.

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From wrestlezone.com

Randy Ricci of NAWF.com has posted the following blog:


"Below are things that I have heard through reliable sources. I can’t claim they are 100% “dead on balls” true but, I’m pretty sure there is more then a little truth to all of these items below.


First item is and I’m not sure if this is online yet but, TNA plans on “terminating” Jeff Hardy. Not really though its kind of a “gimmick”. The plan is for Jeff to go into rehab (not sure if it will be on Vince’s dime or not yet) and then to bring him back as a recovering “baby face”.


As someone in recovery, I can tell you there are soooo many facets to this that “TNA creative” is not considering.And its IMO SICK! To make a storyline out of this especially if Hardy is willing to try and “recover”."




I, honestly, feel like TNA should officially cut ties with the man but, from a purely creative standpoint, the characters that often resonate are those who feel entirely realistic to the real person. That said, I don't think I could ever buy into cheering for Hardy. In a way, I'm a traditionalist and really care for the craft in general. With Hardy, he's done enough to prove that he doesn't really care about Pro Wrestling anymore. He may, underneath it all, but he's too drugged out to even realize what he's doing to himself I'm sure.

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From wrestlezone.com





I, honestly, feel like TNA should officially cut ties with the man but, from a purely creative standpoint, the characters that often resonate are those who feel entirely realistic to the real person. That said, I don't think I could ever buy into cheering for Hardy. In a way, I'm a traditionalist and really care for the craft in general. With Hardy, he's done enough to prove that he doesn't really care about Pro Wrestling anymore. He may, underneath it all, but he's too drugged out to even realize what he's doing to himself I'm sure.


If true TNA better bay for his rehab or it will just make them lost worst, even more so if the WWE pays for it. You would have one company trying to help a former employee and another taking advantage of an employees situation (even if the employee is the one to blame). It sounds like some bad PR to me.

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watching TNA for the first time in bout a month (maybe a little over)


when did Daniels return?


Last week.


This weeks show has been good I'm thinking Bischoff is the "Network" because he was just promoted irl to Executive Producer so they could say he's for the network. Him or Mick Foley

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Just watched iMPACT and i've got to say that I was thoroughly entertained. I really like Bully Ray; however, funny enough, his match with Daniels felt like, in TEW terms, that they don't really 'click'. It wasn't a bad bout by any means but felt a little awkward. Outside of that, I really loved the whole Kennedy thing (which is saying a lot since I'm not really a fan at all).


The "network" thing is already seeming a little weird to be honest. If Bischoff/Hogan took over then why are they, all of a sudden, cronies for the network? Also, why would the network add stipulations to a match that's going to be shown on PPV? Just seems a little weird. That said, it didn't bother me enough to deter me from enjoying the show.


Good stuff.





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Just watched iMPACT and i've got to say that I was thoroughly entertained. I really like Bully Ray; however, funny enough, his match with Daniels felt like, in TEW terms, that they don't really 'click'. It wasn't a bad bout by any means but felt a little awkward. Outside of that, I really loved the whole Kennedy thing (which is saying a lot since I'm not really a fan at all).


The "network" thing is already seeming a little weird to be honest. If Bischoff/Hogan took over then why are they, all of a sudden, cronies for the network? Also, why would the network add stipulations to a match that's going to be shown on PPV? Just seems a little weird. That said, it didn't bother me enough to deter me from enjoying the show.


Good stuff.






This week and last week were both pretty good shows I thought. My only real complaints are the lame Mexican America story line(mainly because Hernandez is awful) and the Winter/BP stuff...mainly because its retarded and Winter is a wasted paycheck.

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This week and last week were both pretty good shows I thought. My only real complaints are the lame Mexican America story line(mainly because Hernandez is awful) and the Winter/BP stuff...mainly because its retarded and Winter is a wasted paycheck.


I actually don't mind the winter/BP stuff. Is it amazing? Nah. Will I turn the station? Probably not. I at least have somewhat of an intrigue on where this goes from here; how TNA is going to explain this all.

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wouldn't be shocking...most impacts/ppv are either impact zone marks or tourists so they def need to supliment those tourists who may not know whats going on.


i legit dont watch tna anymore, what has been happening with Magnus? he's grown to be one of my favorite talents before him and Nigel went off screen.

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wouldn't be shocking...most impacts/ppv are either impact zone marks or tourists so they def need to supliment those tourists who may not know whats going on.


i legit dont watch tna anymore, what has been happening with Magnus? he's grown to be one of my favorite talents before him and Nigel went off screen.


It seems he and Doug Williams are a back to teaming again and they will be in a match at the PPV. At least that is what I think was happening last week, it is TNA after all so one never knows exactly what is going on.:D

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The "network" thing is already seeming a little weird to be honest. If Bischoff/Hogan took over then why are they, all of a sudden, cronies for the network? Also, why would the network add stipulations to a match that's going to be shown on PPV? Just seems a little weird.


Wow. That sounds incredibly dumb, even for TNA.

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Let me preface this by saying that I'm more of a cruiserweight, modern-wrestling, fan; however,...


How can TNA continue to subdue Rob Terry as an unstoppable singles force? I mean, come on! ha. His look, the kind of demeanor he can play (does a pretty good pissed off look), could be absolute gold for them but it seems like don't really care to create him into a monster heel of sorts.


I was never a huge Batista fan... BUT... His immense look made you think of him as an absolute juggernaut. With Terry, they could have the same thing really; start him off as a bruising heel who goes on a streak of destruction (doesn't even need to be Win's really). He could think he's being 'overlooked' and ultimately destroys others until someone takes notice (a la typical monster heel move). In the end, you'd have a major force that could, possibly, collide with Sting down the line. At that point, have Terry win, Sting puts up a good fight, but in the end you have a NEW Main Event Powerhouse after months of destroying others & then ultimately getting the rub from Sting.


Just seems odd to me that he continues to be booked in, somewhat of, a weak manner.





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Let me preface this by saying that I'm more of a cruiserweight, modern-wrestling, fan; however,...


How can TNA continue to subdue Rob Terry as an unstoppable singles force? I mean, come on! ha. His look, the kind of demeanor he can play (does a pretty good pissed off look), could be absolute gold for them but it seems like don't really care to create him into a monster heel of sorts.


I was never a huge Batista fan... BUT... His immense look made you think of him as an absolute juggernaut. With Terry, they could have the same thing really; start him off as a bruising heel who goes on a streak of destruction (doesn't even need to be Win's really). He could think he's being 'overlooked' and ultimately destroys others until someone takes notice (a la typical monster heel move). In the end, you'd have a major force that could, possibly, collide with Sting down the line. At that point, have Terry win, Sting puts up a good fight, but in the end you have a NEW Main Event Powerhouse after months of destroying others & then ultimately getting the rub from Sting.


Just seems odd to me that he continues to be booked in, somewhat of, a weak manner.






Here is the thing that I think holds him back, much like Hernandez, Terry does not speak well. They could either make Flair (or another manager) his mouthpiece or make him a silent assassin type face or heel. Also, he is not all that great in the ring but that can be covered up.

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Here is the thing that I think holds him back, much like Hernandez, Terry does not speak well. They could either make Flair (or another manager) his mouthpiece or make him a silent assassin type face or heel. Also, he is not all that great in the ring but that can be covered up.


Yea, I thought it may be because he isn't all that 'strong' in the ring but, I guess, look at what Goldberg did with a pretty limited move-set. As you said, if booked right, a guy of Terry's size could really have his pitfalls masked by the sheer power of his game.


I do like the idea of Flair at his side; however, in most cases, whenever Flair is around, especially in a managing standpoint, others don't seem to really exist. Maybe it's because Flair is MORE about his own legacy; even while trying to put over another?


I'd love to see him as a silent heel. Truthfully, at least with the way they've kind of killed Abyss's credibility as an evil force in the past, I think they could have someone FAR more menacing in Terry becoming a silent powerhouse than Abyss could be right now. No need for him to be anything but who he is... Just book him in a way where he looks unstoppable and wahla...


Instant Main Event Monster on your hands!

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Haven't seen it talked about much in this thread maybe I missed it but I thought I would bring it up regardless. What do you guys think about TNA changing their name when the company is only a little less than nine years old. I believe it will hurt them to be honest because even though its not very recognizable people still do recognize the TNA name and if the change their name then they might have to start over completely as far as building a loyal fanbase is concerned.
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