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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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TNA has turned into more of a joke than ever. Yes, I'm a WWE fan. But I've always hoped that TNA would be able to push WWE to improve, much like WCW did in the mid-90s. Unfortunately, that seems more and more unlikely every week, and I honestly believe that guys like Styles, Joe, Roode, etc., will be contacting WWE very soon, and they'll try to find a way out of their contracts.
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In regards to what happened on Impact:


What in the name of the Wide Wide World of Sports is TNA doing!


Probably trying make things "shocking" ... might even bump that rating all the way up to a ... 1.7!


What's worse, as soon as I saw there was a "Major TNA Spoiler", I had a pretty good feeling of what it was...


I do approve of the title match signed for the next PPV though, not bad there.


Could be decent.



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So you bitch when it doesn't happen then you bitch when it does happen thats why I hate the IWC they are a cancer to wrestling.


Agreed. They complain when a guy doesn't win the strap, they complain when he do... they complain when a company does something predictable, they complain when they do something shocking... they just like to complain a lot.


But then again, who doesn't? I myself love to complain about different aspects of wrestling. It's often more fun than watching it.

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Agreed. They complain when a guy doesn't win the strap, they complain when he do... they complain when a company does something predictable, they complain when they do something shocking... they just like to complain a lot.


But then again, who doesn't? I myself love to complain about different aspects of wrestling. It's often more fun than watching it.


A lot of it boils down to timing though too. They built a guy up as the new face of the company. They showed him at home with his kids, working out in the gym, his long struggle to the top. Only to have him lose in a screw job ending. Ya I didn't like it. But I could of understood it if he went on to beat Angle at the next PPV, or maybe even the one after that. He FINALLY gets over the hump type thing.


But yet they have Angle lose to Storm because of Angle's injury. That was a shocker but I understood you had to move the title off of Angle because of the injury. Then they teased a Roode vs Storm match, but not at a PPV where you can build it up, at the next week's impact taping.


It's all about timing. Strike when the timing is right, strike when things are hot. Roode makes a better heel. His rich guy gimmick from before is what kind of put him on the radar. His generic babyface gimmick was holding him back. Now if only they let Roode run with the ball.


Roode vs AJ Styles

Roode vs Storm

Roode vs Ken Anderson

Roode vs Jeff Hardy


The guy is pretty good in the ring and if you ask me I think he is/was a better candidate for the Ric Flair successor then AJ Styles.

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So you bitch when it doesn't happen then you bitch when it does happen thats why I hate the IWC they are a cancer to wrestling.


I'll put this in white text so as to not spoil for those that don't want it spoiled (though it's probably too late for that considering some of the recent posts, yours included). Highlight between the asterisks:




People bitched when they didn't give the title to Roode because they senselessly wasted a couple months of surprisingly good build and undercut their first-ever Bound For Glory Series.


And people are bitching now because instead of building up a proper Storm/Roode turn, they burned through the damn thing in three weeks, giving away two title changes on Impact and leaving their PPV-buying customers feeling like dolts.


The Storm/Roode feud had a lot of very, very good potential. They could have played out Storm being given the title chance at the next PPV, and letting Roode stew because he was still sour about being screwed out of his chance.


Then when they gave the title to Storm with a good month of build, they could then continue to have Roode simmer because he wants the title, feels he deserves the title, but can't do anything about it because his best friend has it.


Then on a PPV in a couple months, Roode could finally snap and turn on Storm. They could then build to a huge Storm/Roode title match on a PPV with a few months of build.


Instead, Storm won the title in one minute on Impact, Roode won a number one contender match a week later, and then Roode turned and won the title a week after that. What could have been an interesting, riveting number of months of story became three disappointing weeks.


Any person with any sense of quality entertainment would bitch about that, member of the silly IWC or not.



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I'll put this in white text so as to not spoil for those that don't want it spoiled (though it's probably too late for that considering some of the recent posts, yours included). Highlight between the asterisks:


Ya the sense of "refrain from spoilers" was lost in this and the WWE thread a long time ago.

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Have you ever noticed how much easier it is when you blithely dismiss complaints as 'bitching' rather than actually address them? As ever, the usual suspects who would know the score know the score, and the usual suspects who don't have a clue don't have a clue.


Ah yes, the clueless masses who contribute far more money to the wrestling industry than those who know the score.


Wait, hang on...

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Um, TNA isn't exactly swimming in a room full of gold coins at the moment, so implying that what they're doing is entertaining the masses is probably a bit off base.


That's not something I was implying. In my opinion TNA and RAW are both rotten right now. But neither company give two hoots about my opinion, and they have no reason to care about it at all

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That's not something I was implying. In my opinion TNA and RAW are both rotten right now. But neither company give two hoots about my opinion, and they have no reason to care about it at all


Why would they not care about your opinion?


People need to get over this whole IWC thing. It's not 1995. There's now gajillions of people online sharing their opinions with each other, and those opinions matter. A company would be absolutely foolish to totally disregard those under the mistaken impression that somehow the opinions of the people who don't go online are obviously and totally opposite.

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Agreed. They complain when a guy doesn't win the strap, they complain when he do... they complain when a company does something predictable, they complain when they do something shocking... they just like to complain a lot.


This kinda sounds like a pre-Immortal Abyss promo. ;)

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The IWC thing is skewed because each person in the IWC has differing opinions and people talk about the IWC as if they are 1 person or a group of people who all believe the exact same thing.


Not everyone in the IWC likes Zack Ryder, Mark Henry, Miz, and CM Punk. Some people dislike them for various reasons.


It's like saying all Christians look down on abortions. Some do and some don't but it isn't as clear cut as saying they all do or all don't.


I guess my point is that it's time to say the IWC is basically nothing more than the fans. It isn't an exclusive group or anything. People who view the IWC like something special are the cancer to wrestling. (Eric Bischoff, and Hulk Hogan I am looking at you)


Bischoff has shown that the initial reaction when in WCW was why he did things the way he did. It was about ratings. I think he feels he didn't elevate enough new stars in WCW so he is (was) trying to with TNA. Mix that with wanting to up the ratings and you get hot shotting belts on tv. Not allowing things to play out over time with good booking in favor of the guys you want to push.


Long story short the IWC isn't anything more than the fan base regardless of what people want to say. It isn't anything special.

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