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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I don't see that as a screwy finish though. This could easily make people get behind James Storm even more.


I hated it for 2 reasons: 1 I absolutely hate cage matches that can be won by exiting the cage and 2 I hate championship matches where the champ retains by accident. To me they built a great match with a hell of a story only for the match to end basically because someone fell through a door. It was very screwy to me. That to me is a free TV ending for a world title match, not PPV, and especially not the way to close out said PPV.

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Bad Production + Bad crowd + Bad match order + Bad Finish really put a downer on this for me. I liked 4 of the matches but it just felt really flat too me. Time wasted on Flair Hogan babbling and knockout tag should have gone to the undercard matches.


And yes I don't like Storm loosing here or Roode loosing at BFG either. Both where perfectly set up for feel good moments and they should have delivered. Could have made Roode even bigger heel after the win at BFG and Storm should have become champ here and then continue the story with Roode till it really ends at Slammiversary. Continuing the chase now is just meh.

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Bad Production + Bad crowd + Bad match order + Bad Finish really put a downer on this for me. I liked 4 of the matches but it just felt really flat too me. Time wasted on Flair Hogan babbling and knockout tag should have gone to the undercard matches.


And yes I don't like Storm loosing here or Roode loosing at BFG either. Both where perfectly set up for feel good moments and they should have delivered. Could have made Roode even bigger heel after the win at BFG and Storm should have become champ here and then continue the story with Roode till it really ends at Slammiversary. Continuing the chase now is just meh.


Agreed on all counts. The baby face chasing the heel champion is a great storyline, especially when they are former friends, but if the face chases too long he just looks weak in the end and really if they go beyond the next few iMpacts with Storm still chasing then he looks weak as hell. The better solution if they wanted the big win to be at Slammiversary then have Storm win at Lockdown, celebrate on week one, Roode gets his rematch and cheats Storm again on week 2, then Storm can go back to chasing with the new knowledge that he's beaten Roode once for the belt already leading into Storm's real reign starting with Slammiversary.


As usual with TNA the took a story that was really starting to gain speed and shot it's legs out before it could get any traction. Now Roode looks weak because he hasn't won a match as champion without some sort of screwy finish, and Storm looks like an idiot because he kicked Roode knowing it would cost him the match. No one won with that finish, not after the story that was built up.

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Agreed on all counts. The baby face chasing the heel champion is a great storyline, especially when they are former friends, but if the face chases too long he just looks weak in the end and really if they go beyond the next few iMpacts with Storm still chasing then he looks weak as hell. The better solution if they wanted the big win to be at Slammiversary then have Storm win at Lockdown, celebrate on week one, Roode gets his rematch and cheats Storm again on week 2, then Storm can go back to chasing with the new knowledge that he's beaten Roode once for the belt already leading into Storm's real reign starting with Slammiversary.


As usual with TNA the took a story that was really starting to gain speed and shot it's legs out before it could get any traction. Now Roode looks weak because he hasn't won a match as champion without some sort of screwy finish, and Storm looks like an idiot because he kicked Roode knowing it would cost him the match. No one won with that finish, not after the story that was built up.


I hate that idea. The belt should very rarely change hands on tv. I am talking maybe once a year.


Honestly Storm lost to Roode by fluke really. So it leaves it open for a rematch really. Sounds like this can go another month and be ok. I think people expect TNA to screw up so bad all the time that even when they didn't really bomb miserably they get tore apart like they did.


Should they have given Storm the win? Yeah I think so.


Did Roode winning in a swerve kind of way ruin the feud? No, I don't think so.


Is this feud close to running its course? Yeah I think so. It should end soon so both guys can move on to something else for a couple of months. If they re kindle the feud for BFG that would be ok but both guys should be working with someone new here soon.

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They could have easily gone the route similar to Christian and Orton with Roode getting his rematch at Sacrifice and getting screwed out of the title but without Storm going heel, like with the missed foot under the rope, and then getting the true rematch at Slammiversary under a stipulation that benefits Roode or something like that.
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Am I the only one that noticed the announce desk wasn't fully built. No glass on the top of the holes and no monitors inside the holes. Production all together looked below bush league. Plus the matches where all ... disappointing. Only match that really lived up was Hardy v. Angle and even that I've seen better out of both.


Also, I said it during the show and I'll say it now. That crowd was the exact opposite of the Miami RAW crowd. So bad.

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Am I the only one that noticed the announce desk wasn't fully built. No glass on the top of the holes and no monitors inside the holes. Production all together looked below bush league. Plus the matches where all ... disappointing. Only match that really lived up was Hardy v. Angle and even that I've seen better out of both.


Also, I said it during the show and I'll say it now. That crowd was the exact opposite of the Miami RAW crowd. So bad.


Yup that announce table was one of the bad production things but I didn't want to go into specifics as there where so many but that one stood out immediately.


And yeah I can't remember such a bad crowd for any of the bigger companies shows I ever watched WWE, WCW, TNA, ECW both t.v. and p.p.v.

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I only watched it last night (can't really watch Impact PPVs in the UK) but I was pleasantly surprised by the whole thing.


Really enjoyed the opening match and actually have a little bit of respect for Garrett after the beating he took.


MCMG vs Joe/Magnus was great, even if I hate how many times Shelley has jobbed in the last few months.


Crimson vs Morgan was what you would expect. I really don't like they're ring work and the ending to that match was dumb as hell. Morgan continues to look like a lumbering idiot.


Eric Young can do no wrong, so his match was fine.


Knockouts match = meh.


Hardy vs Angle started slow but got awesome.


Main event was a really good match with a shock ending. I honestly thought that Storm was going to win for certain. I don't think it weakens either of them too much to have this go another month but I certainly agree with a lot of you that this feud is getting close to finished.

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It depends if you count the NWA/TNA world heavyweight championship or not. Seeing as TNA themselves don't I would only count AJ.


They do count the NWA World title. When AJ won the Legends title in March of 09 they made a huge deal out of him being the first Grand Slam Champion in TNA and at that point he'd not won the TNA World title, only three NWA World.


They also credit him with being a TWO time Grand Slam Champion. If they didn't count the NWA title, they wouldn't be able to say that because he's only won the TNA title once. He's also Triple Crown Champion four times over.

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I know its hard to tell in that television studio because everyone seems to get the same reaction. However is there any evidence the guy is really over at all? Last time I looked around September of last year they were cramming the guy down peoples throats and there seemed to be no reaction to the guy. Of course then again that tv set up they have really hurts when it comes to getting any sort of genuine reaction across on television.
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Is Crimson still undefeated and if not dare I ask who beat him first? I'd guess Morgan if he's lost.


Here is the kicker about that, a few weeks ago TNA claimed that he was undefeated in singles competition. Now maybe I do not know what undefeated means but I always thought once you have a loss on your record you cease to be undefeated. It does not matter if it is in singles competition or not.


However, this is TNA we are talking about so I guess it does not have to make much sense.

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Here is the kicker about that, a few weeks ago TNA claimed that he was undefeated in singles competition. Now maybe I do not know what undefeated means but I always thought once you have a loss on your record you cease to be undefeated. It does not matter if it is in singles competition or not.


However, this is TNA we are talking about so I guess it does not have to make much sense.


Yeah, Crimson has lost in a tag team match I think. They did the same thing with Samoa Joe a while back. He was undefeated and then he lost a tag match, and they made a big deal out of him never being defeated in singles competition. :p

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Undefeated in singles competition and unpinned/submitted in others.


And Garret still gets little to no reaction on his own. Hes pretty much a vacuum of heat or he gets blasted by the smarks. He gets some cheers in the Impact Zone but that doesn't count for much.


Impact was a good show though although Hogan could have been a bit clearer in his concept promo and Garrett is still on the show. Rest was entertaining.


And was it me or did AJ look good promo/acting wise in that segment with Garrett?

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